[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-29 Thread John Aherne
Running the release was the first thing I tried. You'll see that in my
second email.

Failed on both machines with the urctbase.dll module.

Now I download again and make no changes to the download at all and what a
turn up for the books, it all works on both machines.

Well the slow one is still building all the data but I expect it to run as

So thanks for your time and help

I still have a problem with compiling and building but I'll have to come
back for that sometime.

Doing the extract on british-isles I get a lot of restrictions invalid node
and way. Not sure how important that will be.

Thanks once again for all the work.

*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-29 Thread John Aherne
Here is the vent log for when the system crashes.

As I mentioned before the faulting module is urctbase.dll which seems to
come up a lot as a source of problems.

Log Name:  Application
Source:Application Error
Date:  29/04/2016 08:00:46
Event ID:  1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords:  Classic
User:  N/A
Computer:  HYPERV-2.GLH.local
Faulting application name: osrm-extract.exe, version:, time stamp:
Faulting module name: ucrtbase.DLL, version: 10.0.10240.16390, time stamp:
Exception code: 0x4015
Fault offset: 0x00065a5f
Faulting process id: 0x998
Faulting application start time: 0x01d1a1e4d9a80508
Faulting application path: D:\osrm-rel2015\osrm-extract.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.DLL
Report Id: 186947ee-0dd8-11e6-a966-001ec9ec24c7
Event Xml:




*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-29 Thread John Aherne
Unfortunately, I do not get emails sent to me even though I am subscribed.

And even if I did, I have found that even with other mailing lists I have
the same problem. And have to send emails to the list directly.

So not sure how to get round that.


John Aherne
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-28 Thread John Aherne
Thanks for the pointers.

The reason I was using vs2013 was the wiki page says you must do that for
windows compilation. I have not found one that says to use vs2015.

I did not realise the .stxxl has a .txt extension.

The docs just refer to .stxll

I downloaded the master and compiled. Lots of warnings etc but at the end I
had my compiled programs.

But even though I doubled my VM and moved it from the c: to d: and
increased the stxxl space to 250GB the extract still crashed soon after

I then used a small town .pbf dublin and get the same problem.

Here is the log:--

D:\osrm-rel2015>osrm-extract dublin_ireland.osm.pbf
[info] Using script profile.lua?[0m
[info] Input file: dublin_ireland.osm.pbf?[0m
[info] Profile: profile.lua?[0m
[info] Threads: 8?[0m
[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.4.99 (prerelease/Release) (git
f4185c05a0b3) + gnu parallel(__GLIBCXX__)
[STXXL-MSG] Disk 'd:\jahtemp\stxxl' is allocated, space: 25000 MiB, I/O
implementation: wincall queue=0 devid=0
[info] Parsing in progress..?[0m
[info] input file generated by osmconvert 0.7T?[0m
[info] timestamp: 2015-10-24T00:30:02Z?[0m


So not sure where to go from here.

Thanks for any help.

*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-28 Thread John Aherne
--   iostreams
--   program_options
--   regex
--   system
--   thread
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   zlib
--   atomic
-- Found Intel TBB
-- Looking for LuaJIT 5.2
-- Could NOT find LUAJIT (missing:  LUAJIT_LIBRARIES)
-- Looking for Luabind...
-- Found Luabind: D:/libs18d/lib/luabind.lib
-- Looking for STXXL...
CMake Error at C:/Program Files
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  C:/Program Files
  CMakeLists.txt:226 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "D:/osrm_utils/Project-OSRM/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "D:/osrm_utils/Project-OSRM/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

D:\osrm_utils\Project-OSRM\build>rem use for debug:

D:\osrm_utils\Project-OSRM\build>rem cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSTXXL_LIBRARY="d:/libs18d"/lib/stxxl_debug.lib
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="d:/libs18d" -DBOOST_ROOT="d:/libs/boost"


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 12.00.21005.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

NMAKE : fatal error U1064: MAKEFILE not found and no target specified

D:\osrm_utils\Project-OSRM\build>cd ..


Thanks for the interest and if I have left anything out or it does not make
sense, let me know and I'll try and send it on.

The folder contents for compiling:-

 Directory of D:\osrm_utils

27-Apr-16  15:17  .
27-Apr-16  15:17  ..
27-Apr-16  13:14  boost_1_55_0
26-Apr-16  17:55  boost_1_60_0
26-Apr-16  17:54   621 build_base.bat
27-Apr-16  14:41   282 build_boost.bat
27-Apr-16  13:51   954 build_osrm.bat
27-Apr-16  13:39 1,184 build_other.bat
27-Apr-16  16:56   541 build_stxxl.bat
27-Apr-16  13:08  bzip2-1.0.6
26-Apr-16  18:01  bzip2-1.0.6.tar
11-Sep-12  04:5230,706 configure.js
26-Apr-16  17:4817,930 has_member_function_callable_with.hpp
27-Apr-16  13:08  libxml2-2.9.0
27-Apr-16  14:20  lua
27-Apr-16  14:20  luabind
27-Apr-16  14:20  OSM-binary
26-Apr-16  18:02  osrm-backend-master
27-Apr-16  15:09  osrm-bin
27-Apr-16  13:52  Project-OSRM
27-Apr-16  14:20  protobuf
27-Apr-16  13:43  stxxl
26-Apr-16  17:48   901 stxxl_win_vs2012.patch
27-Apr-16  15:16  tbb
27-Apr-16  13:08  zlib-1.2.8
26-Apr-16  18:02  zlib-1.2.8.tar
   8 File(s) 53,119 bytes
  18 Dir(s)  149,039,063,040 bytes free


I had to copy configure.js into that folder so it could be found

*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] running on windows

2016-04-28 Thread John Aherne
Thanks for the info.

I'm happy to stay with 4.9.1 for now.

So now I used the release binaries to run extract on my pbf file.

I tried on windows10 and windows2008 server R2.

On windows I have VS2015 installed.

But on 2008 Server R2 I had to install the 2015 C++ runtime.

Both crash within seconds and as far as I can see the faulting module is

It outputs ' found 3 exceptions to turn restrictions'
motor car
motor vehicle

Then crashes

It looks like a lot of people have a problem with ucrtbase.dll but I found
nothing conclusive.

So I'm not sure where to go from here.

Any ideas as to what to try next?

Do I need to have lua installed for any reason?

Thanks for any info.

*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Running on Windows

2016-04-27 Thread John Aherne
I have made an attempt to get osrm running on windows.

So I thought I would download the release for windows which has the
compiled files. This way I would not need to compile the complete system.

Then I would copy the data files from my ubuntu system and run it up and
see what happens.

The message  got was  that 'the .hsgr file was prepared with a different

So I checked. The windows build is 4.9.1 and the ubuntu is 4.9.0. I did not
think this minor change would have affected the data structure so much.

I then downloaded the 4.9.1 files and rebuilt for 4.9.1 on ubuntu. Copied
the files across to the windows system and lo and behold got the same
result. Prepared on a different build.

Now I bite the bullet and decide to try and compile the system. I have no
experience in c or c++ programming nor do I know anything about cmake or
make files.

I pull together the different packages change the various x letters to
where I have placed the files and start compiling.

I am using the batch files that come with the windows build files. I edited
them to fit where I had placed the files.

One thing that came up was TBB was missing. So I download that and set it

Boost takes a long time to build but after various messing around I think
it has build successfully.

Now I try to build osrm but is fails in the make file somewhere because it
cannot find STXXL. It is looking in a x location but I cannot find where it
is getting this information so I can change it to the correct place.

The issue at this point is that  STXXL does not compile. The log output is
as follows:


D:\osrm_utils>SET PREFIX="d:/libs18d"

D:\osrm_utils>SET VARIANT=Release

D:\osrm_utils>rem for older MSVC than VS 2013

D:\osrm_utils>rem SET BOOST_ROOT="d:/libs18/boost"

D:\osrm_utils>rem git clone https://github.com/DennisOSRM/stxxl.git

D:\osrm_utils>git clone https://github.com/stxxl/stxxl.git
fatal: destination path 'stxxl' already exists and is not an empty

D:\osrm_utils>cd stxxl

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl>mkdir build
A subdirectory or file build already exists.

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl>cd build

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl\build>cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"
-- Detected git refspec 1.4.1-360-g5b9663e sha
-- OpenMP found, enabling built-in parallel algorithms.
-- Using std::thread and other C++11 library functions.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: D:/osrm_utils/stxxl/build

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl\build>rem for older MSVC than VS 2013

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl\build>rem cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"
-DBOOST_ROOT="d:/libs/boost" -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl\build>nmake install

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 12.00.21005.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

[  2%] Building CXX object lib/CMakeFiles/stxxl.dir/common/log.cpp.obj
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2.0\VC\bin\X86_AM~1\cl.exe'
: return code '0xc07b'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
12.0\VC\BIN\amd64\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
12.0\VC\BIN\amd64\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl\build>cd ..

D:\osrm_utils\stxxl>cd ..


So if anyone has had any joy installing on windows and can point me in the
direction to solve this problem I shall be very grateful.

If more information is needed let me know and I shall try to send it up.


John Aherne

The finale output I get if I ignore the STXXL problem and try to build osrm
I get the following log output:

-- Boost version: 1.55.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   date_time
--   filesystem
--   iostreams
--   program_options
--   regex
--   system
--   thread
--   date_time
--   chrono
--   zlib
--   atomic
-- Found Intel TBB
-- Looking for LuaJIT 5.2
-- Could NOT find LUAJIT (missing:  LUAJIT_LIBRARIES)
-- Looking for Luabind...
-- Found Luabind: D:/libs18d/lib/luabind.lib
-- Looking for STXXL...
CMake Error at C:/Program Files
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  C:/Program Files
  CMakeLists.txt:226 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "D:/osrm_utils/Project-OSRM/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "D:/osrm_utils/Project-OS

[OSRM-talk] Non-routing places

2014-06-20 Thread John Aherne
Thanks everyone. Looks like the zoom level did the trick.

I remember now that when I used the zoom level before I was working with
places that would not route because of barring factors such as gates etc.

For those that want to see what places would not route by default here they

51.51705 -0.16804
51.52289 -0.15498
51.48218 -0.15778


*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk http://www.rocs.co.uk*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Non-routing places

2014-06-18 Thread John Aherne
We are finding quite a few places where we cannot route from or to.

When we try the nearest option to get the nearest node on a street, we
still get a latitude/longitude that will not route.

It seems that we have to try widening the circle until we find a point that
we can route with.

What we are wondering is whether we have missed something obvious to solve
this problem. Or whether what we are doing is the only solution for the

I imagine the alternative would be to add nodes to the map to solve this
problem. But I have not really investigated closely how I would go about

Thanks for any info.


*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk http://www.rocs.co.uk*
020 7223 7567
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Preferring motorways for a route

2014-05-14 Thread John Aherne
Looks like I can answer that myself.

The Makefile does specify dependent folders. So that won't work.

So can I assume that if I backup by existing 4 files generated by
./osrm-prepare, I can generate a new set based on the new car.lua.

Then I just copy everything to a new directory structure and run
./osrm-routed from there for my new instance, changing the port number
before doing so.

Does that make sense?


John Aherne
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Preferring motorways for a route

2014-05-13 Thread John Aherne
Once again thanks for a really useful project.

I have been going through the archives to see if this subject has come up

I must admit I expected to see more questions about this.

But I have only found 1 oblique reference to being able to force a route to
use motorways for a journey when it is possible. And I must admit I did not
understand what it was referring to.

It seemed to imply that a simple tag passed in to a request would do the

Now I think I must somehow change the car profile to make this happen. But
I do not see much information on where I should start and whether this has
been done before and I just have not been able to find it.

Any help would be most appreciated.


John Aherne
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne
I have searched the lists for info on this subject and have found some
references but nothing that pinpoints how to solve the problem.

I have installed a copy of Project-OSRM on a Debian Wheezy 64bit and it
works fine. So thanks for a very useful project.

However, I have 2 sets of coordinates which will not route - amongst others.

I use the locate and nearest commands to try and find the nearest node on a

Nearest returns a street name and a new coordinate.

I use the returned coordinates to find a route but still get 207 cannot
find route between points.

I have also tried this via router.project-osrm.org and get the same 207

However, when I try my original coordinates on
http://map.project-osrm.org/the route is calculated and does what I
would expect.

What I expect is that it draws a straight line through a set of buildings
to the nearest node on a street from where it can calculate a route.

So my problem is what is the map doing that the route calculator is not
doing. And how can I replicate what the map is doing.

Am I right that I should use the coordinates returned by the nearest
command as the base start and end for the routing calculation.

Or is there some intermediate step I am missing.

Any info on this would be very useful

The coordinates I am using are:



Thanks for any response.

John Aherne
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Rodolphe Quiédeville 
rodol...@quiedeville.org wrote:

 John Aherne jjahe...@gmail.com writes:

  I have searched the lists for info on this subject and have found some
  references but nothing that pinpoints how to solve the problem.
  I have installed a copy of Project-OSRM on a Debian Wheezy 64bit and it
  works fine. So thanks for a very useful project.
  However, I have 2 sets of coordinates which will not route - amongst
  I use the locate and nearest commands to try and find the nearest node
 on a
  Nearest returns a street name and a new coordinate.
  I use the returned coordinates to find a route but still get 207 cannot
  find route between points.
  I have also tried this via router.project-osrm.org and get the same 207


 I did the same but got a status ok,


 It's a little bit strange,

  However, when I try my original coordinates on
  http://map.project-osrm.org/the route is calculated and does what I
  would expect.
  What I expect is that it draws a straight line through a set of buildings
  to the nearest node on a street from where it can calculate a route.
  So my problem is what is the map doing that the route calculator is not
  doing. And how can I replicate what the map is doing.

 It does the same, you can grab the url called with a tool like Firefox
 webdevelopper console.

  Am I right that I should use the coordinates returned by the nearest
  command as the base start and end for the routing calculation.

 Yes you're right.

  Or is there some intermediate step I am missing.
  Any info on this would be very useful
  The coordinates I am using are:


 Rodolphe Quiédeville
 Expert Tsung - Consulting en performance des SI
 Tel : 06 13 79 63 41


Thanks for the quick reply.

I tried your suggestion using the webconsole.

I then mimiced the url used by the javascript adding on the zoom level and
instructions=true for good measure and rounded the coordinates to match.

I still get the same result - status 207

I was already trying zoom levels from 1 to 18 without any luck.

If the map is using the same routing engine then I am baffled.


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Rodolphe Quiédeville 
rodol...@quiedeville.org wrote:

 John Aherne jjahe...@gmail.com writes:
  Thanks for the quick reply.
  I tried your suggestion using the webconsole.
  I then mimiced the url used by the javascript adding on the zoom level
  instructions=true for good measure and rounded the coordinates to match.
  I still get the same result - status 207
  I was already trying zoom levels from 1 to 18 without any luck.
  If the map is using the same routing engine then I am baffled.

 It's really weird, how do you call the router ie with which tool ? Do
 you use a webrowser or a tool like curl or wget ? May be you can paste
 some logs off your shell console on a pastie to share with us, may be
 will find something.


 Rodolphe Quiédeville
 Expert Tsung - Consulting en performance des SI
 Tel : 06 13 79 63 41

Thanks for responding.

I use a simple python script for this test.

import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
import json
import urllib

URL = '
req = urllib2.Request(URL)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except Exception, e:
print 'Error', str(e)
print 'Error msg', e.msg
print 'Error hdrs', e.hdrs
print 'Error fp', e.fp
res = response.read()
print 'the res', res
my_data = json.loads(res)
for item in my_data:
print 'ITEM',item, my_data[item],'\r\n'

I can send a wireshark capture of the actual wire data if anyone thinks it
is useful.

But the python call is about as simple as it can get.


OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne
I can reproduce this with:


{status:207,status_message: Cannot find route between points}[]

And I get the same thing in a browser.


Thanks Steve.

I'm glad someone else can reproduce the result.

The issue now is that if I use

http://map.project-osrm.org/ http://map.project-osrm.org/the

and enter the same coordinates, the http://map.project-osrm.org/the
route is calculated and does what I
would expect.

In theory looking at the javascript used by that site, it is making
the same call as me but getting a correct result

So what is it doing differently. Or is it calling a different routing setup.


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne

Thanks for that.

I followed the link and the conversation seems to find a possible blocking

But why would the map site return a route and not the routing engine.

It would be nice to know if they are doing something different.


On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Emil Tin z...@tmf.kk.dk wrote:

 I've opened an issue on github for tracking this, with links and a


 Med venlig hilsen

 *Emil Tin*IT- og Processpecialist
 Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen
 Byens Anvendelse

 Njalsgade 13 Vær. 118
 2300 København S


 +45 2369 5986


 +45 2369 5986


 z...@tmf.kk.dk %20z...@tmf.kk.dk



 *Fra:* John Aherne [mailto:jjahe...@gmail.com]
 *Sendt:* 12. februar 2014 15:34
 *Til:* osrm-talk
 *Emne:* [OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

 I can reproduce this with:

 $ GET


 {status:207,status_message: Cannot find route between points}[]

 And I get the same thing in a browser.


 Thanks Steve.

 I'm glad someone else can reproduce the result.

 The issue now is that if I use

 http://map.project-osrm.org/ http://map.project-osrm.org/the

 and enter the same coordinates, the route is calculated and does what I

 would expect.

 In theory looking at the javascript used by that site, it is making the same 
 call as me but getting a correct result

 So what is it doing differently. Or is it calling a different routing setup.



OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Cannot find route between points

2014-02-12 Thread John Aherne

It worked for me because I inverse start and stop with you, in your
first email you indicate in this order


So 51.53474981,-0.13522952 is the start and the nearest road is
'Belvedere Road' wich is a oneway with a barrier at the end. So if you
end in Belvedere Road you can fin a route, but if you start in it you
can't, because of the oneway and the barrier.




Yes you are right. I just realised this myself and put a comment onto

I forgot that when I was trying to get it to work I had reversed the
journey. The reverse button is too easy to press.

A typical idiot thing to do.

So sorry about all the noise and thanks for spotting it.


On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Rodolphe Quiédeville 
rodol...@quiedeville.org wrote:


 It worked for me because I inverse start and stop with you, in your
 first email you indicate in this order


 So 51.53474981,-0.13522952 is the start and the nearest road is
 'Belvedere Road' wich is a oneway with a barrier at the end. So if you
 end in Belvedere Road you can fin a route, but if you start in it you
 can't, because of the oneway and the barrier.



 John Aherne jjahe...@gmail.com writes:

  I can reproduce this with:
  $ GET
  {status:207,status_message: Cannot find route between points}[]
  And I get the same thing in a browser.
  Thanks Steve.
  I'm glad someone else can reproduce the result.
  The issue now is that if I use
  http://map.project-osrm.org/ http://map.project-osrm.org/the
  and enter the same coordinates, the http://map.project-osrm.org/the
  route is calculated and does what I
  would expect.
  In theory looking at the javascript used by that site, it is making
  the same call as me but getting a correct result
  So what is it doing differently. Or is it calling a different routing

 Rodolphe Quiédeville
 Expert Tsung - Consulting en performance des SI
 Tel : 06 13 79 63 41

OSRM-talk mailing list