Terrorism - How to combat it?
By Justice Gour Gopal Saha
Sat, 5 Aug 2006, 10:20:00
Although the world community has so far failed to come to a consensus to
give a precise definition to the term" terrorism," yet it has come to be
passed on as an organised system of violence and intimidation, especially
for political ends or religious ostentations. In ordinary parlance, it is
understood to denote deliberate and systematic acts of murder, maiming and
menacing of innocent men, women and children designed to inspire fear and
instability in the society for political or pseudo-religious purposes .

Terrorism, both political and religious, in some form or the other, existed
at all levels of human civilisation but it never posed any real threat to
shake the foundation of the society. But the task for ensuring peace,
progress and harmony in the world today has assumed a new character in view
of the current rise in acts of terrorism on an unprecedented scale and
ferocity, all in the name of religion, The action programmes of the militant
fundamentalists clearly indicate a grim prospect for the future of the
mankind. In fact, the threat emanating from the coordinated and
internationally operated network of religious extremism is a potential one
out to destroy the very fabric of the human society and it is dangerously
high and perilous to human existence at present than at any other time of
recorded history. Thus it calls for immediate attention of the world
community to urgently address the emerging menace and deliberate and devise
ways and means on a war-footing to contain and combat terrorism in all its

The gospel of universal brotherhood presupposes peace, fraternity, tolerance
and magnanimity and eulogizes the supreme necessity of spiritual and
temporal excellence of man and negates all kinds of extremism, violence and
intolerance as means of settling disputes. It also stands against all forms
of injustices meted out to all sorts of people across the world. Injustices
and deprivations, howsoever high and cruel they may be, cannot be obviated
by terrorism and violent outbursts. Universally acclaimed fundamental rights
such as the right of self-determination or statehood for the suppressed
populace cannot be shelved by terming these as internal matters of a state,
leaving the struggling people at the mercy of the oppressors and the
subjugating predators ,asking them to do their own rounds by peaceful and
constitutional means. In such cases, terrorism for political purposes is
almost the inevitable consequence arising out of the dominant will and
aspiration of the oppressed and subjugated people to make room for their own
salvation by having recourse to arms. Insurgency and genuine struggle for
emancipation from the yoke of the subjugators and the armed struggle of a
bondaged populace cannot be equated by any ethical standard . The
international community, particularly the United Nations, cannot avoid their
responsibility by acting as idle spectators in such grim and cruel ordeals
and indirectly abet the perpetrations of more injustices on peoples
struggling for survival and universally acclaimed human dignity. It must be
understood in unqualified terms that brute force applied to suppress
fundamental human rights and liberty cannot be successful in defeating the
indomitable spirit of a people fighting for justice, fair-play and liberty
when they are ready to pay any price for it.

It is disheartening to notice that some state powers publicly championing
the cause of highsounding and lofty idealism, like human rights, rule of
law, justice, equity and good conscience and virtues of democracy, very
often hide their evil designs to perpetuate their agenda of exploitations
and subjugations and this is often regarded as the basic reason for not
solving many a intriguing problem affecting the human society, especially
when it counters the national interests of the big powers. Men's unsatiable
lust for abundance and domination always undermine the indomitable march of
the humanity towards a higher plain. It is only true enlightenment that can
pave the away for a peaceful and satisfying life on earth.

Violence originates from a wounded spirit, spirit burned and blistered and
frayed by the frustration and powerlessness, a spirit parched with an
unequenched thirst for real meaning of life, a spirit shrivelled and shrunk
by feelings of inferiority. The rage that emanates from injured self
respect, from humiliation and deprivations and injustices at times erupts as
violence. A culture of violence, which delights in crushing and beating
others into submission, spreads throughout the society ill-will to dominate
the order of the day. The injury inflicted on the human psyche cannot be
expected to be cured with only soothing words, acts of parliament, executive
and judicial orders. It is possible only through compassion, pure and
fraternal feelings flowing from the clear realisation that human beings are
invariably inter-related and inter-dependent as brothers and sisters
belonging to the great family of humankind. But before any enduring peace is
achieved, it must be seen that justice and fair-play perform their assigned
role in settlement of all disputes, social, religious or political,
affecting all segments of the mankind.

There is no doubt that "religious terrorism ," better to term it as
terrorism in the name of religion', has of late made heavy inroads in
societies infested with abject poverty, social backwardness and insecurity,
coupled with political instability. People deprived of the basic needs of
human life and detracted from the real teachings of religion often exhibit a
greater propensity to be intolerant and aggressive. Out of utter
desperations arising out of failure to vindicate their ancient grievances,
nationally and internationally, they find solace in religious extremism to
combat injustices and injuries being ceaselessly meted out to them. Deceipt
and fabrications of facts reign supreme in the field on which religious
fundamentalism and extremism find fertile grounds to thrive. People
engineering violence and terrorism, sitting at a safe distance in position
of power and veneration, find it easy to play with the burning sentiment of
the youth and the uncritical public indoctrinated by superficial exhortation
and surcharged with glittering religious passion for an "assured berth in
the heaven" and free wheeling on earth. Young band of indoctrinated
religious cohorts fall easy prey to the fascinating call of a 'holy war' and
often indulge in wanton destruction to life and property of innocent people
with no mind to think of the dreadful consequences flowing from their
actions and ostentations.

In reality, no country of the world is completely free from the menace of
terrorism, home-born or imported from outside, but magnitude of the problem
is not the same everywhere. In advanced countries of the world there exists
a liberal social and political environment where it is difficult to draw any
large number of people to the extremist fold. But countries infested with
social backwardness, abject poverty, scant facilities for modrn liberal and
scientific education, rendering of reverential allegiance to the sayings and
teachings of the half-literate educated clerics by a large section of the
populace, present a common scenario, portraying an altogether grim picture.
Because of slow progress in social and economic fields, many people get
frustrated and disgruntled and turn towards militancy in their fancy to get
over their material woes over night, with the alluring prospect of free food
and shelter and a gurantee for heavenly bliss on the completion of their
sacred mission. In such circumstances, people propagating the glory of
sacrifice in the name of religion, find it convenient to fire the
imagination and burning religious zeal of the disgruntled youth to join the
extremist war-camp for their assigned noble cause. The out-modeled religious
schools and institutions in which the new recruits are ordinarily
accommodated and trained are obviously ill-equipped to impart any modern and
humane education to them. Instead they are made to be submerged into
dogmatic and restricted vision of the world. These religious institutions
riding on glorified fiery rhetoric are widely believed to be the breeding
grounds for 'religious extremism' and terrorism.

The danger from dreaded terrorists, who are willing to kill themselves to
kill others for what they consider "religiously ordained", is all too real
for creating havoc of unprecedented scale and magnitude , where religious
extremism is glorified and globalised and the local forces of terror can
count upon support from rich and powerful allies at home and abroad. The
abortive experiment made by some rich countries of the Middle East, with
orthodox background and clinging stead-fast to mediaeval perceptions of life
and nobility, to export religious extremism has already proved
counter-productive. The designing elements trading on religion and religious
sensibility have always used narrow and perverted interpretations of the
tenets of religion by highlighting the supreme orthodox way of looking and
doing at things, opposing all liberal and secular ideas and ideals. The
terrorists of the day are highly motivated, well-organised and well up with
funds on the basis of their international contacts with rich and powerful
patrons glorifying the cause of extremism, in keeping with their tradition
and anti-progress inhibitions. Material supports are channeled to the
terrorists through charitable institutions and socio-religious and cultural
missions and organisations . It would be fool - hardy to underestimate the
ability of a determined band of extremist to exploit ordinary people's
sentiments and susceptibilities in achieving their cherished objective.

There can be no controversy to the fact that the present day terrorism is
not confined to any particular religion or geographical region. It is by now
a global phenomenon urgently calling for address by the world community in
an effective and meaningful manner. It would also be totally unjust and
imprudent to blame the members of a particular religious community indulging
in more acts of vandalism and terrorism than others. Since terrorism is now
evidently a world phenomenon it has to be treated and addressed as such by
the international community in the spirit and with the pragmatism that it
commands. We must make sure that the language of reason prevails over the
language of violence and bigotry to prevent us from sliding into an
ungovernable scenario. From reports gleaned from the international press it
is abundantly clear that religion-based terrorism has by now become a hydra-
headed monster and is out to take its toll. It is, therefore, imperative
that politicians, intellectuals, social activists and religious leaders of
the world get up from their slumber bordering a pathological hibernation and
work hand in hand to make people belonging to all faiths, races, colours and
cultures aware of the danger of the devastating eventuality of terrorism
unleashed by dreaded extremists. It is high time that there be a consensus
in the world community as to what we must do on top-most priority basis to
meet the extremist challenge threatening mankind . It is no longer a wild
imagination to hold that even a handful of dreaded and determined terrorists
are now capable to procure sophisticated weapons of mass-destruction and use
these gleefully in canying their mission into reality and thereby land the
world in catastrophic nightmares. The culpability of the main streams people
standing for peace and tranquility stems mainly from their lack of will to
openly ask searching questions in matters of religious ordinances vitally
affecting the well-being of the humanity at large. This is perhaps the most
potent single factor that creates a favourable environment for extremism to

Mainstream people of the community where religious extremism is visibly on
the rise cannot avoid their responsibility to act by simple pleading that
their religion and religious tradition do not support extremism and
terrorism. It is imperative that we must act promptly and decisively in
publicly denouncing all forms of terrorism and vandalism in the name of
religion resorted to by the misguided miscreants. To meet the exigency of
the circumstances, it is indeed necessary to treat the cancerous syndrome
resolutely, else we fall victim to the treacherous fallacy of complacence,
escapism and negativism. The politicians, intellectuals and activists of the
civil society must take serious note of the impending danger of global
terrorism and its devastating power to disrupt world peace and tranquility
and deliberate urgently and dispassionately to devise effective means and
measures to wipe out the root of terrorism. Meaningless rhetoric and
orchestrated hyperboles will serve no purpose. The crying need of the moment
for the world is co-operation and co-ordinated actions of al1 fighting the
war against terrorism and religious extremism to contain the burning menace
to manageable limits, before we are able to wipe it out.

To successful1y meet the challenge of terrorism of all hues we must profess
and practise peaceful co-existence, inter-religious harmony and tolerance
cutting across races, castes and communities. The spiritual and religious
leaders who command almost ready audience and reverential treatment from the
common people have a greater role to play by bringing home to all the real
message and true sprit of religion by forging unity amongst themselves for
successfully spear-heading human dignity, good neighbourliness and universal
brotherhood. As a matter of practical proposition, the clerics should be
drawn to the mainstream of the society genuinely believing the unism of the
creation and human fraternity. Religion in its manifest sublimity can
conveniently the used as an effective weapon of defense in the war against
terrorism. Let, all unite to fight out terrorism and religious extremism to
make the world a happy abode in which we are able to sing the glory of
humanism and the unity of the creation.

It must be clearly understood by all that there is no magic prescription at
hand to exterminate the menace of terrorism. Religious frenzy leading to
terrorism is a deep-rooted psychological malady that needs well co-ordinated
and sustained treatment. Immediate task before the world community is to
openly discuss, debate and deliberate on the multi-faced impact of terrorism
on the human society. Popularly welcome slogans eulogizing the supreme value
of peace, harmony and respectful co-existence of religions and religionists
for the common good of the humanity. As a short term measure, all states
must gear up their administrative and legal machinery to meet the challenge
of terrorism on war-footing and do everything possible on their part to
check the rot in no time. As a long term and permanent measure, it must be
ensured by the comity of nations that they promptly introduce modern,
secular and scientific education for their students in educational
institutions, including the religious schools, and themselves practise an
acceptable standard of modernity and catholicity in all national and
international dispensations and deliberations.

Suspicion and mistrust everywhere, the first and fore-most task before US is
confidence building. Unless confidence, which has already been rudely shaken
by devastating extremist overtures, must be restored to its normal shelf and
mistrust removed. We must make a bold transition from mistrust to trust,
from discord to concord, from hatred and tension to love, peace and progress
before we succeed in containing and combating terrorism.

(The author is a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh)

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