Re: [Owncloud] Fail to open / download file with space in last git pull

2011-11-02 Thread eMerzh
Arg... it's me :/

sorry for the inconvenience , i'm trying to fix it asap...

2011/11/2 Christophe M :
> Hi !
> I've just pull and from the web interface I can't load anymore files with
> spaces ... (via dolphin it works)
> The pull :
> git pull
> remote: Counting objects: 37, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
> remote: Total 19 (delta 15), reused 0 (delta 0)
> Unpacking objects: 100% (19/19), done.
> From git://
>    e533e82..c7d1737  master     -> origin/master
> Updating e533e82..c7d1737
> Fast-forward
>  apps/files_sharing/js/share.js |    6 ++--
>  core/js/js.js                  |    7 +
>  files/js/fileactions.js        |    2 +-
>  files/js/filelist.js           |   54
> +++-
>  files/js/files.js              |   11 ++--
>  files/templates/part.list.php  |    2 +-
>  lib/filestorage/local.php      |    5 +++
>  7 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
> Example of file :
> ---
> Apache log :
> --
> [Wed Nov 02 19:11:06 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
>  readfile(/mnt/datas/owncloud/christophe/files/Notes/File+system.txt):
> failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
> /var/www/owncloud/lib/filestorage/local.php on line 62, referer:
> Thanks,
> Christophe
> --
> --
> Trop nombreux sont ceux qui ont oublié le passé
> L'histoire de l'homme, une honte, faut-il te le ressasser ?
> Le monde, une spirale où les mêmes erreurs sont retracées
> A force de côtoyer l'horreur, nos cœurs sont devenus glacés
> Nous parlent que d'profits, la condition de l'homme effacée
> Mondialisation et concurrence sont leur unique phrasé
> Les peuples unilatéralement écrasés
> La création menacée
> Multinationales et croissance ont tracé
> Leurs routes sur nos libertés
> Ils ont jurés, crachés qu'rien n'entravera la leur
> A l'heure ou les dictatures sont cachées
> A cause de leurs profits immédiats l'avenir est gâché
> Cette bande d'ingrats ont réduit la planète à un grand marché
> La loi des plus riches et beaucoup crèvent avant d'être âgés
> Protestations dîtes criminelles si tu les as outragés
> Ils mentent lorsqu'ils disent que le mal-être n'est que passager
> Puis s'étonnent quand la nature se rebelle comme un peuple enragé
> Ils disent être transparent alors que de sang, leurs mains sont tachées
> Déconseillent fortement d'avoir des idées trop engagées
> Accélération d'leur plan depuis qu'des avions se sont crashés
> Et toi, dis-moi dans quels sens dans ce système es-tu attaché ?
> Ils prêchent le blasphème et la vraie lumière se fait lyncher
> Tous nés la corde au cou, dans certains pays elle a lâché
> Parlent de justice alors qu'à la racine ils l'ont arrachée
> Les plus gros s'engraissent sur la tête de ceux qui n'ont rien à mâcher
> Voila le monde d'aujourd'hui. Paraît qu'leur plan a marché
> Nous vantent un progrès technique qui dans le fond à tout saccagé
> Parlent d'évolution quand notre humanité s'est fait hachée
> Notre cœur ne bat plus vraiment et notre inconscient est fâché
> Stress, angoisse, cancer, dépression notre compte s'est chargé
> Mais on ne cherche pas la cause et les effets qu'on aimerait chassés
> "Philosophie fast-food" pour que nos consciences soient terrassées
> Au nom de la dignité humaine, nous avons dit : "ASSEZ"
> (Keny Arkana)
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Bug with zeros in filenames + Hack to solve it

2011-11-04 Thread eMerzh
Ouch... again a bug for me :s
Sorry about that... i swear, i've tested my patch :p
the data function of jquery tried to convert the "0"+numbers into an int...

So it should be fixed with my last commit...

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 16:17, Maximilian Ernestus
> Hi guys,
> there are some bugs when a file starts with a zero "0" and contains no other
> letters (numbers only). I don't know why. But a guy from the irc gave me
> some hints so I found this hack to solve it:
> Add
> if(substr($filename, 0, 1) === "0") $file['name']="/".$filename;
> just after
> $file['name']=$filename;
> around line 50 in lib/files.php.
> That puts a slash in front of the "badly" named files. It is ugly but it
> works.
> Please keep me updated when you fix the bug in a nicer way.
> Greetings,
> Maximilian
> P.S.: Thanks for the great software.
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] problem with new alpha

2011-11-25 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for your report...
The alpha has a problem with the dependency check for the LDAP
module... it's just corrected...

For the url fopen... i'll have a look asap...

Question : do you see the knowledge base in the help menu?


Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] owncloud t-shirt

2011-11-27 Thread eMerzh
Yey nice :)

if you listen to everyone, you will have trouble but for me the best is
front : or Free your data
back :

my 2¢
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Appounding pdf viewer ..

2011-12-01 Thread eMerzh
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 09:37, Thomas Olsen  wrote:
> On Thursday 01 December 2011 09:17 Frank Karlitschek wrote:
>> On 01.12.2011, at 09:07, Christophe M wrote:
>> > Well tracking all the list to see if someone is doing the same job could
>> > be complicated :) I think more about a wiki page or somethink like a
>> > table like this :
>> >
>> > Project | User | Start date | Status
>> I agree. A list on a wiki page would be cool.
> Isn't supposed to fulfill that? I
> have no idea if it's totally obsolete though..?
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
> Thomas Olsen
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
ye ... the page on the wiki is nice but a bit outdated and editable
only by a few...
for me we need a proper way to say who is working on what and which
bug is still to fix...

Shapado is nice to have users feedback but as a bug tracker 

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Android app

2011-12-06 Thread eMerzh
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 16:25, Christophe M  wrote:
> Hey !
> What's the state of the android application ?
> Just download the git and compiled it but anything available after login :/
> Thanks,
> Christophe

i was trying to launch it too, but for me it fail  when fetching files...

after that i was weirdly unable to install any applications on my
phone until i removed owncloud app...
I've e-mailed  Bartek Przybylski  to report my problems

Btw , this make me want to learn some android dev, so I'm currently
busy learning ..

may be after some times i may be available to contribute to owncloud app :)

but if some else can fix that particular problem,  please do it :)

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Android app

2011-12-06 Thread eMerzh
i've installed the new apk...
seems to not have the problem of installing other apps but is still
does not work for me
(GS2 android 2.3.3 stock rom...)

it crash just after sync or opening the app,
and only see a blank screen when i finally got the file listing (?) screen

Thanks for your updates

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 18:33, Bartek Przybylski  wrote:
> current master state is rebooting phone, and works really slowly
> because of contacts synchronization, so in link which i provide you
> have provided you have apk without those features, you can upload
> files, update file list. rest in under heavy development for 1.0beta.
> plan is to release it 12 january, in my birthday ;)
> bartek
> 2011/12/6 Sven :
>> Hi,
>> the currently available state from master, should offer one more thing: the
>> contacts from your phone are pushed to your own cloud. This works more or 
>> less
>> (have it on my phone) but it's very simple implemented, means: have to 
>> improve
>> things like:
>> - last sync time
>> - overwrites existing ones or not
>> - updates server side contacts if they exits
>> - pull changes from server from contacts that exists already on phone
>> - pull new contacts to the phone if they not exists on the phone (by name or
>> id)
>> and so on..
>> --
>> Best Regards
>> Sven
>> On Tuesday 06 December 2011 17:25:04 Bartek Przybylski wrote:
>>> <- try this one ;)and wait a few weeks
>>> more for 1.0 beta ;)
>>> 2011/12/6 eMerzh :
>>> > On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 16:25, Christophe M  wrote:
>>> >> Hey !
>>> >>
>>> >> What's the state of the android application ?
>>> >> Just download the git and compiled it but anything available after
>>> >> login :/
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks,
>>> >>
>>> >> Christophe
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> > i was trying to launch it too, but for me it fail  when fetching
>>> > files...
>>> >
>>> > after that i was weirdly unable to install any applications on my
>>> > phone until i removed owncloud app...
>>> > I've e-mailed  Bartek Przybylski  to report my problems
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Btw , this make me want to learn some android dev, so I'm currently
>>> > busy learning ..
>>> >
>>> > may be after some times i may be available to contribute to owncloud app
>>> > :)
>>> >
>>> > but if some else can fix that particular problem,  please do it :)
>>> >
>>> > eMerzh
>>> > ___
>>> > Owncloud mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Android app

2011-12-06 Thread eMerzh
Same thing,
i've wiped the data, uninstall the app and reinstall...
can't get any further...

seems to be the same thing 12-06 22:18:29.975:
E/AndroidRuntime(23513): org.w3c.dom.DOMException: Only one root
element allowed

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 21:27, Bartek Przybylski  wrote:
> i did ;)
> it sould be:
> Remove app entirely and install it again. I have introduces some
> values which might not be present upon update
> :)
> 2011/12/6 Thomas Olsen :
>> On Tuesday 06 December 2011 20:11 Bartek Przybylski wrote:
>>> Remove app entirely and install ot again. I babe introduced domem values
>>> which might not be present upon upgrade
>> Just a wild guess: Are you replying from your phone? ;-)
>> --
>> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
>> Thomas Olsen
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Android app

2011-12-06 Thread eMerzh
installed on the server?
git with maybe a couple of day delays ...

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 22:21, Bartek Przybylski  wrote:
> which version of OC ?
> 2011/12/6 eMerzh :
>> Hi,
>> Same thing,
>> i've wiped the data, uninstall the app and reinstall...
>> can't get any further...
>> seems to be the same thing 12-06 22:18:29.975:
>> E/AndroidRuntime(23513): org.w3c.dom.DOMException: Only one root
>> element allowed
>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 21:27, Bartek Przybylski  wrote:
>>> i did ;)
>>> it sould be:
>>> Remove app entirely and install it again. I have introduces some
>>> values which might not be present upon update
>>> :)
>>> 2011/12/6 Thomas Olsen :
>>>> On Tuesday 06 December 2011 20:11 Bartek Przybylski wrote:
>>>>> Remove app entirely and install ot again. I babe introduced domem values
>>>>> which might not be present upon upgrade
>>>> Just a wild guess: Are you replying from your phone? ;-)
>>>> --
>>>> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
>>>> Thomas Olsen
>>>> ___
>>>> Owncloud mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] android app

2011-12-14 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for the update!
unfortunately it still doesn't works for me...
it's crashing while syncing... (i'll test later if it's the same error
as before)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] android app

2011-12-15 Thread eMerzh
thanks for your help ...
i only enter my host + login + passwd

then it says ok, ...
i go to sync parameters of my phone hit "sync now" ...
processing...processing...  then crash!

can't see anything in the file list (normal if the sync crash i guess...)


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 07:59, Bartek Przybylski  wrote:
> but as far as i understand you can can login using https protocol right ?
> 2011/12/15 eMerzh :
>> Thanks for the update!
>> unfortunately it still doesn't works for me...
>> it's crashing while syncing... (i'll test later if it's the same error
>> as before)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bugs V4.0beta : 595 and 599 could be closed

2012-05-12 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for the information ,

I've closed them :)

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Alain Bourgeois
> Recent commits have solved these 2 bugs.
> I cannot close them myself, even being the owner
> Alain
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Announce List

2012-05-22 Thread eMerzh
And talking about announces,
is there a place to get different sizes / shapes / colors of logos /
 for inclusion in news release?

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Tom Needham  wrote:
> On 22 May 2012, at 21:49, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 May 2012 22:46:17 Tom Needham wrote:
> There isn't afaik, however at the moment a good place to keep up to date is
> the news section on
> RSS feed?
> Here we go: I will put an rss icon somewhere with
> a link to it.
> Tom Needham
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

[Owncloud] Few ideas for Bug tracker

2012-05-23 Thread eMerzh
Hi everyone,

I was happy when owncloud got his bugtracker instead of the previous platform...
after a while working with bug genie i was somewhat not so happy ...

Free criticisms lead to nothing so i decide to do some propositions to
try to resolve my concerns about bug genie :)

- ** We really need to classify stuff in BG, close old bugs, order others, ...**
- we need to set (first and/or last checked) affected version
- have "template" for the issue asking for infos about server,
modules, browser ... something else?
- A clear way to set : "Need Info" (without doing the investigate
thing & so on) for bug without enough info (so we know that the
problem must not be investigate by another)
- Ability to close own bugs ?
- Close bugs that are in "Need info" state for too long  / do
automated reminder or smth ?
- Is it possible to mark a bug duplicate without marking the bug as
- I can't add affected items if already assigned ?
- A Classification for infrastructure related bugs (Website, demo, bug
tracker, download, ...)
- Set up Relation between bugs and code ... auto close of bugs / link
to commit resolving the issue / ...
- what are the criterions to choose the priority?
- Add external apps as possibly affected component

What do you guys think about these?


Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Few ideas for Bug tracker

2012-05-24 Thread eMerzh
here, are some more remarks created as bug report in BG:

- Ability to add comment event if a bug is closed
- Problem with quoting in mails

( abitity
to close own bugs)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Few ideas for Bug tracker

2012-05-24 Thread eMerzh
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Artem Sidorenko  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm missing the "monitor"(Mantis) or "cc"(Bugzilla) feature, so I have
> to comment to get the updates of some bug.
> --
> Best regards,
> Artem Sidorenko.

If you vote on a bug you are not include in mail update ?
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Rescan Pictures with a cronjob task

2012-05-25 Thread eMerzh
I'm also interrested in this information :

How can we do a curl / wget on any page of owncloud
I think that if we try to use a basic auth, we will keep beeing
redirect to the default page (OC_Util::redirectToDefaultPage in
index.php Line 112)

Is it what we want?

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Thomas Tanghus  wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 May 2012 22:23 Florian Hülsmann wrote:
>> Hi Niko,
>> putting this command into the crontab should do the job:
>> curl -s -L --max-redirs 3 --basic -u 'user:password'
>> 'http://host/owncloud/?app=gallery&getfile=ajax/galleryOp.php&operation=scan
>> '
>> But I'm not sure why it even redirects... Someone else may provide a
>> better solution.
> It seems like http auth is kinda useless now because of all the redirects. I
> have a script to backup contacts and calendars, but on OC4 I get a listing of
> the files instead?
> wget --auth-no-challenge --http-user=user --http-password=password \
>  -O file.vcf "http://host/owncloud/?app=contacts&getfile=export.php?bookid=X";
> If you run:
> curl -L -v --basic -u 'user:password' \
> 'http://host/owncloud/?app=gallery&getfile=ajax/galleryOp.php&operation=scan'
> you can see that it just keeps requesting http://lhost/owncloud/?app=files and
> never gets any further.
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
> Thomas Tanghus
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] 4.0.1

2012-05-26 Thread eMerzh
Good idea... nice way to keep fix released asap

It can be a good idea to create the related targets on the bug trackers?


 Le 26 mai 2012 13:38, "Frank Karlitschek"  a écrit :

> Hi everybody,
> we want to release a 4.0.1 bugfix release as soon as possible to address
> all the issues of the ownCloud 4 release.
> The plan is to release 4.0.1 the coming friday and a 4.0.2 one or two
> weeks afterwards.
> So please backport your fixes to the stable 4 branch for the release.
> I think it it important that we stabilize the ownCloud 4 code base as much
> as possible now.
> Thanks
> Frank
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Few ideas for Bug tracker

2012-05-28 Thread eMerzh
Oh and i forgot to ask about those 3 bugs that generate an error when
i try to view them

If you need help for the bug tracker i can find some times to think
about some issues with you :)



On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Artem Sidorenko  wrote:
> I found it.. it's the star left to the bug title (not really intuitive for
> new users of bug genie).
> Sorry.
>> I can't find the vote button. Probably I'm not allowed to do it..
>>> If you vote on a bug you are not include in mail update ?
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bughunting session

2012-06-05 Thread eMerzh
Yes! it total make sense for me ...
if we could enhance the session with a ticket hunt / classification :)

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> we are in heavy bugfixing mode at the moment as you all know. :-)
> Someone suggested to do a bug-hunting session soon so that we can squeeze out 
> the remaining important ownCloud 4 bugs.
> The idea is to do it next saturday.
> I will bring free "virtual" beer to IRC ;-)
> Does this make sense?
> Frank
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

[Owncloud] Multi apps dir....

2012-06-06 Thread eMerzh
i'm currently trying to develop a solution for having mutlitple
applications directory ( /apps/ ).
Some reason i goes there :
- we currently have 2 apps directory as we have 2 repositiory with
apps and what if i want an external app?
- let people manage apps dir as they want (1 dir for my private apps,
another for ownclouds)
- we have "movable" apps so the work is waaay simpler...
- last but not least i think it will help packager to put things where
they should : owncloud internal apps in /usr/share/owncloud/.. and
installed ones
in another place (maybe /var/lib as the rest?)

Do you find this interesting?

The current code is on my branch here :

It should more or less work if you add this in your config file:
(where appsroot correspond to your install)

"appsroot" => '/var/www/owncloud/apps:/var/www/otherapps',
"appsurl" => '/apps:/otherapps',

( the ":" separate the multiple paths ... )

i'm still looking for a better way to look at appsroot and appsurl ...
but the idea is there

don't hesitate to give feedback :D


eMerzh aka Brice
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Multi apps dir....

2012-06-07 Thread eMerzh
Hi guys,

thanks for you supports :)

i've made some corrections here and there

and i've change the way i load my apps paths from config files
it's no more from appsurl and  appsroot but from an array of array like this

"apps_paths" => array(
'path'=> '/var/www/owncloud/apps',
'url' => '/apps',
'path'=> '/var/www/anotherapps',
'url' => '/apps2',


I hope this help you test the thing ;)

(i don't know where i can put these config parameter documentations
 an idea? )



On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Hi Brice,
> this sounds awesome. I´m wanted to work on the exactly same feature. :-)
> Will test later today.
> Frank
> On 06.06.2012, at 23:48, eMerzh  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i'm currently trying to develop a solution for having mutlitple
>> applications directory ( /apps/ ).
>> Some reason i goes there :
>> - we currently have 2 apps directory as we have 2 repositiory with
>> apps and what if i want an external app?
>> - let people manage apps dir as they want (1 dir for my private apps,
>> another for ownclouds)
>> - we have "movable" apps so the work is waaay simpler...
>> - last but not least i think it will help packager to put things where
>> they should : owncloud internal apps in /usr/share/owncloud/.. and
>> installed ones
>> in another place (maybe /var/lib as the rest?)
>> Do you find this interesting?
>> The current code is on my branch here :
>> It should more or less work if you add this in your config file:
>> (where appsroot correspond to your install)
>> "appsroot" => '/var/www/owncloud/apps:/var/www/otherapps',
>> "appsurl" => '/apps:/otherapps',
>> ( the ":" separate the multiple paths ... )
>> i'm still looking for a better way to look at appsroot and appsurl ...
>> but the idea is there
>> don't hesitate to give feedback :D
>> Regards,
>> eMerzh aka Brice
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Move to GitHub

2012-06-23 Thread eMerzh
For me it's not that gitorious is really bad...
but that i am already on github for other projects  and it's simpler to
have everything there... (username eMerzh btw ;-) )

On the issue tracker topic, i have some things that i want to get fixed on
the genie and it's ok for me (downtime / maintenance pbm a-side)
but i think the main issue is that on genie or on github we need to
organise ourself a bit  :
how to classify things, what informations are important / need tags ...
what does things mean (testing / assigned /... )
The problem, i think, will specially raise with github issue (tagging style
instead of list of fields) so we have to be careful and to define some
(don't get me wrong ... i like the flexibility of Github but it can lead to
some disorganization  :p )

about the split of repos, we may want to be careful about providing core
apps compatible with the core code (manage compatibility issues at least
for core ..)


Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Move to GitHub

2012-06-23 Thread eMerzh
yes, but do we have the ability to transfer an issue from one to
another? (just asking)
and yes we can have as many label as needed but it's better if
everyone use at least some equivalent labels :)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] regarding quality

2012-06-30 Thread eMerzh
i totally agree with you Frank...
here are my 2c on this topic ...
i think we need to extend the beta/rc time and to clearly tag bugs in
our tracker (genie,...)
Then we must carefully choose wich one are blocker and we need to
dedicate time to fix those...

Clearly oc is a great tool evolving at fast speed unfortunately QA is
less attractive than adding new features

May be the automatic test (with a good coverage!) may help us here..
but we have a lng job to make everything testable :/

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Klaas Freitag  wrote:
> Hi,
>> the main problem our users mention about ownCloud is the number of bugs we
>> have. I think we have to be more careful in the future about code quality if
>> we want that more users use our software to manage their important documents
>> and data.
>> We got a lot of bad press and feedback for ownCloud 4 and it took us
>> several weeks to fix the major bugs in 4.0.4. We have to be way better in
>> ownCloud 5.
>> Robin, Thomas and others are working on automated unit tests. This will
>> help us a bit in the future.
>> But automated test have only a limited effectivity in complex
>> client/server/web environments like ours.
>> So every developer is full responsible for the bugs and security problems
>> a commit might introduce. You can´t rely on a unit test or a different
>> developer or user to find and fix your stuff.
>> A few important rules:
>> - Test your code before commit!
>> - Only backport important and fully tested bugfixes to stable4
>> - Switch PHP notices on and have a look at the Apache error log regularly.
>> - Test you code before commit!!
>> - Do complex stuff in branches and only merge when fully working
>> - Respect the coding guidelines
>> - I suggest that developers run master so that we are sure that it is
>> always usable.
>> - Use JS debugger like Firebug to catch JS errors.
>> - Test you code before commit!!
>> - Always sanitize user data to prevent XSS or CSRF security problems.
>> - Always write documentation for your classes/functions.
>> - Test your code before commit
>> - And please test your code before commit!
> Maybe we should also set up our very specific "Definition of DONE", a list
> of what has to be done and which condition have to met before an action item
> is DONE. An example is described at [1].
> That list probably does not fully fit us, but can it be used as starting
> point?
> What do you think?
> Klaas
> [1]
> s
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Setting up owncloud with PostgreSQL

2012-07-02 Thread eMerzh

Could you try this patch ?

You can also try to add just before the pg_connect() a line with


and see if the passord is correctly set and given to postgres.


Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Setting up owncloud with PostgreSQL (SOLVED)

2012-07-03 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for your tests...
in fact the setup is a bit special for the connection...
i've made some changes on the master... can you test those and report any pbm ?



Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] regarding quality

2012-07-03 Thread eMerzh
One thing that could be cool too is to have auto tests for different
OS / config and databases ...beause testing everything on every db is
wasn't there already someone working on a jenkins or smth?

Another place where we must do something is js... selenium will
clearly help, but js should be testable too!

as i write that, i have no experience in js or selenium testing :-)

And i'm interested about way to test methods with queries to db ...
(is there a way to make them test friendly?)


Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Setting up owncloud with PostgreSQL (SOLVED)

2012-07-04 Thread eMerzh
 thanks again ... i thing it's a PHP - PDO bug... i've filled a bug
report on php and i found a work arround for oc...

so could you please test the latest master again?



Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] alpha 1 release

2012-08-02 Thread eMerzh
I would like to merge my bookmark thing but i had to see with jan first...
i'm bit late has i just come back from my vacations...

For the bookmark app i may be cut some feature because i still have to
make some decision / modification to make it like i would like

I hope i will have enough time ;-)

After the tag of the first alpha we will have to clearly mark critical
and new bugs to be able to release a better OC ;-)

I hope i also can find some times to give a hand saterday with the bug tracking!
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] appswebroot path issue

2012-08-03 Thread eMerzh

i'm the one to blame for pbms with multi app dir ... :)

normaly you should use smth like this (taken from contact app)

background: white url('%appswebroot%/contacts/img/Jcrop.gif') top left repeat;

you said it raise an error?  also the 404 with url like apps/apps/news ?
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Improvement for the required version test blocking apps

2012-08-19 Thread eMerzh
just to add little more things to the discution,
it would be great if there were also a requirement checker about other
things like php modules, or even plateform ...
This way, the user has all informations he need :)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Improvement for the required version test blocking apps

2012-08-21 Thread eMerzh
Yeah and dependancy checker use an hard-coded list... and is not
really possible to extend...
we may want to add a collback or a parameter to let the app register
the dependancy...

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Marcos Mezo  wrote:
> On 21/08/12 12:45, Christian Reiner wrote:
>>> On Sunday 19 August 2012 19:42:17 you wrote:
>>> just to add little more things to the discution,
>>> it would be great if there were also a requirement checker about other
>>> things like php modules, or even plateform ...
>> To me it sounds like these checks should be requested as a part of the
>> install
>> or upgrade routines. That is where the environment owncloud is meant to be
>> installed into should be checked.
>> This discussion was about the check blocking or enabling single apps
>> inside an
>> existing owncloud installation. Though certainly possible I doubt adding
>> such
>> checks at this point brings any advantage. Such basic aspects must be
>> checked
>> and fulfilled to get owncloud running anyway. Is there any benefit if
>> these
>> aspects are checked again and again, each time an app is installed or
>> enabled?
> If I am correct not every module is necessary for every installation. In
> fact if I remember well, the PHP Curl extension is not needed for a basic
> owncloud installation, but the bookmarks application uses it.
> By the way, I found out about that in the admin menu. After activating the
> "dependency status" application, on the main amin screen you can find which
> modules are needed and which application is using them. I had the curl one
> in red, saying that bookmarks needed it.
> So I gess it's ok to check dependencies on every app
> installation/activation.
> Marcos
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Proxy in Windows App

2012-08-21 Thread eMerzh
Same thing here with a linux (archlinux + kde),
i've tried today at work... and seems not working too...

tried manual and system setting ...
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] apps moved

2012-08-26 Thread eMerzh
ok cool for the app move, i think it's more clear like that

maybe it will be a good idea to configure by default a "multi app"
scheme for owncloud.
like the
/core ==> with the core
/apps => with default provided apps
/installed_app  ==> empty until the user install new apps

what do you think about somthing like this?

just technical question for non git expert,
i had a branch with some things for bookmark...
how can i move those dev to the "app" branch ... with a simple cp
(loosing the history) or with some ninja command ?



On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Hi,
> all the apps beside a small core ones are now moved to the apps repository as 
> discussed.
> This doesn´t effect the releases of course. We bundle all the same apps in 
> the releases as before.
> Developers should checkout the apps repository in parallel to the core 
> directory and it should be usable with the new multiple apps folder features. 
> If not than it´s a good opportunity to fix it ;-)
> Frank
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] apps moved

2012-08-26 Thread eMerzh
>> just technical question for non git expert,
>> i had a branch with some things for bookmark...
>> how can i move those dev to the "app" branch ... with a simple cp
>> (loosing the history) or with some ninja command ?
> I´m also not an git experts. :-)
> But I was able to move a branch by checking out the old gitorious repo. 
> switch to the branch you want to move and than do this:
> git remote add new_repo_name new_repo_url
> git push new_repo_name new_branch name

So i have my "old" branch with many apps and my "Bookmark" modifications

and if i push it to the new "apps" repo it will not mess everything
up? (bookmark was transfered from core to apps repo)
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] migration of branches to github

2012-08-27 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for the precision frank :)

It's the same if the branch was on owncloud but now goes to the apps repo?
will it copy the whole root in the branch then create a merging mess?

Thanks for the help

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Commiting Oracle support tomorrow, beware of SQL without escaped identifiers

2012-08-28 Thread eMerzh
Please no orm 
or at least one that is easily by-passable ... if we use an orm doing
complex query other than select ...  where a=b is really hard...
but i agree that it's really easier to do things like update, insert
or simple selects the problem is to find a light, powerfull and
bypassable orm.
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] multiple apps directories

2012-08-28 Thread eMerzh
Ok, so previously if you want to use an image in your css you do smth
like %webroot%apps/myapp/myimage.jpg
now your app can be either under apps/ or core_apps under you webroot...

so now you can use in your css file a %appswebroot%
) that will take the path to the apps dir of the app

if your app is under  core_apps then it will give you something like
my/web/root/core_apps ...
then you just have to add your app name and the path to the image

previously => %webroot%apps/myapp/myimage.jpg
now => %appswebroot%/myapp/myimage.jpg

I think this should work ( if not, i have to dig deeper to remember :p)

hope it get a little bit clearer for you...

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Alessandro Cosentino
> Edited: I asked a similar question a month ago. I understand that in
> case of multiple app folders, those folders are scanned in case of
> relative path, such as the css %appswebroot%. My question is: when is
> the 'url' specified in the config file used?
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Alessandro Cosentino  
> wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
>> thanks!
>> It's still not clear to me what the url should be. For instance, in a
>> css, where does "%appswebroot%" point to?
>> Alessandro
>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Frank Karlitschek  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> because several people asked. Here is the description how to configure the 
>>> multiple apps directory feature:
>>> Frank
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] multiple apps directories

2012-08-28 Thread eMerzh
yeah... here the problem is that if you configure /var/www/owncloud/
as your web root in apache
then /var/www/apps or /apps2/ for the web is not reatchable..
BUT if you configure your apache right, you can set apps2 mapped to
/var/www/apps and accessible..

Ok i know this could be better with everything (image, css, js, other)
served by the /index.php so no need to configure other url  but it
maybe the next step , with other problems to solve (speed, ...) :)

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Alessandro Cosentino
> I had understood that, but I don't see the point of specifying the
> 'url' field in config.php.
> Also, with the multiple apps configuration, I get errors like
> "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
> http://localhost/owncloud/apps2/calendar/img/icon.svg";, but this might
> be just something wrong in my configuration or some cache problem.
> my config.php looks like this:
> 'apps_paths' =>
>   array (
> array (
>   'path' => '/var/www/owncloud/apps',
>   'url' => '/apps',
>   'writable' => true,
> ),
> array (
>   'path' => '/var/www/apps',
>   'url' => '/apps2',
>   'writable' => true,
> ),
>   ),
> Thanks,
> Alessandro
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 6:28 AM, eMerzh  wrote:
>> Ok, so previously if you want to use an image in your css you do smth
>> like %webroot%apps/myapp/myimage.jpg
>> now your app can be either under apps/ or core_apps under you webroot...
>> so now you can use in your css file a %appswebroot%
>> (
>> ) that will take the path to the apps dir of the app
>> if your app is under  core_apps then it will give you something like
>> my/web/root/core_apps ...
>> then you just have to add your app name and the path to the image
>> previously => %webroot%apps/myapp/myimage.jpg
>> now => %appswebroot%/myapp/myimage.jpg
>> I think this should work ( if not, i have to dig deeper to remember :p)
>> hope it get a little bit clearer for you...
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Alessandro Cosentino
>>  wrote:
>>> Edited: I asked a similar question a month ago. I understand that in
>>> case of multiple app folders, those folders are scanned in case of
>>> relative path, such as the css %appswebroot%. My question is: when is
>>> the 'url' specified in the config file used?
>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Alessandro Cosentino  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>> thanks!
>>>> It's still not clear to me what the url should be. For instance, in a
>>>> css, where does "%appswebroot%" point to?
>>>> Alessandro
>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Frank Karlitschek  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> because several people asked. Here is the description how to configure 
>>>>> the multiple apps directory feature:
>>>>> Frank
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] multiple apps directories

2012-08-28 Thread eMerzh
No problem...

i know that the thing is not perfect... yep a simlink does the
trick...but ... :)
you can have multiple app directory at multiple locations, /apps2,
/core_apps , ../personal/

then we need to know how to access each app directory's files...
that's why the url is for..

so if you try to get the foo.png in the "bar" app in the core_apps
directory owncloud knows that the path is  /core_apps/bar/img/foo.png
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] next developer meeting

2012-08-29 Thread eMerzh
> Well let's start with a collection of ideas here - we can put this on a page 
> within
> - ORM (doctrine, propel etc)
> - Community Interaction / mailing list / forum
> - Bug tracker (GitHub Issues vs. bug genie - maybe we even sit together and 
> fix it)
> - Testing (I'd like to talk about my approach with the automated acceptance 
> test suite)

* A clean Javascript MVC framework? like Backbone.js ==> this one i
think it's important for maintainabilty..
   currently we have no harmonisations on how to work ... every app
(core or not) does something different..

a templating engine for php / and or js ? twig or phptal for tanghus
:p and mustache, jQote, J Resig micro tremplate, ...

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] release of apps from apps repo

2012-09-13 Thread eMerzh
I don't know the release making script of frank,
but previously we also had a an apps repository in witch we didn't
publish every apps...right?

so i think it should'nt be a problem to "remove" one app or another...

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:35 PM, Alessandro Cosentino  wrote:
> After the sharp split of core and apps repositories, I am wondering
> how the packaging of apps will happen from now on.
> So far, when we were releasing an owncloud package, say
> owncloud-4.0.2.tar.bz2, we were actually releasing the core of
> owncloud plus a bunch of apps that were following the release version
> of the core.
> What happens now? Will we release an app package along with the core
> package? The versions of the apps are very not uniform, how do we
> handle this?
> I am asking these question, because I don't want my app, which is in
> apps:master now, to be released with oC 4.5.
> Sorry if I am missing something here.
> Alessandro (aka zimba12)
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Showstopper Bugs for 4.5

2012-09-26 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for your job!
I think it's really great to define what's really important to do
before the release.

So guys let fix all of those ;)

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Thomas Müller  wrote:
> As stated many times already: we will address this on the dev meeting in 
> Berlin end of Oct.
> Nothing more to be said.
> Thx
> Tom
> PS: As I sometimes get missunderstood: this message is not intended to be 
> offensive. ;-)
> Torsten Grote  schrieb:
>>On Wednesday 26 September 2012 18:36:29 Arthur Schiwon wrote:
>>> Frank asked me to get an overview about the remaining bugs. So I did and
>>> updated the spreadsheet [1].
>>Wouldn't it be a good idea to eventually use a proper bug tracking software
>>that has this functionality built in, especially since so many people seem
>>to have problems with the current tracker?
>>In the Kolab Community for example we use Bugzilla and it allows you to easily
>>list the blocker bugs for the upcoming release of Kolab 3:
>>Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist
>>Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland
>>t: +41 43 501 66 91
>>pgp: 274D 4F97 Torsten Grote
>>Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] files upload button broken in chromium: Also mainline Chrome

2012-09-28 Thread eMerzh
Could you both test with reverting this?

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Branch Stable45 in master and apps

2012-10-09 Thread eMerzh
so it means that the master is open to new features?

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Arthur Schiwon  wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 09, 2012 06:04:26 PM Thomas Müller wrote:
>> I guess we should 'branch' the project on transifex as well?
> Don't know transifex so good, but basically it sounds like it would make
> sense, yes.
>> Tom
>> Arthur Schiwon  schrieb:
>> >Heyo,
>> >
>> >while Frank is packing and has tagged the repos _core_ and _apps_, we now
>> >also have the branches stable45 in both of them. It's the place for
>> >uncritical bug fixes and future maintenance releases for the 4.5 series.
>> >
>> >Cheers
>> >Arthur
>> >___
>> >Owncloud mailing list
>> >
>> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] How to manually disable misbehaving app without reinstalling owncloud?

2012-10-11 Thread eMerzh
I've heard about css/js cache pbms

so don't hesitate to do a ctrl+f5 reload on your owncloud before disabling apps



On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Emre Erenoglu  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Michael Grosser
>  wrote:
>> I can confirm some issue with the webdav auth app. no error logs
>> available from that environment yet.
> Confirmed, just disabled the webdav auth app and owncloud is back to life :)
> Row in database is now:  user_webdavauth  enabled   no
> --
> Emre
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Bookmarks app not displaying correctly in chromium

2012-10-11 Thread eMerzh
Thanks for the report...

Could you please do a pull then re-try?



On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Michael Göhler  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanna let you know that the bookmarks app from apps/master is
> not displaying correctly in chromium.
> #leftcontent does not display any tags.
> #rightcontent displays up to 6 times the same tags vertically.
> In v4.5.0 everything is fine.
> Regards,
> Michael
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

[Owncloud] Dependency Checking

2012-10-12 Thread eMerzh
Hi all,

Nice to see have have finally release our OC 4.5...

the first feedback i get is :
 "hey, it does not . ah... oh... i refreshed and now everything is
great! nice work!!!"

So a lot better than OC4 but we have to wait a bit for more feedback ;)

we are on the good way !

so ... to improve the user experience of owncloud i would like to
develop a dependency checking for apps.

My idea is to put a field in the info.xml with informations of dependence like :
OC version  (min / max / ..)
php version
OC app (version?)
OS type / version
DB type / version?

And for other type of dependency, more complex  i would like to
provide something like the search provider ...

My idea is to display the dependency (and verify those) in the
installation process of apps and maybe of owncloud .

What do you think of it?

does someone is working on smth like this?

Thanks for your feedback

eMerzh aka brice
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Dependency Checking

2012-10-14 Thread eMerzh
Unfortunately i won't be there for the OC meeting.
i will try to produce some proposition about my view and transmit it
to someone who can attend the meeting...



On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Christian Reiner
> Hello,
>> On Friday 12 October 2012 20:57:08 eMerzh wrote:
>> [...]
>> My idea is to put a field in the info.xml with informations of dependence
>> like : OC version  (min / max / ..)
>> php version
>> OC app (version?)
>> OS type / version
>> DB type / version?
> There was a short exchange over that issue on this mailing list on 17.08.2012
> started with this subject: "Improvement for the required version test blocking
> apps". You actually contributed a message yourself.
> As far as I know no one currently works on that field. However it is one of
> the points on the list for the developer sprint end of october in Berlin. The
> idea was to collect meaningful requirements and dependencies worth checking
> and describing and to setup a strategy together. The imlementation itself can
> be done afterwards, that stuff won't be too complex or performance critical.
> To me it appears very important to define a clear syntax how such dependencies
> can be described. Most likely inside the appinfo/info.xml file, as an
> extension (or better replacement) of the current "require" flag. Altering that
> syntax later or changing its evaluation logic later will be unconvenient,
> since the feature will be in usage in all apps. So its one of those things
> that should be done right from the begin...
> Are you gonna take part in that developer sprint?
> I really think this issue deserves attention and should be approached by more
> than just one or two app devs.
> --
> Christian Reiner (arkascha)
> [ ]
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Changing the database backend

2012-10-17 Thread eMerzh
Ouch ...
I use doctrine here and there... and it is really nice with select from
table type request but a pita for a little more complex one.
I expect  that a lot of our queries won't work anymore and will be hard to
Le 17 oct. 2012 14:47, "Frank Karlitschek"  a écrit :

> Hi Bart,
> thanks a lot for your work.
> We have to discuss this in Berlin. So far we haven´t agreed to move to
> doctrine as far as I know. :-)
> It would be great to have some performance test first to see the
> performance implication. Another open question is who and how we migrate
> all the existing code and apps.
> Frank
> On 17.10.2012, at 08:48, Bart Visscher  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I pushed a branch doctrine, in it is the first conversion of the DB
> > backend to the Doctrine database access layer (DBAL). The DBAL supports
> > changing the schema so we don't need MDB2 for that.
> > The plan is to remove MDB2 and our PDO layer, and only use Doctrine for
> > database access.
> >
> > Are there any objections to this? When there are no objections i will
> > merge this after our meeting in Berlin.
> >
> > Bart
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bugtracker situation

2012-10-22 Thread eMerzh
i'm happy to see we move on with a better solution :)

one single question about organisation, should the bugs about the
clients be created in the mirall/.. repository or we keep everythin
under app / core

and can we move an issue from one repo to another?

Thanks :)

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Yes.
> github issues seems to be preferred by most people.
> But it was important to find a way to structure the transition which we 
> hopefully have now.
> Frank
> On 22.10.2012, at 18:12, Michael  wrote:
>> Frank,
>> This seems like a great solution. Thank you for working with everyone
>> to get it set up. Anything is better than what we have now - it
>> doesn't even list the bugs half the time.
>> I assume this move is starting immediately - are there any places
>> where we need to change links, update documentation, etc.?
>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Frank Karlitschek  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> our current bugtracker works less than optimal as we all 
>>> know. We had several discussion on the mailinglist on irc and in personal 
>>> about options to improve this and I think all the options are on the table. 
>>> I think we need a solution because it is difficult to work with and people 
>>> are complaining.
>>> github has a simple but nice issue tracker and it is also nicely integrated 
>>> so the idea was and is to move to it. We don´t have a lock-in effect there 
>>> because they have nice import and export APIs. Thomas even wrote a very 
>>> great migration script :-)
>>> The problem is that we lose the user accounts when we move the existing 
>>> issues over and urls to the old bugs won´t work anymore.
>>> So what we now do is this:
>>> We will keep the old bugtracker for the old bugs but I 
>>> will disable the option to add new bugs. Existing bugs can still be updated 
>>> and closed.
>>> New bugs can be added on github. I even saw recently that other project do 
>>> it exactly like that too.
>>> So it can´t be that wrong ;-)
>>> This seems to be the best option for now and I hope that works for 
>>> everybody.
>>> Frank
>>> ___
>>> Owncloud mailing list
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

[Owncloud] Django Auth App

2012-10-23 Thread eMerzh
Hi Florian, Hi ownclouders ;)

i've make some modifications on the django_auth app
(moved the 3rdparty lib and some interface corrections... the app does
not seems to have moved a lot lately.)

As i don't have django, i can't test if it still works with OC5 and
even OC4.5 ...

If someone can confirm the nonworking/working state of this app with
our different versions?



Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] URL shortening

2012-11-06 Thread eMerzh
By the way,

this raise another question to me :
What define an app that should / shoud not goes into OC apps repo... ??


Owncloud mailing list

[Owncloud] Accessing OC features from CLI

2012-11-08 Thread eMerzh
Hi guys,

i was wondering today if it was possible to access some / most of oc
features from command line apps

and i must admit that i'm bit stuck...

i can upload a webdav file :p ... but i want to do something in the web
interface :
like fetching some infos, clicking some links

i have trouble to do an authentication (basic works only for webdav?? )
then i think i'll have a CSRF check problem...

is there any tips or people interested in enhanced this?

Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories

2012-11-27 Thread eMerzh
I'm not a git expert but we also have the possibility to use git sub trees
( it have the advantage of the git tool like submodules and it doesn't
require an extra command unlike the submodule) ...

aside from that, does every projects use git or have a composer file ?
because it can push us to use one or another technique ..



On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Bart Visscher  wrote:

> Hello all,
> At the sprint in Berlin I merged the routing branch. After the merge
> there where some problems with having to download extra repositories.
> We need to solve this problem in a structural way.  The quick fix for
> the routing was to include the code in our 3rdparty repository.
> I would like to discuss how to have the external code in 3rdparty. At
> the moment I suggest to limit this to the large projects: Sabre, Symfony
> routing component and Doctrine. For these projects we have 2 ways of
> doing this. The first is to use git submodules, and the second one is to
> use composer.
> The positive about git submodules is that you don't need extra programs
> to download the code, every thing you need is included with the git
> installation. There are some posts on the internet that this doesn't work
> very well with switching branches, but I'm not sure how relevant that is
> for us.
> With composer you don't need git to get the external code, but can
> download a php phar and use that to download the other code. With
> composer we can also specify the version in a flexible way.
> We can also do a combination of these, then everyone can chose which
> works better for them. Haven't really tested this, but i expect that
> this works.
> The commands to get the external code are:
> git submodules:
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> composer:
> curl -s | php
> composer update
> Bart
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 bugfixing and polishing meeting

2012-12-13 Thread eMerzh
Yey a sumit :)...
what do you think about doing smth at/around the fosdem ? :D

i have to check with my boss if trip is negotiable :p

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Hi,
> we want to do an owncloud 5 bugfixing and polishing developer meeting in 
> January or February.
> The focus this time is not so much on new features but more on bugfixing and 
> making ownCloud 5 release ready.
> Because we expect a smaller group this time we plan to do the meeting in 
> Stuttgart again.
> Please choose your preferred date if you want to come and help with bugfixing.
> I'm sorry for the short notice and I hope that most people still find the 
> time.
> Frank
> P.S. No. There is no ownCloud 5 release schedule yet. ;-)
> P.P.S. It is still possible that this meeting is not happening at all if most 
> core people don't have time.
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] using PhoneGap for ownCloud mobile

2012-12-15 Thread eMerzh
Hi, thanks for the nice subject ;)

one thing i find nice if we use phonegap is that more dev can help out
with the dev of mobile apps...
i don't know anything in objective-C and my knowledge in java/android
is really low...

but i certainly can understand that it's not easy to build a webdav
sync client with html / javascript ...and that the integration can be
better with native UI

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
> Currently we do native code because of better integration into the platform.
> But if someone is motivated to try to build apps based on PhoneGap than feel 
> free to try it.
> Frank
> On 15.12.2012, at 22:28, Alessandro Cosentino  wrote:
>> Is there any particular reason for which we don't use PhoneGap for the
>> ownCloud mobile apps?
>> I know almost nothing about mobile apps, but I just stumbled upon this
>> and it looks very cool:
>> This way we could maybe release even the iPhone source code on github.
>> There must be a catch, but I can't find it :)
>> Alessandro (zimba12)
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] [Events] FOSDEM booth

2012-12-26 Thread eMerzh
Hey cool for the Booth :)

Has said earlier, I'm also OK  to help you guys

See you there!
Le 25 déc. 2012 20:57, "Frank Karlitschek"  a écrit :

> Hey everybody,
> we just got the confirmation that we have a booth at FOSDEM for the first
> time. Yay! That's very cool.
> But we currently only have 2 confirmed full time people for the boot. We
> need at least one or two people who can help.
> Currently we have:
> - Frank Karlitschek
> - Jan C. Borchardt
> - Stathis Iosifidis (not sure yet)
> - Björn Schießle (only partly)
> - Linux Ninja1 (help with equipment)
> Is someone interested?
> If yes I suggest to discuss the details at on our event mailinglist
> That's very cool. Let's make this a great event for ownCloud.
> Frank
> ___
> Events mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?

2013-01-27 Thread eMerzh
Hi Frank,

i also think we must be carefull of apps we host as default provided
apps... we must ensure the quality or at least that they work...
But the question is also what apps can / should be hosted on owncloud/apps
repo... and if they are hosted there shouldn't they become part of the
default distribution...

1 question about ... is it possible to distribute different
version of apps based on the OC version?



On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Frank Karlitschek wrote:

> On 27.01.2013, at 12:04, Antoine Diamant-Berger 
> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > In a previous email, I sent about my "Library" application, for ebooks
> display/filtering/access (for now) and management (later).
> >
> > I've reached a point where it's usable, and wonder what criteria are
> applied/relevant for inclusion in an official release, or if such an
> application is only intended to be hosted in the apps.ownCloud.comappstore.
> >
> Hi Antoine,
> great. I'm looking forward to try it. :-)
> The idea is to be very careful with including more apps in the default
> release in the future The main package that we release every few month. We
> don't want to be in a situation that we have to release a huge pile of
> unmaintained app with every release in the future.
> Instead most of the new apps should be hosted on and
> can be installed on demand by the users.
> The benefit is that you can release your app anytime you want and also
> update it anytime you want. (I'm working on an app updater at the moment.)
> The installation of apps from is integrated in a way
> that the user won't notice the difference from enabling apps that are
> shipped with the release.
> So we will get more flexibility for the app developers without a bad user
> experience.
> Does this work for you?
> Frank
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud

2013-02-11 Thread eMerzh
Yeah, i was also thinking about a puppet manifest.
But i ran into the problem of thé config file managed by php...

For chef, is it also best to split the config file into 1 manage by oc and
1 by the user/chef?
Le 11 févr. 2013 17:07, "Thomas Müller"  a écrit :

> Hi Michael,
> We have already chef scripts:
> There is also a Vagrantfile one level above to bootstrap various
> configurations of ownCloud.
> What you want to use the scripts for?
> THX,
> Tom
> Am Montag, dem 11.02.2013 um 16:24 schrieb Michael Grosser:
> > Hey,
> >
> > I wanted to suggest a repo on github to perhaps work on a "supported"
> > chef cookbook for owncloud.
> >
> > Before starting I wanted to ask if there are suggestions, opinions and
> > perhaps even some already finished work?
> >
> > If not I will be starting a chef cookbook for oC6 I assume.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Michael (scalability-junk)
> > "Community Guy"
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud

2013-02-11 Thread eMerzh
Yeah cool! no problems :)
Let's just wait that I'm back from vacations:)
Le 11 févr. 2013 18:56, "Sergi Almacellas Abellana"  a
écrit :

> Al 11/02/13 17:12, En/na eMerzh ha escrit:
> >
> > Yeah, i was also thinking about a puppet manifest.
> > But i ran into the problem of thé config file managed by php...
> >
> I'm also interested on the puppet part, if you wan't we can colaborate
> on it :)
> --
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana 
> Twitter:";>@pokoli_srk
> Mov: 690 95 92 95
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Is some one works on Doodle like app?

2013-03-07 Thread eMerzh
I kind of like the idea of a doodle too ...
my 2c : there is also a neat php software Opensondage that seems to be used by
a free software association
to make

maybe you can take a look or even adapt it :)


On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Arman Khalatyan  wrote:
> We are happy with OC. I will start to make some first steps for simple
> doodle app.
> As OC app you can enable or  disable, it should not be as a core or must have.
> For other projects:
> To install yet another service/server, integrate with the working
> infrastructure is lot of work.
> I could also suggest use the meeting  planner plug-in for  Drupal, it
> is very powerful, but again,
> Server instance here, server instance there, for the end user the
> usability goes to ZERO.They stop to use existing service after 2
> trials.
> That is my opinion.
> cheers Arman.
> PS
> The core functionality should be integration with OC_Share.
> We are planning to have external non OC-users  involved in the meet-up 
> planning.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Alessandro Cosentino  
> wrote:
>> again, what's wrong with the open source dudle?
>> I am always wary to make everything that comes to mind an owncloud app
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Frank Karlitschek  wrote:
>>> Hmmm,
>>> what I like about Doodle is that is so simple and reduced to the point.
>>> Integrating it with Calendar, Contacts and the coffee-machine has the 
>>> potential to make it worse and not better.
>>> A very simple stand alone ownCloud app is actually a neat idea IMHO.
>>> Only my opinion of course. :-)
>>> Frank
>>> On 07.03.2013, at 14:43, Alessandro Cosentino  wrote:
>>>> it's not a "university"!!! It's a open source software, which you
>>>> download and you run wherever you want
>>>> (
>>>> if you talk about integration with calendar and contacts, then ok, I
>>>> can understand.
>>>> Alessandro
>>>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Christian Reiner
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Thursday 07 March 2013 13:58:59 Alessandro Cosentino wrote:
>>>>>> No that I know, but I don't see why it should be in owncloud either.
>>>>>> You may want to contribute to dudle instead
>>>>>> (
>>>>> well I disagree. I think it is a very good idea to have something like 
>>>>> that in
>>>>> ownCloud:
>>>>> ownCloud is about keeping private things private. when I want to agree on 
>>>>> some
>>>>> meeting with colleagues or friends I would prefer it if I would not have 
>>>>> to
>>>>> share all that in public, but in a comparable easy was as in google.
>>>>> Just using some university as a replacement for some company does not at 
>>>>> all
>>>>> solve that.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Christian Reiner (arkascha)
>>>>> ___
>>>>> Owncloud mailing list
>>>> ___
>>>> Owncloud mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Owncloud mailing list
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] GSoC idea: mobile app <--> oC News app

2013-03-11 Thread eMerzh
I've started a map app some time ago  but i stopped to fix more bugs
in my bookmark app :)
I'm still interrested in this but i'm currently trying to learn
angular and i would like to wait for doctrine in OC to start back ...

So if someone is willing to take it further before that, i'll be happy
to give what i've done and to help if the person want it :)


eMerzh aka Brice

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Jan-Christoph Borchardt
> Looking through the page I also found this interesting project:
> Marble meets ownCloud
> If someone wants to write a maps app this might be a good time to do it and
> collaborate. Could be used for saving favorite locations, displaying
> locations of friends, saving routes and travel plans, tracking your
> location, etc etc.
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Qingping Hou  wrote:
>> Just a quick question, so this project will be mainly focused on the
>> mobile app side instead of the server backend?
>> It will also be a good idea to write a new sync app in Kindle BTW ;P
>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Alessandro Cosentino 
>> wrote:
>> > For your information, the description of the project is now on the KDE
>> > community page:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Alessandro
>> >
>> > On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Torsten Grote 
>> > wrote:
>> >> Hi Alessandro,
>> >>
>> >> On Wednesday 06 March 2013 11:00:27 Alessandro Cosentino wrote:
>> >>> Finally I got myself to start writing the API for the News app.
>> >>> Bernhard, Jan and I are going to be polishing the app during a
>> >>> mini-sprint some time this month.
>> >>
>> >> That is great news! :)
>> >> I here the ownCloud News resource for KDE's akregator is also nearing
>> >> completion.
>> >>
>> >>> The questions are:
>> >>> - does this make sense? or it would make more sense to implement first
>> >>> a mobile navigation theme for oC web interface?
>> >>
>> >> I think this is a great idea. Whether it should be standalone or
>> >> integrated in
>> >> the current app, should probably be discussed with Bartek.
>> >>
>> >>> - what mobile platform do you suggest? Obviously I advocate some open
>> >>> source OS, but I don't have a feeling for which one it should be.
>> >>> Firefox OS, Plasma Active, Android, Phonegap, ... ?
>> >>
>> >> Since Android is currently deployed the most, I'd go for this. If you
>> >> go
>> >> standalone, it might also make sense to take an existing free news app
>> >> and try
>> >> to see if it is possible to give it an owncloud backend.
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Torsten
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist
>> >>
>> >> Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland
>> >>
>> >> e:
>> >> t: +41 43 501 66 91
>> >> w:
>> >>
>> >> pgp: 274D 4F97 Torsten Grote
>> > ___
>> > Owncloud mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Importing bookmarks

2013-03-19 Thread eMerzh

i also would like to do smth like that, but the aside from using
firefox sync i don't know how we can do that ...

if you have hint just speak :-)  and if you want help to develop it
yourself just ask :)

(and if you have an idea for another browser i also take the idea)

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Tornóci László
> On 03/19/2013 07:49 PM, Christian Hügel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i wonder if there is a way to sync Firefox bookmarks automatically to a
>> folder which gets synchronised in OC (for example as a html file). On
>> the other side, when opening Firefox to automatically import this file.
>> Sure, you can manually export/import this file but there must be a way
>> to do this without user interaction. Any thoughts?
> There is a Mozilla Sync Service App:
> It creates a sync server for Firefox in OC, that you can use instead of the
> default Mozilla Sync server. You can sync not only the bookmarks with this,
> but a number of other Firefox settings and data: extensions, passwords,
> tabs, history. It works between different platforms too (even Android).
> I've tested it a bit. It works quite well, although I had to disable
> password syncing (kept kicking me out of the owncloud web interface, I don't
> know why). Current limitation (as of OC 5.0): it won't work for users
> authenticating through LDAP. (
> But of course this works only for Firefox.
> Yours: Laszlo
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] ownCloud/openSUSE collaboration for GSoC 2013

2013-03-20 Thread eMerzh

Yes if someone wan't to help the mentoring ... even google says it's
recommended to be 2 :)

Alessandro,  the description i gave you that on irc :

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Jörn Friedrich Dreyer  
> On 20.03.2013 12:55, Jan-Christoph Borchardt wrote:
> Right Alessandro, that’s the project I meant. Marble is awesome!
> Jörn, do you have the prototype up on Github?
> nope, sorry. It was not even a real owncloud app. I had just tried to make
> the openstreetmap examples work on my own server.
> so long
> Jörn
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Alessandro Cosentino 
> wrote:
>> Let's not forget this other project that the Marble people proposed:
>> We should collaborate with them as well
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
>>  wrote:
>> > Just to pour in some ideas: I hacked on a prototype that acts as a proxy
>> > to
>> > openstreetmap but never finished it. A good starting point was
>> > which fetches
>> > necessary
>> > tiles on the fly with curl and provides  minimal OpenLayers code - the
>> > js
>> > part to render the map. The working example can be found at
>> > For the search box you
>> > can
>> > use Nominatim as a web service: see the Examples on
>> >
>> >
>> > my 2 cent
>> >
>> > Jörn
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 20.03.2013 10:59, Jan-Christoph Borchardt wrote:
>> >
>> > I’m happy to give design & interface guidance, so yes. :) Would be
>> > really
>> > cool if there will be a map app, because KDE’s Marble does some ownCloud
>> > integration (which I think is independent of our participation in GSoC
>> > because Marble is a KDE desktop software). It would be really cool to be
>> > able to sync routes and favorite places with that.
>> >
>> > Also, I guess I’m not the only one who would really like to have
>> > something
>> > for travel planning, have friends’ locations (from ownCloud Contacts)
>> > mapped
>> > out and so on. Essentially what you can do with the »My Maps« thing of
>> > Google Maps.
>> >
>> >
>> > Wohoo!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Alessandro Cosentino
>> > 
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> wow, great!
>> >>
>> >> Jakob or Jan, do you want to backup/co-mentor?
>> >> Officially in GSOC there is going to be only one mentor, but it's
>> >> always good to have someone who can interacts with the student while
>> >> the official mentor is away.
>> >>
>> >> Brice and Qingping, can you give me a description of the project in
>> >> the format of the openSUSE wiki?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks!
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Frank Karlitschek
>> >> 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Great attack plan  :-)
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On 19.03.2013, at 22:15, Qingping Hou  wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> Hi all,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I had a discussion with eMerzh on the map app project and come up
>> >> >> with
>> >> >> following attack plan:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Feel free to comment on Github or reply your suggestions here.
>> >> >> eMerzh
>> >> >> will
>> >> >> also update the project description on SUSE wiki later.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Also we need an extra back/co-mentor for this project :)
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Cheers,
>> >> >> houqp
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Alessandro Cosentino
>> >> >>  wrote:
>> >> >>> Hi,
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I am happy to announce a collaboration between openSUSE and
>> >> >>> ownCloud
>> >> >>> to participate in GSoC 2013.
>> >> >>>

Re: [Owncloud] bookmarklet returns empty export file

2013-03-29 Thread eMerzh
Hi Tim,
thanks for your report...
as Jan says, i prefer if you put an issue in the tracker ... it's more
convenient for me and for you as you will receive update and be sure you
are not forget :)

But i've checked and i found the issue ... it will be corrected in the next
dot version ;)

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Jan-Christoph Borchardt <> wrote:

> Looping in Brice who works on the Bookmarks app.
> In the future, please report issues directly in the apps issue tracker at
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 5:15 PM, w_user  wrote:
>> Dear group,
>> I just installed the latest owncloud (v5) on a openbsd 5.2 box with Mysql
>> 5.1.63.
>> When trying to export my bookmarks I always get an empty file produced!
>> Thanks for your support
>> Tim
>> ___
>> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync

2013-04-05 Thread eMerzh
sorry guys ... i was sick these lasts days :s

>> 1) is it an automatic way to import a saved bookmark .html or .json file
to the owncloud bookmarks ?
No yet unfortunately ... i'm planning to implement the external api to ease
the process...

>> 2) after bookmark import does it exist a way to synchronise the local
browser bookmark with the owncloud one ?
Mmh as said earlier, you have the moz sync app but unfortunately, it does
not share any info with the bookmarks app.
I would like to add some kind of open sync protocol but i don't know any
widely supported  :s

If someone has ideas  go ahead :)


Brice, does the Bookmarks app work together with the Mozilla sync service
app? Are synced bookmarks shown in there, and bookmarks added from the
webinterface synced down?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:29 PM, wrote:

> For your second question: it is an idea to use the Mozilla sync service
> app? :-)
> Timo
> - Reply message -
> Von: "Lau Mig" 
> An: "" 
> Betreff: [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync
> Datum: Do., Apr. 4, 2013 13:22
> Hi,
> I will start installing and using owncloud (from
> For this reason I will need to import and manage the use of our bookmarks.
> 1) is it an automatic way to import a saved bookmark .html or .json file
> to the owncloud bookmarks ?
> 2) after bookmark import does it exist a way to synchronise the local
> browser bookmark with the owncloud one ? For this I though it couuld be
> interested to use something like Febe (on Firefox) that allow to save
> personal local bookmark to a .html and/or .json file. Then if the folder in
> which we save this bookmark file (.html and/or .json) is synchronised with
> owncloud it could be synchronised with the owncloud bookmark content ?
> Could you please give me an answer for this two questions because I will
> first need to import (so many) bookmarks from each family members before
> allowing them to use it through the installed owncloud. And as I can not
> always save local bookmark and synchronise it to our family owncloud I
> thoug it could then be useful to automate the local bookmark saving and the
> owncloud client will then save their saved bookmark files (in .html and/or
> .json) and maybe owncloud could then synchronise it.
> Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,
> Miguipda ;-)
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bookmarks tags list doesn't get updated

2013-05-23 Thread eMerzh

Could you please report you bug here ?  and mentioning me
somewhere ( @eMerzh )

Btw, for now, the sidebar only displays the top 10 most used tags for the
current search so it' may be the eleventh?

Regards :)


On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:52 AM, w_user  wrote:

> Dear Group,
> environment: the latest 5.0.6 on a openbsd 5.2 box
> When adding a new bookmark with a newly created tag, the tags list on the
> 'left' doesn't get updated. Refreshing or even starting a new web session
> doesn't have any effect either!
> Thanks
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bookmarks tags list doesn't get updated

2013-05-23 Thread eMerzh

if you click on a tag associated with your it will show it to you 

and for your request :  here is the already filled enhancement request

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 9:29 AM, w_user  wrote:

> indeed. I already have 10 tags listed there. How can I increase that limit
> and how can I have all my tags displayed - if not in that list in a
> different 'place'?
> Thanks
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 10:00, eMerzh wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could you please report you bug here
> > ?  and mentioning me
> > somewhere ( @eMerzh )
> >
> > Btw, for now, the sidebar only displays the top 10 most used tags for the
> > current search so it' may be the eleventh?
> >
> > Regards :)
> >
> > eMerzh
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:52 AM, w_user  wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Group,
> >>
> >> environment: the latest 5.0.6 on a openbsd 5.2 box
> >>
> >> When adding a new bookmark with a newly created tag, the tags list on
> >> the
> >> 'left' doesn't get updated. Refreshing or even starting a new web
> >> session
> >> doesn't have any effect either!
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Owncloud mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bookmarks tags list doesn't get updated

2013-05-24 Thread eMerzh
 yes  yes don't worry :)
but i'm currently stuck in another project ... i come back to this a soon
as possible :)

and you mean : removing the "tag filter" from the sidebar and putting it on
the right side, and filtering as-we-type in this field?
and always showing all the tags/groups

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Jan-Christoph Borchardt <> wrote:

> w_user: A tag "cloud" is just a playful, but useless visualization. ;)
> Brice, are you checking out the new appframework for the Bookmarks app
> btw? Would be pretty cool to have that app also be in standardized
> interaction.
> Left app navigation would have the groups/tags and right content the list
> of bookmarks.
> Filter search bar would also be inside the app on top of the lists,
> filtering as you type, much like now. And no need to limit the results.
> El 23.05.2013, a las 12:44, "w_user"  escribió:
> > Thanks for that. I don't know if a tag cloud would make more sense?
> >
> > On Thu, May 23, 2013 10:32, eMerzh wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> if you click on a tag associated with your it will show it to you 
> >>
> >> and for your request :  here is the already filled enhancement request
> >>
> >> ;)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 9:29 AM, w_user  wrote:
> >>
> >>> indeed. I already have 10 tags listed there. How can I increase that
> >>> limit
> >>> and how can I have all my tags displayed - if not in that list in a
> >>> different 'place'?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, May 23, 2013 10:00, eMerzh wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Could you please report you bug here
> >>>> ?  and mentioning me
> >>>> somewhere ( @eMerzh )
> >>>>
> >>>> Btw, for now, the sidebar only displays the top 10 most used tags for
> >>> the
> >>>> current search so it' may be the eleventh?
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards :)
> >>>>
> >>>> eMerzh
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:52 AM, w_user  wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Dear Group,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> environment: the latest 5.0.6 on a openbsd 5.2 box
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When adding a new bookmark with a newly created tag, the tags list on
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> 'left' doesn't get updated. Refreshing or even starting a new web
> >>>>> session
> >>>>> doesn't have any effect either!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ___
> >>>>> Owncloud mailing list
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>> ___
> >>>> Owncloud mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Owncloud mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> Owncloud mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] admin page takes too long to load

2013-05-26 Thread eMerzh
are you behind a proxy or smth like that?

if yes you might want to configure it in you config file or disable
internet access in the same file.
(OC tries to fetch the latest versions informations .. maybe the self check
can also be a problem)

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM, w_user  wrote:

> Dear Group,
> I'm running 5.0.6 on a openbsd 5.2 box and the admin page (when clicked!)
> takes too long to load. 'Too long' means considerably longer that all the
> other pages! Is still OK but ...
> Also, I'm running it on a VERY moderate hardware but as mentioned, all the
> rest is by far 'faster'.
> Thanks
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] GSoC 2013 - accepted students

2013-05-28 Thread eMerzh
Note that, 2 KDE gsoc projects are about owncloud integration:

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Qingping Hou  wrote:

> Yo! Congrats to Morris and Raghu!
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Alessandro Cosentino 
> wrote:
> > On behalf of the ownCloud community, I would like to congratulate
> > Morris Jobke and Raghu Nayyar, whose proposals got accepted to Google
> > Summer of Code 2013.
> >
> > Morris will work on a "Media app replacement - introduce a RESTful API
> > for music", a project mentored by Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
> >
> > Raghu will work on "Improving the User Interface for the Files and
> > User Management modules in ownCloud.", mentored by Jan-Christoph
> > Borchardt
> >
> > Moris and Raghu have already contributed to the project and they are
> > already part of the community, but the fun starts now!
> > It's great to have again two students hacking full-time on ownCloud in
> > the summer.
> >
> > Many thanks to openSUSE that is acting as umbrella organization this
> year.
> >
> > Alessandro
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
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Re: [Owncloud] bookmark tags

2013-06-13 Thread eMerzh

mmmh i'm not sure to understand the question ...
normally you should have on the left the list of 10 most used tags
and on every line of bookmarks you should have all assigned tags for a

if it's not the case, please open a bug report mentioning more info like
server, db, browser; ...



On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 9:11 PM, w_user  wrote:

> Dear group,
> is any way to display a list of all the assigned bookmark tags?
> Thanks
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] bookmark tags

2013-06-13 Thread eMerzh
Yep, and the feature is already reported here ... so you can track how
things are moving :)

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:40 PM, Jan-Christoph Borchardt <> wrote:

> You can only see your own tags obviously, not those of other people /
> »someone«. Maybe sharing or public bookmark collections will be there
> in the future, but currently we have to focus on more basic
> functionality. :)
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:05 PM, w_user  wrote:
> > I do have that. I just want to see a list of all the tags someone is
> > using. Not only the 10 most used ones. Ranking isn't important, just a
> > plain list.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > On Thu, June 13, 2013 22:58, eMerzh wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> mmmh i'm not sure to understand the question ...
> >> normally you should have on the left the list of 10 most used tags
> >> and on every line of bookmarks you should have all assigned tags for a
> >> bookmark
> >>
> >> if it's not the case, please open a bug report mentioning more info like
> >> server, db, browser; ...
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> eMerzh
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 9:11 PM, w_user  wrote:
> >>
> >>> Dear group,
> >>>
> >>> is any way to display a list of all the assigned bookmark tags?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Owncloud mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> Owncloud mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Owncloud mailing list
Owncloud mailing list

Re: [Owncloud] Problem with bookmarks app

2013-06-27 Thread eMerzh

Could make sure you have the latest bookmarklet (remove the old one and
take the a one instead),
and please open a bug on the app tracker :

don't forget to provide some info in the ticket like database,webserver ,
php , error in OC logs or db logs or apache logs

and if you could mention me in the ticket too ( @eMerzh )


On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Michael Pfitzner <> wrote:

> I have a problem with the bookmarks app. If I add a bookmark via the
> droplet I don't get the tags field displayed. The html where it should
> be displayed looks like:
> in a proper way it should look something like
>  autocomplete="off">
>  class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible">
> Does anybody know why the missing html is not generated in this first
> example?
> If I add a bookmark and edit it I get the autocomplete tags, so I guess
> in principle it should work.
> My environment: OC 5.07 and bookmarks app 0.3
> a couple of days everything was working fine and than stopped, but I
> cant remember to have changed something...
> maybe somebody got a clue what it could be
> ___
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