Hi everyone,

I experienced strange results in this query :

GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/one> { ?main foo:something ?uri. } 

GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/two> { ?main foo:description ?desc OPTIONAL { ?main 
foo:price ?price } } 
GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/one> { OPTIONAL { ?price price:value ?value } ?desc 
foo:value ?text . BIND(lang(?text) AS ?language) . }  } 

BINDINGS ?uri{  ( <http://www.uri.com/uri1> )    } 

It gives some random results in query answer(only one row should be returned 
but hundreds are returned). If I move BIND from GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/one> 
{ ... } clause, and put it right after the GRAPH, it returns correct results. 
If I remove OPTIONAL clause from GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/one> { ... }, the 
results are again correct.
Is it correct query?

May I ask whether you made some progress with issues connected to ERROR IN 
PREDICATE STATISTICS in these cases? : 

1 Testscenario 1.

owlim:enable-context-index "true" ;

a.During loading there are files in owlim:import which has labels for general 
entities. In this case it is label of municipality, but it does not 

b. After creating DB, I load other data, but they are loaded to specific 
context. Let's say it is <http://www.foo.com/test>
c. When you run this query :
    GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/test> {
        ?thing foo:municipality ?municipality

    ?municipality rdfs:label ?label

Everything works fine, as it is correct query to make. Data are really in 
<http://www.foo.com/test> and labels which are connected to the 
municipality are stored in default graph. No error is in log file.

d.When you run this query, which is incorrect(no results should be returned) 
because labels are in default graph, ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS 
appears in log file. 

    GRAPH <http://www.foo.com/test> {
        ?thing foo:municipality ?municipality .
        ?municipality rdfs:label ?label

2. At the same time I think we exeprience the same issue as problem reported 

Best regards,
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