[ozmidwifery] Re:

2003-09-28 Thread Sharon Bartsch
I wish to sign off the list please  please

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From: peter hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:44:49 +1000
i wish to sign off the list please
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Re: [ozmidwifery] C/s

2003-09-28 Thread Janet Caulfield

  Dear All,
  I want to share with you my most recent 
  I was looking after a client that was G4P3 
  the last child was to a new partner. I also delivered the last child and after 
  a prostin induction post dates; she rapidly progressed to a normal birth of a 
  male baby.There at no time was anything to highlight any concern during the 
  pregnancy or delivery.
  The Last child nearly 2years old now, also has 
  some very severe disabilities, and has many hospitalizations, prior to getting 
  pregnant with a diagnosis of a type of Cerebral Palsy they received Genetic 
  Counselling. But during the pregnancy they were given another diagnosis as 
  well and that is of a type of Muscular Dystrophy. It is an understatement to 
  say that this woman and her partner was concerned. Everyday they spend in 
  hospital with their son, they see other sick children many of which have poor 
  outcomes due to a birth trauma so their veiw of birth is now very different 
  than during their last pregnancy.
  The Question they asked me was whether to have a 
  normal delivery or an elective Ceasarian Section. I maintained that the 
  outcome for this child was already preordained in a way and that a normal 
  vaginal birth was still a safe option for them. The GP backup also had the 
  same veiws.But as they were very concerned I organized an appointment 
  with a specialist. (disappointed but very understanding of their position,not 
  sure i wouldnt make the same descision given the same circumstances). I was 
  very nervous about this babies health (although i never said so to the 
  parents) I was sure the type of birth would not change the health status of 
  this infant.
  This Client was also my last caseload client in 
  a very successful programI had been involved with for the past 5 years( 
  being closed by the hospital administration)
  The outcome was that the clients respite care 
  was cut back so other things influenced the parents descision plus the fact 
  that i was so certain the outcome in the babies health wouldnt be any 
  different... They opted for an induction and a vaginal birth... The induction 
  was to arrange for respite care for their other child which is having 
  palliative care.
  This amazing woman had a normal birth after a 
  ARM and a 3hr 30min labour,. 
  he holds his head up and is acting as he should 
  ( the other child has atony of his muscles)
  I am so pleased that the outcome was good, and 
  had a few tears shed with relief.
  Now this woman is home with no wounds and her 
  other child returns in the morning, he is extremely heavyand takes up a 
  lot of time. I cant imagine how she would have managed if she had had an 
  elective C/S...
  Finished now as a caseload midwife :)
  Moving soon to the Kimberley's vive ala 
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Re: [ozmidwifery] Re:

2003-09-28 Thread JoFromOz
Sharon! Email me!

Jo ;)

Sharon Bartsch wrote:
 I wish to sign off the list please  please
 sending the request through the prescribed channel has failed on
 numerous occaisions..
 From: peter hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:44:49 +1000
 i wish to sign off the list please
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[ozmidwifery] caseload

2003-09-28 Thread Jen Semple
I read Janet's story with tears in my eyes as well, but it's made me wonder about caseload too.

I'm a Bachelor of Midwifery student  from what we've learned at uni  from the experiences I've had on clinical placement in hospitals, if I have any choice in where  how I work when I graduate, caseload is the only model of care I would consider working in. I know there are lots of other students who feel similarly.

Could any of you wise midwives or consumers explain why caseload models are being shut down (Janet's, the Angliss, etc) or not expanded when they're so popular (the KYM program @ Birralee)? They sound like they've been successful  we all now that they can be economically sucessful.

Am I missing something?! :o)

Cheers, Jen
2nd year BMid, MelbourneJan Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi JanetI shed a few tears too when I read your e-mail. While smiling with happiness for the parents of this healthy little boy my tears were for YOU when I saw you signing yourself “finished now as a caseload midwife”.Aren’t there enough women around who have experienced the benefits of one-to-one midwifery care who will get up and fight for continuing this service? Couldn’t the caseload midwives get together with the women and form a branch of the Maternity Coalition and get this mysogynistic act into the newspapers?Access the Maternity Coalition’s website now www.maternitycoalition.org.au and arrange for some support from them in setting up a group to lobby your state department of health.All the bestJan Robinson
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[ozmidwifery] knitted breasts

2003-09-28 Thread barbara glare chris bright

I just have to tell you about this!  They are really cool

Knitted Breasts.  I got mine this morning, and they are great.  A variety of
colours and shapes.

Love, Barb

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Re: [ozmidwifery] knitted breasts

2003-09-28 Thread Alesa Koziol

Love the boxes Barb
I knitted my own several years ago -got the pattern from a 
friend- again in many non human colours with nipple variations and use them in 
CBE classes with good effect. They work well to illustrate lots of points about 
breastfeeding, thoroughly recommend a set or two as a teaching tool 
...must package them a bit more excitingly though, currently they live 
in a pillowcase!!

Alesa KoziolClinical 
Midwifery EducatorMelbourne
- Original Message - 
From: " barbara glare  chris bright" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Ozmidwifery" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 1:00 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] knitted breasts
 Hi,  I just 
have to tell you about this! They are really cool  Knitted 
Breasts. I got mine this morning, and they are great. A variety 
of colours and shapes. http://www.starwon.com.au/~delma/pageseven.htm  Love, Barb   -- This 
mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or 