Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> Brett Henderson wrote:
>> I'm in the process of releasing 0.31 so that people have a known 
>> stable version to download that supports 0.6.  It still includes all 
>> of the existing 0.5 tasks.
>> So, would there be any objections to dropping 0.5 support?  It's not 
>> urgent, but I'd like to get rid of them at some stage.
> There are some minor tools out there which don't yet support 0.6 (some 
> simply do a version compare and balk if it isn't 0.5 - easy for a 
> programmer to fix but maybe not so easy for every user). Only recently 
> someone complained that the Ruby osmlib does not support 0.6. I told 
> them to simply run the 0.6 file through osmosis and --write-xml-0.5... 
> but of course 0.6-to-0.5-translation could also be achieved by an XSLT 
> one-liner I guess.
It's not a big deal, I'll keep them around for a bit longer then.  I 
don't want to spend much effort looking after them though.  If they need 
to be fixed to keep up with osmosis changes I'd rather drop them and 
avoid the effort.

The other point is that so long as a copy of osmosis-0.31 is available 
somewhere they'll have that as a fallback option.


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