[otrs] about stats menu

2006-07-17 Thread Yosua W

Hi all,

In menu stats, with format graph, there have two axis (x and Y). 

The question : what is explanation of y

 what is
 explanation of y axis from new ticket (value of y axis = 0 2 4 6 8 10) ?
 what is
 explanation of y axis from ticket overview (value of y axis = 0 1 2 3 4 5)
 what is
 explanation of y axis from state action overview (value of y axis = 0 5 10
 15 20 25) ? 

If I use format CVS,
then system will open that format with Microsoft Excell program, and when I
open that, appearance in excell program

is in disarray. Why that can be happen, and what is

Thanks for your reply, but I am sorry before if I have
wasted your time, thanks.

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[otrs] Customer Ticket(My Tickets)

2006-07-17 Thread Mamakwa M. Sefiri

Good day

I realized this morning that customer cant see their
logged tickets on My Tickets. I can see all the tickets that I have logged when
I have logged in as a Customer. I have tried to log in as 4 different customers
and there was nothing on My Tickets.

Please advice


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Re: [otrs] Billing software

2006-07-17 Thread Matt Midson


I have also been doing some research in this area, but I must admit I am still looking.
I am looking to get OFBiz an OpenSource ERP solution running and reading the billing items from the OTRS database into OFBiz based invoices, but I am getting an OFBiz specialist to help me with this.

At the moment, however I am using report writer tools such as DBXtra to read from the OTRS database and generate billing reports, which depending on your environment could be invoices.

Hope this helps,

Matt--Message: 3Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:19:30 +0100From: richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [otrs] Billing softwareTo: otrs@otrs.orgMessage-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Howś the list doingBeen lurking for a while but finaly broke cover to ask a question.I have been using OTRS for about 6-7 months purley as a troubleticketing solution + it helps me keep trak of customer info. Now theboss want to try and use it for billing as well. Problem is he has notdecided on which billing/accountancy software to use or whether we willoutsource it. Does anyone have any tried and tested suggestions? (there was note ofsomeone using ooo to generate invoices, not sure he would go for that ashe is using a similar Excel soultion at the moment :(regardsrichard

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FW: [otrs]Search on FAQ

2006-07-17 Thread Mamakwa M. Sefiri

Please help; I removed the language and category
options on the search window. Could this have any effect on the search option
not working? I can search when I am logged in as an Agent but not when I am
logged in as a Customer

Please advice.

From: Mamakwa M. Sefiri 
Sent: 12 July 2006 10:14 AM
To: User questions and discussions
about OTRS.org
Subject: FW: [otrs]Search on FAQ

I have put in FAQ on the OTRS on when I
try to search it does not give any results

Please advise

From: Mamakwa M. Sefiri 
Sent: 10 July 2006 04:10 PM
To: User questions and discussions
about OTRS.org
Subject: [otrs] FAQ

Please advice, I cant search on FAQ



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Re: [otrs] Billing software

2006-07-17 Thread s taylor


WebERP (http://www.weberp.org) may be another OpenSource (SourceForge) ERP 
solution. It's written in PHP, but it does use MySQL.  I haven't tried it 

Take care.

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[otrs] How to retrieve customer data from external source

2006-07-17 Thread Brett N

Ok, I'm trying to integrate OTRS with an external invoicing system
that has an XML API. The documetation details how to integrate with
LDAP and DB but doesn't indicate what to do with raw data..

Any suggestions here?
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[otrs] Fwd: followup after close !

2006-07-17 Thread Dennis Kavadas
since i never reeceived a reply the first time, i'll try again !hi allis it possible to NOT allow a closed ticket to be re-opened after being closed ?
why ?i'm trying to get around the problem of users replying with a thank you after a ticket has been successfully closed.

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[otrs-de] Benutzer-Authentifizierung mittels Datenbank und LDAP

2006-07-17 Thread Christoph Glanzmann

Hallo zusammen,

Ich suche nach einer Möglichkeit, 
umin OTRS dasLDAP und das DB Backend 
gleichermassen zur Authentifizierung von Agenten zu nutzen. Da nicht alle 
Personen, welche als Agenten arbeiten im LDAP eingetragen sind, benötige ich für 
diese Benutzer lokale Passwörter. Wer jedoch im LDAP eintragen ist, soll sein 
allgemeines Passwort nutzen können. Unsere Policy verbietet es zudem, Passwörter 
in andere Applikationen zu exportieren.

Ich stehe vor dem Problem, dass das AuthModule 
entweder Auth::DB oder Auth::LDAP nutzen kann, jedoch nicht beides gleichzeitig. 
Ich möchte aberdie Authentifizierungsquelle zwischen OTRS oder LDAP für jede Person 
individuell wählen können.

Gibt es eine gängige Möglichkeit, um dieses Problem 
zu lösen? Zum Beispiel wenn die LDAP Authentifizierung fehlschlägt soll die 
lokale DB genutzt werden, oä.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe,
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[otrs-de] TicketACLs

2006-07-17 Thread Wefels, Hans-Gerd


wir setzen OTRS 
2.0.4 ein um Kundenanfragen zu beantworten. Diese Anfragenwerden 
interdisziplinär beantwortet. Das bedeutet, die Antwort auf eine Anfrage setzt 
sich u.U. aus den Auskünften verschiedener Expertenteams zusammen. Wir 
haben versucht, dieses Vorgehen durch eine Queuestruktur abzubilden, die für 
jedes Wissensgebiet eine Queue vorsieht und eine Konsolidierungs--Queue, in der 
die einzelnen Teilantworten zur versandfertigen Antwort für den Kunden 
aggregiert werden.

Damit in den 
Unterqueues noch keine entgültige Antwort gegeben werden kann, wird mit Hilfe 
von Ticket ACLs mittels Possible =Action { AgentTicketClose = 0 
,..} der Link 'Schliessen' aus dem Menü entfernt und mittels Ticket = {State 
= ['new','open,'pending reminder']} bzw. per PossibleNot jede Art von 
Ticket-Schließen in dieser Queue verhindert. 

Nun meine Frage: 
Durch welches TicketACL Attribut kann man verhindern, dass überhaupt eine 
Antwort aus einer Queue heraus versendet werden kann? Letztlich soll man nur 
Tickets aus den Unterqueues in die Konsolidierungsqueue verschieben 

Hat jemand dazu 
einen Idee?

Danke und 
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