
2001-12-07 Thread Belinda Maier

Does anyone have details of next years homebirth conference???
Thanks Belinda

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Re: homebirthconf

2001-12-07 Thread Natalie

Hi Belinda & all,

The details & registration forms for the 21st National Homebirth Conference
2002 can be downloaded from the HAS website

The program will be on there by the end of next week.

If you are unable to download the details let me know your address & I can
mail some flyers.

Please feel free to contact me with any queries or questions.

Natalie Forbes Dash
Coordinator Blue Mts Homebirth Support
Assist. Coordinator Homebirth Access Sydney
02 47572080

- Original Message -
From: "Belinda Maier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:10 PM
Subject: homebirthconf

> Does anyone have details of next years homebirth conference???
> Thanks Belinda
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Qld Health Public Maternity Units

2001-12-07 Thread Toni Cannard

Dear Ozmidders,

I've just been watching an ABC item on our Health Minister Wendy Edmonds - 
apparantly there has been a string of 27 resignations in ward 9D at the 
Royal Brisbane leukemia unit.  I really have no data other than what the 
journalists presented.

Question for you - if you have worked in a Qld Health maternity unit - are 
the anecodatal stories of bullying and "horizontal violence" true.  If you 
have resigned in the last 2 years and there is in your mind a direction 
connection to the policies and/or funding from Qld Health - AIMS would like 
to know about it.

Please e-mail me - anonymous contributions gratefully accepted too! (Andrea, 
hope this is OK with you & list protocol - sometimes I think people need the 
option to speak without fear of retribution)

Wendy Edmonds has told me that she believes all women need to be where they 
can have a caesarean at hand. She was very supportive of the water birth 
ban, and continues to ignore requests for more birth centres.  I suspect 
there must be a lot of frustrated Qld midwives out there - NOW is the time 
to speak up.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Toni Cannard
AIMS Australia Inc
Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services

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Re: midwifery models

2001-12-07 Thread Lois Wattis

Hi Sally - just responding to what you've written about midwives working
towards change within the hospital system.  All I can say is - Here! Here!
It's a VERY hard road, but a worthy endeavour, as you say.  Keep up the
fight, hospital midwives.  We value your efforts.  Best wishes, Lois Wattis

- Original Message -
From: sally westbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sadie Geraghty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 3:47 PM
Subject: RE: midwifery models

Hi there.

So much of what goes on in the hospitals do my head in! Thank god I've only
got 4 more weeks to go in the system before I return back to private

I can't see any purpose in this practice of wee measuring but it does really
just reinforce the idea that birth is not a normal process. I have not seen
it done anywhere else that I have worked.

And while I'm thinking about crazy hospitals I would like to say much I
admire the midwives who work within the system for change. The constant
advocacy and sometimes conflict I could not endure on a daily basis (6
months has nearly driven me crazy) so my hat is off to you.

Midwives who work for change within the system are vital and your work is so
valuable. For each woman who receives support from one midwife who really
cares and struggles for best outcomes and works within a best practice model
change comes and a difference is made for that woman, for that midwife and
slowly (for it is surely that is the system) change is made.

Peace and Joy sisters.

Sally Westbury

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Denise Hynd
Sent: Tuesday, 4 December 2001 6:29 PM
To: Sadie Geraghty
Subject: Re: midwifery models

Dear All
Can you help Sadie out here
Thank you

Dear Sadie
I have passed your email onto the Ozmidwifery list
I would feel the same as you. I never encountered this in my training in the
UK but have in the past here in WA.
Needless to say at home we just make sure the woman has voided and and all
else is well before we go home after a birth.
- Original Message -
From: "Sadie Geraghty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:22 PM
Subject: midwifery models

> Dear Denise,
> do you have any midwifery models/policies on passing urine after delivery?
> Where I am here in the UK, we have to get the women to measure and record
> their urine output for 24 hours after normal birth. It's doing my head in!
> Look forward to hearing from you,
> warm wishes,
> Sadie
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
- Original Message -
From: "Sadie Geraghty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:22 PM
Subject: midwifery models

> Dear Denise,
> do you have any midwifery models/policies on passing urine after delivery?
> Where I am here in the UK, we have to get the women to measure and record
> their urine output for 24 hours after normal birth. It's doing my head in!
> Look forward to hearing from you,
> warm wishes,
> Sadie
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson

> What do others think?  Could it? Would it?  I actually feel that it probably
> doesn't in our local hospitals, but you still hear of women feeling
> threatened into giving formula.  If you don;t he'll be dehydrated/it will
> clear up his jaundice etc. Any thoughts?

A bit off topic, , but I remember, with my first child, while breastfeeding
was still such a 'personal' social challenge, my mother providing me with a
bottle and formula during a visit to her - my child was about 2 months old.

I knew it was wrong (for me and my son) to bottle-feed (I had breastfed up
till then) but suddenly I felt more comfortable/accepted giving my son a
bottle than I ever felt exposing my breast to feed him at my mother's
house Somehow I felt that I had gained her approval. Sad.

Luckily he totally refused the bottle! He was not impressed. And the
breastfeeding continued regardless of my mother's plans... But for a few
minutes I gained my mother's approval - which is what I bet many daughters
challenge today, isn't it?

And for those few minutes of approval, I felt happy - more so than any other
time feeding my child at my mother's house. I also always felt that I was
doing the wrong thing, but somehow in 'conforming' to what my mother thought
was right (ie, bottler-feeding) felt good...

Mothers have so much impact on their daughter's success at breastfeeding -
they should be incorporated into all breastfeeding information classes. They
need to learn what is best for their grandchildren and then they would
probably be the best advocates - something they may have lacked in their own
personal experiences.

Just some thoughts.
BB Jackie Mawson.

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For interest.

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson
Title: For interest.

Sad... For interest, from BMJ email alerts.
BB Jackie Mawson.
bmj.com: http://bmj.com/
This issue's table of contents: 
Press Releases for this issue: 

(Timing of birth and infant and early neonatal mortality
in Sweden 1973-95: longitudinal birth register study)

Babies born between the hours of 5pm to 1am and
around 9am are at higher risk of early death, suggesting
that shift changes and the hours immediately after are
high risk periods for neonatal care, finds a study in this
week's BMJ.

Using data from the Swedish birth register, researchers
in Hong Kong analysed over 2 million births between

Their observations confirm previous reports that infants
born at night have a greater risk of early death (in the
first six days) than those born during the day. They also
found that there has been no improvement over the past
two decades, and that this problem is much more
serious for preterm infants. The causes are not clear,
but may be due to excess workloads, inadequate or
less experienced staff on night shifts, or out of date
systems for managing shift changes within hospitals, they

A more in depth analysis over 24 hours showed that
there were actually two high risk periods for neonatal
care: 5pm to 1am and around 9am. The first risk period
started from the end of the normal day shift and
extended to the midnight shift. The second one, around
9am, was immediately after day shift staff were taking
over responsibilities. This pattern indicates that shift
changes and the hours immediately after are high risk
periods for neonatal care, say the authors.

The exact reasons are unclear, but better vigilance and
an improvement in shift changes may be required to
improve neonatal health care further, they conclude.


J Karlberg, Clinical Trials Centre, University of Hong
Kong, People's Republic of China

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Kleimar

This confirms my own experience albiet from a different anle. My mother being 
a 1930's trained midwife was a strong breast feeding advocate, having breast 
fed me her only child in 1951, despite considerable social pressure to be 
more modern. When she returned to work in 1958 I do remember her being at the 
very least appalled at not only the drugs being used in labour but the 
decline in breast feeding. She always encouraged mums to breast feed when she 
could and I knew in my heart from an early age that was the only way to feed 
a baby in her eyes. At the small rural hospital wher she worked (Tully, 
Qld.,) the midwives routinely collected breast milk from term mothers for any 
preemies that were in the nursery and needed extra milk (they were all quite 
fastidious, I remember, so I am sure the milk was treated appropriately). 

So, when I had my own babies there was no conflict only support from my mum. 
I had my first 2 daughters at Corinda Maternity Center in Brisbane, Qld., in 
1976 and 1978 and I felt the staff were very supportive of breast feeding. 
They did encourage pumping so that if we needed to sleep through at night 
they had milk for feeds. I remember checking the fridge to see that my milk 
was appropriately labelled. To my knowledge no formula was given and even 
though we didn't have rooming in for my first daughter, they did 2 yrs later. 
I wonder if Corinda Maternity still exits??

So, i agree grandmothers have a strong influence on how infants are fed and 
if at all possible should be included in childbirth/infant care classes.
Regards, marilyn
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RE: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Johnston

The principle "In normal birth there should be a valid reason to interfere 
with the natural process" (WHO Care in Normal Birth 1996) applies just as 
much to the establishment of breastfeeding as it does to pregnancy and 
birth.  Unfortunately we have in many cases lost the perspective of a 
natural process.

Some of you may think I am nitpicking, but the statement "firstly it is 
medically indicated" is the exact point at which most babies are given 
supplements, as well as interferences such as inductions and augmentations 
are carried out.  WE (the professionals) carry the power to say what's 
medically indicated. Many many times I have witnessed this situation, which 
Jan and others have written about too.

The FIRST (not 2nd) step should be a skilled counsellor (preferably imho a 
known and trusted midwife, since this happens in the days after birth) who 
is 'with woman' before any problems (medical reasons) develop, and who 
explores the problem (real or perceived) with the woman and commits to an 
agreed plan.  In that way most breastfeeding difficulties can be managed 
without thinking about formula.

I stand by the BFHI '10 Steps to successful breastfeeding' as a clear 
statement of best practice for maternity service providers.  The acceptable 
reasons for supplementation in the BFHI are quite stringent.  (The most 
acceptable alternative to a mother's own milk is milk from another woman.) 
 Many hospitals have become accredited as 'baby friendly' in the past 
decade, but that doesn't mean the culture of interference has been changed. 
 'Fiddling' is part of the human condition - there are very few cultures in 
which unsupplemented breastfeeding of newborns is the norm.

Those who are working in hospitals, as well as those who are attending 
women and their babies in their homes need to be constantly vigilant.  This 
doesn't mean ignoring the unsettled, hungry baby who is trying to get the 
precious liquid, but hasn't got it right, or the sleepy, jaundiced baby who 
is trying to come out of narcotic haze.  It means finding ways to support 
each unique mother/baby pair to achieve their goal, without doing any harm.

This is part of a lifelong learning process for me.  Learning to work with, 
and not against, the wonderful human body is far more difficult and 
challenging than learning how to interrupt and interfere.
Joy Johnston
-Original Message-
From:   Malavisi, Pete [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, December 07, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject:RE: formula without consent?

I saw a mother today in my child health capacity and she mentioned that her
2 day old babe had been given boiled water overnight because it was
unsettled, not sure if consent was gained or not, but my understanding is
that we shouldn't be giving anything except for the breast unless firstly 
is medically indicated ( I do appreciate it that this is open to
interpretation) and secondly only after consent is gained from parents.
yours in midwifery, pete malavisi
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Excessive salivation in pregnancy

2001-12-07 Thread Andrea Bilcliff

I have a question from a woman who is about 12 weeks pregnant. In her first
pregnancy she had nausea, vomiting and excessive salivation throughout the
whole pregnancy. She has been seeing an obstetrician this pregnancy and is
also experiencing the same symptoms. She is not happy with his advice (I'm
not sure what it is as I'm hearing the story about fourth hand!) and the
prospect of this continuing for the next 28 weeks is distressing her. The
excessive salivation in particular is concerning her, as she is constantly
wiping her mouth.
I've collated over time your suggestions for helping with the nausea but I
was wondering if there was anything in particular that women have found
helpful for excessive salivation?
Andrea Bilcliff.

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re:formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Grant and Louise

Oh I see this happen regularly, consent is given - but not INFORMED consent.
" Your baby NEEDS a bottle/comp/some food because s/he's
hungry/dry/jaundiced/big/little/sleepy/crying/prem/overdue/urates in the
nappy (or you've laboured/had a caesar/had diabetes/were overdue/had lots of
visitors) " No discussion of alternatives or possible outcomes of the
"little bottle".
In the mothers eyes it's okay because WE ( who are classed as the medical)
say so.
The cure for all things is salt water -
Sweat, tears, or the sea.

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Re: Excessive salivation in pregnancy

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson

> I've collated over time your suggestions for helping with the nausea but I
> was wondering if there was anything in particular that women have found
> helpful for excessive salivation?

There is a homeopathic remedy for excess salivation...But I can't remember
it's name. Does anyone know?
BB Jackie M.

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Gynaecologists blame high incidence of back pain on their work

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson
Title: Gynaecologists blame high incidence of back pain on their work

Interesting article, in relation to the previous discussion on birth stools and the resulting strains. It follows the same issues and concludes with the same idea that ergonomic solutions are best.
BB Jackie M.
BMJ 2001;323:1323 ( 8 December )
News extra
Gynaecologists blame high incidence of back pain on their work
Roger Dobson Abergavenny 

More than seven out of 10 gynaecologists have back pain, with half blaming the problem on the job. Around one in eight have needed surgery, and many experience pain while carrying out examinations or performing surgery, according to a survey of 107 practitioners. 

The survey, conducted in Northern Ireland and reported in Occupational Medicine (2001;51:433-8), also found that one in five specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology have taken time off work because of back pain. Between them, the 107 consultants and retired consultants had lost the equivalent of three years' work as a result of back problems. 

The report said the research was triggered by an impression of an excessive incidence of back problems among doctors working in the specialty. 

"The obstetrician/gynaecologist is frequently required to adopt awkward postures during the course of clinical practice. Abdominal and pelvic examination necessitates bending and twisting of the trunk, and static postures are often adopted for prolonged periods of time during surgery," said the report. 

The research, based on a 46 point questionnaire sent to 114 members of the Ulster Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society,  found that 72% had significant back pain and 53% reported the cause as working in obstetrics and gynaecology. Seventy per cent said the pain had been aggravated by working in the specialty. 

The specialists also experience pain during some procedures. Some 54% said they had pain while performing vaginal surgery and 48% during abdominal surgery. Thirty one per cent were in pain carrying out pelvic examinations. Most gynaecologists received non-surgical treatment for their back pain, but 8% required surgery—three times the rate reported among ophthalmologists. 

Dr Denis Martin, consultant gynaecologist and one of the authors of the report, who himself has back pain and has also had back surgery, said, "The toughest time for me is assisting at vaginal surgery, having to lean over and push around, but different things affect different people. I think that, overall, we found that the incidence of surgery is about eight times that what you would expect in that population." 

The report said that clinicians have changed their clinical practice to cope with back pain but that there is a need for more work on ergonomics in the workplace. 

"Fifty three per cent of those with back pain blamed it on working in obstetrics and gynaecology. Significant morbidity results from backache to gynaecologists. This has economic implications and requires further assessment to improve prevention, with emphasis on individual training and ergonomic evaluations of work-related postures," it said.


Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

Male's Perspective Needed on VBAC

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson

To share, with Jerry's permission. I have a page on the Birthrites' website
titled Men's Experiences, and Jerry submitted his for inclusion.
Note - Angelica's baby was 4.2kg - a chubby bubby!
BB Jackie Mawson.

-- Forwarded Message
From: jerry Whiting
Subject: RE: Male's Perspective Needed on VBAC

Hello Jackie
You are asking for males to write a bit about
"past caesarean birth experiences and
impending VBAC/EBAC issues."
I am a 58 year old male. In three marriages, I
have fathered 10 children. My last son, was
born by caesarean section to my second wife.
He was our last child together, so there was never
an issue about attempting a VBAC. So you may be
wondering, what is my experience with VBAC?
I am a Midwife. Of the 67 births that I have attended
this year, 2 have been H-VBAC's. Both mom's came
to me, with a different look in their eyes, a look of
worry, uncertainly, and most important, a look of failure.
The mom who most impressed me, was Angelica, a mom
in her early 20's, with 2 little daughters, both born by caesarean
section. When Angelica spoke about her previous caesareans,
you could see the fear in her eyes. The fear was very apparent.
When Angelica spoke about the possibility of a normal home
birth, her face changed dramatically, she smiled, and the beauty
of this change was very invigorating, and enlightening to me.
When Angelica went into labor, I could see that there was still
some self doubt in her eyes. As the intensity of her contractions
grew, so did her self doubt. A neighbour, and I talked to Angelica,
with a lot of encouraging words, and we got her through her self
doubt, and soon, Angelica was holding her new born daughter,
and her smile told us everything, she now had regained her
confidence, in her ability to give birth normally.
I would not trade those moments for anything.
Jerry Whiting
26480 Peach St.
Perris, California, 92570 USA

* My initial request:

Male's Perspective Needed on VBAC
From: Jackie Mawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a little request... If any of you wonderful people
could help me I will be eternally grateful.

I think I may have to ask my hubby, and some other 'males'
to write a bit about past caesarean birth experiences and
impending VBAC/EBAC issues. If you can coerce any male you
know (yourself, if you're a guy?) into writing something
about this, I would really appreciate, and honour, all
efforts I receive.

As a woman I find it really hard to understand the male
perspective of birth, (I do try) especially in regard to
VBAC and past birth experiences.

What better way to understand our partners emotions
surrounding these vital life experiences than through the
words of men who have been 'there'. These stories would also
be valuable to share with your partners, to let them know
that they aren't alone in feeling as they do during this
phase in their life (the time of growing a family and
birthing their children).

The men's stories will be included in the next issue of the
Birthrites magazine, and they will also be incorporated into
the Birthrites Website - as a separate page on
caesarean/VBAC birth from a man's perspective.

This whole idea is just so exciting. I can't wait to receive
some stories!!! Please send them on.
Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.
-- End of Forwarded Message

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions
given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please
seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if
you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

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Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread TinaPettigrew

In a message dated 8/12/01 9:23:15 AM AUS Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< The acceptable 
 reasons for supplementation in the BFHI are quite stringent.  (The most 
 acceptable alternative to a mother's own milk is milk from another woman.) 
  Many hospitals have become accredited as 'baby friendly' in the past 
 decade, but that doesn't mean the culture of interference has been changed.  

Hi Joy and all,

sooo true Joy!! Earlier this year a personal friend gave birth to her second 
child. A beautiful physiological birth, babe and woman well. This woman was 
committed to BF her babe (BF babe No 1 well into his second year) and BF was 
established immediately at birth and was moving along well with the Woman 
home 24 hours after birth. Day 3 babe was readmitted to special care nursery 
for phototherapy for severe jaundice. Woman was expressing milk and running 
backwards and forwards every couple of hours to feed her babe (day and 
night). She phoned me distraught one day during this time saying her babe had 
been given formula WITHOUT her consent !! The nursery staff had run out 
of EBM and she wasn't due back for an hour. Staff gave the babe formula 
WITHOUT her consent, insisting that they considered her rest more important 
and didn't wish to disturb her Re: EBM or returning earlier to feed the babe. 
This woman lived 2 minutes drive from the hospital !!! 

I was astonished to think that this could and would happen in a 'baby 
friendly' accredited institution - I urged her to contact the Unit Manager 
for an explanation first and foremost to discuss the situation and what would 
be done to ensure it didn't happen again to her or anyone else !! I also 
urged her to contact ACMI, ABA, ALCA to share her experience and for further 
information of avenues to lodge her complaint Re: The 'baby friendly' stuff.  

I followed her up on this only recently to find that she was given a good 
hearing by the 'MUM' who also shared her distress that this occurred. The 
woman took no further action on this (despite my urging she contact the ACMI  
Re: 'baby friendly' breech.)

In such instances, any advice on who is the most appropriate 'authority'  to 
report such a breech of 'baby friendly' policy ??

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
   - So we can trust birth"
Harriette Hartigan.
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Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Jan Robinson

On 8/12/01 10:44 AM, "Grant and Louise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh I see this happen regularly, consent is given - but not INFORMED consent.
> " Your baby NEEDS a bottle/comp/some food because s/he's
> hungry/dry/jaundiced/big/little/sleepy/crying/prem/overdue/urates in the
> nappy (or you've laboured/had a caesar/had diabetes/were overdue/had lots of
> visitors) " No discussion of alternatives or possible outcomes of the
> "little bottle".
> In the mothers eyes it's okay because WE ( who are classed as the medical)
> say so.
> Louise
> The cure for all things is salt water -
> Sweat, tears, or the sea.
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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This shameful situation would cease to occur if midwives educated women
during their pregnancy about their baby's nutritional needs over the first
few days of life and help them plan their first interactions with their

Isn't anyone making Birth Plans with women? Birth Plans are the greatest
insurance to getting informed consent to anything but they also give the
women confidence to ask appropriate questions/ and/ or politely refuse
offers not just during labour and birth but with situations such as
inappropriate formula for their baby In fact Birth Plans are the
greatest asset any midwife or mother could have  WHO USES THEM


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Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Jayne

10 years ago my friend and I made birth plans concerning the very most
important things to us regarding the births of our babies..hers was
totally disregarded and her new born was given sugared boiled water and
formula (despite stating that her baby was to receive NOTHING BUT BREAST
MILK).I had a list of 7 things on mine - I didn't want to seem too
pushy they were all ignored except that the baby not be given any
supplements  which they did try to get my consent for anyway.

I remember when I handed my birthplan over to a midwife when I was admitted
to the hospital and she had a quick look and rolled her eyes!!

My next 2 babies were born at home and I was skeptical about filling out the
detailed birthplans the midwives provided me with.  I did though because as
they explained, they may help if I was transferred to hospital.

> This shameful situation would cease to occur if midwives educated women
> during their pregnancy about their baby's nutritional needs over the first
> few days of life and help them plan their first interactions with their
> baby.
> Isn't anyone making Birth Plans with women? Birth Plans are the greatest
> insurance to getting informed consent to anything but they also give the
> women confidence to ask appropriate questions/ and/ or politely refuse
> offers not just during labour and birth but with situations such as
> inappropriate formula for their baby In fact Birth Plans are the
> greatest asset any midwife or mother could have  WHO USES THEM

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RE: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Grant and Louise

Unfortunately I work in the private OBSTETRIC system, and very rarely see a
birth plan. Those we see have NOT been discussed with a caregiver - medical
or midwifery- and usually have been copied from an American internet
site/book and include things like "no eye drops for the baby".
sigh we keep going and help those we can...


--- Begin Message ---

On 8/12/01 10:44 AM, "Grant and Louise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh I see this happen regularly, consent is given - but not INFORMED
> " Your baby NEEDS a bottle/comp/some food because s/he's
> hungry/dry/jaundiced/big/little/sleepy/crying/prem/overdue/urates in the
> nappy (or you've laboured/had a caesar/had diabetes/were overdue/had lots
> visitors) " No discussion of alternatives or possible outcomes of the
> "little bottle".
> In the mothers eyes it's okay because WE ( who are classed as the medical)
> say so.
> Louise
> The cure for all things is salt water -
> Sweat, tears, or the sea.
> --
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This shameful situation would cease to occur if midwives educated women
during their pregnancy about their baby's nutritional needs over the first
few days of life and help them plan their first interactions with their

Isn't anyone making Birth Plans with women? Birth Plans are the greatest
insurance to getting informed consent to anything but they also give the
women confidence to ask appropriate questions/ and/ or politely refuse
offers not just during labour and birth but with situations such as
inappropriate formula for their baby In fact Birth Plans are the
greatest asset any midwife or mother could have  WHO USES THEM

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--- End Message ---

Re: formula without consent?

2001-12-07 Thread Jackie Mawson

> I remember when I handed my birthplan over to a midwife when I was admitted
> to the hospital and she had a quick look and rolled her eyes!!

When I presented an Obstetrician with my birthplan, she flicked through it
(pen held at the ready) and crossed out most of it, saying "Well, that's not
going to happen, and that's not going to happen..." Sigh... Needless to say,
I beat a hasty retreat from the interview!

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions
given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please
seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if
you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

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