Re: [ozmidwifery] GDM question

2005-04-03 Thread Michelle Windsor
Hi Jo,

As per the Cochrane Data Base, there is no evidence to support glucose testing in pregnancy, and it is not accurate at least 50%-70% of the time. Even if the test was positive, there is noevidence tosupport treating gestational diabetes. Treating gestational diabetics withinsulin reduced macrosomia (however most macrosomic babies are born to non-diabetic mothers)butthere were no improvements in other outcomes such as caesarean section, shoulder dystocia, or perinatal mortality. So my opinion would be to forget the GTT.

MichelleJoFromOz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello you intelligent List-Wives...I have decided for various reasons not to have the routine GTT during my pregnancy, and now, at 33 weeks, I have had a small trace of glucose in my urine the last few weeks. Tonight I checked at work at I had a definite plus, not trace, of glucose. I did a BSL at the same time, and it was only 4.2. My question is, was my glucose higher before and my body just got rid of it for me, or is my body just good at getting rid of it via the urine instead of insulin? Or should I stop worrying? OR should I go ahead and do the GTT like my workmates insist I should have done in the first place?Thanks!Otherwise, pregnancy is wonderful apart from the sore hips trying to sleep :)Jo (RM)--This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.Visit to s!
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Re: [ozmidwifery] GDM question

2005-04-03 Thread Andrea Quanchi
your body is simply telling you that it is having a bit of trouble 
metabolising the amount of refined sugars it is receiving due to the 
pregnancy although this is a good indicator of the predisposition to 
type II diabetes if you continue your present pattern of eating. Cut 
out as many refined carbs (white) and sugars and eat whole grain and 
whole raw fruit and veg and drink water cutting out soft drinks juices 
and cordials including sports drinks ( unless diet ones) monitor your 
blood sugar and retest your urine in a few days.  We have a great 
diabetic educator here that I refer all women to who have had a similar 
situation and have had great success with them all not showing any 
further signs for the remainder of the pregnancy. A GTT may or may not 
have shown anything as at the time it was done your body may not have 
yet reached its threshold. I would not suggest a GTT unless your blood 
sugars are continually high. Then I would have a full GTT not the 
modified one
Good luck but Im sure its just a matter of doing the low GI food thing 
which we all should be doing anyway but the high GI ones taste so good 
and remember that you may have been eating a lot more chocolate than 
usual in the last fe weeks
Andrea Q
On 02/04/2005, at 10:10 PM, JoFromOz wrote:

Hello you intelligent List-Wives...
I have decided for various reasons not to have the routine GTT during 
my pregnancy, and now, at 33 weeks, I have had a small trace of 
glucose in my urine the last few weeks.  Tonight I checked at work at 
I had a definite plus, not trace, of glucose. I did a BSL at the same 
time, and it was only 4.2.  My question is, was my glucose higher 
before and my body just got rid of it for me, or is my body just good 
at getting rid of it via the urine instead of insulin?  Or should I 
stop worrying? OR should I go ahead and do the GTT like my workmates 
insist I should have done in the first place?

Otherwise, pregnancy is wonderful apart from the sore hips trying to 
sleep :)

Jo (RM)
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Re: [ozmidwifery] GDM question

2005-04-03 Thread david
Hi all
This thread is very interesting. The body is wonderful the way it grows and
nurtures not only the developing baby but also changes every maternal
internal activity to prepare her for labour, birth and breastfeeding.

That amazing placenta changes the way we metabolsie glucose to make it
available not only for the changes going on in a woman's body, but also for
the baby and itself. The placenta uses as much oxygen and glucose as an
adult brain, so it has very high requirements, and the woman needs to
mobilise much more glucose into the bloodstream to deal with this. Some does
spill over, and women are also prone to have some glycosuria if there is
some stress in their lives as well.

Regards, Lynne
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] GDM question

 Ken WArd wrote:
 It is not unusual to show some glucose. The renal threshold lowers. The
 that your BSL was normal is very reassuring. Be a little careful of your
 diet before you test your wee again. I wouldn't be worried. Maureen
 just how many Easter eggs did you enjoy?
 Bleh, I don't really like chocolate that much :) I had probably 3
 smaller-than-bite-sized chocolates for the whole 8 hour shift though :)

 Only a trace of glucose tonight ;)

 Jo (RM)

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Re: [ozmidwifery] GDM question

2005-04-03 Thread JoFromOz
You are all so wonderful and knowledgable :) I am mindful of the GI 
diet, so I will endeavour to watch my intake of higher GI foods more 
closely from now on. 
It's so nice to have you guys around :)

Jo (RM)  (eating porridge and banana for breakfast as I type)
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