[osg-users] computeIntersections problem

2008-12-23 Thread Francesco Argese
Hi all,

i'm trying to implement PickHandler in my application with osg 1.2.
Following example osg::pick i have written the following lines of

bool PickHandler::pick (const double x, const double y,
osgProducer::Viewer* viewer)
std::vectorosgUtil::Hit hlist;
if ( viewer-computeIntersections(x, y, hlist) )
   //Here i handle the information recovered from computeIntersections()
return true;

Im working under Windows: the resulting application works well if i
compile it in release mode but when use in debug mode it give me the
following error on instruction hlist.clear(). If i don't call this
instruction it give me the same error at the return (because the
application try to empty Heap).

Debug Assertion Failed

Exception: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead-nBlockUse).

I have tried to comment the code containing computeIntersection and
all works well. It seems that computeIntersections function do
something on hlist, avoiding to empty memory.

How can i resolve this problem? Does exist another functionto to have
the same behaviour? How can i try to resolve this problem?

Thanke in advance
Francesco Argese
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ComputeIntersections problem

2008-10-20 Thread Albino Rodrigues
Hi all,


I have just converted a number of applications from osg 2.2 to osg 2.61 and
have found issues with computeIntersections.


If I use y values relative to left/top (as 2.2) in the call they fail, but
if I use y values relative to left/bottom in the call then everything works


Is this by design, or is there a bug in osg 2.61?



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