[osint] Obstacles abound to U.N. Mideast force

2006-08-08 Thread Bruce Tefft
Yeah: Hizballah, Iran and Syria.

Obstacles abound to U.N. Mideast force


Associated Press

VIENNA, Austria - Across the globe, at least 15 nations are considering
sending troops to an eventual U.N.-mandated international force in southern
Lebanon - including Malaysia, Indonesia and Norway.
But scores of others - skittish about a potential Middle East quagmire or
already stretched thin elsewhere, such as the United States and Britain -
have ruled out sending soldiers.
And over the whole enterprise hangs a Catch-22: Israel refuses to leave
until the force is in place, and nations won't go in until a cease-fire is
in effect.
We do not want foreign troops to commit suicide by entering Lebanon under
the current situation, said Syed Hamid Albar, the foreign minister of
Malaysia, which has 1,000 soldiers on standby.
That accounts for the wait-and-see approach adopted by many nations.
Diplomats are preoccupied with pushing through a U.N. resolution aimed at
ending nearly a month of fighting before they tackle the question of a
multinational force.
The 15 countries willing in principle to deploy forces - provided they get a
strong U.N. mandate with clear rules of engagement - are Australia, Brazil,
Chile, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey. There is also Poland, which
already has 200 soldiers serving as U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon and has
said it's inclined to keep them there.
Three of the 15 have offered specifics of what they're ready to commit:
Malaysia, which says its 1,000-strong contingent would be backed by armored
vehicles; Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, which has
offered about 800 men; and Norway, which has pledged nearly 100 marines and
four missile torpedo boats.
Troop contributions could come from Italy, which last month promised a
substantial contribution; Turkey, which has experience leading U.N.
peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan and Somalia; and France, which
already has about 1,300 personnel and several frigates in the area.
I don't foresee any more than 5,000 French in the zone, said Cmdr. Jerome
Erulin, a French military spokesman, cautioning that it was too early to
determine his nation's role. Five thousand would be the high end of the
range, he said.
Speculation on who might command a multinational force in southern Lebanon
has centered on Turkey and France.
A daunting tangle of potential complications threatens to bedevil the
international effort even before it gets under way.
Among the more striking examples is Germany. It has not ruled out
contributing troops, but its leaders - mindful of the country's Nazi past -
are anxious to avoid any scenario in which German soldiers could wind up in
conflict with Israelis.
There are plenty of other thorny issues.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said his country would stop its
offensive only after the deployment of a robust international force - an
army with combat units ready and willing to rein in Hezbollah.
That raises the question of whether the Europeans and others are prepared
for a campaign that could go beyond peacekeeping and firing weapons purely
in self defense to the potentially bloody business of engaging and disarming
Hezbollah militants. And with Hezbollah mixed among civilians, that involves
a very high risk that the force would cause civilian casualties.
Some military analysts have raised the possibility that Hezbollah, if forced
back by international troops, could lob its rockets over their heads and
keep hitting targets in northern Israel. If Israel wanted to strike back by
ground assault, it would presumably be up to the force to stop it.
The United States says it plans to help train and equip the Lebanese army,
which many hope would ultimately take over the border area. Britain has
hinted it may offer technical assistance.
But there are questions about whether the United States - busy training
Iraqi security forces - has enough instructors to train Lebanese troops, and
whether that training would be possible in Lebanon or best done in another
Cyprus has been mentioned as a possible staging point for international
troops. But Turkey, which does not recognize the island's Greek-led
government, would be restricted to using Cyprus' northern, ethnically
Turkish part.
In much of the Muslim world, there is broad support for the idea of sending
troops. Even Malaysia's largest opposition bloc, the fundamentalist
Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, contends the world's Muslims have a moral
responsibility to help end the violence.
The mission is good because it can prevent a broader Middle East conflict,
said Cholil Munawir, a supporter of Indonesia's Islamic Community Forum,
which bitterly opposes Israel's campaign in Lebanon.
But elsewhere, public resistance is building, just as it did before the 2003
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. 

[osint] Obstacles abound to U.N. Mideast force

2006-08-08 Thread Bruce Tefft
Yeah: Hizballah, Iran and Syria.

Obstacles abound to U.N. Mideast force


Associated Press

VIENNA, Austria - Across the globe, at least 15 nations are considering
sending troops to an eventual U.N.-mandated international force in southern
Lebanon - including Malaysia, Indonesia and Norway.
But scores of others - skittish about a potential Middle East quagmire or
already stretched thin elsewhere, such as the United States and Britain -
have ruled out sending soldiers.
And over the whole enterprise hangs a Catch-22: Israel refuses to leave
until the force is in place, and nations won't go in until a cease-fire is
in effect.
We do not want foreign troops to commit suicide by entering Lebanon under
the current situation, said Syed Hamid Albar, the foreign minister of
Malaysia, which has 1,000 soldiers on standby.
That accounts for the wait-and-see approach adopted by many nations.
Diplomats are preoccupied with pushing through a U.N. resolution aimed at
ending nearly a month of fighting before they tackle the question of a
multinational force.
The 15 countries willing in principle to deploy forces - provided they get a
strong U.N. mandate with clear rules of engagement - are Australia, Brazil,
Chile, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey. There is also Poland, which
already has 200 soldiers serving as U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon and has
said it's inclined to keep them there.
Three of the 15 have offered specifics of what they're ready to commit:
Malaysia, which says its 1,000-strong contingent would be backed by armored
vehicles; Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, which has
offered about 800 men; and Norway, which has pledged nearly 100 marines and
four missile torpedo boats.
Troop contributions could come from Italy, which last month promised a
substantial contribution; Turkey, which has experience leading U.N.
peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan and Somalia; and France, which
already has about 1,300 personnel and several frigates in the area.
I don't foresee any more than 5,000 French in the zone, said Cmdr. Jerome
Erulin, a French military spokesman, cautioning that it was too early to
determine his nation's role. Five thousand would be the high end of the
range, he said.
Speculation on who might command a multinational force in southern Lebanon
has centered on Turkey and France.
A daunting tangle of potential complications threatens to bedevil the
international effort even before it gets under way.
Among the more striking examples is Germany. It has not ruled out
contributing troops, but its leaders - mindful of the country's Nazi past -
are anxious to avoid any scenario in which German soldiers could wind up in
conflict with Israelis.
There are plenty of other thorny issues.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said his country would stop its
offensive only after the deployment of a robust international force - an
army with combat units ready and willing to rein in Hezbollah.
That raises the question of whether the Europeans and others are prepared
for a campaign that could go beyond peacekeeping and firing weapons purely
in self defense to the potentially bloody business of engaging and disarming
Hezbollah militants. And with Hezbollah mixed among civilians, that involves
a very high risk that the force would cause civilian casualties.
Some military analysts have raised the possibility that Hezbollah, if forced
back by international troops, could lob its rockets over their heads and
keep hitting targets in northern Israel. If Israel wanted to strike back by
ground assault, it would presumably be up to the force to stop it.
The United States says it plans to help train and equip the Lebanese army,
which many hope would ultimately take over the border area. Britain has
hinted it may offer technical assistance.
But there are questions about whether the United States - busy training
Iraqi security forces - has enough instructors to train Lebanese troops, and
whether that training would be possible in Lebanon or best done in another
Cyprus has been mentioned as a possible staging point for international
troops. But Turkey, which does not recognize the island's Greek-led
government, would be restricted to using Cyprus' northern, ethnically
Turkish part.
In much of the Muslim world, there is broad support for the idea of sending
troops. Even Malaysia's largest opposition bloc, the fundamentalist
Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, contends the world's Muslims have a moral
responsibility to help end the violence.
The mission is good because it can prevent a broader Middle East conflict,
said Cholil Munawir, a supporter of Indonesia's Islamic Community Forum,
which bitterly opposes Israel's campaign in Lebanon.
But elsewhere, public resistance is building, just as it did before the 2003
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.