Thanks for this website address.  I have worked in homebirth for 20yrs and have NEVER found a really satisfactory remedy/answer to afterbirth pains.  Some multip women don't get them at all, others have horrendous ones whether physiological or medical 3rd stage.  A remedy which works for one won't work for another..
CHILDREN are really wise little beings.  The best advice.. after the preparation/support has been taken care of .. is to give them COMPLETE freedom to be present or leave the room.  Don't make them feel obligated to be present for the mother's sake and don't let anyone ridicule them if they choose to be absent.  I have been present when children have slept right through the noises of birth and then woken when the baby was born and mother settled.  they then wake up and come out to see the baby.  Others have woken during a very quiet birthing and enter the room in time to see baby born. Very individual.  cheers, MM ----- Original Message -----

I had a look at a couple of web sites, there’s one called Pregnancy and Parenting Naturally which ahs some remedies for after birth pain


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