Hi everyone,

I work under MacOSX 5 Leopard using XCode 3, and I am willing to install the 
FBX Plugin. I  downloaded the FBX SDK 2012 from Autodesk web site. I mentionned 
the include and lib paths on CMake to generate the correct xcodeproject to 
compile the entire OpenSceneGraph version 2.9.8.

I've got couple warnings and the following errors : 
         ReaderWriterFBX.cpp error: 
'class fbxsdk_2012_1::KFbxImporter' has no member named 'GetTakeCount'
         ReaderWriterFBX.cpp error: 
'class fbxsdk_2012_1::KFbxScene' has no member named 'SetCurrentTake'
         ReaderWriterFBX.cpp error: '
class fbxsdk_2012_1::KFbxScene' has no member named 'GetCurrentTakeName'
         fbxRNode.cpp error: 
'class fbxsdk_2012_1::KFbxTypedProperty<fbxsdk_2012_1::fbxDouble3>' has no 
member named 'GetKFCurve'

Here is a link to FBX SDK Programmer's Guide  
(http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/fbxsdk2012/en_us/index.html). I am 
starting this discussion in order to figure out how to handle those problems, 
all your ideas are welcome.
Thank you!

Mohamed ALJI

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