Hi Karl,

What XML vocabulary are you using? DITA, DocBook, TEI, something else?

Are you editing the XML content in the Text mode or in the Author visual editor mode?

When editing XML in the Author visual editor mode you have a specific CSS property which can be set to prohibit editing in certain elements:


If you are editing XML in the Text mode, it gets more complicated, you would need to build some kind of Oxygen Java based plugin which prohibits editing in certain places...



Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 11/1/23 07:40, Karl Stubsjoen wrote:
Hello Group!

I'm wondering if there is a way to markup a section of xml as readonly and then for Oxygen to honor this by either blocking or warning you of making changes within this section.

Scenario is simple.  You have current content in some Xml node and then you stash historical content in some other Xml node that you intend to keep around but not to edit.

This would be useful to me because I'll take the current information in my Xml and stuff it into the historical section of my Xml as I roll into a new season.  The issue I am having is accidentally changing content in the historical section of my Xml but I intended to make those changes in the current Xml node.

This is not mission critical, but would be a nice feature.


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