Hi all,


I am having trouble getting the jQuery dialog to popup in an MVC4.5 view.


Basically I have some divs set up:


<div id="DeleteConfirmation" style="visibility:hidden">

<div id="dialog-confirm" title="Delete Confirmation?">

       <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float:left; margin:0
7px 20px 0;"></span>

    <span id="DeleteConfirmationText"></span>





I have a confirm delete function, which is executed by clicking on an image
button (so document is already ready)


function ConfirmDeleteLineItem(itemId, currentLineItem) {


        $("#DeleteConfirmationText").html("Are you sure you want to delete
this item?");



            resizable: false,

            height: 200,

            width: 600,

            modal: true,

            buttons: {

                "Delete item": function () {

                    DeleteLineItem(itemId, currentLineItem);



                Cancel: function () {








The problem is that it can't execute the .dialog method.


Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method


Within the head section of the page, when I view source, it has:

        <script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>

        <script src="/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.20.js"></script>


And the debugger says that jquery-1.7.1.js and jquery-ui-1.8.20.js are


Is there something I'm missing? 




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