Hi Bob,

The command ""create owlim." gave me the error message "ERROR: No template called owlim found in C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Application Data\Aduna\OpenRDF Sesame console\templates", so I realized that the Aduna subdirectory should be called "OpenRDF Sesame console", not "OpenRDF Sesame". I created it and put owlim.ttl into a templates subdirectory of that. Then, all the other steps happened as you described.

no - this means the you are using the console's own storage folder - you need to connect to the openrdf-sesame application first and then to issue the "create owlim." command

you just created new repository within the console storage which ofcource is not vizible through the workbench web appication

so start the tomcat and then run the console
while in the console, issue "connect http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame."; command to connect to the openrdf-sesame running in your tomcat (use here your url and port)
and then create the repository with the above command.


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