>From the second story below, quoting Kofi Annan at today's press conference:

"The European Union will have the ministers' meeting on 7 January, the day
after we [the UN] launch the flash appeal [for support for the tsunami

===> That's more than a week away! <===

Meanwhile... get a load of the following.  Now, both Bush and Annan were on
vacation when the disaster hit.  Bush came back days ago amid cries of
outrage that he'd dared be on vacation when a natural disaster struck; he
quickly marshalled a rapid multinational response that is already delivering
critical aid.  By comparison, Annan just waltzed back today (from Jackson
Hole, no less) and is limply cheerleading for perhaps the most languid
"emergency" response I've ever witnessed.  And yet:


Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition' 
By Jamie Lyons, PA Political Correspondent 

United States President George Bush was tonight accused of trying to
undermine the United Nations by setting up a rival coalition to coordinate
relief following the Asian tsunami disaster.

The president has announced that the US, Japan, India and Australia would
coordinate the world's response.

But former International Development Secretary Clare Short said that role
should be left to the UN.

"I think this initiative from America to set up four countries claiming to
coordinate sounds like yet another attempt to undermine the UN when it is
the best system we have got and the one that needs building up," she said.

"Only really the UN can do that job," she told BBC Radio Four's PM

"It is the only body that has the moral authority. But it can only do it
well if it is backed up by the authority of the great powers."

Ms Short said the coalition countries did not have good records on
responding to international disasters.

She said the US was "very bad at coordinating with anyone" and India had its
own problems to deal with.

"I don't know what that is about but it sounds very much, I am afraid, like
the US trying to have a separate operation and not work with the rest of the
world through the UN system," she added.  


New York, 30 December 2004 - Secretary-General Kofi Annan and UN's Emergency
Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland at press conference on Asian Tsunami disaster

SG: Let me thank you for coming. This is a difficult period for all of us. 

I returned to New York yesterday, to join in this effort, to lead the UN
effort on the tsunami disaster. First of all let me say that my thoughts and
prayers are with the people of the region, and with those in many other
countries who have lost loved ones. As the death toll mounts, and we
continue to search for the missing, we should also not forget the survivors,
especially the poor, and the many millions of vulnerable in that region. 

I have also had the chance to speak to all the leaders of the countries
affected, not only to offer my condolences, but also to see how the UN and
the international community can work with them, and to stress the need for
effective coordination of national, regional and international efforts. 

This is an unprecedented, global catastrophe and it requires an
unprecedented, global response. Over the past few days, it has registered
deeply in the consciousness and conscience of the world, as we seek to grasp
the speed, the force and magnitude with which it happened. 

But we must also remain committed for the longer term. We know that the
impact will be felt for a long time to come.

The latest figures speak for themselves: at least one hundred and fifteen
thousand are dead in the region; half a million injured; one million
displaced; and at least five million in need of immediate assistance.

We have had a good response. As of today, a total of half a billion dollars
in assistance has been pledged or received, as well as contributions in
kind. More than 30 countries have stepped forward to help, as have millions
of individuals from around the world.

As Jan Egeland has told you over the past few days, and I repeated earlier,
coordination of the response is now absolutely essential. How well the
international community and the affected countries work together now will
determine how well we will deal with all aspects of the disaster -- both in
the immediate and the longer term.

This morning, I met with the heads of UN agencies and those within the
Inter-Agency Standing Committee on humanitarian relief. I also met with the
newly formed Core Group, consisting of Australia, India, Japan and the
United States; and my last meeting this morning was with the Permanent
Representatives of the 12 countries most affected. This afternoon, after I
leave you, I will be meeting with the European Union, following up on our
efforts to assist. 

Above all, I would like to assure the people of the region that the entire
United Nations family stands ready to assist, and we stand behind them. We
will work with them in every way we can to rebuild their lives, livelihoods
and communities devastated by this catastrophe. I will now take a few

Q: Could you give us an indication: there is a core group, there is the
United Nations, there is a whole bunch of different groups coordinating -
who is taking the leadership role on the humanitarian side of this? Did this
come as a surprise to you, the American decision to create this special
group? Also, perhaps a little bit on the bottlenecks for aid coming in: what
is being done to try to address that issue?

SG: Thank you for the question. In fact, I did speak to Secretary of State
Powell yesterday as the announcement was made, and we have also spoken this
morning. The core group will support the United Nations effort. We also
expect the core group to grow. There are other countries that have indicated
a desire to join the core group, and I think it would be a good thing that
we have a real international effort. It is clear that their purpose is to
work with us and to support the United Nations effort, and we are going to
make it a truly international effort. In fact, in the meetings we had this
morning, Mr. Jim Wolfensohn of the World Bank also was a part of it. So we
are beginning to look not only at the short term, but also at the
longer-term recovery and reconstruction, together.

On the logistical problem, quite a lot is being done. In fact, from the
discussions we had with Governments this morning, not only are some offering
communication and transport, but they are also moving assets to the region.
In fact, Jan Egeland will give you a bit more detail on the military
efforts, military capacities that are being moved to the area, using Bangkok
as a hub to be able to move goods into other areas. And other Governments
have offered facilities for us to use their airports and move goods forward.

Q: With the work that the United Nations is already doing in places like
Darfur, Afghanistan, et cetera, to what extent are the human resources of
the United Nations strained by the need to get people to the South Asia
region? Do you have enough people, trained people, to get in there and do
that? Is there a strain on the United Nations system at this point?

SG: First of all, let me say that we do not do it alone; we do it with our
essential partners. For example, in Asia, we are working with the Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies, the non-governmental organizations and the local
Governments. The initial responses by the Governments have been really very
good, and the local Red Cross and Red Crescents have been active; and so we
work in partnership with them. But your point is well taken, that we are
going to be stretched; we need to bring in additional people to work with
us. And, of course, not only are we going to be stretched in terms of
manpower and human resources, but we are also going to be stretched
financially and technically. We hope that the response will be sustained
across the board and that it will not be robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Q: There has been some dispute or contentiousness over the fact of whether
wealthy countries are doing what they ought to do in general. Let me ask you
about this particular crisis right now. Are you satisfied that the rich
countries are stepping up in this particular crisis and giving you
everything you need? 

And could I just ask you one thing along the same lines? In the
teleconference, I understand, the question was raised as to whether this
crisis was so gigantic that maybe the international community's response had
to be much larger than it had been; and I wondered if that is a thought you
had had.

SG: Let me say that, in this particular instance, the response has been very
good. We have had a very good response. Governments have donated, and they
have indicated to us that they will do more. Not only have they made pledges
and contributions in terms of cash, but they have also given in-kind
contributions and moved their assets - planes, equipment and things - into
the region that would also be helpful to us. And the Governments in the
region are also becoming very actively engaged in the process.

So, I am satisfied with the response so far. The only thing I want to stress
is that we are in this for the long term, and we need to help people rebuild
their lives. We need to help the poor who have lost everything rebuild their
lives and work with the Governments to make that possible.

On the question of the magnitude of the crisis: yes, we did discuss it. Not
only did we discuss it, we agreed that it is so huge that no one agency or
one country can deal with it alone and that we need to coordinate our
efforts and pool our efforts to have maximum impact on the crisis. Everybody
seems to be aware of that. It is going to require lots of money, lots of
effort and for the longer term.

Q: This disaster is tremendous, and there are calls now by the Italian Prime
Minister to convene an emergency summit of the G-8. There are those who say,
why doesn't the United Nations take the bull by the horns and ask for a
bigger summit? There are countries like the Gulf States, with their rich
resources, which can contribute a great deal.

Another question is on Sudan: tomorrow there will be a signing. Can we have
your thoughts on this subject, and how can this help in solving the
second-biggest disaster: in Darfur?

SG: We will be making a flash appeal on 6 January. That appeal will be made
to all Governments with a capacity to contribute to the emergency. And there
will be a second pledging conference on 11 January. So, our appeal is not
limited to any group of countries. We will be reaching out and pleading with
everybody; Governments - and individuals, as I have said - have also been
very generous.

On your question on Darfur - I think you were in Nairobi with me when the
Security Council met there - if the agreement is concluded and signed
tomorrow, I think it will have a positive impact on the country. We would
expect that once the agreement is signed, it will lead to a national
conference and national dialogue, and it will also add momentum to the
search for a solution in Darfur. Some of the agreements and the solutions
they found for the north-south conflict could apply to Darfur and, in that
respect, could facilitate the negotiations on the Darfur crisis.

Q: Where do you stand on calls for debt moratoriums or debt relief for the
countries affected?

SG: I think this is an issue that we will discuss down the line. We have not
really focused on it as such. But as I said, we are looking at the issue in
the short term and the longer term, and all these issues will be looked at
as we move along the line.

Q: You said that there has already been half a billion dollars of aid
pledged by various Governments -

SG: No: I must say that $250 million is from the World Bank. Mr. Jim
Wolfensohn, who was in the conference call with us, announced it. And so, he
has been very good indicating that they are prepared to do more. So, half of
it is from the World Bank.

Q: So, when you make this flash appeal, which I understand is going to be a
six-month appeal, do you expect that appeal to exceed $1 billion?

SG: I think we are working on the assessment. Do you have a figure yet?

Mr. Egeland: We do not know yet. It should be in the hundreds of millions,
but the flash appeal will be for the six-months humanitarian effort. Beyond
that is, as the Secretary-General said, the reconstruction effort, which
will be just tremendous. And the total damage is in the billions and
billions of dollars. Much of that will, of course, be borne, as it is
already, by some of the countries concerned.

Q: Mr. Secretary-General, two questions. How do you evaluate the Islamic
world response to the disaster? My second question is, how much is the
latest figure of children who are victims and have disappeared in the

SG: I don't have the details of that. I will ask Jan if he has the details
to answer your question.

Mr. Egeland: We see one third of the victims being children. This is going
through the dead, the wounded and also those affected. Actually, it would be
more than a third of those who are affected in general. But of the
casualties, it is around one third.

And the Islamic world is coming really to the relief of the tsunami victims.
What is in this list - I am just going through the latest list of recorded
contributions - it is page after page after page of countries, some
traditional and very many untraditional. It is Latin American countries. It
is Arab countries. It is Eastern European countries. And it is, more than
anything, also Asian countries, neighbours. Some of the things we also heard
and the Secretary-General was hearing of this morning, from India and
Malaysia, has not yet entered our lists even.

Q: Will you go to the region? Are you considering a trip? Can you update
your statement at your end-of-the-year news conference regarding what a
horrible year it was? And, describe looking at the images, I assume, on
vacation, and whether you thought about coming back earlier and just what
you were looking at. And the role of the United Nations after being bashed
all year: is this, unfortunately on the back of horrible disaster, an
opportunity for the United Nations?

SG: Let me say that at my last press conference, when I said this has been a
horrible year, I didn't expect anything like this to happen before the year
ended. It was bad enough up to that point. But this has been a real tragedy
and disaster for those in that region.

Ever since the disaster struck, as I have indicated, I have been on the line
with the leaders of the region, discussing what should be done and also been
constantly in touch here with my team and Jan. And, of course, that also
explains the reason why I am back now.

I think the United Nations has an important role to play, and we are going
to play a lead role in this, working with the entire international
community. And we have to rely on the generosity of the major donors. And as
I have indicated, so far the response has been very good, and I would want
to see it sustained.

I haven't planned an immediate trip, but it is not excluded.

Q: Mr. Secretary, picking up on Richard's question, I think a lot of people
are asking exactly why you waited three days on vacation in Jackson Hole,
Wyoming, before you decided to fly back to New York in the face of this
extraordinary crisis. Could you give us a full explanation of your thinking
on that? Secondly, what kind of signal does that 72-hour delay send to the
nations to which you are now appealing for greater help?

SG: First of all, there was action. It wasn't inaction. We live in a world
where you can operate from wherever you are. You know the world we live in
now. You don't have to be physically here to be dealing with the leaders and
the Governments I have been dealing with. You don't have to be physically
here to be discussing with some of the agencies that we have done.

I came back here because we have reached a level that I wanted to have
meetings with all the people that I have met with today. So, we have taken
action. And I don't have to be sitting in my office to take action. I think
the same goes for you in your profession.

Q: Given the magnitude of this disaster, shouldn't the United Nations,
rather the United States, have taken the lead in establishing a coalition of
donor and affected countries to deal with this disaster? And following up on
the last two questions, shouldn't you, as Secretary-General, possibly be
visiting the affected region to show moral support to the affected

SG: First of all, on the question of how we pool the international community
together, I think it is important that an initiative has been taken. We
ourselves were discussing our possible initiative, but I applaud what has
been done by the United States Government, by the United States
Administration and President Bush. As I have said, we have spoken to other
countries which are also going to join the group, and that group will be in
support of the efforts that the United Nations is leading. So, we are very
satisfied with that.

On the question of visits to the region, as I indicated, that is not
excluded. But let me also say that we all need to be careful. When you have
these sorts of massive emergencies, the urgent need is assistance to the
people - shelter, food, water, health and other things. When we sometimes
overwhelm them with high-profile visitors, we move people away from their
work, and in fact we become more of a problem, an impediment, than actual

So, one should go to the region, but at the right time. Those who go to the
region should make sure that they do not detract from the essential work
that is being done, because it takes lots of efforts, and they have limited
facilities. In some of these places, you often would not have even
accommodation - and all the essential accommodation should go to those who
actually doing it. So, yes, visit the region, but at the right time.

Q: This is a question for the Secretary General, or maybe Mr. Egeland. The
death count keeps going up and up, and I am wondering what the process is.
The United Nations is taking the lead road in compiling this. How do you
calculate the death toll figures?

SG: Some of it comes from the Governments and the other agencies on the
ground. And I am sure that some of the Governments themselves have been
surprised. Those I was in touch with three days ago gave a certain number,
and they thought that that was it. Those numbers have tripled or quadrupled.
And as the sea washes them back to the shores, you keep finding new people.
And there are areas that we have not have access to, and as you gain access
to these new areas, you find additional horrors. Jan, you may want to add to

Mr. Egeland: The figures are still only estimates. The 115,000 figure will
rise further today, I think. Indonesia has informed us that their official
figure is now nearly 75,000 dead. Sri Lanka says that, in addition to the
24,000 confirmed, there are 6000 missing. So the two combined are more than
100,000 - just Indonesia and Sri Lanka. 

The United Nations tried to monitor all the information flow in the whole
area. We admit that we are behind, because we are totally reliant on local
sources. And there are many fishing boats, fishermen, fishing villages that
will never, ever, hear about. These are the nameless victims of this
disaster. I heard in Somalia 100 fishing vessels had gone. There may be many
more that we have never heard of. Along the Sumatra and Aceh coast, there
are many communities where we have not even been able to visit yet. We hope
to be able to do that in the next few hours. 

We need more logistic capabilities, and one of the things we will be
discussing with the core group - and it makes a lot of sense to have a core
group of some of the countries having military and civil defence assets in
the region - is helicopters, assistance in having air freight control and so
on, so we can move in a better manner.

SG: Let me say that at the end of the day, when things have quietened down
and we have really analysed the figures, it is quite possible that the
figures we are giving you now may have to change. But we are working with
the figures that we have, based on the estimates that we have been given.
And this happens in most emergencies, that the final figure is usually quite

Question (interpretation from French): You have stressed the long-term
aspect. You will recall that on 26 December 2003, in Bam, Iran, there was
another major earthquake, which caused 40,000 deaths and nearly 100,000
homeless people. At the time, donors made pledges, but two days ago Iranian
President Khatami said that of that $1 billion only about $17 million has
actually been disbursed. How can you ensure that that kind of problem does
not happen again? 

Also, Africa is beset by disaster - I am thinking of Somalia and parts of
Tanzania. I know that there are efforts under way in this area, but what do
you intend to do to give them further assistance to African victims?

The Secretary-General (interpretation from French): Not all the money that
was pledged for the Iran crisis has been disbursed. I hope that this time,
as the international community is really aware - everyone is involved - we
will fulfil our promises. This is why, right from the outset I have said
that what we need to do is to work for the long term, because it is a long
road to travel. I hope that this time the international community will
accept this thinking. And the efforts that we are making involve African
countries, as well. This morning the representative of Somalia came and
spoke to us. We discussed these issues. There is a team in place in Somalia,
so we are busy assisting African countries, also.

Q: The International Conference on Disaster Reduction is going to be held in
Kobe next month. What kind of discussions or outcomes would you like to see,
especially in terms of an early-warning system for tsunamis? Would you
consider attending the Conference yourself because of the tsunami disaster?

SG: Let me say that it will be an opportunity for the international
community to look at disasters and early-warning systems - and, of course,
the question of why we did not have a warning system in the Indian Ocean for
the tsunami would also be discussed. Of course, now it is very much on the
agenda. I think it will raise awareness amongst all countries and
participants that prevention is a very essential work, and we need not only
an early-warning system but also prevention and planning against some of
these disasters, as some other countries have done. Japan, for example, has
been able to plan and design for these kinds of disasters. And I think this
will be a chance to share experiences. 

As of the moment, I do not have plans to attend the Conference.

Q: Mr. Egeland brought up the question of the millennium goal of 0.7 per
cent of GDP for foreign aid. First of all, should this be a separate
account? Should this be in that account? And is it the correct thing to talk
about in this context? 

The second Q: Mr. Brahimi keeps making comments publicly that your spokesman
tells me do not reflect your view on the Israeli-Palestinian issues. Do
they? And, secondly, is it time to let him go, then?

SG: Let me start with your first question. Or do you want me to start with
the second? Okay, I will start with the second.

I had really not wanted to get into any other topic except this major
disaster that we have in front of us. But I will say that Mr. Brahimi, who
is a very experienced diplomat and has served the international community
well, has sometimes expressed his views. I think I gave a statement on this
not more than two weeks ago, and I do not think I have anything to add to
that statement. Fred, you issued a statement? No, I issued a statement. Fred
can give you a copy. And that is still my position. 

Q: What about the first question?

SG: On the question of 0.7: first of all, most Governments distinguish
between humanitarian emergency funds and development assistance funds. And I
think that that is the way it should be. One is for long-term development
and the other is for immediate relief. Some - but very few - have it all in
one basket. So, when we talk of development funds, we are talking about
long-term developmental efforts. And I think I would want Governments to be
able to respond to emergencies by making additional resources available,
rather than taking it out of the development funds, because it does not
really move us forward.

Q: How do you feel about the way some people are treating the United Nations
as a political football in the midst of a humanitarian disaster?

SG: Well, as you have heard this morning, we see that we have such a major
and huge task to do that we are focusing on it. And I think as long as we
focus on our work and work effectively with our partners and help coordinate
this effort, if there are people who are determined to play football, they
will also give up and probably join in the constructive work.

Q: What do you think the tsunami is going to do to the international war on
terrorism? Do you feel that, perhaps, it may dislodge it from the top of the
international agenda? And given the extent and magnitude of what is
described as terrorism activities in places like Indonesia, how concerned
are you that donor money, or some of it, may end up flowing into what some
Governments call the "wrong pockets" there?

SG: I think the essential thing is, as I said, not only to be generous and
coordinate the efforts, but also to monitor and ensure that it goes to the
people who actually need it and it doesn't get into the wrong hands. That
will be the responsibility of those of us and the Governments who are
involved in this relief operation. 

I don't think that the fact that we are dealing with the tsunami crisis will
detract over the long term from the concern Governments have about
terrorism. I think terrorism is a long-term issue and it is not going to go
away because we are today focused on the tsunami.

Q: I have two questions. We are seeing this disaster as a human threat, I
think. Do you think it could be prevented or was there any way to minimize
this disaster? The other question is: As you are focusing on the structural
change in this international body, do you think this disaster will affect
that somehow?

SG: I think, on your first question, we all agree that, if there had been an
early-warning system, it could have mitigated against the disaster and they
would have had some notice - not much, because of the speed and the
suddenness with which the disaster occurred. But they would have had some
warning and perhaps saved some people.

As to whether it would affect the reform proposals on the table, I hope not.
I don't think it should. I think perhaps it should underscore the fact that,
as an international community, we need to work together. And I think the
response not only to the tsunami, but the victims are also international.
Many countries lost people and Governments are responding very effectively.
And so I hope it underscores the need for us to cooperate across national
borders and work together.

Q: Returning to the long-term question, is it clear to you that major donor
countries will have to increase their ODA budgets in order, as you said, not
to rob Peter to pay Paul? Secondly, what sort of political opportunity is
there for the developed world to show a commitment to the developing world
over the long-term in order to maintain, as it either does or does not
maintain, a focus on reconstruction?

SG: I think I would want to see Governments respond to this crisis without
depleting resources from the development account, because we are already
behind in many countries in our efforts to meet the Millennium Development
Goals. And in fact we have been saying that, to meet those Goals, we need an
additional $50 billion a year. If, instead of seeing an increase in the
development budget, we were to see a decrease or a deviation of the funds to
other emergency issues, then it will be a very difficult situation and it
will almost be impossible to meet the development goals that leaders of the
world set themselves five years ago.

On the question of political advantage, I think it is an opportunity. Let me
put it this way: it is an opportunity for the developed world to work
together with the developing countries, and not only to work together with
them, but to work together in the long run in their own interests to ensure
that we don't have situations which fester and create desperate people who
could be capable of doing all sorts of things. And so I think, by working
together with the developing countries and ensuring that people who have
lost everything are able to rebuild their lives, it would be in the
interests of all.

Q: This morning, an official of CARE USA said that no one wants to admit
that there are limits to what can be done. She said that we may be in a
situation where everything that can be done is not enough. To what extent
would you agree that everything that can be done is not enough?

SG: That is possible, because the needs are enormous. The Governments
themselves are doing whatever they can. The region is being mobilized and,
of course, the wider international community is also coming in. And it is
conceivable that one may not be able to fulfil every possible need of each
of the countries and each of the coastal villages that have been destroyed.
But what we could not forgive ourselves for is for not even trying, not even
really making an effort to help these people meet their desperate needs. I
think our common humanity demands it and we should all do our best to really
help them. If we fall short, at least we can be satisfied that we did
everything possible.

Q: Can you just flesh out in a little more detail the kinds of logistical
problems you're facing? Are they problems of transportation, with
coordination and other things? Just describe in a little more detail how
that's unfolding and what you're facing.

Mr. Egeland: Our main problems now are in northern Sumatra and Aceh. We have
problems all over, and I agree that it is beyond the reach of all our
combined resources in these five massive parallel operations from Somalia to

In Aceh, today 50 trucks of relief supplies are arriving. They will have
arrived because it's already late there. Tomorrow, we will have eight full
airplanes arriving. I discussed today with Washington whether we can draw on
some assets on their side, after consultations with the Indonesian
Government, to set up what we call an "air-freight handling centre" in Aceh.
Tomorrow, we will have to set up a camp for relief workers - 90 of them -
which is fully self-contained, with kitchen, food, lodging, everything,
because they have nowhere to stay and we don't want them to be an additional
burden on the people there.

One of the figures we had was that, in one of the towns in Aceh, there are
40,000 dead. So it just shows that, in that area, we have the full blast of
the epicentre. And it is also the area where infrastructure was the worst to
start with, distances are the biggest, and where most of the existing
infrastructure is totally, totally gone. 

There are some of the areas that have had conflicts or have conflicts -
Somalia has still an active conflict going. We still have to reach with our
food trucks. There has been a conflict both in Aceh and in the Tamil areas.
We are heartened to see that we have not had political access problems, and
I believe that this phenomenal catastrophe can bring not only the world
together more than anything in the long term, but also the peoples of the
region together and even the peoples of the countries concerned. So in all
of this there are confidence-building measures that are possible.

Q: My question is about the support of the United States and their core
group in the United Nations effort. Can you be more specific about the
efforts of the core group and how they will complement the United Nations?
And what are the coordination tasks being done to make sure that efforts are
not duplicated between the different agencies?

Mr. Egeland: In the meeting today with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee,
which is all the United Nations agencies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent and
the non-governmental organizations, we again reviewed the structure, which
is that OCHA, which is my Office - and I am the Emergency Relief Coordinator
- is the one to coordinate our collective efforts through the country teams,
where we have Resident Coordinators, strengthened by additional staff that
we sent from some 15 countries, and a few dozen experts that have come to
strengthen the country teams. So it is now actually pretty clear who should
bring water to Aceh, who should concentrate on medicine - medical facilities
- in Aceh, who should bring the food to Aceh, who will do the tent camp for
everybody there, and who will do the logistics at the airport: we have
divided the task between ourselves.

It makes a lot of sense that the United States took the initiative with this
core group, because several of these have now sent military assets there.
They have a heavy presence in the region. And as such I regard this group a
little bit like the European Union group, whom we were meeting now - the
Secretary-General and a few of us - this afternoon. The European Union will
have the ministers' meeting on 7 January, the day after we launch the flash
appeal, and they will then be able to respond as such.

Q: Mr. Egeland, there has been a lot of warnings out of Geneva about
diseases. Have you had any evidence yet that diseases have begun to break
out anywhere?

Mr. Egeland: Yes. This morning we were informed by the World Health
Organization that diarrhoeal disease is on the clear rise. I have also heard
that respiratory disease is on the rise. And we could be in the situation
that more children could die from diarrhoea in the next weeks than those who
were killed by the tsunami. This is always the after-effect of major natural
disasters. It is also the after-effect of wars: more children die from
preventable disease than from war.

Q: [unintelligible] cholera and things like that? No?

Mr. Egeland: Nothing like that. In terms of cholera and others - that kind
of diseases - we are becoming increasingly good in combating that with the
kind of standby teams that we have and that can go very quickly to try to
kill an outbreak. But diarrhoea and malaria will be on the rise. These are
water-borne diseases, if you like -and malaria also flourishes when there is
a lot of water - and that will kill many people, unfortunately.

Q: What are the regions where you are getting these outbreaks?

Mr. Egeland: Well, we have heard from Sri Lanka and Indonesia already - the
rise of disease. But I think it will be safe to say that we have had much
more disease in all of the areas affected. And remember: India is also a
severely affected society.

Q: I just wanted to check: this 40 million that the World Health
Organization is calling for - this is in addition to the 130 million that
you called for the other day?

Mr. Egeland: The 130 million was the appeals of the country team, including
the World Health Organization officials, in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and
Maldives. Beyond these three countries, the World Health Organization also
have needs, and therefore part of it is inside and part of it is outside,
because it is for all of the countries, as I have understood.

Q: I had hoped to ask the Secretary-General this question because it is
appropriate for him to do so, but I did not have a chance. President Bush
had spoken about setting up a centre or a system - a global system to
monitor future disasters. The Secretary-General has met with the
coordinators - the four countries coordinating the major disaster relief
programmes. And he has also spoken to Secretary Powell. Does he have any
sense of where this agency or system - global system - will be placed:
Whether it will be within the United Nations system or outside of it?

Mr. Egeland: These are among the things I hope we will be discussing in the
World Conference on Disaster Reduction, in Kobe Japan, from 18 to 22
January. We will have 2,000 international experts and officials from 150
countries. We discussed today that we will have a special event looking at
preparedness and early warning in these kind of situations. It is debated in
the academic and scientific community what kind of early warning systems we
can have and could have: for example, on tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. We,
the United Nations, want to facilitate that, and we want to discuss which
organizations should take part. I coordinate the international strategy for
disaster reduction with a special secretariat in Geneva reporting to me, as
Emergency Relief Coordinator. And in that network everybody from the World
Meteorological Organization to the International Telecommunication Union and
all our United Nations agencies - the World Bank and so on - participate.
So, that could be one forum.

Q: Two questions: One, there were reports about wild animals being spared
somehow, probably running away with some kind of inner - . Do you have
confirmation for that? And, if so, will that be an early warning type of
system. And secondly, do you feel that your comment - that "stingy" comment
- created a healthy competition?

Mr. Egeland: The first one I do not know of. But I know there are many quite
creative ideas, actually, to do early warning. Yes, so there are many ways
and manners.

On the second one: No, I did not want to raise any discussion in the midst
of this emergency. But, to your earlier question to SG: I was asked a
question in this forum at the end of a very long press conference, when we
discussed disaster prevention, preparedness, the Kobe Conference, the global
needs. And in that context, I said that I am not satisfied with the many
rich countries in the world, who are getting increasingly rich, and their
ability to respond to the needs of those who are getting increasingly poor.
It is my job, my full-time job, to advocate for the poor and to ask for more
money from those who can give. I am particularly oriented to get more money
from the newly rich countries in Asia, in the Gulf region, in Latin America,
in Eastern Europe. And I was thinking as much of those as any of the
traditional donors, and I am very sad that my clarification - which I
thought was very clear also in the press conference - did not stop that one
discussion. I see now that it may also lead to discussion of additional
funding for good causes, and I would welcome that.

Q: When we talk about the damage and deaths in the coastal areas around the
Indian Ocean, we are talking clearly about water and flooding. When you
spoke a moment ago about the damage in Aceh and you said this caught the
full blast of the epicentre, were you saying that the people who died there
died from the earthquake, or died from the flooding, or died from both of

Mr. Egeland: I think it can be both, because really that is the only region
which really also had a full blast of the earthquake. And many could be dead
in buildings collapsing before they were drowned by the tsunami, actually.
This is so close to the epicentre also that there was absolutely no time,
really, between the earthquake and the tsunami. So, in a way, it is an
academic exercise to see what was worst.

Q: Mr. Egeland, in answer to my question about the United Nations human
resources being stretched thin, perhaps, by this, the Secretary-General
referred to the idea of bringing some people in. Can you flesh out what he
means by that: what number of people; putting people on contract for a
period of time - what does he have in mind there, or do you have in mind?

Mr. Egeland: We are overstretched. We were overstretched already with Darfur
and eastern Congo. Again, also back to my frustration of the funding for
good causes - my good causes - is in eastern Congo we have surveys saying
that 1,000 people die per day from preventable disease and from humanitarian
neglect. That is a tsunami every four months - for years. We do not have
enough resources. We do not, either, have enough personnel. However, I think
it would be defeatist to say that, no, it is limited what we can do. In this
world, everything is possible. And there are additional assets that we can
and should bring on. I lie awake at night thinking of new ways we can bring
in new partners and new resources. We have a very good opportunity to bring
in military and civil defense assets here, and I welcome, really, the offer
of the United States and Australia and India and Singapore and many other
countries of military and civil defense assets to this response to natural
disaster - because we do not have the capacities that they can bring.

So, that is one additional layer of support. If we also look at the list, it
is very encouraging to see: I mean, East Timor gives $50,000. It is one of
the poorest countries on the Earth. Eastern European countries are among
those who now give us personnel that we sent within the first 24 hours - the
wave of experts that we call the United Nations Disaster Assessment Teams.
They were not in the family before. So: yes, we can. Everything is possible
if we think creatively and if we are generous as an international community.

Q: To clarify that: I guess you are not really referring to adding people to
the United Nations payroll?

Mr. Egeland: For example, the United Nations Disaster Assessment Teams came,
in the first 48 hours, from 12 countries. They were paid by their own
countries. They would be municipality workers in London or in Estonia or in
India or anywhere else, or work in non-governmental organizations: highly
trained people stand by. We cover some of the cost; usually the country
itself covers their salary. That is the kind of standby arrangements that I
think is the future, because we cannot have expensive staff hanging around
in New York and Geneva - or Bangkok or Nairobi for that matter. We must be
able to respond quickly by having standby arrangements. And, more and more,
those should not be in the north-west, where most of the standby
arrangements are now; most of them are within Nordic countries and Britain
and Switzerland and Japan and Canada and the United States. We should have
much more standby arrangements, as we are building them already, in Asia, in
Latin America and in Africa. So, that is really the future. 

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