[osint] Obama's big chance

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


  Description: Description: New York PostUpdated:
Mon., Sep. 5, 2011, 10:11 AM Description: Description: home

Obama's big chance


Last Updated: 10:11 AM, September 5, 2011

Posted: 9:48 PM, September 4, 2011

It's hard to see how the news could be any grimmer for Labor Day 2011: no
net new jobs created in August, the first time since 1945 that's happened.
The unemployment rate of 9.1 percent -- 16.7 percent among blacks -- is
unlikely to dip as low as 8 percent for at least the next year. Millions
have stopped looking for work, consumer confidence is at rock bottom, and
the stock market is having another nervous breakdown.

Plus, the fairy tale of government-fostered "green jobs" just blew up. The
politically connected California solar-panel maker Solyndra, which got more
than half a billion dollars in loan guarantees from the Obama st imulus,
declared bankruptcy last week -- taking with it more than 1,000 jobs and a
boatload of taxpayer money. 

But have no fear: President Obama on Thursday will give yet another "major
speech" on the economy as he once again "pivots" to jobs. 

But he's expected to give us nothing but his usual litany of failed
nostrums, including more green technology, more stimulus, more
infrastructure "investment," more nickel-and-dime tax credits and extending
the 2 percent "payroll tax" cut. Save your breath, Mr. President. 

The fact is, this administration is as bankrupt as Solyndra. Its Keynesian
bromides have failed, and it's pretty much run through the available supply
of academic e ggheads that will give it the economic advice it wants to

True, in the face of the disastrous jobs report, Obama on Friday suddenly
reined in the Environmental Protection Agency, forcing commissar Lisa
Jackson to rescind (for now) a blizzard of vindictive new rules that would
have crippled the nation's coal-fired power plants and sent electricity
prices soaring. 

Naturally, such common sense has enraged environmentalists. But will Obama
be consistent, and also approve the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline from
the Canadian oil-sand fields in Alberta to refineries in the Midwest and the
Gulf Coast? 

Eco-nuts including actress Daryl Hannah protested outside the White House
over the pipeline; they'd rather we remain de pendent on Saudi Arabia and
Venezuela than import oil from a friendly neighbor -- and are threatening to
withdraw their support from Obama if he OKs it. 

Obama is still waffling, promising a decision by year's end. Why not say yes
today -- or, better yet, announce the decision during Thursday's speech? 

If the president really wants to jump-start the economy, he should also lift
his de facto ban on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, which would put
thousands back to work from Florida to Texas. Indeed, if he's serious about
jobs, he'll promise to halt all new regulation.

Oh, and stop holding up those free-trade treaties because the labor unions
don't like 'em.

< span style="font-size:12.0pt;color:black;">And if he really wants to
kick-start the economy, he should call for a radical revision of the tax
system: Flatten the rates for everybody (including corporations), eliminate
all or most deductions and tax credits and make everyone pay at least
something, and Americans will move billions of dollars from less-productive
tax shelters to job-creating investments. 

In short, this is Barack Obama's moment. For once, one of his big speeches
actually needs to have specific proposals leading to practical, beneficial

Don't hold your breath. On jobs, the president has pivoted more than the
prima ballerina in Swan Lake, and literally has nothing to show for it even
after more than two years of optimistic promises. 

His signature push was for the albatross of ObamaCare, whose baleful
economic effects haven't even fully kicked in yet. Until its fate is
decided, either at the ballot box or by the Supreme Court, businesses will
stay frozen, unable to gauge the true cost of new hiring. 

It's hard to paint a pretty face on zero jobs growth and new monthly
unemployment claims of more than 4000,000. Economists may argue about
whether we're heading for a double-dip recession, but ordinary Americans
know the first recession never really ended. 

And yet Obama has doggedly pursued a faculty-lounge fantasy of borrowed
pump-priming and imaginary technology in the face of overwhelming evidence
that no amount of governmental borrowing, green jobs and stimulus is going
to pull us out of this tailspin.

But there's at least one business that's booming: state lotteries. Seventeen
states report all-time records as desperate citizens queue up to hand the
government even more of their money in the hope that a dollar and a dream
will free them from the consequences of the 2008 election. 

Alas, the only thing that's going to do that is the next election. 

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[osint] Boosting only illegal labor

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


  Description: Description: New York PostUpdated:
Mon., Sep. 5, 2011, 4:27 AM Description: Description: home

Boosting only illegal labor


Last Updated: 4:27 AM, September 5, 2011< /o>

Posted: 9:49 PM, September 4, 2011

How badly have interest-group politics distorted Obama administration
economic policy? Well, the Labor Department is now zealously protecting the
workplace rights of illegal aliens even as it shuts down avenues for people
to come to America and work legally.

You see, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has to serve both the liberals'
ideological fixation on illegals and labor unions' hostility to any

So there she was at a signing ceremony last Monday, declaring, "No matter
how you got here or how long you plan to stay, you have certain rights. You
have the right to be safe and in a healthy workplace and the right to a
legal wage... [This is part of] our shared commitment to protect the labor
rights of migrant workers." 

Questioned later about whether she meant to include illegal workers, she was
adamant. "I protect all workers here in this country," she told a Daily
Caller reporter. "I have a vested interest in protecting all workers that
work here in the US -- period." 

The terrible irony about Solis' support for workers here illegally is her
department's distaste for legal workers.

Almost Solis' first act on becoming labor secretary in 2009 was to stop the
streamlining of the visa-application process for temporary agricultur al
workers (visa category H2-A). Farmers who depend on seasonal migrant workers
were livid: Solis' change has (quite predictably) skyrocketed the cost -- in
both time and money -- of getting an already-limited number of legal migrant

More recently, she's moved against the other category of temporary visas,
those for non-agricultural workers (H2-B), affecting such industries as
hospitality, landscaping and seafood. The Labor Department has long mandated
what employers can pay temporary workers -- but its new rules for how to
calculate the "prevailing wage" will force wages up dramatically. In some
industries, the rules mandate increases as high as 50 percent and even 70

Business will suffer. Robert White, who employs 20 H2-B workers at Frog
Island Seafood Co. in Barco, NC, says the wage increase "would devastate
us... We're barely surviving on what we pay them now." 

Meanwhile, the American Nursery Landscape Association says landscapers using
H2-B visas should "expect to pay increases of 40 to 70 percent." The ANLA
adds that this increase "poses an extreme hardship on program users, who are
already locked into contracts and cannot easily absorb, or pass on, these
bureaucratically driven wage increases."

Behind the tougher prevailing-wage rules, of course, are labor unions --
which constantly seek to drive up the cost of non-union labor. By use of
political pressure, they often get governments to set the "prevailing" wage
above what union workers actually get.

"When was the last time you heard about a government program that was both
effective and popular?" asks Tamar Jacoby, president of Immigration Works
USA. But that's just what the H2-B program was, effective and popular. Now,
Jacoby laments, "Instead of strengthening the legal programs, [the Labor
Department] is making things harder." 

Abby Wisse Schachter blogs at Capitol Punishment (nypost.com/blogs/capitol).


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[osint] Afghan Police Chief: Missing Germans Shot to Death

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
Sep 5, 10:30 AM EDT


Afghan police chief: missing Germans shot to death 

Associated Press

Virginian Pilot

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Two Germans who disappeared nearly three weeks
ago while hiking in the Hindu Kush mountains were shot to death, a police
general said Monday.

Gen. Sher Ahmad Maladani, police chief of Afghanistan 's eastern Parwan
province, said Monday that a rescue team reached the bodies in the late
afternoon. He says the two men had bullet wounds in their chests, but it's
not clear when they died.

He said he had asked the Ministry of Interior and German army for
helicopters to help get the bodies down from the mountains. It took the
rescue team four hours to reach the bodies on foot from the main road.

Police at the scene said they could not recover the bodies Monday because of
darkness and would try again in the morning.

"They have several bullet holes to the chest. We are not sure when they
died, but the bodies are in good condition," Maladani said.

The area where the bodies were found is extremely rugged and remote. Police
Gen. Rajab, who like many Afghans goes by only one name, said the two bodies
were inside cloth sacks.

Parwan governor Abdul Basir Salangi said they were discovered under a large
boulder about 2 1/2 miles (four kilometers) from the south end of the Salang
Pass, where they began their hike on Aug. 19. He had no other details, and
it remained unclear who found the bodies. The area is inhabited mostly by
nomadic shepherds who live in tents.

A spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin, speaking on condition
of anonymity in line with ministry rules, confirmed that two bodies were
found in Parwan province but said he could not give any further details
until they had been identified beyond doubt.

In unrelated incidents, a roadside bomb and a suicide bomber killed eight
people and wounded 20 in two attacks around the country, the Interior
Ministry said.

Five civilians were killed Monday when a roadside bomb exploded next to
their vehicle in western Afghanistan's Faryab province. Also, the ministry
said, in southern Kandahar city late Sunday, a suicide car bomber killed
three Afghan private security guards and wounded another 20. The guards were
part of a convoy and had stopped for evening prayers when the attack
occurred. The ministry provided no other details on either incident.

The region where the Germans disappeared is not a Taliban area. Last month
Afghan police speculated the two men could have gotten lost in the high
mountains or may have been the victims of a crime. The agency they were
working for has not been named.

The day they disappeared, the two traveled to the south end of the Salang
Pass, north of Kabul, around 8 a.m. and told their driver they were going
into the mountains. They promised to return at 4 p.m. and the driver waited
until 6 p.m. before contacting local authorities, and the search began.

The Salang Pass is a major ro ute through the Hindu Kush mountains that
connects the Afghan capital, Kabul, with the northern part of the nation.

Germany has been a major contributor to the NATO-led International Security
Assistance Force in Afghanistan and currently has some 5,200 troops
stationed in the country, largely in the north.

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[osint] The Family Circus

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
  by The Editors  

September 02, 2011

 The Obama Family Circus 

Not so long ago, Barack Obama electrified and mesmerized not only America but 
the entire solar system and even parts of the Crab Nebula with his 
transparently empty promises, his smooth mulatto charisma, and an oratory 
prowess that sent   tingles running 
up grown men’s legs. Then, roughly five minutes after his inauguration, Obama 
lost all his charm and has flailed for the past two-and-a-half years as a 
frightened-and-flummoxed amateur who’s obviously in way over his oversized 
ears. His  
approval rating has plummeted so precipitously, it reached the point earlier 
this year where “ 
only” 85 percent of African Americans said he’s doing a swell job.

But except for that opening paragraph, we're not here to make fun of Barack 
Obama. Today, we aim our gleeful Schadenfreude at his blood relatives, many of 
whom have names that sound like slight variations of Ooga Booga Yabba Dabba Doo.

Historically, the press has made a bigger deal of Democratic presidents’ 
wayward relatives than it has of GOP prez’s familial flockoffs. Whether this is 
due to editorial negligence or the fact that Republicans’ families have kept 
their noses cleaner, we are not sure. Ronald Reagan’s immediate family members 
did only slightly embarrassing things such as becoming a snarky, gay-seeming 
ballet dancer and a charmlessly meandering talk-radio host. Oh, and George 
Bush, Sr. had a mildly retarded son who became president for twice as long as 
his dad.

Over on the donkey side, America’s media made huge hay of a bucktoothed, 
bespectacled, runway-staining Georgia cracker called Billy Carter and a 
coke-gobbling, talent-free wannabe musician named Roger Clinton.

“It’s funny to hear that Barack Obama has so many half-brothers, because 
genetically, Obama is a half-brother.”

But Barack Obama doesn’t merely have a single embarrassing family member. He 
has a whole litter of them. But he’s protected by the Black Shield, a new kind 
of skin privilege, one it’s impossible to even mention without being branded 
with the irrevocably shameful “R” word. Due to such fears and also their 
elaborate financial and ideological entanglements with the current 
administration, most of America’s press doesn’t leap nearly so eagerly on 
Obama’s familial skeletons as they do on Sarah Palin’s retarded child or 
Michelle Bachmann’s screaming faggot of a husband. The press isn’t even in 
Obama’s pocket—they’re snuggled deep up in his underwear.

We are not constrained by such fears. But because a fundamental spirit of 
fairmindedness animates us, we’ll leave his immediate family members out of it, 
although we can’t help mentioning he was raised almost solely by Caucasians 
after age two and expressed his gratitude by checking off “ 
rather than “white” or “some other race” on his Census form.

Since they’re both dead, we will say nothing mean about his commie-sympathizing 
mud shark of a mother nor his violent, peg-legged, deadbeat alcoholic dad. 
Since they’re still alive, we will refrain from taking cheap shots at his 
daughters Sushi and Mongolia and from disparaging his overbearing, 
insufferable, ball-busting, walking vagina dentata of a wife.

We’re here simply to make sport of his less-immediate family members. It’s 
funny to hear that Barack Obama has so many half-brothers, because genetically, 
Obama is a half-brother. Although we don’t think he’s fully responsible for any 
of their actions, we’ll note that he seems reluctant to “spread the wealth” 
with any of them.

   Although he moved to the USA in 
the early 1960s, the president’s half-uncle is still an illegal immigrant who 
somehow has managed to finagle himself an authentic Massachusetts driver’s 
license and a valid Social Security card since 1992. On August 24 of this year, 
his erratic driving led to an arrest by Massachusetts police, who pulled him 
over near the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham. A  
 police report noted his 
“obviously red and glassy eyes,” a “slurred speech pattern,” and “a strong odor 
consistent with consumption of alcohol coming from his breath.” His 
blood-alcohol level reportedly tested at twice the legal limit, making him a 
drunk uncle, or, if you prefer, a “druncle.” The 67-year-old liquor-store 
employee had reportedly also sold alcohol to underaged individual

[osint] 9/11 TENTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL: I suppose Mayor Bloomberg has no room for these first responders either?

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf



9/11 TENTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL: I suppose Mayor Bloomberg has no room for
these first responders either?

| September 5, 2011 at 4:33 AM | Categories:
 9/11 Censored | URL:

  She was a 3-year-old golden-haired beauty when
she got the call to respond to her first disaster. Now, stiffer, slower and
a bit gray, 13-year-old Bretagne is one of just a handful of World Trade
Center rescue dogs still alive.

"We arrived on 9/12 and started working right away," said Bretagne's
handler, Denise Corliss, a search-and-rescue volunteer with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.


.jpg?w=300&h=300Bretagne had spent more than a year learning how to find
survivors in concrete rubble, but her Cypress, Texas, training site was
nothing like Ground Zero.

She clambered up ladders to get on top of the huge debris piles, padded
across broken glass and twisted steel beams, wiggled into small spaces and
crawled into dark holes, all the while sniffing through mounds of pulverized
concrete searching for clues that would lead her to survivors. Like all the
rescue dogs, she worked without a leash or a collar.

The dogs also didn't wear protective booties, despite the crushed glass
everywhere - they needed their claws for traction. Every night, she was
given a decontamination bath. Her eyes, ears and mouth were rinsed out, and
her abraded paw pads gently cleaned.


rescue-dog-1.jpg?w=300&h=201"It was her first mission, but she worked it
like a pro. She didn't get cut up or fall or get hurt," said Corliss. But
Bretagne had a couple of near misses. One day, sniffing along an elevated
steel beam, she lost her footing.

"It was real wet because the fires were still smoldering and the water spray
was everywhere," Corliss recalled. "She just kind of slipped, but she used
her paws to pull herself back up and kept on going. That was the only time I
was a little unsettled."

Bretagne was also a magnet for distraught firefighters searching the site
for fallen comrades.


"A lot of times, firefighters would come by and pet her, talk to her and
tell her stories," said Corliss. One firefighter bonded so closely with
Bretagne that he recognized her years later at a 9/11 memorial.

The gregarious golden retriever has seen several national disasters since
9/11 - she responded to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, going into flooded
areas to find those unable to evacuate. She's retired now, but has a hard
time accepting it, said Corliss.

When Corliss heads out with her new search dog, Aid'n, Bretagne always wants
to go along. "I bring her to the training site sometimes and let her run a
few drills - she's still got it," said the proud handler.

Like Bretagne, the majority of 100 or so FEMA dogs sent to Ground Zero
stayed only about 10 days.


Thirty-three NYPD K-9 dogs took over recovery operations - sniffing the
rubble for remains - for eight months. All of those dogs have since died.
The last one, Charlie, a longtime K-9 unit member, passed in January, just a
few months shy of his 13th birthday.

All told, about 300 dogs contributed to the rescue and long-term recovery
effort at Ground Zero, said Roy Gross, a Suffolk County SPCA agent who ran
the mobile hospital that cared for the animals.

"Besides the FEMA and NYPD dogs, you had therapy dogs, brought in to help
the rescue searchers, and dozens of volunteers who showed up at the site
with their dogs, too," said Gross.


[osint] Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, "We can honor 9/11 First Responders at some other place and time"

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, "We can honor 9/11 First Responders at some
other place and time"

Posted: August 28, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam
  | Filed under:
9/11 Censored 
Comments > 


n-photo-paulaloe-a11.jpg?w=183&h=441The mayor who said
 WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS and lights up
the Empire State Building in Islamic green for Ramadan, still won't change
his mind about including FDNY and NYPD first responders at the 10th
Anniversary Ceremony for 9/11.


When debris rained from the sky in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001,
the first responders to the terrorist attack did not turn away. They rushed
to the World Trade Center buildings while the world around them crumbled.

Yet now, after all the wreckage has been cleared and the rebuilding has
begun, their path is again blocked - not by flying chunks of smoldering
rubble, but by space constraints. The first responders are not invited to
this year's September 11 memorial ceremony at ground zero, New York City
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office confirmed again.

It's a painful insult for many of the approximately 3,000 men and women who
risked their lives, limbs and lungs on that monumental day, puncturing
another hole in a still searing wound.



How many of these 9/11 terrorists families will be there?

Only 3 weeks have passed since the first responders got cancer excluded from
the financial package, but this was not enough for Bloomberg apparently. The
first responders that carried their own and other people's family members
from Ground Zero have been excluded from the 10th 9/11 ceremony Bloomberg
"officially confirmed" only a few days ago.

In a statement, Bloomberg spokesman Andrew Brent said the commemoration
ceremony is for the victims' families. (So I guess that will that include
the families of the 19 9/11 terrorists too?)

"While we are again focused on accommodating victims' family members, given
the space constraints, we're working to find ways to recognize and honor
first responders, and other groups, at different places and times," Brent


Comments on "Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, "We can honor 9/11 First
Responders at some other place and time""

&r=PGcapner   says: 

August 28, 2011 at 8:44 PM

Well, those stupid people elected that prick into office so they deserve
what ever he does to them. People got to realize there are consequences for


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[osint] The Israel Arab conflict is here to stay. Here's why.

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
Exactly.it is NOT an Israel-Arab thing.  This is Muslim against everyone




September 3, 2011

The conflict is here to stay


It's Not Going to Go Away

The Moslem world and its faith as is currently revealed and practiced in
universal society is religion run amuck, as much a danger to itself as to

>From Rabbi Berel Wein

In spite of all policies, agreements, hopes and wishful thinking, it should
be obvious that the Israeli-Arab dispute is nowhere near solution or
accommodation. It really is not about borders, land swaps, or even
begrudging acceptance of the two-state solution to the dispute. It is
something far deeper, religious in nature and hardened over centuries of
behavior and custom.

It basically is that the Jew, the dhimmi, the infidel, has no right to rule
over territory that was once under Moslem sovereignty and certainly no right
to rule over Moslem people themselves.

The inability of Israel over lo these many decades to face up to this fact
has in fact only prolonged and deepened the conflict and made the problem
more intractable.

It is in reality a biblical epic that we are currently experiencing, not a
nice modern day dispute that lends itself to creative diplomacy and
realpolitik. In a completely secular world there is no room for biblical

The world - and much of the Jewish world as well - believes that the Bible
is a story book and that little of it is applicable today.

So therefore we find ourselves applying the wrong antibiotic to counteract
the true bacteria of hatred and violence that is in reality playing itself
out in front of our bewildered eyes. In an oped-article that appeared in
Haaretz, the writer stated in the article that "we are all people."

And that is the crux of the matter and as long as the Jews are not
recognized as "people" this dispute is simply not going to go away anytime

Religion, per se, is an ambiguous creature. It can be and has been an
enormous force for good in human history.

However, in the hands of zealots and fanatics, it can be construed to be a
most destructive force. The extremists in the world of Islam have created a
situation of hatred and violence, not only against Israel and the Jews but
also against Christians, especially the Copts in Egypt as well as against
Hindus in the Pakistan - India conflict which continues to simmer after
decades. [Commentary by Dr. Carl Goldberg -NOTE: The trouble with Islam is
that the extremists are mainstream. They are extremists only from our point
of view. From the Islamic religious point of view, they are merely following
Allah's instructions as set forth in the Koran.]

And to further muddy the waters, the violence in Iraq and Afghanistan is
essentially a continuation of the millennia old wars between the Shiite and
Sunni brands of Islam while Syria is engulfed in a rebellion against Alewite
rule - also a form of heresy to Sunni Moslems - and Libya has degenerated
into basic tribal warfare.

And all of this is going on without taking into account Iran's determination
to define the Arab world in purely Shiite terms and Al Queida's attempts to
assert Sunni hegemony over all of mankind.

This is not an essentially pretty picture of the Moslem world and its faith
as is currently revealed and practiced in universal society. This is
religion run amuck, [NOTE: NO! Islam has not "run amuck". And, it is not
just "as is currently revealed." Islam has always had the goal of
subjugating the world to Sharia law. In the Koran, Allah commands Moslems to
make war on non-Moslems UNTIL Islam reigngs supreme in the world.] as much a
danger to itself as to others. Yet the world is hesitant to call these
forces to account for their behavior and fanatical beliefs.

Whistling past the graveyard now only guarantees more pain, suffering and
bloodshed in the future.

Because of all of the above, I think it safe to say that these problems are
not going to go away anytime soon.

It took centuries for the religious wars of Europe and Christendom to end.
The Arabs are not going away nor are they likely to have an immediate
epiphany and change of heart regarding Israel, the Jews, the Copts, the
Hindus, America, etc. [NOTE: It is NOT just the Arabs! The Iranians are NOT
Arabs. The problem is with all Moslems, precisely because it is a religious
question. And, the Islamic war on non-Moslems can never come to an end
because Allah in the Koran requires eternal war against non-Moslems. This is
part of Islam's holy text. The religious wars of Europe never had any
justification in Christianity's holy texts.]

This is going to be a very long haul for all concerned. All of the peace
plans and agreements fostered until now have proven to be worthless and in
fact counterproductive to any form of true peace.

The change of heart necessary to create a climate of compromise and
accommodation is simply not in the offing in the Moslem world

[osint] "You lost the war!" UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


 "You lost the war!" UK MUSLIMS plan
to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence

| September 5, 2011 at 1:42 PM | Categories:
 Islamic Britain | URL:

On the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, an Islamic group,
Muslims Against Crusades, will make as much noise as possible during the
moment of silence in front of the US Embassy in London.


 - The group hopes to "expose the crimes of the American
government," while showcasing its opinion that the U.S. has lost its battle
against terrorism.This is the same group that waged an Islamic law campaign
and disrupted British Veterans' Day last year.

The group will be joined by another radical enterprise - Sharia 4 America.
According to Beliefnet, MAC ".calls the 19 hijackers 'martyrs.'" The group's
spokesperson, Anjem Choudary, says:


h=177"We will be holding a big demonstration and it's going to begin at the
time the first plane hit the building - when everybody is holding their
minute's silence. "We will be very noisy during that time. It will be to
expose the crimes of the American government over the past ten years and
showing how they have failed.


sades-demonstration-us-embassy-london-aro_0362.jpg?w=300&h=199According to
it's website, Muslims Against Crusades, on September 11 2001, 19 Muslim men
succeeded in bringing the world's only superpower to its knees in less than
60 minutes; amidst the burning rubble of two of America's most iconic
symbols of economic might emerged a brutal crusade that would tarnish the
image of America forever.

10 years on and the timeline has been filled with torture and abuse,
violence and blood; America has unequivocally lost the moral high ground -
from Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib the so-called fight against international
terrorism has ushered (with it) an

4uk-leave-a-london-press-conference-in-january.jpg?w=300&h=187era of
unrelenting oppression that has exposed the sinister side of American
foreign policy.

With over $14 trillion in debt the US economy is now on a life support
machine; its military is caught in a gruelling war of attrition that the
majority of analysts regard as unwinnable; on all fronts the US government
is indeed facing defeat as the daunting spectre of death draws closer and

In light of this Muslims Against Crusades in conjunction with
Shariah4America (www.shariah4america.com)  have launched what is likely to
be one of the highest profile demonstrations of the year. On September 11
2011, as people across the world fall silent and reflect on the
unforgettable moments that took place at 8:46am and 9:03am ten years ago,
Muslims will stand united outside the US embassy in the heart of London, to
declare that they have been defeated - that the US has indeed lost the war.



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19 Comments on ""You lost the war!" UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment
of Silence"

&r=PGKenneth Schustereit 

September 5, 2011 at 1:50 PM

May Islam be cursed! May all muslims become Christians!
What do we expect from the religion of pe