Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-14 Thread Rubén Díaz

I am having some trouble compiling osg for Android... 

These are the options I pick with cmake:

OPENGL_INCLUDE   /home/rubn/data/android/gl/khronos_headers/GLES2

When I press generate everything works just fine, no error messages... When I 
try to compile using make from the shell, I get:

rubn@CPU00063:~/data/OpenSceneGraph/build$ make
[  0%] Generating Android-OpenSceneGraph
Android NDK: NDK installation path auto-detected: 
Android NDK: GNU Make version 3.81 detected
Android NDK: Host OS was auto-detected: linux
Android NDK: Host CPU was auto-detected: x86
Android NDK: HOST_TAG set to linux-x86
Android NDK: Host awk tool was auto-detected: awk
Android NDK: Host awk test returned: Pass
Android NDK:  This NDK supports the following toolchains and target ABIs:
Android NDK:arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3:  armeabi armeabi-v7a
Android NDK:x86-4.4.3:  x86
Android NDK: Found platform root directory: 
Android NDK: Found supported platforms: android-3 android-4 android-5 android-8 
Android NDK: PLATFORM android-3 supports: arm x86
Android NDK:   ABI arm sysroot is: 
Android NDK:   ABI x86 sysroot is: 
Android NDK: PLATFORM android-4 supports: arm x86
Android NDK:   ABI arm sysroot is: 
Android NDK:   ABI x86 sysroot is: 
Android NDK: PLATFORM android-5 supports: arm x86
Android NDK:   ABI arm sysroot is: 
Android NDK:   ABI x86 sysroot is: 
Android NDK: PLATFORM android-8 supports: arm x86
Android NDK:   ABI arm sysroot is: 
Android NDK:   ABI x86 sysroot is: 
Android NDK: PLATFORM android-9 supports: arm x86
Android NDK:   ABI arm sysroot is: 
Android NDK:   ABI x86 sysroot is: 
Android NDK: Found stable platform levels: 3 4 5 8 9
Android NDK: Found max platform level: 9
Android NDK: Looking for AndroidManifest.xml in 
Android NDK: Found it !
Android NDK: Found project path: /home/rubn/data/OpenSceneGraph/build
Android NDK: Parsing
Android NDK:   Using build script ./
Android NDK: Application 'local' is not debuggable
Android NDK: Selecting optimization mode through release
Android NDK: Adding import directory: 
Android NDK: Building application 'local' for ABI 'armeabi'
Android NDK: Using target toolchain 'arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3' for 'armeabi' 
Android NDK: Looking for imported module with tag 'cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++'
Android NDK:   Probing 
Android NDK: Found in 
Android NDK: Trying to define local module 'OpenThreads' in 
Android NDK: But this module was already defined by 
/home/rubn/data/android/android-ndk/build/core/ *** Android 
NDK: Aborting..  Stop.
make[2]: *** [Android-OpenSceneGraph] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ndk.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

And that's pretty much it... I also try with
$ $ANDROID_NDK/ndk_build
but no luck

Android NDK: Trying to define local module 'OpenThreads' in 
Android NDK: But this module was already defined by 
any idea why I am getting this err

Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-14 Thread Jorge Izquierdo Ciges
First, there is a good page in the wiki page with Cmake chain and
requirements... and other stuff wich I recomend as a reading before doing

NO! caca -> OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY
NO! it's not needed we do it already -> DYNAMIC_OPENTHREADS OFF
NO! it's not needed we do it already -> DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPHOFF


>From what i've seen so far some extrange bugs appear when...

-You run cmake config twice over the same directory
-You use some graphic Cmake frontend version (but i've seen it work also)
-You use some Cmake outdated (this shoul be prevented by a fix that was
approved a month ago)
-Ndk produce some extrange bugs with some distros


What it's important is:

-What version of Ndk are you using? Remember that we recomend r5/b/c
(Crystax it's not recommended)
-Thrunk or 3.0 Rc ?

So... what i recomend you to do:

-Clean your directory
-Use the Cmake console command

Good Luck.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-15 Thread Rubén Díaz

Thanks a lot for your reply.
I tried with the changes that you suggested and still didn't work using the 
graphic frontend for cmake.

Using the console, everything fine. 
(I used r6, and got osg from trunk).

Thanks again!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-15 Thread Jorge Izquierdo Ciges
Cheers for you! I didn't knew r6 was out... oh hell I'll have to add it to
the auto detection system :)

Have fun with Osg and Android.

2011/7/15 Rubén Díaz 

> Hi,
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> I tried with the changes that you suggested and still didn't work using the
> graphic frontend for cmake.
> Using the console, everything fine.
> (I used r6, and got osg from trunk).
> Thanks again!
> Cheers,
> ruben
> --
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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-18 Thread Rubén Díaz
Hi again,

> Have fun with Osg and Android. 

Thanks, I'll do my best :P

I've been checking out the android examples, both osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 

No problem with osgAndroidExampleGLES1 :)

But when it comes to do the same thing with osgAndroidExampleGLES2, I am not 
having the same luck. I get a bunch of errors when I use ndk-build.

I am gonna assume that osg has been compiled using the OpenGL ES 1.1 API? Do I 
have to recompile or something? 

Thanks once again.


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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-18 Thread Jorge Izquierdo Ciges
Yes, you have to build two versions of OSG one with Gles1 and one with
Gles2. According the Ndk google group it's not good to mix them up. If you
used the cmake chain that was on the wiki I think it was for Gles1 ... if
not I don't know. But as I was saying you need one for each one. Although
looking how they load libraries in Android it "should be theorically
possible" to build with support for both of them... But i've not delved into
the subject... I'm bussy with my End of Degree project so... it's not
something prioritary for me and i'm not testing those posibilities, right
now I'm more concerned to do Osg Dynamic Linking to ease the life of
developing with OSG and Android.

Good luck and keep the Robot Fight!

2011/7/18 Rubén Díaz 

> But when it comes to do the same thing with osgAndroidExampleGLES2, I am
> not having the same luck. I get a bunch of errors when I use ndk-build.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-20 Thread Rubén Díaz
Cool, thanks!

Good luck with your project!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-28 Thread Rubén Díaz

just a quick one... (I was not sure whether I should have posted it here or 
somewhere else. anyway...)

I was testing the example application for OpenGL ES 2.0 and worked flawlessly 
using the Android 2.2 SDK. I tested on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
I am testing now, using the Android 3.1 SDK for an ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. 
And I am out of luck...

The result I get is the application starting (I can see the menu but the rest 
is black) and suddenly exiting a couple of seconds after. No error messages. 
Is this version of android (3.0 or 3.1) supported?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2011-07-28 Thread Jorge Izquierdo Ciges
Rubén as I said to you I'm not a wise man with enough midiclorians as to
have a sentient preescience of time and space that can guess anything. That
kind of errors leave a Java Dalvik Exception that you can read through
LogCat. Android's applications can crash in a thousand different ways.

As i've stated in other threads it has not been tested with 2.3 or 3.X but i
recall reading someone who did it. In any case my midiclorian say that
you've probably shoot yourself with a shotgun on your foot. That kind of
behaviour is typical of a error in finding the initialization method. It can
be for a lot of reasons:
-You've not configured the compilation to compile the Native part IN that
-You've changed some clase names without comprehension about how screen
widgets where used in my example.
-You have encountered some extrange bug that no one has seen so far or it's
not visible in 2.2.

If I have to bet on something... i should bet for the two first options
because that way of crashing has happened to me a looot of times because
the need of changin a name in five different places to change a namespace
name (eclipse won't solve everything for you).

In any way... the next time that you want help please COPY the java error.
It may be gibberish the 20 first times you read it but it makes sense the 21
time you read them. Otherwise i won't help you because i'm not in your
shoes. If you are a experienced programmer you know what is the feeling when
people ask you for help with "my monitor don't show anything" "it shows a
message (withouth saying the message)"  and so on.

2011/7/28 Rubén Díaz 

> Hi,
> just a quick one... (I was not sure whether I should have posted it here or
> somewhere else. anyway...)
> I was testing the example application for OpenGL ES 2.0 and worked
> flawlessly using the Android 2.2 SDK. I tested on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
> I am testing now, using the Android 3.1 SDK for an ASUS Eee Pad
> Transformer. And I am out of luck...
> The result I get is the application starting (I can see the menu but the
> rest is black) and suddenly exiting a couple of seconds after. No error
> messages.
> Is this version of android (3.0 or 3.1) supported?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rubén
> --
> Read this topic online here:
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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2012-03-14 Thread Bernd Kampl

Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
> First, there is a good page in the wiki page with Cmake chain and 
> requirements... and other stuff wich I recomend as a reading before doing 
> anything.

Could you link to it? All I found was this: www. openscenegraph. 

Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
> Second:
> NO! caca -> OPENGL_INCLUDE   /home/rubn/data/android/gl/khronos_headers/GLES2
> NO! caca -> OPENGL_LIBRARY  
> /home/rubn/data/android/android-ndk/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib/
> NO! caca -> OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY       
> /home/rubn/data/android/android-ndk/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib/

How to set these paths then? I really need a little bit of guidance here...

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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2012-03-15 Thread Jorge Izquierdo Ciges
They are not needed at all. OSG compilation, as it is right now doesn't
support full Native compilation, it's made by calls through JNI from a
Java/Dalvik Code. The egl Context is raised in the Java part and can't be
passed down to OSG, that's the reason the examples need to use an "embebed
viewer" instead of a simple viewer.

If you want/need to use a full Native Activity right now we haven't
implemented yet any solution.

Currently I'm working precisely in that point, full integration with the
new native form. But you still can use the Java/JNI/Native in 3.0 and 4.0
it hasn't been deprecated and it is part of the standard ABI. Moreover the
code can be easily converted between them.

On a side note, using the NDK scripts and google's build system already
provides the proper include directories ( where egl and gles1/2 is located
) so there's no need to use them, and probably if I'm not mistaken I
ignored them in the script creation step. To force the platform version
just change the platform number in or (I think it
was on Application).

In the near future I'm changin some compile options and adding some little
features to choose the platform and or the optimizations also I'm working
with the damn full native viewer but I'm hitting on walls every two steps
so don't expect it to be this week or the next, I won't send it until i can
be sure it's more or less bug free and there's no hurry because I'm gonna
miss the deadline for the new OSG version.

Oh! One more thing don't compile with NDK r7 it has a bug use r7b. It was
commented by another user. STL linking was not going well and it was needed
to respecify it.

2012/3/14 Bernd Kampl 

> Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
> > First, there is a good page in the wiki page with Cmake chain and
> requirements... and other stuff wich I recomend as a reading before doing
> anything.
> >
> Could you link to it? All I found was this: www. openscenegraph.
> org/projects/osg/wiki/Community/OpenGL-ES
> Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
> >
> > Second:
> > NO! caca -> OPENGL_INCLUDE
> /home/rubn/data/android/gl/khronos_headers/GLES2
> > NO! caca -> OPENGL_LIBRARY
> /home/rubn/data/android/android-ndk/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib/
> > NO! caca -> OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY
> /home/rubn/data/android/android-ndk/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib/
> >
> How to set these paths then? I really need a little bit of guidance here...
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] [build] problem compiling osg 3.0.0 for Android

2012-03-16 Thread Bernd Kampl

Thank you for your Answer, it clears up some things. I got it to work. The 
problem was in linking to the standard library. Like you wrote:

"NDK r7 has a strange bug with the order of linking std libraries just add 
-lgnustl_static at the end and it will be solved. "

For anyone having the same problem, the solution was to edit the 
file in the project/jni/ folder (project being osgViewerExample[1/2]) on the 
LOCAL_LDLIBS to change it to this:

LOCAL_LDLIBS:= -llog -lGLESv2 -lz
LOCAL_LDLIBS:= -llog -lGLESv2 -lz -lgnustl_static

I'm about to write a tutorial with screenshots to get openscenegraph to run.

Thank you!


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