Re: [OT] Bill gates on our energy futures - some tech miracles needed

2010-03-05 Thread David Burstin
I may be reading this wrongly, but here is the argument as I see it (and btw
I do believe in AGW):

Ken: I believe in science and the scientific process. I believe that there
is a great deal of peer-reviewed science supporting AGW.
David: Agreed.

David: Despite the above, I am not convinced that we are being told the
whole story due to [insert Climategate/email issues/etc]. These things show
that some people disseminating the data/science have vested interests and
are choosing not to reveal anything contrary to their view.
Ken: I don't find the issues you raise relevant. The science stands
completely independently of the people disseminating it.

David: I believe that we are being told the truth, I'm just not sure if it's
the whole truth, so I remain sceptical.
Ken: I am not sceptical. I have seen enough supporting evidence and nothing
that disproves the existence of AGW.

It seems to me that both paths are legitimate choices. Ken/David - what am I

Happy Friday

Problem with GetFiles() or me?

2010-03-05 Thread Richard Carde
Back to a programming topic...(rare for me).

I've knocked up a small console application to process a folder structure
with hundreds of thousands of small text files, read each file, strip off
some headers and append the resulting data into a single large file.  The
all worked fine until I needed to do it on a different path (mapped drive).

If I specify the path (first argument) as a drive letter (of a mapped drive)
only, and that drive has a current working directory other than the root, it
fails because GetFiles() returns an absolute path which is incorrect - it
prepends the filenames with a \.


H:\CD Z:\data_to_process

H:\GetFilesTest.exe Z:

Processing file Z:\file1.txt

Processing file Z:\file2.txt


This isn't correct. While it correctly enumerates the files within the
folder structure as specified, the path should be Z:file1.txt, etc.  Surely?

Tried with VS2008  .Net 3.5 as well as VS2010 RC  .Net 4 - same behaviour.

A quick Google didn't turn up anything obvious.  So I'm thinking I've missed
something in the documentation (which I must admit, I didn't read until it
didn't work as expected) or am clueless about the vagaries of DOS
working/current directories because this seems so simple.

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace GetFilesTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 1)
Console.WriteLine(Please specify a path);

// enumerate all files in the supplied path and subfolders
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[0], cdr*.*,

Console.WriteLine(String.Format(Getting files from {0},

// iterate over the files, displaying the full path
foreach (string file in files)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(Processing file {0},

Richard Carde

Re: Problem with GetFiles() or me?

2010-03-05 Thread Mark Hurd
Workaround: D:.

Adding the explicit current directory causes the returned strings to
be valid paths.

Do you want to add the bug to Connect?

Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

(BTW Typos fixed below.)

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Mark Hurd wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Richard Carde wrote:

 If I specify the path (first argument) as a drive letter (of a mapped drive)
 only, and that drive has a current working directory other than the root, it
 fails because GetFiles() returns an absolute path which is incorrect - it
 prepends the filenames with a \.


 H:\CD Z:\data_to_process

 H:\GetFilesTest.exe Z:

 Processing file Z:\file1.txt

 Processing file Z:\file2.txt


 This isn't correct. While it correctly enumerates the files within the
 folder structure as specified, the path should be Z:file1.txt, etc.  Surely?

 I agree (and can confirm with DotLisp and .NET 2.0) and I think you've
 found a bug.

 Note that files in the current folder don't have the \ inserted.
 That is your example above is wrong, at least for me:

 The above is a sample of the output from
 (Directory:GetFiles T: *.txt System.IO.SearchOption:AllDirectories)

 Tried with VS2008  .Net 3.5 as well as VS2010 RC  .Net 4 - same behaviour.

 I think I can see the problem using Reflector in

 Where it says:

  If (data.userPath.Length  0) Then
  ch = data.userPath.Chars((data.userPath.Length - 1))
  flag2 = ((ch = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) OrElse (ch =
  End If

 I believe it should be
  flag2 = ((ch = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) OrElse (ch =
 Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) OrElse (ch =

 But InternalGetFileDirectoryNames is quite complex...

 Richard Carde

 Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

MAPI with Unicode support

2010-03-05 Thread Ian Thomas
Is the MAPI + CDO v1.2.1 the only free-standing / downloadable available
from Microsoft? It doesn't support Unicode - which is what I need in order
to properly access some PST files.

(v6.5.8153.0, date published 1/12/2010)

Anyone know an alternative? (apart from installing a version of Outlook on
the machine)

Ian Thomas

Victoria Park, Western Australia

RE: MAPI with Unicode support

2010-03-05 Thread Ian Thomas
Some digging finds that the PST file format has been published, and there's
a new MAPI on Codeplex (MFCMAPI) - but they're still struggling with

(ref - Stephen Griffin's MAPI Internals blog)


Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2010 12:40 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: MAPI with Unicode support


Is the MAPI + CDO v1.2.1 the only free-standing / downloadable available
from Microsoft? It doesn't support Unicode - which is what I need in order
to properly access some PST files.

(v6.5.8153.0, date published 1/12/2010)

Anyone know an alternative? (apart from installing a version of Outlook on
the machine)

Ian Thomas

Victoria Park, Western Australia

RE: Splash Screen..thread safe

2010-03-05 Thread Greg Keogh


Don't do that. The Thread must be told to terminate gracefully.



RE: switching between debug and release in VS2008

2010-03-05 Thread Greg Keogh
Kirsten, in a VB.NET project in VS2008 I can see the Configuration combo at
the top of the Compile sheet in project properties (Debug|Release). I also
have a Build  Configuration Manager menu. I can also right-click the
solution node and get the Configuration Manager menu. From what I recall,
none of these were present in your VS2008, is it still like that?
