[osint] Truth is Not Bigotry

2006-08-08 Thread Bruce Tefft
Truth is Not Bigotry
By  http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/authors.asp?ID=3 Jamie Glazov
FrontPageMagazine.com | August 9, 2006
Frontpage Interview's guest today is D.C. Watson, a former wrestler and
bouncer. He is nationally certified in Neuromuscular Physiology and is a
licensed X-ray technologist. He is the author of the new book
1/104-3926889-9266337?ie=UTF8s=books Truth is Not Bigotry. 
FP: D.C. Watson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Watson: Thank you for having me. 
FP: Tell us in general what your book is about and what inspired you to
write it.
Watson: Well, the first few chapters of this book have nothing at all to do
with anything other than stories being told by several of my friends about
some of my wrestling and bar bouncing escapades. The reason for this was to
keep things in a light-hearted format so that readers could see that I am
just like many of them: an average American who was comfortably cruising
through life until our nation was attacked by Islamic terrorists on 9/11. 
After the attacks, as the people of this great country came together, I
began to research and took notice that Muslim organizations--in particular
the Council on American Islamic Relations--were going on the offensive,
popping up on the news and in the newspapers. It seemed that the more the
American people learned about true Islam and spoke out about it, the more
this group engaged in name-calling tactics and the labeling of honest, hard
working Americans as anti-Muslim bigots and their commonly used term
Although America and its people are tolerant, tolerance of intolerant people
is cultural suicide. In the book, I attempt to pass the message along to all
Americans and Westerners: this is still our country, we owe Islam nothing,
and we have been infiltrated by some very unsavory houseguests whose
actions cannot go unanswered. Terrorism is not their only weapon. They are
also fighting a political jihad. This is not a conservative or liberal
issue. This is an American issue. It is a Western issue. 
FP: What are your thoughts about CAIR? 
Watson: Like flies at a picnic, they've certainly done an outstanding job of
making pests of themselves. In all actuality, it is my opinion that they are
talking puppets for the promoters of Wahhabism (Islam's most radical form),
that all in all they are bad for this country, and that it is not the
American flag that they would like to see flying all around Washington, D.C.

This can certainly be verified by their tactics (which have included filing
lawsuits in attempts to intimidate and quiet their critics), and many of the
public statements made by their leadership, which have been nothing shy of
disgraceful. Appeasing them only emboldens them. They are undeserving of
having that type of luxury handed to them. Instead, confronting them at
every turn has been more effective, because when they're challenged with the
facts they have no argument. 
Thankfully, CAIR has been consistently challenged by quite formidable
opponents such as Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Andrew
Whitehead, Michelle Malkin, Joe Kaufman, and many others who are well known
in the ever growing anti-jihad community. They are the ones who people now
gravitate toward, because they not only speak the truth about Islam and
organizations like CAIR, but because they don't sugar coat anything. What
they have said in the past has come true. What they have predicted would
happen, has happened. Without their knowledge, and willingness to share it,
the West would be much less informed about groups like the CAIR and other
like minded organizations. 
Instead of them being permitted to conduct Muslim sensitivity classes for
American law enforcement (which is a curious issue in itself, especially
with their public record), they should be conducting classes to help Muslims
assimilate into American society. And by that I don't mean distributing
Muslim community safety kits or presenting know your rights workshops,
but actually assisting Muslims who are new to America in learning how to be
Americans. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen though,
because I'm not sure that they can teach anyone how to be an American when
they don't behave like they know how to themselves.
FP: What are your findings on the behaviour of many Imams in mosques and the
role of Saudi Arabia in this behaviour?
Watson: The Imams in the mosques are an undeniable problem. There have been
documented reports showing that literature preaching hate for the United
States and for Americans has been found in approximately 80% of the mosques
in America. This literature was reported to have been bought and paid for by
the Saudis. If the Imams weren't a problem, Muslim organizations wouldn't
throw such 

[osint] Truth is Not Bigotry

2006-08-08 Thread Bruce Tefft
Truth is Not Bigotry
By  http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/authors.asp?ID=3 Jamie Glazov
FrontPageMagazine.com | August 9, 2006
Frontpage Interview's guest today is D.C. Watson, a former wrestler and
bouncer. He is nationally certified in Neuromuscular Physiology and is a
licensed X-ray technologist. He is the author of the new book
1/104-3926889-9266337?ie=UTF8s=books Truth is Not Bigotry. 
FP: D.C. Watson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Watson: Thank you for having me. 
FP: Tell us in general what your book is about and what inspired you to
write it.
Watson: Well, the first few chapters of this book have nothing at all to do
with anything other than stories being told by several of my friends about
some of my wrestling and bar bouncing escapades. The reason for this was to
keep things in a light-hearted format so that readers could see that I am
just like many of them: an average American who was comfortably cruising
through life until our nation was attacked by Islamic terrorists on 9/11. 
After the attacks, as the people of this great country came together, I
began to research and took notice that Muslim organizations--in particular
the Council on American Islamic Relations--were going on the offensive,
popping up on the news and in the newspapers. It seemed that the more the
American people learned about true Islam and spoke out about it, the more
this group engaged in name-calling tactics and the labeling of honest, hard
working Americans as anti-Muslim bigots and their commonly used term
Although America and its people are tolerant, tolerance of intolerant people
is cultural suicide. In the book, I attempt to pass the message along to all
Americans and Westerners: this is still our country, we owe Islam nothing,
and we have been infiltrated by some very unsavory houseguests whose
actions cannot go unanswered. Terrorism is not their only weapon. They are
also fighting a political jihad. This is not a conservative or liberal
issue. This is an American issue. It is a Western issue. 
FP: What are your thoughts about CAIR? 
Watson: Like flies at a picnic, they've certainly done an outstanding job of
making pests of themselves. In all actuality, it is my opinion that they are
talking puppets for the promoters of Wahhabism (Islam's most radical form),
that all in all they are bad for this country, and that it is not the
American flag that they would like to see flying all around Washington, D.C.

This can certainly be verified by their tactics (which have included filing
lawsuits in attempts to intimidate and quiet their critics), and many of the
public statements made by their leadership, which have been nothing shy of
disgraceful. Appeasing them only emboldens them. They are undeserving of
having that type of luxury handed to them. Instead, confronting them at
every turn has been more effective, because when they're challenged with the
facts they have no argument. 
Thankfully, CAIR has been consistently challenged by quite formidable
opponents such as Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Andrew
Whitehead, Michelle Malkin, Joe Kaufman, and many others who are well known
in the ever growing anti-jihad community. They are the ones who people now
gravitate toward, because they not only speak the truth about Islam and
organizations like CAIR, but because they don't sugar coat anything. What
they have said in the past has come true. What they have predicted would
happen, has happened. Without their knowledge, and willingness to share it,
the West would be much less informed about groups like the CAIR and other
like minded organizations. 
Instead of them being permitted to conduct Muslim sensitivity classes for
American law enforcement (which is a curious issue in itself, especially
with their public record), they should be conducting classes to help Muslims
assimilate into American society. And by that I don't mean distributing
Muslim community safety kits or presenting know your rights workshops,
but actually assisting Muslims who are new to America in learning how to be
Americans. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen though,
because I'm not sure that they can teach anyone how to be an American when
they don't behave like they know how to themselves.
FP: What are your findings on the behaviour of many Imams in mosques and the
role of Saudi Arabia in this behaviour?
Watson: The Imams in the mosques are an undeniable problem. There have been
documented reports showing that literature preaching hate for the United
States and for Americans has been found in approximately 80% of the mosques
in America. This literature was reported to have been bought and paid for by
the Saudis. If the Imams weren't a problem, Muslim organizations wouldn't
throw such