I have about 20 OSSEC agents connected to my OSSEC server without issue. 
There are approximately 6 however that cannot connect. I'm using a 
non-default port of 1520. Note: All IPs replaced here for OPSEC.


   - Agent:
      - 2016/01/04 11:12:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Using IPv4 for: SERVER_IP .
      2016/01/04 11:12:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server 
      reply (not started). Tried: 'SERVER_IP'.
   - Server:
      - Nothing outside the standard output, even with debug enabled

What I've done so far:

   - Added rules into iptables to allow communication on both agent/sever
   - TCPdump confirming on agent that it is sending packet
   - TCPdump confirming on server that it is receiving agent packet
   - Netcat on both server/agent:
      - netcat -uv SERVER_IP 1520
      Connection to SERVER_IP 1520 port [udp/*] succeeded!
      - netcat -uv AGENT_IP1520
      Connection to AGENT_IP 1520 port [udp/*] succeeded!

   - <ossec_config>


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