
Great news, everyone!Today,weannounce thereleaseofa newadd-on that providesgreatsupport for helping technical writers - the Writer Helper Add-on!

This newentry to the always-expanding Oxygen add-on library contributesa side-view named 'Writer Helper' that containsseveraltools intended to enhance the technical writers’ day-to-day activity:

Review-Selectfolders or files in the Project view and start a review session for them. This is useful for reviewing a set of documents. SimilarContent-Select folders or files in the Project view, then choose a list of elements to check for similarity. This is useful for finding possible elements that can be reused instead of being copy-pasted between documents. Read Aloud-Selectcontent in the current document and use the Play button to listen to how it is read by the operating system's narrator. This is useful for those who want to review content by listening to it. Tips-View a list of editing tips tuned for technical writers. This is useful for discovering productivity tips to make your editing experience more efficient and productive.

To install the add-on, follow these instructions:

1. Go toHelp->Installnew add-onsto open an add-on selection dialog box.

2. Enter or pastehttp://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Addons/default/updateSite.xmlin theShow add-ons fromfield.

3. Select theWriter Helperadd-on and clickNext.

4. Read the end-user license agreement. Then select theI accept all terms of the end-user license agreementoption and clickFinish.

5. Restart.


We hope that you willfind therelease of theWriter Helper add-onusefuland any feedback will be welcomed!

Best regards,


Alin Belu
Oxygen XML Editor

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