I recall having these sorts of issues with VS back in Vista but didn't look
into it further. Now I run everything as admin because I don't care :p

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After stuffing around wasting another hour I think I've uncovered the
> cause of shfbproj files being "not supported", but I'm not sure who is to
> blame.
> My usual 'greg' login account is a normal user, when I need to elevate I
> have a dummy user called 'max' (aka Max Power from a Simpsons episode) who
> is an Admin. When installing Sandcastle I was asked to elevate to be max,
> so it looks like the VS extensions went in under max's profile. Confirmed
> by running VS2015 as max, then I'm asked to upgrade the help project and it
> works. Running vs2015 as greg shows no help project support at all.
> Then I uninstall, make greg an Admin and reinstall, return greg to a
> normal user. Now I have help project support in VS2015.
> So I'm not sure who to blame: Does VS not support extensions for all
> users? Does Sandcastle install extensions per-user incorrectly? Did my
> greg/max flipping convention upset something? Uh?! Anyway, by jumping
> through a few hoops I now have VS2015 and Sandcastle project support going
> again.
> *Greg K*
> On 6 August 2015 at 18:17, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Folks, since installing the previous Visual Studio and installing 2015 I
>> can't open help builder projects (*.shfbproj files) in my solution, they
>> say "incompatible". I reinstalled the latest help software and it all
>> installs perfectly and ticks all the boxes to say all of the VS support is
>> ready. I can't find any useful help on this and I'm not sure which
>> component to blame. The help builder GUI runs fine by itself. So it looks
>> like some plugin for VS is missing, but all searches are futile so far.
>> Any ideas anyone?! -- *Greg K*

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