[Owfs-developers] owcapiexample parameters to pass

2017-01-13 Thread bdrmachine
 Wouldsomeone Please help me with the input string needed forthe owcapiexample 
program. I am trying to read my 18b20 sensors that areattached to my Raspberry 
Pi 3 using the I2C interface. I can readthem with my browser @ 
“localhost:2121”. The problem is I cannot get the example code that was loaded 
at(/usr/share/doc/libowfs-dev/examples/owcapi/C) to work. I need helpfiguring 
out what parameters to pass to ./owcapiexample ??? 
Ihave spent countless hours at this. Please help.
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[Owfs-developers] how to call owcapiexample

2017-01-08 Thread bdrmachine
Would someone Please help me with accessing OWFS using C. I have owserver 
working. I can type “localhost:2121” in a browser and access all my OW devices. 

There is an example program “owcapiexample.c”on my pi. How do I call this 
program to access owserver. I have tried “./owcapiexample “localhost:2121”, 
“” and “/dev/i2c-1” but it always fails and defaults to –fake.
Thanks MuchBrian
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