I was wondering if any of you wonderful women out there might be of use for this request.
Thank you for your time

Take care


ReproNetworkers --
       I am looking for some helpful references
on maternal depression, especially recent ones that include
evaluation of medications commonly given for postpartum
depression. My daughter is presently caught in a very bad
bout and I am with her and without my books and journals.
       We've looked at the web sites of Postpartum Support
International, Depression After Delivery, and The Postpartum
Stress Center - Treatment for Postpartum Depression, and
they have been helpful, but I would like to read some medical
or med/soc literature if it is out there.
       Thanks so much -- Janet

Alphia Possamai-Inesedy Ba (Hons.)
PhD. Candidate
School of Applied and Human Sciences
Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney
UWS Locked Bag 1797
South Penrith Distribution Centre
NSW 1797 Australia

Phone: 02 97726628
Fax: 02 97726584

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