[osg-users] WriteImageFile black

2010-04-05 Thread Thomas PATTOU
Hi everybody,

First, I want to state that I am aware there is already quite a few posts about 
this. I read most of them, trying to understand what is wrong with my 
application; now that this is said, I can also state that I did not find out 
the solution.

Basically, I am trying to achieve the same thing as a lot of people, taking a 
screenshot of my current view and writing it to file. I really tried a lot of 
ways to get this working, in vain.

- I tried to use the ScreenCaptureHandler, but this doesn't allow me to achieve 
what I want (I want to record several frames during a given period) because of 
the fact that it only takes screenshots when you press a key.

- I tried to have a look at osgscreencapture, which is unfortunately too 
complex for me to get it clearly.

- I tried the basic 

osg::Image* temp = new osg::Image();
temp->readPixels(0, 0, 
viewer->getCamera()->getGraphicsContext()->getTraits()->height, GL_RGB, 
osgDB::writeImageFile(*temp, toto.jpg);

 which gives me the result I have now (a black jpg file).

- I also tried to put that code in a handler derived from GUIEventHandler

bool ScreenshotHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& 
ea,osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)

osg::View* viewTest = aa.asView();

osg::Image* temp = new osg::Image();
temp->readPixels(0, 0, 
viewTest->getCamera()->getGraphicsContext()->getTraits()->height, GL_RGB, 
osgDB::writeImageFile(*temp, "toto2.jpg");

return true;

 that I add to the viewer, but I still get the same problem.

I really am starting to be in a rush for this project, and getting depressed by 
the complexity of getting a simple shot of the view.

Please help!

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] WriteImageFile black

2010-04-06 Thread Thomas PATTOU
Thanks for your answers!

As you supposed, I can't upgrade to the SVN version.
I will have a look at your code, and try to reproduce it. Actually, I've been a 
bit stupid because I also thought about modifying the ScreenCaptureHandler 
class, but directly in the osg build instead of deriving it :O 
 [Arrow] IMHO, the only thing I need to do is to add a bool allowing me to 
bypass the key pressing, which was what I tried to do on the osg version of 
ScreenCaptureHandler (and couldn't, because I couldn't modify the header).

So I will try this, hoping that this is the good solution because I'm running 
out of time :/

> I think this sounds like an FAQ problem -- something about JPEG not 
> supporting the pixel
> format you're trying to save. Try saving as a PNG -- it might be something to 
> do with an
> alpha channel or something that JPEG can't handle.

Might be, but I don't think so: I also tried others formats not supported, and 
these were simply empty files, whereas mine is not empty, has the good size but 
is black.

> Well, OpenGL and OSG are complex

indeed, but apart from that one problem, I always found a way to accomplish my 
will ;)

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Re: [osg-users] WriteImageFile black

2010-04-07 Thread Thomas PATTOU

sumit wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Your way capturing screenshot is working on my system at least. Probably
> there is problem with the plug-in. Set OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG, and see
> whether you are getting any errors or warnings, also try to play with
> different formats. This particular format may not be supported by your
> plug-in.
> Cheers,
> Sumit

Unfortunately, I tried today with others formats (png, tga, bmp), and either I 
got some plugin problems (plugin not found whereas it actually IS at the right 
place), or I ended with the same black rectangle.
Thanks anyways.

I just want to thank again  [Arrow] Skylark, because I actually managed to 
derive the ScreenCaptureHandler (not even needed to look at your code) to make 
it behave how I want. Mine is now taking sequential screenshots during a given 
time whenever I press the corresponding key.

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Re: [osg-users] WriteImageFile black

2010-04-07 Thread Thomas PATTOU

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
> Do you KNOW the pixel format of your display for sure? It could be something 
> odd that
> most plugins can't handle without conversion.

I'm pretty sure it's good, using GL_RGB; even if that was not the case, I also 
tried some GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA,...

Anyways, after tracing a bit (very hard, I only have release build because of 
osgART ), I found out that when I was trying to write to file, I actually had 
the good dimensions but the graphic context I was trying to write was NULL, so 
no plugin in the world (let's say universe  :D ) can managed to fix that ;)

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