Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Just to tie up loose ends. 

I managed to get the simple HUD working.  I think I misunderstood how things 
were working before.  The HUD works great now with and osg::projection object.  

I created a seperate class to handle to creation of the HUD and a getter method 
for the projection


void HeadsUpDisplay::initHUD()
projection = new osg::Projection();
HUDgeode = new osg::Geode();
osg::ref_ptr HUDModelViewMatrix = new 
//TODO: Make Ortho2D screen size dynamic based on users screen res.
projection->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::ortho2D(0, 1280, 0, 1024));


void HeadsUpDisplay::initHUDStateSet()
osg::ref_ptr HUDStateSet = new osg::StateSet();
HUDStateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
HUDStateSet->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
HUDStateSet->setRenderBinDetails(11, "RenderBin");

void HeadsUpDisplay::initHUDGeometry()
osg::ref_ptr HUDBackgroundGeometry = new osg::Geometry();

osg::Vec3Array* HUDBackgroundVertices = new osg::Vec3Array;
HUDBackgroundVertices->push_back(osg::Vec3(1280.0f * 0.75f, 0, -1));
HUDBackgroundVertices->push_back(osg::Vec3(1280, 0, -1));
HUDBackgroundVertices->push_back(osg::Vec3(1280, 1024, -1));
HUDBackgroundVertices->push_back(osg::Vec3(1280.0f * 0.75f, 1024, -1));

osg::Vec4Array* HUDcolors = new osg::Vec4Array;
HUDcolors->push_back(osg::Vec4(0.459f, 0.765f, 0.431f, 0.3f));

osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);
(*texcoords)[0].set(0.0f, 0.0f);
(*texcoords)[1].set(1.0f, 0.0f);
(*texcoords)[2].set(1.0f, 1.0f);
(*texcoords)[3].set(0.0f, 1.0f);

HUDBackgroundGeometry->setTexCoordArray(0, texcoords);
osg::Vec3Array* HUDnormals = new osg::Vec3Array;
HUDnormals->push_back(osg::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
HUDBackgroundGeometry->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 


osg::Projection* HeadsUpDisplay::getHUD()
return projection;

Hope this helps :)

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Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-02 Thread Sergey Kurdakov
Hi Chris,

>I suppose I could use something other than an OSG::Image to bind to the
BYTE property of my struct.

whatever you bind, the way you copy rendered results to layered window (
see your
memcpy which is exactly copying via system memory  )  will move video
memory to system memory and this is a bottleneck

the suggestion was to avoid this step and perform whatever you want in
video memory ( even if a copy will occur- the copy between video memory is
much faster than a copy to system memory.

You might remember, I already sent you three approaches to avoid working
via system memory ( maybe others will find this tip useful too in case of
such an attempt ).

1) use windows DWM trick as in

the code  to look at how it is achived is here

the idea is here is that you render using DWM system calls  and then
compose layered windows without old layered windows api which you try to
use to achive result. Here  layering is achieved by exploiting  the fact
that in new windows ( since Vista ) all windows first are rendered to
offscreen surface, but then are composed to produce final screen result  -
you will be limited here to any windows operation system above windows xp (
but it is already retired and Vista is also not widely used - so limiting
yourself just to Win7+ will make all coding much easier ). BTW on linux the
same result possibly could be achieved via wayland compositor.

You might compile ClanLib and see how that achieved - it is fairly easy and
takes just few lines of code during creation of window and  the complete
code to achive what you need is provided, so you will need just add the
same code to osg window creation function ( and use appropriate flags
elsewhere to use DWM hack, but still, as in this example it is fairly easy
to achive ).

2) use approach and
then  to
copy opengl rendered result  to Direct2D layered window in video memory  (
currently NV_DX_interop
 and NV_DX_interop2
 are supported on
almost all video cards ), that might not work, due to possible problems
with very difficult path via Direct3D/Direct2D texture, but still it is
possible that it will work and will give you better results than now

3) you might use rendering with OpenGL ES with osg ( though you would need
to have your own model loader ) via  ANGLE to use trick, as final
rendered result in ANGLE might be a direct3d texture, which you could apply
to Direct2D layered window.

all approaches are not easy to implement to novice, but still - in case you
want to significantly improve fps - you should avoid working via system
memory, maybe someone else can offer some other insights - but I think that
there are hardly any more, so  you still will have to implement one of
suggested approaches. And looks like the first suggested approach is most
simple one and also can be possibly ported to linux, at least ClanLib team
tries to have that example to run on linux too ,to significantly improve
fps for the task you wish to solve.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Chris Hidden  wrote:

> Hey Robert
> >
> > Thanks for the more detailed explanation.  From what I can make out you
> are able to render the 3 models to a pbuffer than render this with
> transparency over the desktop OK, this part if functioning as intended.  Is
> this correct?
> >
> Yes this is correct!
> As for the HUD Ill try getting it working in a standard OSG graphics
> context first as you said.  Probably the best idea.
> As far as your suggestions for optimization.  I think I understand.
> However I was under the impression that the osg::Image was the pbuffer.
> In order to to my transparent screen trick I have a struct:
> Code:
> typedef struct
> {
> int width;
> int height;
> int pitch;
> HDC hdc;
> HBITMAP hBitmap;
> BYTE*pPixels;
> } Scene;
> Then I initiate the struct with some init values.  Then the I do a memcpy
> from the pbuffer/image to the struct:
> Code:
> for (int i = 0; i < g_image->t(); ++i)
> {
> memcpy(&g_scene.pPixels[g_scene.pitch * i],
> &g_image->data()[((sHeight - 1) - i) * (sWidth *
> 4)],
> sWidth * 4);
> }
> Here g_image is my osg::image and g_scene is my struct.  Once I have
> copied the data I redraw to my "layered window" .  This method takes care
> of applying the necessary actions using BLENDFUNCTION and
> UpdateLayeredWindow

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Robert

> Thanks for the more detailed explanation.  From what I can make out you are 
> able to render the 3 models to a pbuffer than render this with transparency 
> over the desktop OK, this part if functioning as intended.  Is this correct? 

Yes this is correct! 

As for the HUD Ill try getting it working in a standard OSG graphics context 
first as you said.  Probably the best idea. 

As far as your suggestions for optimization.  I think I understand.  However I 
was under the impression that the osg::Image was the pbuffer.  

In order to to my transparent screen trick I have a struct: 


typedef struct
int width;
int height;
int pitch;
HDC hdc;
HBITMAP hBitmap;
} Scene;

Then I initiate the struct with some init values.  Then the I do a memcpy from 
the pbuffer/image to the struct:


for (int i = 0; i < g_image->t(); ++i)
memcpy(&g_scene.pPixels[g_scene.pitch * i],
&g_image->data()[((sHeight - 1) - i) * (sWidth * 4)],
sWidth * 4);

Here g_image is my osg::image and g_scene is my struct.  Once I have copied the 
data I redraw to my "layered window" .  This method takes care of applying the 
necessary actions using BLENDFUNCTION and UpdateLayeredWindow.  


void RedrawLayeredWindow()
// The call to UpdateLayeredWindow() is what makes a non-rectangular
// window possible. To enable per pixel alpha blending we pass in the
// argument ULW_ALPHA, and provide a BLENDFUNCTION structure filled in
// to do per pixel alpha blending.

HDC hdc = GetDC(g_hWnd);

if (hdc)
HGDIOBJ hPrevObj= 0;
POINT ptDest= { 0, 0 };
POINT ptSrc = { 0, 0 };
SIZE client = { g_scene.width, 
g_scene.height };
SelectObject(g_scene.hdc, g_scene.hBitmap);

ClientToScreen(g_hWnd, &ptDest);

SelectObject(g_scene.hdc, hPrevObj);
ReleaseDC(g_hWnd, hdc);

I suppose I could use something other than an OSG::Image to bind to the BYTE 
property of my struct.  The thing is Im still quite new to a lot of this so I 
don't know how I would do that.  

Let me know if Ive been unclear.  Its also a challenge explaining this stuff 
for me as well :S

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the more detailed explanation.  From what I can make out you are
able to render the 3 models to a pbuffer than render this with transparency
over the desktop OK, this part if functioning as intended.  Is this correct?

There isn't any way for me to know what is specifically wrong at your end
with the next step. What I would recommend is taking a step back and just
get your 3 models and your HUD rendering to conventional GraphicsWindow
without the additional pbuffer stages.  Once you have got this rendering as
you want then you can re-introduce the rendering to a pbuffer.

The only thing I add to the general pbuffer/final desktop composition side
is that copying data from the GPU to an CPU base osg::Image will be slow, I
don't know what trick you are using to desktop composition but you'd get
much better performance if you could avoid the round trip of retreaving
image data from the GPU to CPU only to re-render it in some manner back to
the GPU.  This round trip will stall the GPU and CPU and force them to run
in series for much of the frame.  The best solution would be one where you
can render directly to a buffer than can be reused directly on the GPU.  I
can't comment on how to do this as I know nothing about Windows having not
touched the OS for over a decade.

As for the HUD examples working.  I really can't comment much as the only
information we have to go on is that they don't display anything.  If the
examples aren't working then it'll either be an issue with the examples
finding the data to display or a problem with the OpenGL driver.

Try running the OSG examples on another system.


On 1 September 2014 15:14, Chris Hidden  wrote:

> Hi Robert
> Thanks for your answer!
> Ill try and refine what it is I'm doing.  When our application is running
> we want OSG to display 3 models on the screen and nothing else.  We want a
> user to be able to run any program they wish underneath it.  This means
> that when our application is on a user could run, MS word, Google Chrome, a
> Game or any other application.  Our program will always display its 3
> models above everything.  So far this works.
> We also want to have a HUD or basically a side bar that runs the height of
> the screen on the right hand side of the screen.  Maybe about 1/5 the width
> of the screen:
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
> If the above was the screen the # represent the side bar.  Just a black
> ordinary side bar.  Then it will be able to be hidden so it kind of slides
> away and then reappears again when needed (a specific key is hit, or event
> is fulfilled or whatever).  On this side bar there will be text and maybe a
> looping animation.  Not sure yet, its a place to display information.
> I figured with my approach that I would just use a quad to represent that
> space as the HUD.   When I tried to run the other examples I linked and or
> mentioned I was not able to make ANYTHING display.  If the HUD was indeed
> transparent, I was never able to figure out how to make it non
> transparent.  I could try again and play around with things but for the
> moment my current approach seems to give what I want.  I don't see why I
> wound't be able to append text to it later, but appending another animation
> for example might be tricky.  Im not sure.  My approach however feels like
> a weird work around to a problem that may otherwise be solved in a more
> standard and efficient manner, hence my question :D
> I hope this helps clarify my question  :D
> Thanks!
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi Robert

Thanks for your answer!  

Ill try and refine what it is I'm doing.  When our application is running we 
want OSG to display 3 models on the screen and nothing else.  We want a user to 
be able to run any program they wish underneath it.  This means that when our 
application is on a user could run, MS word, Google Chrome, a Game or any other 
application.  Our program will always display its 3 models above everything.  
So far this works.  

We also want to have a HUD or basically a side bar that runs the height of the 
screen on the right hand side of the screen.  Maybe about 1/5 the width of the 

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # # # #

If the above was the screen the # represent the side bar.  Just a black 
ordinary side bar.  Then it will be able to be hidden so it kind of slides away 
and then reappears again when needed (a specific key is hit, or event is 
fulfilled or whatever).  On this side bar there will be text and maybe a 
looping animation.  Not sure yet, its a place to display information.  

I figured with my approach that I would just use a quad to represent that space 
as the HUD.   When I tried to run the other examples I linked and or mentioned 
I was not able to make ANYTHING display.  If the HUD was indeed transparent, I 
was never able to figure out how to make it non transparent.  I could try again 
and play around with things but for the moment my current approach seems to 
give what I want.  I don't see why I wound't be able to append text to it 
later, but appending another animation for example might be tricky.  Im not 
sure.  My approach however feels like a weird work around to a problem that may 
otherwise be solved in a more standard and efficient manner, hence my question 

I hope this helps clarify my question  :D 


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Chris,

I have read your post but didn't spend time looking at the specific code
implementation as it's hard to know what you are actually attempting to do
- knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve is precursor to knowing
whether the approach you are taking is appropriate or not.

My first question would be, when you say "whatever other application the
user wishes to run" what do you actually mean?  It's so open ended to what
this might be.  Are you talking other things on the desktop such as other
programs that might be running?  Or is it you want a 3D overlap ontop of 2D
UI elements?  Or just a 3D scene with various overlays onto of it all drawn
in OpenGL/OSG.

Also when you say the osghud example doesn't work for you, what do you
mean?  What you should see when you run osghud and have OpenSceneGraph-Data
on your path so it can find the 3D dumptruck model is a 3D truck with a
text overlay and transparent quad that form a HUD.


On 1 September 2014 14:13, Chris Hidden  wrote:

> Hello OSGers.
> I have been trying to implement a HUD in my unorthodox application.  I am
> currently displaying 3 models to the screen where I have everything else
> transparent.  Thus the application works as an overlay on top of whatever
> other application the user wishes to run.  To do this I am using the
> pbuffer in OSG, where I copy all the pixel info over into a struct and then
> pre multiply the alpha values of everything and then render it back to the
> screen.
> Because of this I have a very specific way in which I set up my scene and
> camera:
> Code:
> osg::ref_ptr windata = new
> osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::WindowData(hWnd);
> // Establish Viewer and Camera;
> g_viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();
> g_camera = new osg::Camera;
> g_camera = g_viewer->getCamera();
> // Create and assignTraits for the Graphics Context
> osg::ref_ptr traits   = new
> osg::GraphicsContext::Traits;
> initOSGTraits
>  (*traits, windata);
> osg::ref_ptr gc   =
> osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get());
> //Set camera state
> g_camera->setGraphicsContext(gc);
> g_camera->setDrawBuffer
>  (GL_NONE);
> g_camera->setReadBuffer
>  (GL_NONE);
> g_camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective  (30.0f,
> (double)sWidth / (double)sHeight, 1.0, 1000.0);
> g_camera->setViewport
>  (new osg::Viewport(0, 0, sWidth, sHeight));
> g_camera->setClearColor
>  (osg::Vec4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
> g_camera->setRenderOrder
> (osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER);
> g_camera->setRenderTargetImplementation
>  (osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT);
> // Set camera direction and perspective
> osg::Vec3d eye  = osg::Vec3d(0, -100, 0);   //
> position of the camera
> osg::Vec3d center   = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 0);  // where does the
> camera look.
> osg::Vec3d up   = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 1);  // the up
> vector of the camera
> g_camera->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up);
> // Establish PBuffer using OSG's image object.  Attach it to the camera.
> g_image = new osg::Image();
> g_image->allocateImage(sWidth, sHeight, 1, GL_RGBA,
> g_camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, g_image);
> // Set Callback for adding textures.  Makes sharing textures
> possible.
> osgDB::Registry::instance()->setReadFileCallback(new
> ReadAndShareImageCallback);
> osgDB::Registry::instance()->getOrCreateSharedStateManager();
> osg::ref_ptr models = InitModels();
> osg::ref_ptr root   = new osg::Group;
> root->addChild(models);
> // Run OSG optimizer for efficiency.
> osgUtil::Optimizer optimizer;
> optimizer.optimize(root.get());
> //Set up threads to windows, getScene data and set GL mode for
> rescaling normals.
> g_viewer->realize();
> g_viewer->setSceneData(root.get());
> root->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_NORMALIZE,
> osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> I tried using the example from the OSG for beginners book in chapter 7:
> Creating an HUD camera.  I also tried to follow the example here (
> Unfortunately none of these seemed to work for me.  In fact nothing showed
> up on my screen at all.  I was thinking it may be because of the way I
> define my camera matrix.  Maybe not, Im a bit too much of a newbie to know.
> Anyways, I figured a HUD can just as well be a quad that is right up close
> to the camera.  So I used this code :
> Code:
> osg::ref_ptr geod = new osg::Geode;
> osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
> osg::ref_ptr verts = new osg::Vec3Array;
> osg::ref

[osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hello OSGers. 

I have been trying to implement a HUD in my unorthodox application.  I am 
currently displaying 3 models to the screen where I have everything else 
transparent.  Thus the application works as an overlay on top of whatever other 
application the user wishes to run.  To do this I am using the pbuffer in OSG, 
where I copy all the pixel info over into a struct and then pre multiply the 
alpha values of everything and then render it back to the screen.   

Because of this I have a very specific way in which I set up my scene and 


osg::ref_ptr windata = new 

// Establish Viewer and Camera;
g_viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();
g_camera = new osg::Camera;
g_camera = g_viewer->getCamera();

// Create and assignTraits for the Graphics Context
osg::ref_ptr traits   = new 
(*traits, windata);
osg::ref_ptr gc   = 

//Set camera state
g_camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective  (30.0f, (double)sWidth 
/ (double)sHeight, 1.0, 1000.0);
g_camera->setViewport   (new 
osg::Viewport(0, 0, sWidth, sHeight));
(osg::Vec4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

// Set camera direction and perspective
osg::Vec3d eye  = osg::Vec3d(0, -100, 0);   // position of 
the camera
osg::Vec3d center   = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 0);  // where does the 
camera look.
osg::Vec3d up   = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 1);  // the up 
vector of the camera
g_camera->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up);

// Establish PBuffer using OSG's image object.  Attach it to the camera.
g_image = new osg::Image(); 
g_image->allocateImage(sWidth, sHeight, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
g_camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, g_image);

// Set Callback for adding textures.  Makes sharing textures possible.

osg::ref_ptr models = InitModels();
osg::ref_ptr root   = new osg::Group;

// Run OSG optimizer for efficiency.
osgUtil::Optimizer optimizer;

//Set up threads to windows, getScene data and set GL mode for 
rescaling normals.

I tried using the example from the OSG for beginners book in chapter 7: 
Creating an HUD camera.  I also tried to follow the example here 
  Unfortunately none of these seemed to work for me.  In fact nothing showed up 
on my screen at all.  I was thinking it may be because of the way I define my 
camera matrix.  Maybe not, Im a bit too much of a newbie to know.  

Anyways, I figured a HUD can just as well be a quad that is right up close to 
the camera.  So I used this code : 


osg::ref_ptr geod = new osg::Geode;
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
osg::ref_ptr verts = new osg::Vec3Array;
osg::ref_ptr norms = new osg::Vec3Array;
osg::ref_ptr colors = new osg::Vec4Array;

float depth = -99.0f;

verts->push_back(osg::Vec3((1.0f / 3.0f), depth, (1)));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3((1), depth, (1)));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3((1), depth, -(1)));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3((1.0f / 3.0f), depth, -(1)));
norms->push_back(osg::Vec3(0.0, 0.0f, 0.0f));
colors->push_back(osg::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f));
geom->setNormalArray(norms, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);
geom->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);
geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4));
osg::ref_ptr stateset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateset->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);