[ozmidwifery] Do you think she will ever 'get' it?

2006-02-28 Thread diane

My Response.
Dear Miranda,Prof Tracey is not an impartial observer, she is 
however, an expert in her field. Very few studies are conducted by impartial 
observers. They may, like you, review some of the studies that may make it 
in to the popular media, and make broad, biased statements based on hearsay 
from people such as anaesthetists.Your statements indicate that you 
wish to reduce women's choices of place of birth and mistakenly state that a 
woman can have a drug free natural birth where there are specialists hanging 
in the corridors, or more accurately sticking their heads, uninvited, into a 
birthing woman's room and openly offering an epidural before he leaves the 
unit!! (Yes, this is true!!). Or the obstetrician who invites himself into 
the room and wants to know why she isn't progressing at the "right" rate, 
while policy and protocol has kept her immobilised on a bed by a monitor, an 
intravenous drip and other interventions which interfere with the woman's 
natural birthing hormones.Dr Tracey's research was about proving the 
safety of small birthing units. Outcomes for low risk women were compared 
according to size (number of births per annum) of the birthing unit. The 
study found that women who birthed in small units had significantly less 
medical intervention, fewer caesareans and fewer neonatal problems than 
women birthing within a large unit. Miranda, this study compares low risk 
with low risk in a variety of settings, and the smaller units win hands down 
to the larger ones.Keeping places like Ryde, Wyong and Belmont open, for 
those who are suited to these services, avoids unnecessary wasting of 
resources in our over-stretched health system. Would you take your child to 
a paediatrician for a cut knee or a sore throat?? It is most likely you 
would utilise your general practitioner, not the specialist.I would 
also like to discuss your comment on being primarily concerned for the 
health of mother and baby with little concern for the woman's lived 
experience in childbirth. Any student nurse can tell you that the notion of 
health encompasses far more than the physical aspect of the body. The 
consequences of traumatic birth experiences can be profound for the woman, 
baby, her family and the wider community. Post traumatic stress disorder is 
not uncommon, post natal depression is very common and puerperal psychosis 
can be triggered as well. The cost on the health system of birth related 
mental health disorders is enormous and the literature clearly describes the 
effects on the children and families of women with these problems. 
Breastfeeding difficulties are also far more common when women have had 
intervention in birth and in the early postpartum period. This equates to 
further unnecessary costs to the health system, as it is well documented 
that breastfed babies are far less likely to experience various health 
disorders (too many to list).You have acknowledged that the ideal 
situation is a woman having a natural "delivery" (pizza anyone???), with a 
midwife. This would mean, according to research, that the woman is far less 
likely to experience any such complications, and that such complications, if 
they did occur, would be recognised and appropriately managed in a timely 
and proficient manner. It would also mean that a woman is far less likely to 
be desperate for pain relief, as under the care and education provided by 
her midwife throughout her pregnancy, she would have few fears and trust in 
the process of birth, hence not embarking upon the fear/tension/pain cycle 
that has become epidemic since the medicalisation of 
childbirth.Miranda, you may well have had noble intentions when writing 
your article, if the government was your target why demonise midwifery and 
smaller birthing units? But no matter how many machines that go "ping" and 
experts to decipher them exist in the birth place, some babies will still 
die and occasionally a mother too. Sometimes heroic measures to save a baby, 
lead to catastrophe as well, despite the outcome of a 'live' baby and 
mother. There is a far bigger picture here. Much more than can be expressed 
in your tiny column in a Sunday paper. If you really care about women and 
babies, talk to women, see what they value and hear the stories of horror 
and birth rape of some who have been irrevocably damaged by the 'management' 
of birth. It takes more than reading and writing about a subject for ten 
years to fully understand it. Women do have a choice to birth where the 
'best' doctors can care for them, what many women dont have, is a choice to 
birth where it is 'best' for 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Do you think she will ever 'get' it?

2006-02-28 Thread Janet Fraser

Hooray, Diane What a 
wonderful letter I bet that's Miranda's first brush with the concept of 
Diane for 
: )

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:38 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Do you think she 
  will ever 'get' it?
  My Response.
  Dear Miranda,Prof Tracey is not an impartial observer, she is 
  however, an expert in her field. Very few studies are conducted by 
  impartial observers. They may, like you, review some of the studies that 
  may make it in to the popular media, and make broad, biased statements 
  based on hearsay from people such as anaesthetists.Your statements 
  indicate that you wish to reduce women's choices of place of birth and 
  mistakenly state that a woman can have a drug free natural birth where 
  there are specialists hanging in the corridors, or more accurately 
  sticking their heads, uninvited, into a birthing woman's room and openly 
  offering an epidural before he leaves the unit!! (Yes, this is true!!). Or 
  the obstetrician who invites himself into the room and wants to know why 
  she isn't progressing at the "right" rate, while policy and protocol has 
  kept her immobilised on a bed by a monitor, an intravenous drip and other 
  interventions which interfere with the woman's natural birthing 
  hormones.Dr Tracey's research was about proving the safety of small 
  birthing units. Outcomes for low risk women were compared according to 
  size (number of births per annum) of the birthing unit. The study found 
  that women who birthed in small units had significantly less medical 
  intervention, fewer caesareans and fewer neonatal problems than women 
  birthing within a large unit. Miranda, this study compares low risk with 
  low risk in a variety of settings, and the smaller units win hands down to 
  the larger ones.Keeping places like Ryde, Wyong and Belmont open, for 
  those who are suited to these services, avoids unnecessary wasting of 
  resources in our over-stretched health system. Would you take your child 
  to a paediatrician for a cut knee or a sore throat?? It is most likely you 
  would utilise your general practitioner, not the specialist.I 
  would also like to discuss your comment on being primarily concerned for 
  the health of mother and baby with little concern for the woman's lived 
  experience in childbirth. Any student nurse can tell you that the notion 
  of health encompasses far more than the physical aspect of the body. The 
  consequences of traumatic birth experiences can be profound for the woman, 
  baby, her family and the wider community. Post traumatic stress disorder 
  is not uncommon, post natal depression is very common and puerperal 
  psychosis can be triggered as well. The cost on the health system of birth 
  related mental health disorders is enormous and the literature clearly 
  describes the effects on the children and families of women with these 
  problems. Breastfeeding difficulties are also far more common when women 
  have had intervention in birth and in the early postpartum period. This 
  equates to further unnecessary costs to the health system, as it is well 
  documented that breastfed babies are far less likely to experience various 
  health disorders (too many to list).You have acknowledged that the 
  ideal situation is a woman having a natural "delivery" (pizza anyone???), 
  with a midwife. This would mean, according to research, that the woman is 
  far less likely to experience any such complications, and that such 
  complications, if they did occur, would be recognised and appropriately 
  managed in a timely and proficient manner. It would also mean that a woman 
  is far less likely to be desperate for pain relief, as under the care and 
  education provided by her midwife throughout her pregnancy, she would have 
  few fears and trust in the process of birth, hence not embarking upon the 
  fear/tension/pain cycle that has become epidemic since the medicalisation 
  of childbirth.Miranda, you may well have had noble intentions when 
  writing your article, if the government was your target why demonise 
  midwifery and smaller birthing units? But no matter how many machines that 
  go "ping" and experts to decipher them exist in the birth place, some 
  babies will still die and occasionally a mother too. Sometimes heroic 
  measures to save a baby, lead to catastrophe as well, despite the outcome 
  of a 'live' baby and mother. There is a far bigger picture here. Much more 
  than can be expressed in your tiny column in a Sunday paper. If you really 
  care about women and babies, talk to women, see what they value and hear 
  the stories of horror and birth rape of some who have been irrevocably 
  damaged by the 'management' of birth. It takes more than reading and 
  writing about a subject for ten years to fully underst

[ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

2006-02-28 Thread Helen and Graham

We really haven't come very far have we.
Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

By Katie PeartMarch 01, 2006 

A CHAMPION netballer could be 
banned from the Commonwealth Games village because she wants to express milk for 
her baby son.Janine Ilitch is under pressure to give up breastfeeding before 
the Games begin, even though her baby will not be in the village with her. 
Ilitch wants to feed baby Heath by using a breast 
pump throughout the 10-day tournament. 
Team officials have voiced concerns to her. However, 
the mother of two said it was her right and was prepared to take her own 
expressed milk into the village. 
"I'm sure there's a way to do it," she said. 
"I feel very strongly that I want to continue 
breastfeeding. It's my right. I'm just an ordinary woman who likes feeding and I 
want it to be my decision when I stop." 


But Australian coach Norma Plummer said 
facilities may not be appropriate. 
She said she was under the impression the 34-year-old 
planned to quit breastfeeding before the Games and she did not know if the 
player's request could now be accommodated. 
"It's a delicate issue. She told us she wouldn't be 
breastfeeding and that's the problem," Plummer said. 
"I can't promise her anything because we haven't seen 
the layout or what's available. 
"We don't have our own bedrooms and facilities. It's 
not that easy. 
"There are also other people to consider. 
"There's not a lot of room and the players might need 
their rest and she is in there expressing (breast milk)." 
Plummer said Netball Australia supported Ilitch in 
her Games preparation, paying for her mum Helen to fly to Canberra to help look 
after Heath during training camps. 
Plummer said medical staff also were concerned the 
superfit Ilitch would lose weight if she continued to breastfeed. 
"The doctor is seriously concerned about her losing 
weight," Plummer said. 
"She's just dropped the weight right off and that 
will impact on the team." 
A dual Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Ilitch has 
been extraordinarily dedicated in her bid to compete for Australia again after 
Heath's birth in September. 
She trained throughout her pregnancy and moved her 
young family to Canberra so she could be close to the Australian Institute of 
At last week's training camp in Canberra, Ilitch 
joined her teammates and stayed in residence at the AIS. 
Ilitch's mum looked after the baby while the 
netballer trained. 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

2006-02-28 Thread diane

support our young role models.

  - Original Message - 
  Helen and Graham 
  To: ozmidwifery 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:45 
  Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] [ozmidwifery] 
  Breastfeeding athlete faces ban
  We really haven't come very far have we.
  Breastfeeding athlete faces ban
  By Katie PeartMarch 01, 2006 
  A CHAMPION netballer could 
  be banned from the Commonwealth Games village because she wants to express 
  milk for her baby son.Janine Ilitch is under pressure to give up 
  breastfeeding before the Games begin, even though her baby will not be in the 
  village with her. 
  Ilitch wants to feed baby Heath by using a breast 
  pump throughout the 10-day tournament. 
  Team officials have voiced concerns to her. 
  However, the mother of two said it was her right and was prepared to take her 
  own expressed milk into the village. 
  "I'm sure there's a way to do it," she said. 
  "I feel very strongly that I want to continue 
  breastfeeding. It's my right. I'm just an ordinary woman who likes feeding and 
  I want it to be my decision when I stop." 




  But Australian coach Norma Plummer said 
  facilities may not be appropriate. 
  She said she was under the impression the 
  34-year-old planned to quit breastfeeding before the Games and she did not 
  know if the player's request could now be accommodated. 
  "It's a delicate issue. She told us she wouldn't be 
  breastfeeding and that's the problem," Plummer said. 
  "I can't promise her anything because we haven't 
  seen the layout or what's available. 
  "We don't have our own bedrooms and facilities. 
  It's not that easy. 
  "There are also other people to consider. 
  "There's not a lot of room and the players might 
  need their rest and she is in there expressing (breast milk)." 
  Plummer said Netball Australia supported Ilitch in 
  her Games preparation, paying for her mum Helen to fly to Canberra to help 
  look after Heath during training camps. 
  Plummer said medical staff also were concerned the 
  superfit Ilitch would lose weight if she continued to breastfeed. 
  "The doctor is seriously concerned about her losing 
  weight," Plummer said. 
  "She's just dropped the weight right off and that 
  will impact on the team." 
  A dual Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Ilitch 
  has been extraordinarily dedicated in her bid to compete for Australia again 
  after Heath's birth in September. 
  She trained throughout her pregnancy and moved her 
  young family to Canberra so she could be close to the Australian Institute of 
  At last week's training camp in Canberra, Ilitch 
  joined her teammates and stayed in residence at the AIS. 
  Ilitch's mum looked after the baby while the 
  netballer trained. 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

2006-02-28 Thread Helen and Graham

Thanks for the great idea Diane - we have just 
sent her a hero message and hope others will do the same.  I am sure she 
will appreciate it.

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 7:20 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding 
  athlete faces ban
  support our young role models.
- Original Message - 
Helen and Graham 
To: ozmidwifery 
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:45 
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] 
[ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

We really haven't come very far have we.
Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

By Katie PeartMarch 01, 2006 

A CHAMPION netballer could 
be banned from the Commonwealth Games village because she wants to express 
milk for her baby son.Janine Ilitch is under pressure to give up 
breastfeeding before the Games begin, even though her baby will not be in 
the village with her. 
Ilitch wants to feed baby Heath by using a breast 
pump throughout the 10-day tournament. 
Team officials have voiced concerns to her. 
However, the mother of two said it was her right and was prepared to take 
her own expressed milk into the village. 
"I'm sure there's a way to do it," she said. 
"I feel very strongly that I want to continue 
breastfeeding. It's my right. I'm just an ordinary woman who likes feeding 
and I want it to be my decision when I stop." 
But Australian coach Norma Plummer said 
facilities may not be appropriate. 
She said she was under the impression the 
34-year-old planned to quit breastfeeding before the Games and she did not 
know if the player's request could now be accommodated. 
"It's a delicate issue. She told us she wouldn't 
be breastfeeding and that's the problem," Plummer said. 
"I can't promise her anything because we haven't 
seen the layout or what's available. 
"We don't have our own bedrooms and facilities. 
It's not that easy. 
"There are also other people to consider. 
"There's not a lot of room and the players might 
need their rest and she is in there expressing (breast milk)." 
Plummer said Netball Australia supported Ilitch 
in her Games preparation, paying for her mum Helen to fly to Canberra to 
help look after Heath during training camps. 
Plummer said medical staff also were concerned 
the superfit Ilitch would lose weight if she continued to breastfeed. 
"The doctor is seriously concerned about her 
losing weight," Plummer said. 
"She's just dropped the weight right off and that 
will impact on the team." 
A dual Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Ilitch 
has been extraordinarily dedicated in her bid to compete for Australia again 
after Heath's birth in September. 
She trained throughout her pregnancy and moved 
her young family to Canberra so she could be close to the Australian 
Institute of Sport. 
At last week's training camp in Canberra, Ilitch 
joined her teammates and stayed in residence at the AIS. 
Ilitch's mum looked after the baby while the 
netballer trained. __ 
  NOD32 1.1421 (20060228) Information __This message was checked 
  by NOD32 antivirus system.http://www.eset.com

Description: GIF image

[ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

2006-02-28 Thread Lieve Huybrechts

Dear friends,


 A Flemish collegue asked for referenties to follow
labour and birth without vaginal exams. Is there some literature about it? 

I am curieus for your answers


Warm greetings 



Lieve Huybrechts




Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

2006-02-28 Thread Jo Bourne
She is on life matters (radio national) right now.

At 1:06 PM +1100 28/2/06, Helen and Graham wrote:
>Yes Emily - follow this link it's on video.
>She certainly did look nervous I thought.  Also didn't seem to make sense what 
>she was saying
>This is what I wrote in ...up on my soapbox!
>Could you please clarify Tizzie Hall's qualifications when you interview her 
>next week on her new book "Save Our Sleep".   I have been hearing some mixed 
>reactions to her teachings online and as a midwife and mother, I am usually 
>pretty lukewarm about people SELLING quick fixes to baby sleep "problems".
>Really I think we should be encouraging people to accept their babies the way 
>they are.  If you look at other cultures, they all sleep together and 
>breastfeed when they want.  Why do we continue to put children into their own 
>rooms up the other end of the house and expect them to sleep and only feed 
>them when we think they should need it!
>No wonder we have so many neurotic people with eating disorders, depression, 
>etc. etc. in our society. Western culture is an abhorration in this situation. 
> We have it all wrong.
>My 2 cents worth.
>- Original Message - From: "Emily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:56 AM
>Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday
>>hi all
>>is there anywhere you can download it from because i
>>missed it as i have no tv !
>>love emily
>>--- "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I think someone seemed a little (well maybe A LOT!)
>>>nervous - and rightly
>>>so And I know who wrote that email too, so it
>>>was great to see one being
>>>read out, from someone I know! :-)
>>>I also think that they decided to change the
>>>interview format given the
>>>circumstances. There is a lot of discussion about it
>>>on my forums about some
>>>contradictory points in her interview with her own
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support -
>>>Click Here
>>>  _
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>>Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 9:19 AM
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>She's awful, isn't she.  I wrote a rather long,
>>>rather strongly worded email
>>>after seeing her on there this morning.
>>>- Original Message -
>>>From: Kelly @ 
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:10 AM
>>>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>Dear all,
>>>Be sure to watch the channel 9 Today Show on Tuesday
>>>- Tizz.ie Hall is on
>>>Tuesday the 28th of February at 8:20 am. Perhaps
>>>about her new sleep book
>>>which is being released, this is what I am guessing.
>>>Be sure to watch. Oh
>>>and you might like to know that the Today Show's
>>>email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth &
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.
>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

2006-02-28 Thread Kelly @ BellyBelly
Oh ring in I will try and get it on...

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, www.bellybelly.com.au & www.toys4tikes.com.au
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jo Bourne
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:40 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

She is on life matters (radio national) right now.

At 1:06 PM +1100 28/2/06, Helen and Graham wrote:
>Yes Emily - follow this link it's on video.
>She certainly did look nervous I thought.  Also didn't seem to make sense
what she was saying
>This is what I wrote in ...up on my soapbox!
>Could you please clarify Tizzie Hall's qualifications when you interview
her next week on her new book "Save Our Sleep".   I have been hearing some
mixed reactions to her teachings online and as a midwife and mother, I am
usually pretty lukewarm about people SELLING quick fixes to baby sleep
>Really I think we should be encouraging people to accept their babies the
way they are.  If you look at other cultures, they all sleep together and
breastfeed when they want.  Why do we continue to put children into their
own rooms up the other end of the house and expect them to sleep and only
feed them when we think they should need it!
>No wonder we have so many neurotic people with eating disorders,
depression, etc. etc. in our society. Western culture is an abhorration in
this situation.  We have it all wrong.
>My 2 cents worth.
>- Original Message - From: "Emily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:56 AM
>Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday
>>hi all
>>is there anywhere you can download it from because i
>>missed it as i have no tv !
>>love emily
>>--- "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I think someone seemed a little (well maybe A LOT!)
>>>nervous - and rightly
>>>so And I know who wrote that email too, so it
>>>was great to see one being
>>>read out, from someone I know! :-)
>>>I also think that they decided to change the
>>>interview format given the
>>>circumstances. There is a lot of discussion about it
>>>on my forums about some
>>>contradictory points in her interview with her own
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support -
>>>Click Here
>>>  _
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>>Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 9:19 AM
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>She's awful, isn't she.  I wrote a rather long,
>>>rather strongly worded email
>>>after seeing her on there this morning.
>>>- Original Message -
>>>From: Kelly @ 
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:10 AM
>>>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>Dear all,
>>>Be sure to watch the channel 9 Today Show on Tuesday
>>>- Tizz.ie Hall is on
>>>Tuesday the 28th of February at 8:20 am. Perhaps
>>>about her new sleep book
>>>which is being released, this is what I am guessing.
>>>Be sure to watch. Oh
>>>and you might like to know that the Today Show's
>>>email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth &
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.
>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

2006-02-28 Thread Kelly @ BellyBelly
I can't seem to find it on - if someone finds the show can you let me know!
I would like to ask what her background is EXACTLY in regards to training. 

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, www.bellybelly.com.au & www.toys4tikes.com.au
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jo Bourne
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:40 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

She is on life matters (radio national) right now.

At 1:06 PM +1100 28/2/06, Helen and Graham wrote:
>Yes Emily - follow this link it's on video.
>She certainly did look nervous I thought.  Also didn't seem to make sense
what she was saying
>This is what I wrote in ...up on my soapbox!
>Could you please clarify Tizzie Hall's qualifications when you interview
her next week on her new book "Save Our Sleep".   I have been hearing some
mixed reactions to her teachings online and as a midwife and mother, I am
usually pretty lukewarm about people SELLING quick fixes to baby sleep
>Really I think we should be encouraging people to accept their babies the
way they are.  If you look at other cultures, they all sleep together and
breastfeed when they want.  Why do we continue to put children into their
own rooms up the other end of the house and expect them to sleep and only
feed them when we think they should need it!
>No wonder we have so many neurotic people with eating disorders,
depression, etc. etc. in our society. Western culture is an abhorration in
this situation.  We have it all wrong.
>My 2 cents worth.
>- Original Message - From: "Emily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:56 AM
>Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday
>>hi all
>>is there anywhere you can download it from because i
>>missed it as i have no tv !
>>love emily
>>--- "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I think someone seemed a little (well maybe A LOT!)
>>>nervous - and rightly
>>>so And I know who wrote that email too, so it
>>>was great to see one being
>>>read out, from someone I know! :-)
>>>I also think that they decided to change the
>>>interview format given the
>>>circumstances. There is a lot of discussion about it
>>>on my forums about some
>>>contradictory points in her interview with her own
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support -
>>>Click Here
>>>  _
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>>Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 9:19 AM
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>She's awful, isn't she.  I wrote a rather long,
>>>rather strongly worded email
>>>after seeing her on there this morning.
>>>- Original Message -
>>>From: Kelly @ 
>>>To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>>>Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:10 AM
>>>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -
>>>Dear all,
>>>Be sure to watch the channel 9 Today Show on Tuesday
>>>- Tizz.ie Hall is on
>>>Tuesday the 28th of February at 8:20 am. Perhaps
>>>about her new sleep book
>>>which is being released, this is what I am guessing.
>>>Be sure to watch. Oh
>>>and you might like to know that the Today Show's
>>>email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Kelly Zantey
>>>Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth &
>>>BellyBelly Birth Support
>>Do You Yahoo!?
>>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.
>This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
>Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

2006-02-28 Thread Felicity Dowker

Can someone paraphrase here what she's saying/said? I can't get it either.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

I can't seem to find it on - if someone finds the show can you let me know!
I would like to ask what her background is EXACTLY in regards to training.

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, www.bellybelly.com.au & www.toys4tikes.com.au
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jo Bourne
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:40 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

She is on life matters (radio national) right now.

At 1:06 PM +1100 28/2/06, Helen and Graham wrote:

Yes Emily - follow this link it's on video.



She certainly did look nervous I thought.  Also didn't seem to make sense

what she was saying

This is what I wrote in ...up on my soapbox!

Could you please clarify Tizzie Hall's qualifications when you interview

her next week on her new book "Save Our Sleep".   I have been hearing some
mixed reactions to her teachings online and as a midwife and mother, I am
usually pretty lukewarm about people SELLING quick fixes to baby sleep

Really I think we should be encouraging people to accept their babies the

way they are.  If you look at other cultures, they all sleep together and
breastfeed when they want.  Why do we continue to put children into their
own rooms up the other end of the house and expect them to sleep and only
feed them when we think they should need it!

No wonder we have so many neurotic people with eating disorders,

depression, etc. etc. in our society. Western culture is an abhorration in
this situation.  We have it all wrong.

My 2 cents worth.


- Original Message - From: "Emily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

hi all
is there anywhere you can download it from because i
missed it as i have no tv !
love emily

--- "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think someone seemed a little (well maybe A LOT!)
nervous - and rightly
so And I know who wrote that email too, so it
was great to see one being
read out, from someone I know! :-)

I also think that they decided to change the
interview format given the
circumstances. There is a lot of discussion about it
on my forums about some
contradictory points in her interview with her own

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood

BellyBelly Birth Support -
Click Here


Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 9:19 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -

She's awful, isn't she.  I wrote a rather long,
rather strongly worded email
after seeing her on there this morning.

- Original Message -
From: Kelly @ 

To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:10 AM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -

Dear all,

Be sure to watch the channel 9 Today Show on Tuesday
- Tizz.ie Hall is on
Tuesday the 28th of February at 8:20 am. Perhaps
about her new sleep book
which is being released, this is what I am guessing.
Be sure to watch. Oh
and you might like to know that the Today Show's

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth &

BellyBelly Birth Support

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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: [ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

2006-02-28 Thread Janet Fraser

Hi Lieve,
I don't know if this will help 
but there are a number of studies into why VEs are not helpful. Would you like 
: )

  - Original Message - 
  Lieve Huybrechts 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 9:23 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] labour without 
  vaginal examens
  Dear friends,
   A Flemish collegue asked for 
  referenties to follow labour and birth without vaginal exams. Is there some 
  literature about it? 
  I am curieus for your 
  Warm greetings 
  Lieve Huybrechts

RE: [ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

2006-02-28 Thread Lieve Huybrechts

I would be glad to have
them, thank you very much



Lieve Huybrechts




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens
Janet Fraser
Verzonden: woensdag 1 maart 2006
Onderwerp: Re: [ozmidwifery]
labour without vaginal examens


Hi Lieve,

I don't know if this will help but there are a number of studies
into why VEs are not helpful. Would you like those?

: )


- Original Message - 

From: Lieve Huybrechts 

To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 

Sent: Wednesday,
March 01, 2006 9:23 AM

[ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens


Dear friends,


 A Flemish collegue
asked for referenties to follow labour and birth without vaginal exams. Is
there some literature about it? 

I am curieus for your


Warm greetings 







Re: [ozmidwifery] Do you think she will ever 'get' it?

2006-02-28 Thread Emily
brilliant letter diane  if she doesnt listen to that, she wont listen to anythingJanet Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hooray, Diane What a wonderful letter I bet that's Miranda's first brush with the concept of birthrape!  Diane for President!!  : )  J- Original Message -   From: diane   To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au   Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:38 PM  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Do you think she will ever 'get' it?My Response.     Dear Miranda,Prof Tracey is not an impartial observer, she is however, an expert in her field. Very few studies are conducted by impartial observers. They may, like you, review some of the studies that may make it in to the popular media, and make broad, biased statements based on hearsay from people such as anaesthetists.Your statements in!
 that you wish to reduce women's choices of place of birth and mistakenly state that a woman can have a drug free natural birth where there are specialists hanging in the corridors, or more accurately sticking their heads, uninvited, into a birthing woman's room and openly offering an epidural before he leaves the unit!! (Yes, this is true!!). Or the obstetrician who invites himself into the room and wants to know why she isn't progressing at the "right" rate, while policy and protocol has kept her immobilised on a bed by a monitor, an intravenous drip and other interventions which interfere with the woman's natural birthing hormones.Dr Tracey's research was about proving the safety of small birthing units. Outcomes for low risk women were compared according to size (number of births per annum) of the birthing unit. The study found that women who birthed in small units had significantly less medical intervention, fewer
 caesareans and fewer neonatal problems than women birthing within a large unit. Miranda, this study compares low risk with low risk in a variety of settings, and the smaller units win hands down to the larger ones.Keeping places like Ryde, Wyong and Belmont open, for those who are suited to these services, avoids unnecessary wasting of resources in our over-stretched health system. Would you take your child to a paediatrician for a cut knee or a sore throat?? It is most likely you would utilise your general practitioner, not the specialist.I would also like to discuss your comment on being primarily concerned for the health of mother and baby with little concern for the woman's lived experience in childbirth. Any student nurse can tell you that the notion of health encompasses far more than the physical aspect of the body. The consequences of traumatic birth experiences can be profound for the woman, baby, her !
 and the wider community. Post traumatic stress disorder is not uncommon, post natal depression is very common and puerperal psychosis can be triggered as well. The cost on the health system of birth related mental health disorders is enormous and the literature clearly describes the effects on the children and families of women with these problems. Breastfeeding difficulties are also far more common when women have had intervention in birth and in the early postpartum period. This equates to further unnecessary costs to the health system, as it is well documented that breastfed babies are far less likely to experience various health disorders (too many to list).You have acknowledged that the ideal situation is a woman having a natural "delivery" (pizza anyone???), with a midwife. This would mean, according to research, that the woman is far less likely to experience any such complications, and that such complications, !
 if they
 did occur, would be recognised and appropriately managed in a timely and proficient manner. It would also mean that a woman is far less likely to be desperate for pain relief, as under the care and education provided by her midwife throughout her pregnancy, she would have few fears and trust in the process of birth, hence not embarking upon the fear/tension/pain cycle that has become epidemic since the medicalisation of childbirth.Miranda, you may well have had noble intentions when writing your article, if the government was your target why demonise midwifery and smaller birthing units? But no matter how many machines that go "ping" and experts to decipher them exist in the birth place, some babies will still die and occasionally a mother too. Sometimes heroic measures to save a baby, lead to catastrophe as well, despite the outcome of a 'live' baby and mother. There is a far bigger picture here. Much more than can be
 expressed in your tiny column in a Sunday paper. If you really care about women and babies, talk to women, see what they value and hear the stories of horror and birth rape of some who have been irrevocably damaged by the 'management' of birth. It takes more than reading and writing about a subject for ten years to fully understand it. Women do have a choice to birth where the 'best' doct

Re: [ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

2006-02-28 Thread Janet Fraser




  . Vaginal Examinations 
  Practice Recommendations • Many women find vaginal examinations 
  painful and sometimes traumatic (Menage 1996); sensitivity to this issue, 
  privacy and continuity of midwife will make them less so. • Vaginal 
  examinations measure of the progress of labour imprecisely when performed 
  by different examiners (Clement 1994). Where possible therefore, they 
  should be carried out by the same midwife. • Examinations should not 
  be routine or prescriptive but carried out only where there is clinical 
  necessity and after discussion with the woman. • Midwives should give 
  weight to their other skills in determining the progress of labour (McKay 
  and Roberts 1990). • "Repeated vaginal examinations are an invasive 
  intervention of as yet unproven value" (Enkin 1992). 

  - Original Message - 
  Lieve Huybrechts 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:32 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] labour without 
  vaginal examens
  I would be glad to 
  have them, thank you very much
  Lieve Huybrechts
  bericht-Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Janet FraserVerzonden: woensdag 1 maart 2006 
  0:47Aan: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.auOnderwerp: Re: [ozmidwifery] labour 
  without vaginal examens
  I don't know 
  if this will help but there are a number of studies into why VEs are not 
  helpful. Would you like those?

- Original Message - 

From: Lieve Huybrechts 

To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 9:23 AM

[ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

Dear friends,
 A Flemish 
collegue asked for referenties to follow labour and birth without vaginal 
exams. Is there some literature about it? 
I am curieus for your 
Warm greetings 


RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

2006-02-28 Thread Kelly @ BellyBelly
It's now been uploaded to listen to online- you can find it here:

Also a prenatal testing article.

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, www.bellybelly.com.au & www.toys4tikes.com.au
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 10:47 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

Can someone paraphrase here what she's saying/said? I can't get it either.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday

>I can't seem to find it on - if someone finds the show can you let me know!
> I would like to ask what her background is EXACTLY in regards to training.
> Best Regards,
> Kelly Zantey
> Director, www.bellybelly.com.au & www.toys4tikes.com.au
> Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
> Australian Little Tikes Specialists
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jo Bourne
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:40 AM
> To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
> Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday
> She is on life matters (radio national) right now.
> At 1:06 PM +1100 28/2/06, Helen and Graham wrote:
>>Yes Emily - follow this link it's on video.
> cc218a93eeb&p=aunews_autoday&t=s29
>>She certainly did look nervous I thought.  Also didn't seem to make sense
> what she was saying
>>This is what I wrote in ...up on my soapbox!
>>Could you please clarify Tizzie Hall's qualifications when you interview
> her next week on her new book "Save Our Sleep".   I have been hearing some
> mixed reactions to her teachings online and as a midwife and mother, I am
> usually pretty lukewarm about people SELLING quick fixes to baby sleep
> "problems".
>>Really I think we should be encouraging people to accept their babies the
> way they are.  If you look at other cultures, they all sleep together and
> breastfeed when they want.  Why do we continue to put children into their
> own rooms up the other end of the house and expect them to sleep and only
> feed them when we think they should need it!
>>No wonder we have so many neurotic people with eating disorders,
> depression, etc. etc. in our society. Western culture is an abhorration in
> this situation.  We have it all wrong.
>>My 2 cents worth.
>>- Original Message - From: "Emily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:56 AM
>>Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show - Tuesday
>>>hi all
>>>is there anywhere you can download it from because i
>>>missed it as i have no tv !
>>>love emily
>>>--- "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I think someone seemed a little (well maybe A LOT!)
nervous - and rightly
so And I know who wrote that email too, so it
was great to see one being
read out, from someone I know! :-)

I also think that they decided to change the
interview format given the
circumstances. There is a lot of discussion about it
on my forums about some
contradictory points in her interview with her own

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood

BellyBelly Birth Support -
Click Here


Behalf Of Felicity Dowker
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 9:19 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -

She's awful, isn't she.  I wrote a rather long,
rather strongly worded email
after seeing her on there this morning.

- Original Message -
From: Kelly @ 

To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:10 AM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] Watch the Today Show -

Dear all,

Be sure to watch the channel 9 Today Show on Tuesday
- Tizz.ie Hall is on
Tuesday the 28th of February at 8:20 am. Perhaps
about her new sleep book
which is being released, this is what I am guessing.
Be sure to watch. Oh
and you might like to know that the Today Show's

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey

RE: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban

2006-02-28 Thread Kelly @ BellyBelly

I sent her this: “Janine - Keep up the
breastfeeding hon - you're a hero already in our eyes! Go for gold - liquid

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Creator, BellyBelly.com.au 
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support
- Click Here

From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
On Behalf Of diane
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 7:21
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
Breastfeeding athlete faces ban





support our young role models.




- Original Message - 

From: Helen
and Graham 

To: ozmidwifery 

Sent: Wednesday, March
01, 2006 4:45 AM

Subject: [Norton AntiSpam]
[ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding athlete faces ban


We really haven't come very far have we.


Breastfeeding athlete faces ban


By Katie Peart

March 01, 2006 


A CHAMPION netballer could be banned from the
Commonwealth Games village because she wants to express milk for her baby son.

Janine Ilitch is under pressure to give up breastfeeding
before the Games begin, even though her baby will not be in the village with

wants to feed baby Heath by using a breast pump throughout the 10-day

officials have voiced concerns to her. However, the mother of two said it was
her right and was prepared to take her own expressed milk into the village. 

sure there's a way to do it," she said. 

feel very strongly that I want to continue breastfeeding. It's my right. I'm
just an ordinary woman who likes feeding and I want it to be my decision when I


But Australian coach Norma Plummer said facilities may
not be appropriate. 

said she was under the impression the 34-year-old planned to quit breastfeeding
before the Games and she did not know if the player's request could now be

a delicate issue. She told us she wouldn't be breastfeeding and that's the
problem," Plummer said. 

can't promise her anything because we haven't seen the layout or what's

don't have our own bedrooms and facilities. It's not that easy. 

are also other people to consider. 

not a lot of room and the players might need their rest and she is in there
expressing (breast milk)." 

said Netball Australia
supported Ilitch in her Games preparation, paying for her mum Helen to fly to Canberra to help look
after Heath during training camps. 

said medical staff also were concerned the superfit Ilitch would lose weight if
she continued to breastfeed. 

doctor is seriously concerned about her losing weight," Plummer said. 

just dropped the weight right off and that will impact on the team." 

dual Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Ilitch has been extraordinarily
dedicated in her bid to compete for Australia again after Heath's birth
in September. 

trained throughout her pregnancy and moved her young family to Canberra so she could be close to the Australian
Institute of Sport. 

last week's training camp in Canberra,
Ilitch joined her teammates and stayed in residence at the AIS. 

mum looked after the baby while the netballer trained. 

[ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign re Sleep Issues

2006-02-28 Thread brendamanning

Ladies, ( and I am using the term 'tongue-in-cheek'  

I know this might sound like I'm taking the 'moral high ground' here 
but well...I am !
Personally I do not want to read any more negative remarks about 
another person ie Ms T Hall on this list. 
The is not the purpose of the list, it's inappropriate to continue a 
hate campaign, its libellous & you could be sued. 
It's also very unprofessional to bag people on a public forum. 
It reduces us in our peers 
& colleagues eyes.  I understand that there are strong & 
emotive "for & against" views regarding her teachings but this isn't 
the place to air them. 
If you have issues with the person concerned then that's who you 
should be dealing with.
How about you all just leave it alone now?
Thank you
 With kind regardsBrenda Manning www.themidwife.com.au  

ORG:the midwife
TEL;WORK;VOICE:03 59862535
TEL;WORK;FAX:03 59862535
ADR;WORK:;;79 Besgrove St;Rosebud;Victoria;3939;Australia
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:79 Besgrove St=0D=0ARosebud, Victoria 3939=0D=0AAustralia

RE: [ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign re Sleep Issues

2006-02-28 Thread Kelly @ BellyBelly

Don’t worry about me, I’m done here… hadn’t
planned on posting again until I heard today about the radio show, but I am
finished – better things to waste my time on!

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Creator, BellyBelly.com.au 
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support
- Click Here

From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
On Behalf Of brendamanning
Sent: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 3:24
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Recent
Campaign re Sleep Issues


Ladies, ( and I am using the term 'tongue-in-cheek' 


I know this might sound like I'm taking the 'moral high ground'
here but well...I am !


Personally I do not want to read any more negative remarks about
another person ie Ms T Hall
on this list. 

The is not the purpose of the list, it's inappropriate to continue
a hate campaign, its libellous & you could be sued. 

It's also very unprofessional to bag people on a public forum. 

It reduces us in our peers &
colleagues eyes.  I understand that there are strong &
emotive "for & against" views regarding her teachings but
this isn't the place to air them. 

If you have issues with the person concerned then that's who you
should be dealing with.

How about you all just leave it alone now?



Thank you


 With kind regards
Brenda Manning 


Re: [ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign re Sleep Issues

2006-02-28 Thread Felicity Dowker

I'm new to this list and I was unaware a breach of group guidelines was 
ocurring, thank you Brenda for pointing it out (perhaps you could direct me to the relevant 
rules?). I imagine you wish this ban on discussion to include 
Miranda Devine?

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 3:24 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign re 
  Sleep Issues
  Ladies, ( and I am using the term 'tongue-in-cheek'  
  I know this might sound like I'm taking the 'moral high ground' here 
  but well...I am !
  Personally I do not want to read any more negative remarks about 
  another person ie Ms T Hall on this list. 
  The is not the purpose of the list, it's inappropriate to continue a 
  hate campaign, its libellous & you could be sued. 
  It's also very unprofessional to bag people on a public forum. 
  It reduces us in our peers 
  & colleagues eyes.  I understand that there are strong 
  & emotive "for & against" views regarding her teachings but this 
  isn't the place to air them. 
  If you have issues with the person concerned then that's who you 
  should be dealing with.
  How about you all just leave it alone now?
  Thank you
   With kind regardsBrenda Manning www.themidwife.com.au  

Re: [ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign re Sleep Issues

2006-02-28 Thread brendamanning

 Point taken 
 I understand what 
you are saying but it's just so demeaning to bag other people, no matter who 
they are. I think that it isn't hard to be kind, I don't know, maybe I'm just a 
soft touch !
Actually it's 
also really bad karma to speak ill of other people, not even thinking of 
'breach of list rule' etc, it seems to me to be just plain breach of 
good manners.
None of us 
are perfect & it ill becomes us to criticise others, that's all. 

I'll leave it there 
because the gems of info I get off this list are priceless, I value it 
With kind regardsBrenda Manning www.themidwife.com.au

  - Original Message - 
  Felicity Dowker 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 3:58 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Recent 
  Campaign re Sleep Issues
  I'm new to this list and I was unaware a breach of group guidelines was 
  ocurring, thank you Brenda for pointing it out (perhaps you could direct me to the relevant 
  rules?). I imagine you wish this ban on discussion to include 
  Miranda Devine?
- Original Message - 
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 

Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 3:24 
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Recent Campaign 
re Sleep Issues

Ladies, ( and I am using the term 'tongue-in-cheek'  

I know this might sound like I'm taking the 'moral high ground' 
here but well...I am !
Personally I do not want to read any more negative remarks about 
another person ie Ms T Hall on this list. 
The is not the purpose of the list, it's inappropriate to continue 
a hate campaign, its libellous & you could be sued. 
It's also very unprofessional to bag people on a public forum. 
It reduces us in our peers 
& colleagues eyes.  I understand that there are strong 
& emotive "for & against" views regarding her teachings but 
this isn't the place to air them. 
If you have issues with the person concerned then that's who you 
should be dealing with.
How about you all just leave it alone now?
Thank you
 With kind regardsBrenda Manning www.themidwife.com.au  

Re: [ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens

2006-02-28 Thread Helen and Graham

I think it is important to also add that the 
risks of repeated vaginal examinations are increased in the presence 
of ruptured membranes(for obvious reasons). 

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:36 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] labour without 
  vaginal examens


. Vaginal Examinations 
Practice Recommendations • Many women find vaginal examinations 
painful and sometimes traumatic (Menage 1996); sensitivity to this 
issue, privacy and continuity of midwife will make them less so. • 
Vaginal examinations measure of the progress of labour imprecisely when 
performed by different examiners (Clement 1994). Where possible 
therefore, they should be carried out by the same midwife. • 
Examinations should not be routine or prescriptive but carried out only 
where there is clinical necessity and after discussion with the woman. 
• Midwives should give weight to their other skills in determining 
the progress of labour (McKay and Roberts 1990). • "Repeated vaginal 
examinations are an invasive intervention of as yet unproven value" 
(Enkin 1992). 
- Original Message - 
Lieve Huybrechts 
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 

Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:32 
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] labour 
without vaginal examens

I would be glad to 
have them, thank you very much

Lieve Huybrechts
bericht-Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Janet FraserVerzonden: woensdag 1 maart 2006 
0:47Aan: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.auOnderwerp: Re: [ozmidwifery] labour 
without vaginal examens


I don't 
know if this will help but there are a number of studies into why VEs are 
not helpful. Would you like those?



  - Original 
  Message - 
  From: Lieve Huybrechts 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Wednesday, March 01, 2006 9:23 AM
  [ozmidwifery] labour without vaginal examens
   A Flemish collegue asked 
  for referenties to follow labour and birth without vaginal exams. Is there 
  some literature about it? 
  I am 
  curieus for your answers
  Lieve Huybrechts
  NOD32 1.1421 (20060228) Information __This message was checked 
  by NOD32 antivirus system.http://www.eset.com

[ozmidwifery] Garlic for GBS?

2006-02-28 Thread diane

  Does anyone have any good references on the 
  use of garlic to treat GBS???  We have several women with previous GBS 
  approaching "swab time" who are interested in this.