Having a read through the green guide and came across this:

Documentary on SBS TV this Thursday 7th Sep. at 8:30.
Maternity Unit
Taken from SBS web site:

The work of a maternity unit is unpredictable and challenging. Staff must judge when to let nature take its course and when to intervene. From natural labours to emergency caesareans, the medical team must guide the families through this life experience. At Sydney's Canterbury Hospital, about 1500 babies are born each year in the maternity unit. Of the mothers who attend the hospital, nearly 80% of them are born outside Australia. The excitement and uncertainty, the fear and joy is intensified when you are in a new country and have little family support. As they prepare for the birth, the women and their families reveal their hopes and expectations about giving birth and the arrival of their new baby. Everyone hopes for a positive experience, but when things don't go as planned, the team at Canterbury must work together to ensure a happy outcome. (Commissioned by SBS Independent, in English, Mandarin, Arabic and Turkish, English subtitles) CC WS 

Set those VCR.

Rebecca Gaiewski

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