[osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-17 Thread Nick Prudent
Anyone knows of a Windows front-end for osgDem? I am writing one right now 
and would like to check out some examples first.


- Nick -

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Antoine Hue

--- Begin Message ---


answering to Nick Prudent's proposal for a Windows front-end for osgdem, 
I would suggest to create an XML configuration file parser. XML files 
are easily editable from specialized XML editor given a schema 
definition of the file content.

Advantages over a specialized front end are:
- cross platform for free
- repeatability (can rerun a configuration file on error)
- documentation (can extract configuration in a human readable form for 
- maintenance and expansibility (only need to update configuration file 
parser and XML schema)

I am using a similar approach within my pet project, Le Petit Poucet GPS 
software (petit-poucet.org). Main application is downloading and 
geo-referencing images, then writing an XML  configuration file 
(attached, conf.ptig), then a specialized version of osgdem called 
pti_gen, it is parsing this XML file and generating .osga (attached is 
the crude parser I wrote based on Expat, parse_config.cpp).

My parser is not covering all features of osgdem command line and 
vpb::DataSet but could be extended easily.

Note that I am using extensively GDAL's VRT format to add 
geo-referencing to image files but this geo-referencing could be 
included into the osgdem configuration. It is possible to pass to GDAL a 
string containing XML corresponding to a VRT file.


GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Long",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]

///@file pti_gen.cpp
/// 3D terrain generator config file parser
///@author Antoine Hue
///@date 26.06.2007

  This file is part of Le-Petit-Poucet

  Le-Petit-Poucet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA





typedef enum {
  tt_unknown = 0,

} tag_type_t;

typedef struct tag_mapping {
  tag_type_t tag_type;  /* enum from above for this tag */
  const char *tag_name;   /* xpath-ish tag name */
} tag_mapping;

 * xpath(ish) mappings between full tag paths and internal identifers.
 * These appear in the order they appear in the GPX specification.
 * If it's not a tag we explictly handle, it doesn't go here.

tag_mapping tag_path_map[] = {

  {tt_pti_gen, "/pti_gen"},
  {tt_bin_path, "/pti_gen/bin_path"},
  {tt_archive_file, "/pti_gen/archive_file"},
  {tt_gdal_data, "/pti_gen/gdal_data"},
  {tt_srs, "/pti_gen/srs"},
  {tt_geospatial_extents, "/pti_gen/geospatial_extents"},
  {tt_source, "/pti_gen/source"},

static tag_type_t get_tag(const char *t)
  tag_mapping *tm;
  for (tm = tag_path_map; tm->tag_type != tt_unknown; tm++)
	if (0 == strcmp(tm->tag_name, t))
	  return tm->tag_type;
  return tt_unknown;

static tag_type_t current_tag = tt_unknown;
static std::string xpath;
static std::string c_cdata;
static bool image_source = false;
static int n_source = 0;

static const char *get_attr ( const char **attr, const char *key )
  while ( *attr ) {
	if ( strcmp(*attr,key) == 0 )
	  return *(attr + 1);
	attr += 2;
  return NULL;

static void start(vpb::DataSet *ds, const char *el, const char **attr)
  xpath += '/';
  xpath += el;
  current_tag = get_tag ( xpath.c_str() );

  switch ( current_tag ) 
case tt_pti_gen:
case tt_bin_path:
case tt_archive_file:
case tt_gdal_data:
case tt_srs:

case tt_geospatial_extents:
	double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
	bool geo;
	xMin = strtod(get_attr(attr, "min_x"), NULL);
	yMin = strtod(get_attr(attr, "min_y"), NULL);
	xMax = strtod(get_attr(attr, "max_x"), NULL);
	yMax = strtod(get_attr(attr, "max_y"), NULL);
	geo  =   atoi(get_attr(attr, "geograph

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Nick Prudent

Thanks for the advice. Actually, I have already started saving osgDem 
parameters as XML to allow users to save their sessions.

My clients have "Command-Line-O-Phobia", so they asked me to add a simple UI 
for executing osgDem. It's not difficult, but I was wondering if anyone had 
done this in the past. I'm specially interested in how to provide feedback 
while the data is being generated.

osgDem works like a 3rd party renderer like Mental Ray and RenderMan. Some 
people cannot use these products unless they have a graphical UI to interact 
with. That's were I come in ;)


- Nick -

>answering to Nick Prudent's proposal for a Windows front-end for osgdem, I 
>would suggest to create an XML configuration file parser. XML files are 
>easily editable from specialized XML editor given a schema definition of 
>the file content.

See Fireworks On Live Image Search 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Antoine Hue
Nick Prudent wrote:
> Antoine,
> Thanks for the advice. Actually, I have already started saving osgDem 
> parameters as XML to allow users to save their sessions.
> My clients have "Command-Line-O-Phobia", so they asked me to add a simple UI 
> for executing osgDem. It's not difficult, but I was wondering if anyone had 
> done this in the past. I'm specially interested in how to provide feedback 
> while the data is being generated.
> osgDem works like a 3rd party renderer like Mental Ray and RenderMan. Some 
> people cannot use these products unless they have a graphical UI to interact 
> with. That's were I come in ;)
I understand the value of GUI but I tend to be GUI-o-sceptic. GUI have a 
lot of value in helping the end user understanding a complex task/design 
and avoiding having to learn and remember something like VI commands. 
However, they also get very frustrating for power users that now have 
been over complexity. Some professional applications provide a GUI but 
are able to generate a script to accomplish the same command sequence 
without clicking over and over. This is not that bad and is a good way 
to learn.

Moreover, osgdem has a lot of features and the underneath DataSet class 
even more.
I hope you will find a nice way to wrap this!

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Robert Osfield
FYI,  I am currently changing the way that VTPB defines its source and
destination graphs.  The source data is based on the
osgTerrain::Terrain/Layer classes and serialization.  The destination
graph is not yet set but right now looks most likely to reuse PagedLOD
directly.  The serialization will be supported by both .osg and .ive.

With the new work there will be several apps that can be run to
process chunks for the serialized destination graph.  These will be
able to run multi-threaded as well as distributed across the network.
These apps will be nature be command line driven.

Defining the source data could be defined in an xml format, although
it won't really get you much over the .osg based source graph
serialization  Follows is a current example:

name "puget sound"

CartesianLocator 0 0 100 100
Image ps_height_512.tif

CartesianLocator 0 0 100 100

I haven't modified osgdem to use the above as an input file format,
but this should be possible - one just loads the source data and then
traverse the loaded scene graph for its Terrain nodes, this could then
help build the old style source graph.

osgdem itself will stay largely untouched while I rewrite VPB, all the
new features will grow alongside it, and when they are ready and well
tested it should be possible to just drop osgdem.

In my planed work I don't have a GUI front end planned, exactly what a
GUI might need to encompass will depend upon how the final low level
code/apps work.  Note that my VPB work will deliver have a system that
can do incremental and distributed builds, something osgdem can't do -
it just has to everything in a one pass.

The VPB work does mean that I can't recommend investing much effort
into osgdem.  If you can spend a day mocking up a front end then fine,
but do expect it to be replaced within the next six months by
something that is quite different in the way it works.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Nick Prudent


Thanks for the update. No matter how it's implemented internally, there is 
still a need for my clients to not have to hack a command line or a text/xml 
file. They are not programmers (they don't even use Windows's 
CommandPrompt). When VPB is up and running, I'll just update the back-end to 
reflect that.

XML is great way to save parameters in a cross-platform fashion.

- Nick -

From: "Robert Osfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 16:54:23 +0100

FYI,  I am currently changing the way that VTPB defines its source and
destination graphs.  The source data is based on the
osgTerrain::Terrain/Layer classes and serialization.  The destination
graph is not yet set but right now looks most likely to reuse PagedLOD
directly.  The serialization will be supported by both .osg and .ive.

With the new work there will be several apps that can be run to
process chunks for the serialized destination graph.  These will be
able to run multi-threaded as well as distributed across the network.
These apps will be nature be command line driven.

Defining the source data could be defined in an xml format, although
it won't really get you much over the .osg based source graph
serialization  Follows is a current example:

name "puget sound"

CartesianLocator 0 0 100 100
Image ps_height_512.tif

CartesianLocator 0 0 100 100

I haven't modified osgdem to use the above as an input file format,
but this should be possible - one just loads the source data and then
traverse the loaded scene graph for its Terrain nodes, this could then
help build the old style source graph.

osgdem itself will stay largely untouched while I rewrite VPB, all the
new features will grow alongside it, and when they are ready and well
tested it should be possible to just drop osgdem.

In my planed work I don't have a GUI front end planned, exactly what a
GUI might need to encompass will depend upon how the final low level
code/apps work.  Note that my VPB work will deliver have a system that
can do incremental and distributed builds, something osgdem can't do -
it just has to everything in a one pass.

The VPB work does mean that I can't recommend investing much effort
into osgdem.  If you can spend a day mocking up a front end then fine,
but do expect it to be replaced within the next six months by
something that is quite different in the way it works.

osg-users mailing list

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Robert Osfield
On 8/18/07, Nick Prudent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert,
> Thanks for the update. No matter how it's implemented internally, there is
> still a need for my clients to not have to hack a command line or a text/xml
> file. They are not programmers (they don't even use Windows's
> CommandPrompt). When VPB is up and running, I'll just update the back-end to
> reflect that.
> XML is great way to save parameters in a cross-platform fashion.

XML is O.K for saving parameters, but I would say its rather a stretch
to say its a great way...

The ascii example I provided will be a lot more human readable than
any XML format.  Writing serialization code in .osg format is not too
difficult write, and in the case of future VPB work you won't actually
need to write anything to do the serialization and the loading and
saving will all be done for you via the src/osgPlugins/osgTerrain

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Serge Lages
On 8/18/07, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/18/07, Nick Prudent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Robert,
> >
> > Thanks for the update. No matter how it's implemented internally, there
> is
> > still a need for my clients to not have to hack a command line or a
> text/xml
> > file. They are not programmers (they don't even use Windows's
> > CommandPrompt). When VPB is up and running, I'll just update the
> back-end to
> > reflect that.
> >
> > XML is great way to save parameters in a cross-platform fashion.
> XML is O.K for saving parameters, but I would say its rather a stretch
> to say its a great way...
> The ascii example I provided will be a lot more human readable than
> any XML format.  Writing serialization code in .osg format is not too
> difficult write, and in the case of future VPB work you won't actually
> need to write anything to do the serialization and the loading and
> saving will all be done for you via the src/osgPlugins/osgTerrain
> plugin.
Hi Robert,

In this case I disagree with you (about the human readable, not the
serialization part where you are right). XML has the advantage of having a
lot of really good editors (even graphical ones), adding to that the
possibility to make .XSD files to validate your XML (and to help edit them,
it's so cool with Visual Studio to write an XML with an XSD reference
file...), it's much easier to to not make mistake writting an XML than a
custom format where you can look for hours before finding a missing bracket
or ";".

Another advantage of XML is also that in all programming languages there are
good parsers, allowing to create easily a GUI for the configuration files
without having to write the parsing part. I thing that the current wave of
XML based formats like COLLADA, KML, Open XML and others are a really good

Voilà, that was just my two cents on the subject. :)

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay
Hello Nick,

> I'm specially interested in how to provide feedback
> while the data is being generated.

I worked on a renderfarm management software in the past, and what I  
would do is read the stdout of the external process (in that case, a  
command-line renderer like Mental Ray or Maya/Lightwave's command-line  
renderers, in your case osgdem) and parse it. On a Unix variant, you  
can just open a pipe to the running process's stdout (IIRC), but on  
Windows I don't know how you'd do that.

Once that's done, you'd have to find tokens that allow you to deduce  
the progress and use that to give feedback. I can't really help you  
for that, as I don't know what kind of output osgdem produces...

So I guess I didn't really add to what you already knew, other than to  
say it can be done. :-)

Good luck,

Jean-Sebastien Guay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDem Windows Front-End

2007-08-19 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Serge,

When I say human readable I mean just that, directly readable without
the need for a special editor.   XML sucks in this department.  Its
barely human readable without special editors.

If end users want to add xml input to setting up VPB then that just
fine, one could even do this via a plugin - note that its a plugin
that is loading the .osgTerrain, this would allow you to do the dead
of xml support without any modifications to VPB.


On 8/18/07, Serge Lages <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/18/07, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 8/18/07, Nick Prudent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Robert,
> > >
> > > Thanks for the update. No matter how it's implemented internally, there
> is
> > > still a need for my clients to not have to hack a command line or a
> text/xml
> > > file. They are not programmers (they don't even use Windows's
> > > CommandPrompt). When VPB is up and running, I'll just update the
> back-end to
> > > reflect that.
> > >
> > > XML is great way to save parameters in a cross-platform fashion.
> >
> > XML is O.K for saving parameters, but I would say its rather a stretch
> > to say its a great way...
> >
> > The ascii example I provided will be a lot more human readable than
> > any XML format.  Writing serialization code in .osg format is not too
> > difficult write, and in the case of future VPB work you won't actually
> > need to write anything to do the serialization and the loading and
> > saving will all be done for you via the src/osgPlugins/osgTerrain
> > plugin.
> >
> >
> Hi Robert,
> In this case I disagree with you (about the human readable, not the
> serialization part where you are right). XML has the advantage of having a
> lot of really good editors (even graphical ones), adding to that the
> possibility to make .XSD files to validate your XML (and to help edit them,
> it's so cool with Visual Studio to write an XML with an XSD reference
> file...), it's much easier to to not make mistake writting an XML than a
> custom format where you can look for hours before finding a missing bracket
> or ";".
> Another advantage of XML is also that in all programming languages there are
> good parsers, allowing to create easily a GUI for the configuration files
> without having to write the parsing part. I thing that the current wave of
> XML based formats like COLLADA, KML, Open XML and others are a really good
> thing.
> Voilà, that was just my two cents on the subject. :)
> --
> Serge Lages
> http://www.magrathea-engine.org
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
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