[OSGeoLive] Reviewing Andrew's QGIS Quickstart

2019-07-11 Thread Cameron Shorter
Thought I should mention that I'm going through and reviewing the pull
request for the QGIS Quickstart. I'm fixing a couple of formatting and
syntax issues I've noticed. I expect to be finished by this weekend (14
July 2019).

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254
osgeolive mailing list

Re: [OSGeoLive] Proposing application: actinia

2019-07-11 Thread Astrid Emde (OSGeo)

+1 to include actinia.

The PR from Markus with the tutorial give a nice introductionin what is 



Am 10.07.2019 12:34 schrieb Cameron Shorter:

+0 Cameron

I don't know anything about Actinia beyond this application form,
however I believe in supporting it based on:

1. All questions in the application address OSGeoLive goals

2. I hold a lot of faith in Markus personally. He is a long standing
OSGeo community leader, who demonstrates by example what is required
to make a successful open source project. Having him stand behind the
project gives me a lot of confidence.

On 10/7/19 6:44 pm, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Thank you Marcus for your e-mail.
Actinia seems to be a great fit to the OSGeoLive disk.
Here is my +1 to include Actinia.
I have already made some comments on what needs to be changed in the
installer and I am willing to help with the packaging tasks.

Best regards,

On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 1:08 AM Markus Neteler

Hi all,

we hereby propose "actinia" for inclusion in OSGeo-live:


What is its name?

_What is the home page URL?_

* https://actinia.mundialis.de/ [1]
* https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core/ [2]

_Which __OSI approved Open Source Licence [3]__ is used?_

* GPL-3

_What does the application do and how does it add value to the
GeoSpatial stack of software?_

* actinia is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed,
high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly
GRASS GIS for computational tasks. Besides that, also further
OSGeo related software and other open source analysis tools can be

_Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which versions
of the standards? Client or server? You may wish to add comments
about how standards are used._

* actinia core offers the possibility to extend it with plugins.
The actinia-gdi plugin (https://github.com/mundialis/actinia-gdi/
[4]) helps integrating actinia-core in an existing GDI, e.g. to
communicate with GeoNetwork.

_What language is it written in?_

* Python-3

_Which version of the application should be included in the next
OSGeo-Live release?_

* The current "latest".

_ Stability is very important to us on OSGeo-Live. If a new user
finds a bug in one application, it will tarnish the reputation of
all other OSGeo-Live applications as well. (We pay most attention
to the following answers): _

_If risk adverse organisations have deployed your application
into production, it would imply that these organisations have
verified the stability of your software. Has the application been
rolled out to production into risk (ideally risk adverse)
organisations? Please mention some of these organisations?_

* At time a major German telekommunication company is using
actinia in a cloud based massive data processing roll-out. At
FOSS4G 2019 in Bucharest some related presentations will be given.

* Besides that, actinia is the backend of the openEO GRASS GIS
driver (https://openeo.org/ [5], a H2020 EU project |
https://github.com/Open-EO/openeo-grassgis-driver [6]).

_What is the Open HUB URL for your project?_

* https://www.openhub.net/p/actinia_core/ [7]

_What is the size of the user community? You can often answer
this by mentioning downloads, or describing a healthy, busy email

* The actinia community is very young and yet hard to measure.
Some stats are available from
https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core/graphs/traffic [8]

_What is the size of your developer community?_

* Three core devs + some infrequent contributors.

_Do you have a bug free, stable release?_

* There is no bugfree software :-)
Yes, a stable release is available from
https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core/tags [9]

_Please discuss the level of testing that your project has gone

* A notable test set is included, see
https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core/tree/master/tests [10] .
* The deployment of actinia has been tested with Openstack as
well as CI/CD pipelines in Openshift. Furthermore several
deployments are running with docker-swarm. Dockerfiles for
development and for production are available from
https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core/tree/master/docker [11]

* Importantly, we use CI/CD pipelines for testing during

_How long has the project has had mature code._

* The core of actinia has been used in production since end of
2016 (back then named GRaaS - GRASS GIS as a Service) as a backend
in a Sentinel-2 metadata processor operated for ESA



_OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use
rather than libraries. Does the application have a user interface
(possibly a command line interface) that a user can interact with?
(We do make an exception for Incubated OSGeo Libraries,