[osint] Obama is outclassed and outsmarted by retiring Gen. Petraeus

2011-09-13 Thread Beowulf
Obama is outclassed and outsmarted by Mickey Mouse and/or Goofy.






Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!

- Original Message - 

From: Mike 


Just one more example of the smallness of our petty, conniving,
simple-minded, outclassed president.


Obama is outclassed and outsmarted by retiring Gen. Petraeus.

Gen. David H. Petraeus closed his phenomenal 37-year Army career this week
with a joint review at Fort Myer in Arlington. Service members from every
branch were present, and flags of all 50 states fluttered in the breeze. A
substantial crowd had come to hear the general's farewell address. Many were
classmates from the West Point Class of 1974, smartly attired but
enthusiastic and occasionally whooping like they were cadets. Others were
people with whom he had served over his storied career, whom he recognized
from the dais during his speech. The morning was sunny and clear, and the
general was his usual affable, ebullient self.

In his remarks, Gen. Petraeus recalled the days when he entered the
military, when the Vietnam War was winding down and the armed services were
being pared down to the "hollow forces" of the 1970s. "The Army I joined as
a second lieutenant had suffered enormously," he said. "In the wake of our
involvement in Vietnam, our Army and much of our military were grappling
with a host of very serious challenges." The senior leaders who first wore
the uniform in those dark days were not discouraged. They began their
careers with a sense of mission. "I know I speak for many when I say that we
came away from that period vowing to never let our forces get to such a
point ever again." Through his efforts, and those of countless other
visionaries in and out of uniform, the hollow forces were transformed once
again into the finest fighting force in the world.

Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presided over
the ceremony with William J. Lynn, deputy secretary of defense. Notably
absent were Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, whose former position as
CIA director is Gen. Petraeus' next assignment, and President Obama. Their
non-appearance did not sit well with some. "Obama should have been here," a
warrior who served under Gen. Petraeus told The Washington Times. "And he
should have invited [former President George W.] Bush. The general saved
their bacon. Twice.

"Everyone has forgotten that in 2007 we as a nation had said, 'OK, we are
going to lose Iraq.' And President Bush said, 'Well what if we win?'
Petraeus rode into town and assembled an extraordinary team. His personal
drive, his charisma, his optimism, his can-do spirit, all of that is what
gave us hope that we could in fact turn Iraq around," our source explained.
"And by September of '07, the progress had been dramatic enough that it
became common knowledge to the American people that things were turning
around in Iraq. Eight months earlier, a lot of people, including Obama,
wanted to tuck tail and have another Vietnam."

That's not all. "Here is the guy who saved our reputation as a nation.
Seriously, who's missing this? And then he went to [Central Command] and was
doing great things. And Obama asked him to take a functional demotion and go
back to Afghanistan and save our bacon again," we were told. "To leave his
family, to step down from a regional command, to take on that burden. And he
said yes, and he did it. Petraeus was the right guy at the right time, he
answered the call, and now he's being yanked out before we're ready, just
like the troops are being yanked out before Afghanistan is ready."

So what's the reason for the White House about-face? "They are sending him
to the CIA to keep him quiet during the 2012 election. It shows how small
and scared they are. He is an honorable man, he has never expressed
political ambition. But they saw him as a threat. He is an independent
thinker, the finest military mind of his generation," our source posits.
"What he suffers from is that he is more excellent than almost anyone he
meets, to include the president. The troops love him. Strong people surround
themselves with the most excellent people they can find, even those brighter
and more capable than themselves. Weak people don't."

There is a shameful indignity in how this hero was treated. "The president
couldn't find the time in his schedule, nor could the [defense secretary]
find the time to look him in the eye and say thank you in person," this
warrior told The Washington Times. "It's one thing to say 'we support the
troops' and trot out your first lady to do that, but this is where it
counts. It would have been an appropriate gesture to come here to recognize
the professional and personal sacrifice of this extraordinary man. It would
have been the dignified thing to do."

The hero remained above it all. The cannons boomed and the crowd cheered and
Gen. Petraeus stood smiling in the sun.

C Copyright 2011 The Washington Times, LLC.

[Non-text portions of this me

[osint] Sept. 11 Attacks Less A Seminal Event, Rather An Awakening

2011-09-13 Thread Beowulf


Sept. 11 Attacks Less A Seminal Event, Rather An Awakening

by W. Thomas Smith Jr.

(more by this author)

Posted 09/13/2011 ET
Updated 09/13/2011 ET


This is the 10th anniversary of what some have said is a seminal event in
our national history. 


I would argue it was less a seminal event, and more an awakening as to the
danger posed to the West since the 17th century when the armies of Kara
Mustafa - capitalizing on the previous century's work of warlord Suleiman
the Magnificent - attacked Christian armies across eastern Europe.

Suleiman's and Mustafa's wars were Jihads against the West. And though
stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1683, that Jihad has never ceased. 

But the enemy has been unable to effectively prosecute the war against us;
that is until the 20th century - particularly in the 1970s and 1980s - when
we began to see the rise of Jihadist terrorist attacks against Christians
and Jews throughout the world. 

And then - though we were warned for decades, and were even attacked in 1993
in New York- the single worst series of terrorist attacks to date struck us
in New York, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and frankly in the skies
over a much wider range before the four planes actually crashed.

But we'll leave the discussion of Jihadist history - and the "why" - to the
sociologists and political scientists, whose views are framed a bit more
ideologically than mine. 

I'm a military analyst, and so I see things perhaps less in terms of
ideology and politics, and more in terms of tactical or strategic
application. Though I am not as black-and-white in my thinking as other
military analysts, because my focus is special operations, and that requires
a bit of right-and-left brained thinking, as does simply being a
professional writer.

But what I want to talk about - and share with you - today is what I
witnessed and experienced in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, because I was
there at "Ground Zero." Not when Al Qaeda struck us. But within 48 hours
after the attacks.

I was there at the Red Cross recovery station where volunteers were taking
DNA swabs from family members who were frantically searching for their
missing loved ones. 

I was there as the trade center was burning, I watched as shopkeepers near
"Ground Zero" stared at their damaged storefronts and the thick powdery gray
ash and tiny strips of paper that covered everything several blocks away
from the attacks. 


I watched as warplanes from the offshore carrier USS George Washington
roared overhead, making wide sweeps over the city during their constant
patrols, because - remember, at that time - we were anticipating equally
devastating follow-up attacks. 

And I was physically at "Ground Zero," standing between what was left of the
two towers and the destroyed buildings adjacent to the towers. 

In the weeks to follow, when I was asked by television and newspaper
reporters to describe what I saw, the one thing I could not get past was the
fact that on TV, in the newspapers, and - today on the Internet (Remember,
in 2001, the Internet was nothing like as mainstream as it is today) - the
one-dimensional images we all saw (and continue to see), did not (and do
not) begin to illustrate how horrible it really was. It really was
impossible to adequately describe. And I won't attempt to describe it here

By 2001, I already had experienced battlefields as a journalist overseas,
and I was destined to witness terrible battlefields during the Iraq War. But
never had I stood on such a terrible field as that which I stood on in lower
Manhattan in the middle of Sept 2001.

The other thing - and perhaps the most important - was (and is) the question
I've since been asked; "Where was God on 9/11"?

Fortunately for me, I've had a special (and I think somewhat unique)
relationship with God since I was a little boy. So the question was
something that was easy for me. 

It didn't disturb me at all.

It didn't shake my faith in the least. 

In fact, it enabled me to share God's love with others and be open - in a
non-intrusive way - about what I knew (and know) to be several eternal
truths about God.

The answer; God was there on 9/11. And His glory was manifested in myriad
ways that stood in stark contrast to the earthly hell of lower Manhattan on
that day, and in the days and weeks after the attacks. And I'll get to that
in a moment.

First,we have to understand something about good and evil.

God's love and infinite power doesn't mean that there is no darkness in the

Darkness is simply the absence of light. 


Evil (which we equate with darkness) is the absence of good (which we equate
with light). 


In fact, in a somewhat scientific sense - where fact is derived not from
theory but is based on empirical data - we see it wo

[osint] Muslims Make Terrorist Dry Run on Frontier

2011-09-13 Thread Beowulf
I TOLD YOU SO!  No Muslims should be permitted on any flights of any Western



September 12, 2011, - 1:41 pm

Media Blackout: YES, the Suspicious Dry Run Passengers on Frontier Flight
Were . . . (DRUM ROLL) ARABS

By   Debbie Schlussel

There’s been much mainstream media hype that passengers and crew
“overreacted” to three fellow passengers who spent a long time in the
bathrooms, yesterday, on
 Frontier Airlines Flight 623 from San
Diego to Detroit (with a stop in Denver).  But it’s much more than
“overreaction.” And it wasn’t a “make-out session” or sexual encounter
as ABC News initially reported and
  later admitted was false (the FBI claims that no two people
were in the bathroom at the same time are contradicted by passengers-see



In fact, what the media won’t tell you is that the three passengers in
question were Arabs, two men and a woman (who, some reports say, wore a
hijab-the Muslim headscarf for women).  The three Muslim passengers got up
at the same time, with two of them going into the bathroom at the rear of
the plane and one of them going into the bathroom closer to the front of the
plane.  All three spent a very long time in bathrooms.  An “extraordinarily
long time” in the words of the captain and crew, who reported this to
authorities, the reason the plane was met with a platoon of cops after it
was diverted to an isolated area of the airport upon landing.

How do I know all of this?  Well, not from any mainstream media reports,
which have shielded the “real victims of 9/11″-Muslims-from any mention in
coverage of what happened on the Frontier plane.  But, this morning,
passenger named Patrick Pasfield was on popular Detroit morning radio show,
“Drew and Mike.”  He gave the details, as the Arab passengers were sitting
not far behind him.  When host Drew Lane asked him, “What did the
passengers look like?,” Pasfield immediately responded, “they were

It’s doubly suspicious that
 three passengers on a flight from Los Angeles to New York
engaged in the exact same pattern of behavior, with frequent and long trips
to the bathroom.  What are their names?  Ahmed, Mohammed, and Hamida?  And
watch this video, below, of what the passengers described-very suspicous
behavior, indeed.

This isn’t the first time several Muslim passengers went to the bathroom at
the same time in a terrorist dry run.  We know that not long after the 9/11
attacks, a Northwest Airlines plane from Detroit carried several Syrian
Muslim men who did the same thing.  One of them was a known terrorist, and
the Department of Homeland Security report from the investigation is so
redacted, it’s clear something scary was going on that the government
doesn’t want you to know about, lest you face the truth about Flying While
Non-Muslim when there are Muslims on your plane.

So, you tell me what else could possibly be going on here, other than a dry
run or “probing the system” for a terrorist attack.  Three Arabs go to the
bathroom at the same time (two of them in one bathroom at a time-and not to
have sex, because, hey, this is the virginal “Religion of Modesty,”
right?).  They occupy both bathrooms on opposite ends of the plane.  They
spend a long time in the bathrooms.  A very long time.  And they do it on
the tenth anniversary of their religion’s attack on America using planes.

They know better.  They did this deliberately.  And they are cold and
calculating.  They are at war against us.  We are at  . . . the mall and on
the couch watching “E! True Hollywood Story” (or the Kim Kardashian
multi-millionairess porn-star-in-white wedding).

But, no worries, because Famous But Incompetent said they are innocent and
were released without charges.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they are being followed, now that they’ve been
released.  But I would be even less surprised if they were not being
followed, and their names were entered into some meaningless FBI circular
file, never to be shared with another agency or investigating member of law
enforcement again.  That’s the usual drill, ten years after 9/11.

Nothing to see here.  Move along.

By the way, as you may recall, after the Undiebomeber, Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab, failed in hi


2011-09-13 Thread Beowulf
No challenge to the US.


Obama will bow before the Muslims.





September 13, 2011


By Simon Henderson

To read this PolicyWatch on our website, go to:


Ankara's warning that Turkey will stop Israel from unilaterally exploiting
gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean poses a direct challenge to U.S.


On September 8, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Aljazeera
that his government had taken steps to prevent Israel from unilaterally
exploiting natural resources in the Mediterranean Sea. "Israel has begun to
declare that it has the right to act in exclusive economic areas in the
Mediterranean," he stated, apparently citing Israeli plans to tap newly
discovered offshore gas reserves. Israel "will not be the owner of this
right," he warned.

In other remarks, Erdogan declared that the Turkish navy would protect
future aid ships bound for Gaza in order to prevent a repetition of the 2010
flotilla incident, in which Israeli commandos killed nine activists
attempting to break the blockade. These comments came just days after the
release of a UN report condemning the deaths but justifying Israel's
blockade -- a judgment that prompted Ankara to drastically reduce diplomatic
relations between the two countries and freeze their substantial military
cooperation and trade.

By September 9, both governments seemed to be stepping back from a
confrontation over any future humanitarian convoy. One Turkish official
reportedly said that Erdogan had been "misquoted" and taken "out of
context," while Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office countered
a media report attributed to the office of Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman
about potentially supporting the terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in
its conflict with Turkey. Even so, the potentially more problematic issue of
offshore natural gas rights looms large.

The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea gives each country the right to
exploit resources in an "exclusive economic zone" up to 200 nautical miles
from its coastline, but maritime border agreements with neighboring states
(including offshore neighbors located less than 400 nautical miles away)
still need to be negotiated. In the eastern Mediterranean, this issue came
to the forefront after Israel discovered substantial offshore gas reserves
estimated to exceed current consumption levels several times over. Such
large-scale findings offer the probability of substantial energy
independence and likely surpluses for export. 

Neighboring Egypt is already a key player in the international natural gas
market, while Lebanon and Cyprus are considered geologically likely to have
significant offshore reserves of their own. The first exploratory drilling
off Cyprus is set to begin next month -- a development that could result in
even more threatening rhetoric from Ankara.


Although Erdogan's September 8 comments conflated the gas and Gaza blockade
issues, the real key to understanding Turkey's current squabbles with Israel
is the unresolved dispute over Cyprus. In the 1960s and 1970s, tensions
between the island's Greek-speaking and Turkish-speaking communities --
backed, respectively, by Athens and Ankara -- often seemed a greater danger
to regional peace than differences between Israelis and Palestinians. Since
1974, when Turkey sent troops to the island to support the Turkish Cypriot
community and block any union between the majority Greek Cypriots and
Greece, the island has been divided, with UN forces interposed between the
two sides.

Frequent attempts at reconciliation have failed. With Ankara's backing,
Turkish Cypriots have established the notionally independent Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is bolstered by the presence of more than
30,000 Turkish soldiers. Yet no country other than Turkey has recognized the
TRNC -- a fact that continues to infuriate Ankara. Meanwhile, the
Greek-majority Republic of Cyprus has become a member of the European Union
and is considered to represent the entire island.

The recent discoveries of natural gas under the eastern Mediterranean seabed
have seemingly prompted Ankara to renew its diplomatic campaign on behalf of
Turkish Cypriots. Erdogan reportedly stated last week: "Turkey, as a
guarantor of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, has taken steps in the
area [of the offshore resources], and it will decisively pursue its right to
monitor international waters in the east Mediterranean." Such a policy could
put Turkey at odds with all the littoral governments of the area, from the
Republic of Cyprus to Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria:

* CYPRUS. Ankara is annoyed that the Republic of Cyprus signed a
maritime bo