[otrs] Upgrade to 2.2.6 fails: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at ../..//Kernel/System/Ticket/Article.pm line 1409.

2008-04-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

After upgrading OTRS v2.0.4 to v2.2.6 using the instructions in 
UPGRADING, my OTRS fails with the following error:

Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at 
../..//Kernel/System/Ticket/Article.pm line 1409.

Google leads me to the following FAQ entry, which suggests this problem 
occurs after an upgrade to v2.2.2:


It suggests that I run the following sql to fix this:

ALTER TABLE ticket ADD escalation_response_time INTEGER;
ALTER TABLE ticket ADD escalation_solution_time INTEGER;

This fails, because the columns have already been added by the DB 
migration script.

Does anyone have any further reasons why this error should occur, apart 
from the missing columns referred to in the FAQ, which in this case are 
not missing?


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Re: [otrs] Query Active Directory via Root domain server

2006-11-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Brett Simpson wrote:

I have an Active Directory Domain that has a root domain controller with 
two sub domain servers. I can point to either of the sub domains and 
authenticate to any account under the specific DC I select. However I 
would like to be able to point to the root domain controller and be able 
to authenticate to either. My configuration I’m trying to use is below.

What you want to do is enable the Global Catalog in Active Directory, 
which represents a combined read only summary of both servers, and point 
OTRS at the global catalog server. The global catalog server runs on a 
high port, and is a separate LDAP server from the one running on port 
389. Google for details.


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[otrs] Email too big

2006-11-07 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I am suddenly getting errors as follows:

Email to big (6744 KB - max 6144 KB)!

I can't find where this figure 6144KB is configured, it's not
configurable in the POP config.

Does anyone know where I can change this figure?

I am using OTRS v2.0.


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[otrs] Microsoft SQL Server: errors on table creation

2006-10-23 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

After trying to create tables with the otrs-schema-mssql.sql file, the
attempt to create the tables bombs out with the following errors:

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 47
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'system_user'.

It looks like system_user is a reserved word of some kind.

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 469
Line 469: Incorrect syntax near 'MAX'.

SQL server also seems to dislike the syntax VARCHAR(MAX).

Which version of SQL server is supported by OTRS?


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[otrs] Microsoft SQL Server - how to you set it up?

2006-10-19 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

According to all the announcements found by Google, OTRS now supports 
the MSSQL database, yay!

The problem I am having is that this support has not seemed to make its 
way into any documentation of any kind.

Two questions I am trying to answer are:

- What perl modules are needed?

- What is the value of $Self-{DatabaseDSN}?

In other words, what goes after DBI:...?


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[otrs] Deleting mail in the Junk queue

2006-08-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

I have a lot of tickets in the Junk queue, which is currently taking up 
an enormous amount of space in my database.

What is the recommended way of purging all data in this queue?


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Re: [otrs] Multiple OTRS HowTo - Document Ready

2006-07-27 Thread Graham Leggett


Please let me knw if anybody of you want to knw of how to install multiple OTRS 
on to a single machine... I dont knw any place of where to publish it... I can 
mail it for you guyz...

Can you send it through to me too please :)

I can publish it online as well, if you like.


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[otrs] Unable to display a new message

2006-07-24 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

After receiving an email message that is automatically routed to an OTRS 
queue, I use the empty answer option to reply to the customer. This 
works fine.

The customer then replies to my reply - and OTRS tells me there is a new 
message waiting.

I open the ticket and zoom to the most recent reply listed, but instead 
of displaying the reply, OTRS displays the previous email message, ie my 
original response to the customer.

There seems to be no way that I can find to convince OTRS to display the 
new message - only the second last message is shown, instead of the last 
message, and the new message notification doesn't go away.

Has anybody encountered this before?

I am using OTRS v2.0.4 against Postgresql, running on RHEL4.


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[otrs] Incoming email suddenly dead

2006-05-04 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

Out of the blue, our OTRS v2.0.4 started sending error messages when it 
tried to receive mail from the POP mailbox.

Trying to run it manually prints the following cryptic message:

-bash-3.00$ bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl -f 1
Notice: PostMasterPOP3.pl is already running but is starting again!
Message 1/3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@localhost)
perl: prescan_stmt.c:442: rewrite_execute_stmt: Assertion `ph = 
imp_sth-phc' failed.


Has anyone seen this error before?

Is anybody else running OTRS successfully on Redhat Enterprise 4?


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Re: [otrs] Incoming email suddenly dead

2006-05-04 Thread Graham Leggett

Graham Leggett wrote:

Trying to run it manually prints the following cryptic message:

-bash-3.00$ bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl -f 1
Notice: PostMasterPOP3.pl is already running but is starting again!
Message 1/3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@localhost)
perl: prescan_stmt.c:442: rewrite_execute_stmt: Assertion `ph = 
imp_sth-phc' failed.


After lots of Googling again I eventually found this:


Upgrading perl-DBI and perl-DBD-Pg to the Fedora Core Development 
versions fixed the problem.


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[otrs] Sudden error from cron jobs

2006-05-03 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

After running OTRS v2.0.4 for a while under RHEL4, I am suddenly getting 
the following perl error every time the cron jobs get run:

perl: prescan_stmt.c:442: rewrite_execute_stmt: Assertion `ph = 
imp_sth-phc' failed.
/bin/sh: line 1: 16181 Aborted 
$HOME/bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl /dev/null

It seems to be a low level code error, I have no idea what this message 
is trying to tell me.

Has anyone seen this before?


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Re: Re: [otrs] Multiple OTRS installations, same machine

2006-04-25 Thread Graham Leggett
On Tue, April 25, 2006 3:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 sorry for jumping into the discussion from aside... ;-)

 i have to do this in two or three weeks and i am not that deep in all the
 so my question is if there is a detailed explanation or a howto or
 like that to get multiple instances on one server up an runnin?

I face the same task in a short while.

Having deployed OTRS from an RPM, I want to keep the convenience of

Which directories would I need to make copies of to get multiple copies of
OTRS to work side by side?

Is the config held in a single directory?


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[otrs] Use of uninitialized value in split

2006-04-02 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

After configuring OTRS v2.0.4 to receive email from a POP mailbox, I am 
getting the following emailed to me from cron:

Use of uninitialized value in split at 
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/Ticket/Number/DateChecksum.pm line 51.

The message I sent was otherwise delivered successfully.

The code in question seems to be involved with a counter of some kind. 
Is this something I should worry about?


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[otrs] Confusion: admin users, LDAP user database support

2006-03-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

Having just installed a new instance of OTRS, I installed and configured 
it against a Postgres database, and after install I was able to log in 
using the default [EMAIL PROTECTED] user.

I then tried to add the CustomerUser' variable to the config file to 
authenticate against LDAP. I am now unable to log in at all.

There are a number of points I could not find stated anywhere obvious in 
the manual:

- There seem to be admins, agents and customers. Can you 
authenticate all three against LDAP? Only customers against LDAP?

The manual imples only customers can be authenticated against LDAP, but 
then when I turned on customer authentication, agent authentication 
stopped working.

- If agent auth is supported against LDAP, how does the initial admin 
user get set up (if any)? Must I create a user in my LDAP directory 
called [EMAIL PROTECTED] How do I create additional admins?

- If basic authentication is switched on, which parts of the /otrs/ 
directory needs to be protected with basic authentication? The entire 
directory? Only customer.pl?

I am using OTRS v2.0.4.


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[otrs] OTRS login: redirection limit for this URL exceeded

2006-03-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

Another problem I am having with my OTRS install: Having dumped the 
database and started again, and am having a further problem with login.

After entering your login details, the message Redirection limit for 
this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused 
by cookies that are blocked. is displayed by the browser (Mozilla).

A look in the access log shows this line repeated over and over: - - [25/Mar/2006:09:07:23 -0600] GET 
/otrs/index.pl?Session=10ec825a265cbeacb4730c1ed8af65b286 HTTP/1.1 302 
107 https://yyy/otrs/index.pl; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060130 Red Hat/1.7.12-1.4.2

All lines have differing session ids.

I have checked the browser cookie settings, and these are set to the 
default setting (allow cookies based on privacy settings). Changing the 
cookie setting to allow all makes no difference.

Has anybody seen this behaviour before?


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Re: [otrs] OTRS login: redirection limit for this URL exceeded

2006-03-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Graham Leggett wrote:

A look in the access log shows this line repeated over and over: - - [25/Mar/2006:09:07:23 -0600] GET 
/otrs/index.pl?Session=10ec825a265cbeacb4730c1ed8af65b286 HTTP/1.1 302 
107 https://yyy/otrs/index.pl; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060130 Red Hat/1.7.12-1.4.2

Some Google searching located 
http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs/2005-July/008334.html which 
described the need to use Apache::compat to stop weird things happening.

The next problem I face is that mod_perl v2.0.2 has for some reason 
renamed most of the Apache perl modules from Apache to Apache2.

I tried to fix some of the problems by creating symlinks from 
Apache2::compat to Apache::compat (and others), but this hasn't seemed 
to worked.

Is there any hope of getting OTRS to work with mod_perl 2.0.2? My system 
is running httpd v2.2.0, and downgrading is not practical.

In the mean time I have disabled mod_perl entirely, and now OTRS works 
without errors.


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Re: [otrs] Confusion: admin users, LDAP user database support

2006-03-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Sébastien Prud'homme wrote:

In fact there are only agents and customers. Admins are just agents that 
have admin rights.

Ok, this makes sense.

For agents or customers you can choose the authentification backend (DB, 
LDAP or whathever)

For instance :

- DB for agents and DB for customers
- DB for agents and LDAP for customers
- LDAP for agents and DB for customers
- LDAP for agents and LDAP for customers

The manual only describes how to set up LDAP for customers, it makes no 
mention how to set LDAP up for agents. :(

Is setting up LDAP for agents the same as setting up for customers but 
with a different variable for $Self-{CustomerUser}? How does this work?

Before switching to LDAP you can create an agent account (which is yet 
in the LDAP backend) in the DB backend with the admin rights (add it in 
the admin group for instance). After switching use this account for OTRS 

Am I correct in understanding that for agents, you need to create the 
admin in the database, and then use LDAP just for authentication only?

Is it possible to create more admin users after switching LDAP on for 


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Re: [otrs] v2.0.4 SRPM build failure on RHEL4

2006-03-24 Thread Graham Leggett
On Fri, March 24, 2006 1:02 pm, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet) said:

 I just used the rpm on the OTRS site for FC1-FC3. Works just fine on
 CentOS 4. Guess it would work on RHEL 4 too then.

Did you build the RPM or just use the binary? My target machine is x86_64,
so the procompiled binaries would not have worked.


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Re: [otrs] Tickets with attachments

2006-03-24 Thread Graham Leggett
On Fri, March 24, 2006 1:20 pm, Danie said:

 We are experiencing intermittent  problems with certain tickets with
 attachments. Some get sent , and some the browser just sits at a certain
 percentage and the ticket does not get forwarded/replied to. Is anyone
 else experiencing such problems? Any possible solutions? I checked the
 System Log and could not find and traceable errors.

I've had weird things like this happen when not enough memory was available.


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[otrs] v2.0.4 SRPM build failure on RHEL4

2006-03-23 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

I have been trying to build v2.0.4's SRPM on a Redhat Enterprise 
machine, but the RPM build process bombs out as follows:

+ export OTRSUSER=otrs
+ useradd otrs
useradd: user otrs exists
+ :
+ useradd apache
useradd: user apache exists
+ :
+ groupadd apache
groupadd: group apache exists
+ :
+ /var/tmp/otrs-2.0.4-build/opt/otrs/bin/SetPermissions.sh 
/var/tmp/otrs-2.0.4-build/opt/otrs otrs apache apache apache
/var/tmp/otrs-2.0.4-build/opt/otrs/bin/SetPermissions.sh: /bin/sh: bad 
interpreter: Permission denied

error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.57870 (%install)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.57870 (%install)

Has anybody seen this before?

If an attempt is made to run 
/var/tmp/otrs-2.0.4-build/opt/otrs otrs apache apache apache manually, 
everything works fine.

I am stumped. Anybody have any ideas?


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