RE: Duplicate matching

2014-11-30 Thread Adrian Halid
Hi Greg,

Instead of using the filename to determine duplicate audio files have you 
considered using an audio fingerprint?

I have used this software in the past to automatically tag my music.
“Picard uses AcoustID audio fingerprints, allowing files to be identified by 
the actual music, even if they have no metadata”

Apparently it uses which is an open source library.


Adrian Halid

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Saturday, 29 November 2014 6:46 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Duplicate matching

Folks, I was about this write some utility code to search through my 20,000 
audio files looking for probable duplicates. I say probable because I found 
file names like these:

Lovelock - Trumpet Concerto (SSO Concert).mp3
Trumpet Concerto (William Lovelock).mp3

There are many other duplicates with rearranged, abbreviated or misspelt words 
in the names. I was about to click New Project and start typing but I 
suddenly realised I had no idea what algorithm to use to find probable 
duplicates and rate them. Has anyone done this sort of thing before or know 
where to find a description of a suitable algorithm?

Greg K

Re: Duplicate matching

2014-11-30 Thread Greg Keogh

 Instead of using the filename to determine duplicate audio files have you
 considered using an audio fingerprint? ... Apparently it uses which is an open source library.

This is an interesting lateral-thinking idea. That's an ambitious and
scientifically interesting project. I can't submit 90GB of music to their
web service, but if the algorithm can be run locally to generate the
fingerprints then it would efficient to lookup their database -- *Greg K*

RE: Duplicate matching

2014-11-30 Thread Adrian Halid
I am pretty sure the fingerprints are calculated on your local machine. It 
would only be the finger print that you send to the web service.

This is how the Picard application works.


Adrian Halid

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Monday, 1 December 2014 8:35 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Duplicate matching

Instead of using the filename to determine duplicate audio files have you 
considered using an audio fingerprint? ... Apparently it uses which is an open source library.

This is an interesting lateral-thinking idea. That's an ambitious and 
scientifically interesting project. I can't submit 90GB of music to their web 
service, but if the algorithm can be run locally to generate the fingerprints 
then it would efficient to lookup their database -- Greg K

Re: X509 certificate and trust

2014-11-30 Thread Richard Carde

What it sounds like you are being asked to do is certificate based
authentication.  This is something that cannot be forged, unlike a 'magic
number'.  The server can verify the validity of the cert and identify the
client.  You might have individual certs to identify a user or device.
I've done this before for a web app on WinMo 6 where the user's own Active
Directory cert is loaded on the device and IIS requires the cert as part of
the type of authN.  It avoids the user having to type in creds on a PDA but
the servers knows who the user is.

The pfx file will contain the certificate (plus, if necessary, root CA cert
and any intermediate certs needed to be loaded on the client to complete
the chain to be trusted).

I don't think Silverlight supports such authentication.

On 25 Nov 2014 21:21, Greg Keogh wrote:

 Howdy, I've been thinking about this overnight and have had no Eureka!
 moment. I do have the factory ID of the phone, but I think registering the
 IDs on the server would be a bother (in any case, a fake client could send
 any ID it wanted to fool the server).

 The client and server both have the same confidential company certificate,
 but I don't know how I can leverage this. The client could send the server
 some secret data out of the cert, but it's just a number, any magic/secret
 number could be shared, which is childish.

 So I remain puzzled about how an arbitrary phone can prove to the service
 that it's calling via trusted client software without human entry of a PIN
 or password.

 The phone does have a config screen, so perhaps the human operator could
 be instructed to put in a 4 digit hash of the phone ID, which can only be
 computed and verified on the server. This would require a one-time setup
 process, but it might be acceptable in the form of a registration screen
 on the phone.

 *Greg K*

 On 25 November 2014 at 23:55, Stephen Price

 And then I read your email a second time and notice you said Silverlight
 PHONE app. Perhaps you could use something similar... but as it's not
 hosted on a web server, but instead its on the phone that might not work.
 Perhaps a call to a server with a login where a key is given out for that
 session? Or something that is harder to fake, like a phone ID (can you set
 up a list of authorised devices on server or is it a public facing app
 where anyone could be connecting?)

 On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Greg Keogh wrote:

 Folks, I have a Silverlight Phone app that talks to a WCF service. The
 spec says that phones must *prove* to the service that they are
 legitimate and trusted. I figure therefore that I will stuff something in
 the message headers of each call that can't be forged to prove a phone has
 legitimate client software ... but what?

 The spec is vague and does not specify any kind of login method or
 handshake to establish trust.

 To confuse matters, I've been given a pair of X509 certificates (as cer
 and pfx files) without any hint about what to do with them. So I've been
 reading about X509's for hours, but I can't figure out if they're of any
 help in this situation or not. All the sample code I've found using
 certificates is for the full CLR and not for the Silverlight CLR where many
 classes are smaller or missing. I can't figure out how to use X509s for
 solving my problem (if they are of any use).

 Any suggestions from crypto protocol boffins out there?

 *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Windows SCHANNEL Protocol registry keys

2014-11-30 Thread Richard Carde

IISCrypto is your friend.  But you should really understand a little about
protocols and cipher suites and the ordering thereof.

Test your public site with Qualys ssllabs. You're aiming for an A.

Using SHA1 certs will lower the score but that's not too much of a worry.
You should be able to re-key and get SHA-2 (SHA256) replacement if it
concerns you.  Any recently issued cert expiring on or after 1/1/2017 will
be SHA2 anyway.


On 19 Nov 2014 01:48, noonie wrote:


 The recent Poodle issues and Microsoft's broken patch (MS14-006) have now
 made it necessary for me to actually understand secure connections to our
 web applications because it appears that when the user can't connect to a
 web server it is my web application that is broken :-^

 For the life of me I can't find a single definitive source as to what the
 registry keys actually mean. There's plenty of do it this way
 instructions but I don't believe in magic so I want to understand what the
 effects of changing the keys are likely to be.

 There are tantalising fragments, of the information I want, at various web
 sites but I haven't found a good description anywhere yet. Does anybody
 know of a resource I can access that explains why certain key would be
 needed and what the effects of the different settings are likely to be?

 The keys I'm interested in live at:-


 And I've read a number of articles from various sites:-;EN-US;245030

 If there is no reasonable reference documentation could someone please
 answer the following questions:-

 What is the the real effect of DisabledByDefault on both Server and Client

 Are there any nonsense combinations of keys or key values for
 DisabledByDefault and Enabled?

 When would I need to set both Server and Client Keys?

 Is it good practice to explicitly set all these keys or is it OK to rely
 on system defaults for keys that are absent? (I know half the answer to
 this one because although Windows Server 2008R2 supports TLS 1.1  1.2 it
 will only use them if they are explicitly enabled in this registry hive!)


Re: X509 certificate and trust

2014-11-30 Thread Greg Keogh

 I don't think Silverlight supports such authentication.

Yeah, it looks that way. Most of the important certificate classes and
methods are stripped out of the mini CLR. I eventually decided that the
phone must perform a one-off registration, but I'm still not sure how the
phone can identify itself to the service in an unforgeable way. Perhaps a
signed time-stamped token from the server which can only be used for a
single session (but the details are still hazy) -- *Greg*