From another list
I thought those involved in trying to get 1-2-1 midwifery models going here maybe encouraged by this as I was'
Denise Hynd
Denise, I know these are U.K. models, but the MIDIRS digest March 20004 has some interesting articles:
Pge S 9, Integrating caseloads across a whole service: The Torbay Model; It has cost breakdowns etc for their system.  Pge S 4 Normal Birth is a Public Health issue;  Maintaining a low C/S rate in a tertiary centre (St Mary's hosp Manchester; Pge S 15 Increasing Normal Births in a large teaching hospital (St George's London); Pge S 16 Teamworks in Basingstoke ; S 18 the hub 7 Spoke model of care (Royal shewsbury Hospital) S 20 An Integrated midwifery led birthing centre- creating a successful Birth Centre within a hospital (Royal Free Hampstead); Pge S 22 Helme Chase Maternity Unit: Experiences of a stand alone midwifery led unit in rural Cumbria; Pge S 25 Caseload Midwfery and its contribution to increasing normal birth (Southampton Sure Start); I will drop my copy off to the office in Leederville today.  I missed the 60 mins thing as I was at a birth.  Lovely 4410g boy, waterbirth.  Cheers, M

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