[osint] Your Taboo, Not Mine

2006-02-14 Thread gwen831

Your Taboo, Not Mine

The furor over cartoons of Muhammad reveals the zealot's double standard

Posted Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2006

The iconic image of last week was in the Gaza Strip. It was of a
Palestinian gunman astride the local office of the European Union. All
the diplomatic staff had fled, tipped off ahead of time. The source of
the militant's ire? A series of satirical cartoons originally
published in Denmark. Yes, cartoons.

A Danish paper, a while back, had commissioned a set of cartoons
depicting the fear that many writers and artists in Europe feel when
dealing with the subject of Islam. To Western eyes, the cartoons were
not in any way remarkable. 

In fact, they were rather tame. One showed Muhammad with his turban
depicted as a bomb--not exactly a fresh image to describe Islamic
terrorism. Another used a simple graphic device: it showed Muhammad
surrounded by two women in full Muslim garb, their eyes peering out
from an oblong space in their black chadors. And on Muhammad's face
there was an oblong too, blacking out his eyes. 

The point was that Islam has a blind spot when it comes to women's
freedom. Crude but powerful: exactly what a political cartoon is
supposed to be.

The result was an astonishing uproar in the Muslim world, one of those
revealing moments when the gulf between our world and theirs seems
unbridgeable. Boycotts of European goods are in force; demonstrators
in London held up signs proclaiming EXTERMINATE THOSE WHO MOCK ISLAM
and BE PREPARED FOR THE REAL HOLOCAUST; the editor of the French
newspaper France-Soir was fired for reprinting the drawings; Afghan
President Hamid Karzai condemned the publication; and protesters set
fire to the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus. 

The Egyptian ambassador to Denmark expressed disbelief that the
government would not prevent further reprinting. Freedom of the press,
the Egyptian explained, "means the whole story will continue and that
we are back to square one again. The government of Denmark has to do
something to appease the Muslim world."

Excuse me? In fact, the opposite is the case. The Muslim world needs
to do something to appease the West. Since Ayatullah Khomeini declared
a death sentence against Salman Rushdie for how he depicted Muhammad
in his book The Satanic Verses, Islamic radicals have been essentially
threatening the free discussion of their religion and politics in the
West. Rushdie escaped with his life. 

But Pim Fortuyn, a Dutch politician who stood up against Muslim
immigrant hostility to equality for women and gays, was murdered on
the street. Theo van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who offended strict
Muslims, was killed thereafter. Several other Dutch politicians who
have dared to criticize the intolerance of many Muslims live with
police protection.

Muslim leaders say the cartoons are not just offensive. They're
blasphemy--the mother of all offenses. That's because Islam forbids
any visual depiction of the Prophet, even benign ones. Should
non-Muslims respect this taboo? I see no reason why. You can respect a
religion without honoring its taboos. I eat pork, and I'm not an
anti-Semite. As a Catholic, I don't expect atheists to genuflect
before an altar. If violating a taboo is necessary to illustrate a
political point, then the call is an easy one. Freedom means learning
to deal with being offended.

Blasphemy, after all, is commonplace in the West. In America,
Christians have become accustomed to artists' offending their
religious symbols. They can protest, and cut off public funding--but
the right of the individual to say or depict offensive messages or
symbols is not really in dispute. 

Blasphemy, moreover, is common in the Muslim world, and sanctioned by
Arab governments. The Arab media run cartoons depicting Jews and the
symbols of the Jewish faith with imagery indistinguishable from that
used in the Third Reich. 

But I have yet to see Jews or Israelis threaten the lives of Muslims
because of it.
And there is, of course, the other blasphemy. It occurred on Sept. 11,
2001, when fanatics murdered thousands of innocents in the name of
Islam. Surely, nothing could be more blasphemous. So where were the
Muslim boycotts of Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan after that horrifying
event? Since 9/11 mosques have been bombed in Iraq by Islamic
terrorists. Where was the rioting condemning attacks on the holiest of
shrines? These double standards reveal something quite clear: this
call for "sensitivity" is primarily a cover for intolerance of others
and intimidation of free people.

Yes, there's no reason to offend people of any faith arbitrarily. We
owe all faiths respect. But the Danish cartoons were not arbitrarily
offensive. They were designed to reveal Islamic intolerance--and they
have now done so, in abundance. The West's principles are clear
enough. Tolerance? Yes. Faith? Absolutely. Freedom of speech?


[osint] Your Taboo, Not Mine

2006-02-07 Thread David Bier
"...the Danish cartoons were not arbitrarily offensive. They were
designed to reveal Islamic intolerance--and they have now done so, in
abundance. The West's principles are clear enough. Tolerance? Yes.
Faith? Absolutely. Freedom of speech? Nonnegotiable."

"Blasphemy, moreover, is common in the Muslim world, and sanctioned by
Arab governments. The Arab media run cartoons depicting Jews and the
symbols of the Jewish faith with imagery indistinguishable from that
used in the Third Reich. But I have yet to see Jews or Israelis
threaten the lives of Muslims because of it."

Although there are some cracks in the non-negotiability of freedom of
speech in the U.S. (as a dead soldier's mother and a Congressman's
wife found out at the State of the Union speech last week), nothing
here is remotely like the Muslim urge to kill or destroy anything they
deem offends Muhammad.  Definitely not a religion of peace, when its
founder advised "Smite the infidel about the neck" and his adherents,
however moderate they might claim to be in quiet moments, still take
that exhortation literally.  When upset there seems, for them, to be
no middle ground or tolerance built in to the Koran.  At least as it
is interpreted and taught by the vast majority of imams and ayatollahs
today.  Absent that middle ground for negotiation and tolerance, with
only cartoons despising God, Christ and Jews permitted in Muslim lands
without equal time for those critical of Muhammad, it appears we are
indeed headed for a collision of civilizations.

David Bier


Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006

Your Taboo, Not Mine

The furor over cartoons of Muhammad reveals the zealot's double standard


The iconic image of last week was in the Gaza Strip. It was of a
Palestinian gunman astride the local office of the European Union. All
the diplomatic staff had fled, tipped off ahead of time. The source of
the militant's ire? A series of satirical cartoons originally
published in Denmark. Yes, cartoons.

A Danish paper, a while back, had commissioned a set of cartoons
depicting the fear that many writers and artists in Europe feel when
dealing with the subject of Islam. To Western eyes, the cartoons were
not in any way remarkable. In fact, they were rather tame. One showed
Muhammad with his turban depicted as a bomb--not exactly a fresh image
to describe Islamic terrorism. Another used a simple graphic device:
it showed Muhammad surrounded by two women in full Muslim garb, their
eyes peering out from an oblong space in their black chadors. And on
Muhammad's face there was an oblong too, blacking out his eyes. The
point was that Islam has a blind spot when it comes to women's
freedom. Crude but powerful: exactly what a political cartoon is
supposed to be.

The result was an astonishing uproar in the Muslim world, one of those
revealing moments when the gulf between our world and theirs seems
unbridgeable. Boycotts of European goods are in force; demonstrators
in London held up signs proclaiming EXTERMINATE THOSE WHO MOCK ISLAM
and BE PREPARED FOR THE REAL HOLOCAUST; the editor of the French
newspaper France-Soir was fired for reprinting the drawings; Afghan
President Hamid Karzai condemned the publication; and protesters set
fire to the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus. The Egyptian
ambassador to Denmark expressed disbelief that the government would
not prevent further reprinting. Freedom of the press, the Egyptian
explained, "means the whole story will continue and that we are back
to square one again. The government of Denmark has to do something to
appease the Muslim world."

Excuse me? In fact, the opposite is the case. The Muslim world needs
to do something to appease the West. Since Ayatullah Khomeini declared
a death sentence against Salman Rushdie for how he depicted Muhammad
in his book The Satanic Verses, Islamic radicals have been essentially
threatening the free discussion of their religion and politics in the
West. Rushdie escaped with his life. But Pim Fortuyn, a Dutch
politician who stood up against Muslim immigrant hostility to equality
for women and gays, was murdered on the street. Theo van Gogh, a Dutch
filmmaker who offended strict Muslims, was killed thereafter. Several
other Dutch politicians who have dared to criticize the intolerance of
many Muslims live with police protection.

Muslim leaders say the cartoons are not just offensive. They're
blasphemy--the mother of all offenses. That's because Islam forbids
any visual depiction of the Prophet, even benign ones. Should
non-Muslims respect this taboo? I see no reason why. You can respect a
religion without honoring its taboos. I eat pork, and I'm not an
anti-Semite. As a Catholic, I don't expect atheists to genuflect
before an altar. If violating a taboo is necessary to illustrate a
political point, then the call is an easy one. Freedom means learning
to deal with being offended.

Blasphemy, after all, is com