Hi Seth,

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm really impressed with what you have achieved. Well done.

More comments inline.

On 12/12/19 11:19 pm, Seth G wrote:
Hi all,

I've been collating the various documentation releases for OSGeo-Live and 
adding into my fork at fork is at 

Nice work. How are you creating these pages?

It seems that image links are broken for releases 6.0 to 10.5. Do you know why that is? (I'm suspecting it might be because we changed our directory structure around version 10.5 and our build process would have been different.)

Have you noticed that we have some of the old doc sites stored in our archived, and referenced from:


(You can actually see the entire doc websites from 5.0 to 10.5



This can then be automatically published by GitHub pages - I've currently set 
this up to publish to https://osgeolive.geographika.co.uk/

The archive branch could be easily added via a pull request to the main project.

The branch can be downloaded or cloned in git to publish on any server. One 
possibility to consider is to automate adding a build of the docs for a new 
tagged release using Travis. Deployment of the latests docs would then be a 
simple git clone rather than requiring a manual build an upload.

I'm super excited by the potential of this. One of our pain points in documentation has been that we haven't had a current, nightly build that people can see as soon as they update docs.

It would be great if we could set this up. Would you be interested in setting up a:

live.osgeo.org/dev/... (or similar) for the latest docs?

If anyone has a v1.0 docs copy please let me know!

Version 1.0 was effectively a test run of OSGeoLive (called the Live DVD at the time). Our aim was to have OSGeoLive ready for FOSS4G 2009 in Australia, and we had an early version ready for FOSS4G 2008 in South Africa.

While I can't remember for sure, I don't think had developed documentation for the 1.0 release.

Here is a blog post / press release from the time:


Thoughts on the above welcome,
Super impressed.


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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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