Re: [osg-users] Some overview of OSG and VPB databases

2009-12-11 Thread Paul Martz
Hi Chris -- One thing I've learned about PagedLOD... Even though it 
derives from LOD, it has a couple restrictions not present in the LOD 
base class. For example, there can only be one highest-res PagedLOD 
child, and its range can not overlap with other children. LOD allows 
this usage. So, PagedLOD is a LOD, but really it isn't. :-)

There might be more, I'm digging in my memory on this. These differences 
aren't noted in the PagedLOD header comments, but probably should be. 
Perhaps your entire set of notes should be added as a comment somewhere, 
perhaps the VPB source or the DatabasePager source? (Wikis tend to 
disappear but code lives on forever.)

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:

  Corrections, suggestions or comments very welcomed.

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[osg-users] Some overview of OSG and VPB databases

2009-11-25 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  I've accumulated some notes over time about how OSG and VPB databases works, 
and I
thought I'd share them here for others' enlightenment, and also to ask for 
corrections. I
don't guarantee this is correct, it just seems to be correct based on my 

  Perhaps someday this might make it into some sort of OSG Terrain Guide or 

Structure of a typical VirtualPlanetBuilder/OSGDEM terrain database

Root OSG file looks like:
CoordinateSystemNode: Top-level, defines ellipsoid shape of globe
Child0:TerrainTile (lowest LOD of terrain model)
(file containing LODs that cover the same extent as 
Child 0)

A VPB TerrainTile (for example, L0_X0_Y0) looks like:
TerrainTile (lowest LOD of terrain model)
Locator (defines Coordinate System and Transform of TerrainTile)
HeightField: UniqueID, Origin, X/Y Interval, 
SkirtHeight, Heights [Array]

SubTile Basename_root_L0_X0_Y0/Basename_L0_X0_Y0_subtile.osg looks like:
Child0: TerrainTile
Child1: Basename_L1_X0_Y0_subtile.osg (Another subtile like 
this one)
Child0: TerrainTile
Child1: Basename_L1_X1_Y0_subtile.osg
...more, similar PagedLODs may exist here...

In operation, the Root OSG file is loaded by the caller. This file contains a 
with Color and Elevation data, so as soon as the initial root load is complete, 
there is a
lo-resolution terrain surface visisble. OSG immediately begins cull traversal 
of this
scene graph. During cull traversal, the PagedLOD node probably discovers that 
currently visible child (child 0, with the TerrainTile) is insufficient LOD for 
current view. The only alternate LOD is Child1, which is an external file. 
informs the DatabasePager to begin loading this external file and continues on 
the cull.
The load operation has a priority level that hints to the DatabasePager how 
important this
node is, allowing multiple loads to be queued according to how close each one 
is to the

After the first cull operation is complete, a number of cull/draw cycles may 
execute while
the DatabasePager thread completes loading and possibly compiling the loaded 
data for use
in the scenegraph. During each cull operation that the loaded external child is 
not yet
available, the PagedLOD re-requests the child node to be loaded. This allows 
the priority
of the node in the queue to adjust if the viewpoint moves prior to the node 
getting loaded.

When ready, the DatabasePager inserts the loaded subgraph (see structure of
Basename_L0_X0_Y0_subtile.osg) into the scenegraph. At this point, the top 
PagedLOD is
satisfied that it has an appropriate LOD, and subsequent cull operations will 
traverse the
Child1 of the top PagedLOD Node.

Child1 itself contains a non-trivial subgraph. At the top of the subgraph are 
PagedLOD nodes. Each of these contains its own Child0 LOD, which is not an 
external file
but a TerrainTile complete with ElevationLayer and ColorLayer already loaded in 
compiled as part of the Basename_L0_X0_Y0_subtile. So, when the Root-level 
TerrainTile is replaced with the root-level Child1 external file, the
Basename_L0_X0_Y0_subtile's Child0s immediately cover the exact same visual 
extent of
terrain without any more loading delay.

As soon as the Basename_L0_X0_Y0_subtile subgraph is merged into the scenegraph 
traversed by cull, the PagedLODs in L0_X0_Y0 will evaluate their LOD criteria 
expressed not as actual distance, but in realtive-apparent-size-on-screen) and 
most likely
discover they too, are insufficient for the current view. At this point, each 
of the
PagedLODs will decide to load their next LOD child (Child1). Because each of 
children will be located at different locations with respect to the viewer, 
they will each
individually determine a different priority, which the DatabasePager will 
respect when
queuing the DatabaseRequest.

PagedLOD class has several conditions. The base LOD class and the Group class 
beneath that
require that the container (a std::vector) that contains the actual LODs must be
contiguous – no empty slots are permitted in the container. The PagedLOD class 
defines a
parallel container called PerRangeDataList, which is also a vector holding the 
LOD ranges
and external filenames for each child that can be loaded. The contents of these 
containers are associated only by the subscript of their contents. What this 
means in
practice is that the LOD children in the Group must be loaded contiguously – no 
higher LOD
can be loaded if a lower LOD is not already loaded.

PagedLOD will 

Re: [osg-users] Some overview of OSG and VPB databases

2009-11-25 Thread Roland Smeenk
Hi Chris,

I would like to see these pieces of knowledge added to the Wiki.



Read this topic online here:

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Re: [osg-users] Some overview of OSG and VPB databases

2009-11-25 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Roland Smeenk wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 I would like to see these pieces of knowledge added to the Wiki.

  That may be possible at some point.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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