[otrs] Customer Authentication against LDAP Customer Data from local DB

2012-05-02 Thread Boris Wagener
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i added new columns to teh customer_user table using this instructions

Added fields:


these fields are filled bysync_ldap2db.

This is my Config.pm:

#   Agenten
Authentifizeirung   #
$Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'dc.firma.local';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=firma,dc=local';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'otrsldap@firma.local';
$Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'Passwort123';
#  Kunden
Authentifizeirung #
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host1'} = 'dc.firma.local';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN1'} = 'DC=firma, DC=local';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID1'} = 'sAMAccountName';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN1'} =
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw1'} = 'Passwort123';

Kundendaten   #

# CustomerUser (customer database backend and settings)
$Self->{CustomerUser1} = {
Name => 'Database Datasource',
Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB',
Params => {
# if you want to use an external database, add the required settings
#DSN => 'DBI:odbc:yourdsn',
#DSN => 'DBI:mysql:database=customerdb;host=customerdbhost',
#User => '',
#Password => '',
Table => 'customer_user',company
# if your frontend is unicode and the charset of your
# customer database server is iso-8859-1, use these options.
#   SourceCharset => 'iso-8859-1',
#   DestCharset => 'utf-8',

# CaseSensitive will control if the SQL statements need LOWER()
#   function calls to work case insensitively. Setting this to
#   1 will improve performance dramatically on large databases.
CaseSensitive => 0,
# customer unique id
CustomerKey => 'login',

# customer #
CustomerID => 'customer_id',
CustomerValid => 'valid_id',
CustomerUserListFields => ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'],
CustomerUserSearchFields => ['login', 'last_name', 'customer_id'],
CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 500,
CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['email'],
CustomerUserNameFields => ['title','first_name','last_name'],
CustomerUserEmailUniqCheck => 1,
## show not own tickets in customer panel, CompanyTickets
#CustomerUserExcludePrimaryCustomerID => 0,
## generate auto logins
#AutoLoginCreation => 0,
#AutoLoginCreationPrefix => 'auto',
## admin can change customer preferences
#AdminSetPreferences => 1,
## cache time to live in sec. - cache any database queries
#CacheTTL => 0,
## just a read only source
#ReadOnly => 1,
Map => [
# note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
# var, frontend, storage, shown (1=always,2=lite), required,
storage-type, http-link, readonly, http-link-target
[ 'UserTitle',  'Title',  'title',  1, 0, 'var', '', 0
[ 'UserFirstname',  'Firstname',  'first_name', 1, 1, 'var', '', 0
[ 'UserLastname',   'Lastname',   'last_name',  1, 1, 'var', '', 0
[ 'UserLogin',  'Username',   'login',  1, 1, 'var', '', 0
[ 'UserPassword',   'Password',   'pw', 0, 0, 'var', '', 0
[ 'UserEmail',  'Email',  'email',  1, 1, 'var', '', 0

[ 'Firma','firma',  'company',  1, 0, 'var',
'', 0],

Re: [otrs] OTRS 3.0.11 on MSSQL 2008R2 performance

2012-04-27 Thread Boris Wagener
there is no nytive Perl driver for MSSQL, as far as i know that ist the
Use MySQL:-)

2012/4/27 Wouter Mignon 

>  Hi all,
> ** **
> We’re getting really bad performance running OTRS 3.0.11 on a Windows
> 2008R2 machine with MSSQL 2008R2. The database cluster we’re running on is
> powerful, other applications run perfectly on the same instance.
> ** **
> When tracing the SQL requests to our database we see fast response times,
> the problem seems to be the number of queries OTRS does to build up its
> pages.
> ** **
> SQL Benchmark feature within OTRS (“normal” test):
> Insert Time:   130 s :-( Should not take more than 5's on an
> average system.
> Update Time:129 s :-( Should not take more than 9's on an
> average system.
> Select Time:   125 s :-( Should not take more than 6's on an
> average system.
> Delete Time: 121 s :-( Should not take more than 5's on an
> average system.
> Multiplier:  * 1  s  
> ** **
> Any ideas?
> ** **
> Kind Regards,
> Wouter
> ** **
> -
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[otrs] Default Tickettyp auf Incident

2012-04-24 Thread Boris Wagener
Hi Liste,

unser Helpdesk wurde angehalten bei allen Tickst die über das
Kundenfrontend erstellt werden den Tickettyp auf Incident zu setzen.
Kann ich das irgendwo einstellen dass der Tickettyp automatisch auf
Incident gesetzt wird?

Bei Mails gehts ja soweit ich weiss, aber eine Einstellung fürs
Webinterface hab ich noch nicht gefunden.
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Re: [otrs] otrs and debian virtual hosting

2012-04-23 Thread Boris Wagener

i've found a nice GUI on Weekend


You can manage the v-hosts via Webinterface.
Maybe it helps:-)

2012/4/23 Carlos Gomes - STI Unesp Franca 

> Well fellas, iv found a huge mistake i didnt payed attention before, while
> installing otrs via debian packages, it automatically adds code to
> /etc/apache2/conf.d with code to open up the otrs interface as the default
> virtual host, so no matter what I put up on the sites-avaiable would
> overcome this configs, silly me :)
> So, iv removed the otrs.conf from conf.d, so I can manage my own virtual
> hosts and get the results I wanna achive, as suporte.franca.unesp.brwould 
> point to
> customer.pl, admin.suporte.franca.unesp.br would point up to the 
> index.pladmin interface.
> Now my problem is a little different, on both virtual servers Iv tryed to
> copy some configs from this otrs.conf, but the give me an error 500, and
> the old code Iv made to set up the virtual hosts opens the page as I
> wanted, but no css and rendering works. Is there a way to put up, and what
> configs, on the virtual hosts configuration so the sites loads fully?
> my config files in sites-avaiable are now as this:
> admin.suporte.franca.unesp.br
>> #mod do endereco de suporte (/etc/apache2/sites-available/
>> admin.suporte.franca.unesp.br)
>> #
>> ServerAdmin cgo...@franca.unesp.br
>> ServerName  admin.suporte.franca.unesp.br
>> ServerAlias admin.suporte.franca.unesp.br
>> # Indexes + Directory Root.
>> DirectoryIndex index.pl
>> DocumentRoot /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
>> # CGI Directory
>> # ScriptAlias /otrs/ /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
>> SetHandler perl-script
>> PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>> PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>> PerlSetupEnv On
>> Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
>> AllowOverride None
>> AddHandler cgi-script .pl
>> # Logfiles
>> ErrorLog  /var/log/otrs/admin/error.log
>> CustomLog /var/log/otrs/admin/access.log combined
>> and this for suporte.franca.unesp.br, notice that this one iv copyed the
>> full otrs.conf file from conf.d, and changed some lines so it fires up the
>> customer.pl.
> # Config script para o vhost de suporte aos usuarios
>> # Criado em 17/04/2012 - cgo...@franca.unesp.br
>> #
>> # if mod_perl is used
>> # load all otrs modules
>> Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-perl-startup.pl
>> # Apache::Reload - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
>> PerlModule Apache2::Reload
>> PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
>> PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec
>> # set mod_perl2 options
>> #
>> #ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/customer.pl
>> #ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/index.pl
>> #SetHandler  perl-script
>> #PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>> #Options +ExecCGI
>> #PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>> #PerlOptions +SetupEnv
>> #Order allow,deny
>> #Allow from all
>> #
>> # set mod_perl2 option for generic interface
>> PerlOptions -ParseHeaders
>> # directory settings
>> AllowOverride None
>> Options +ExecCGI -Includes
>> Order allow,deny
>> Allow from all
>> ErrorDocument 403 /index.pl
>> DirectoryIndex customer.pl
>> AddHandler  perl-script .pl .cgi
>> PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>> PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>> PerlOptions +SetupEnv
>> AllowOverride None
>> Order Deny,Allow
>>Deny from all
>>Allow from
>> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000 must-revalidate"
>> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000 must-revalidate"
>> # MaxRequestsPerChild (so no apache child will be to big!)
>> # MaxRequestsPerChild 4000
> So, with this config iv i request the admin. subdomain it gives me to
> download the .pl file, and suporte points ok to the customer.pl, but i
> cant login and the css isnt loaded. The domains are up for public.
> Thanks very much for your help douglas, but I thin the mailing would
> preffer english language so all others could read and document.
> Im strugling for some days now, with no success... could find more
> documentations about virtual hosting that are suitable for my debian
> ambient. any help appreciated
>> tambem nao funcionou. ja tentei o caminho relativo completo e etc...
>> 2012/4/17 Douglas Nascimento 
>>> Eu não tenho certeza, mas acho que em DirectoryIndex você deveria
>>> colocar apenas index.pl ou customer.pl, sem o "/otrs/".  Exemplo:
>>> DirectoryIndex index.pl
>>> Direct