Hello everyone.

I am trying to use OSSEC to monitor the logons and logoffs by employees on 
our Active Directory server.

The problem is that there is too much noise generated by the AD and I 
cannot find a way to isolate the events I need monitored to get the correct 

The AD server generates about 5-6 events everytime a user logs on or logs 
off (logon Event ID 4624, logoff Event ID 4634).

The desirable result is to have alerts like : "User 'X' performed a logon" 
/ "User 'X' performed a logoff".

OSSEC by default has windows logon and logoff rules (4624, 4634) but they 
trigger at each event with these IDs and you cannot have a specific result, 
too much noise is generated.

Has anyone implemented successfully the monitoring of user logons/logoffs 
to the AD server with OSSEC? How can I isolate the noise and get the 
desirable results?

Thanks in advance!


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