Ok, here is my .Bat script I use to Check for & list files contained within 
the usb drive.  If no drive is detected the output file would not change 
there for not causing
an alarm when the drive is removed.  If no drive is present the script 
exits causing no change to the usbstor.txt thus no alarm either.  

@echo off

for /F "tokens=1*" %%a in ('fsutil fsinfo drives') do (
   for %%c in (%%b) do (
      for /F "tokens=3" %%d in ('fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%c') do (
         if %%d equ Removable (
for /f "skip=4 usebackq tokens=2" %%a in (`nslookup %host%`) do echo %host% 
%%a %user% > C:\temp\usbstor.txt
echo Drive %%c is Removable (USB^)
dir /s %%c >> C:\temp\usbstor.txt
type C:\temp\usbstor.txt

Now in the Windows agent config is have the entry that would run the .Bat 
script every so many minutes or seconds  ( I have mine set for 30 seconds 
for testing but 60 sec would be more 


On the Ossec server side I have this entry on the local_rules.xml

<rule id="503002" level="7">
    <match>ossec: output: 'USBDevices'</match>
    <check_diff />
    <description>Mounted Device change detected</description>

After this I restart the Ossec server and agent wait a minute then insert a 
usb drive.  I get a email alert similar to this... I have shorten the 
output after the "Previous output" since this would include the differences 
between the current and last alert.

OSSEC HIDS Notification.

2016 Apr 28 15:11:29


Received From: (mis41) any->USBDevices

Rule: 503002 fired (level 7) -> "Mounted Device change detected"

Portion of the log(s):


ossec: output: 'USBDevices':

Drive F:\ is Removable (USB)


 Volume in drive F is OS

 Volume Serial Number is 642E-1FF6

 Directory of F:\

11/06/2015  01:38 PM        22,908,888 mbam-setup-

12/21/2014  10:27 AM       397,798,952 sp66051_driver-pack.exe

               2 File(s)    420,707,840 bytes

 Directory of F:\System Volume Information

11/05/2015  08:56 AM    <DIR>          .

11/05/2015  08:56 AM    <DIR>          ..

11/05/2015  08:56 AM                76 IndexerVolumeGuid

01/13/2016  02:41 PM                12 WPSettings.dat

               2 File(s)             88 bytes

     Total Files Listed:

               4 File(s)    420,707,928 bytes

               2 Dir(s)   3,328,983,040 bytes free

Previous output:

ossec: output: 'USBDevices':





I do see similar logging in Squert for these events.  I do see the alerts 
for the events in Elsa but no output like there is in the above in the 
Ossec alerts category.


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