Hello everyone,
Firstly, please forgive me if you receive this mail more than once, there are several of you who are on more than one list and I wanted to get this out quickly, so no time to fuss around with checking double posts.
Now, onto the business side of this VERY IMPORTANT MAIL.  There is a forum happening at Mt Barker, to do with the future of maternity services here in the Hills, and although not all of you live up here, it's really important that we get a huge number of women to attend.  They need to hear that there is demand for one-to-one midwifery services here in the Hills, and all over Adelaide too!!  They need to hear that women want to have their own midwife, and that they wish to choose where they birth, sometimes making that decision before they are even pregnant, and sometimes when they are in labour, including the option of homebirth.  They need to hear that women want to have access to a hospital when it is needed, and that they want to be able to bring their own, professional midwife in with them, to give them care, and follow them through until after the birth of their baby.  Get the picture???!!!!!!  At the moment, women in the Hills, and now in the West of Adelaide with the (temorary) closure of the QEH birthing services, don't even have access to a Birthing Centre, let alone anything that represents real woman-centred continuity of midwifery care.  We won't get it if we don't let someone know that we want it, so here is your opportunity to let them know!  Come along and support the midwives who are working towards change, and the women who want and deserve it.  And if you don't want to say anything, that's ok, what we need is a huge amount of women to attend, in a show of banding together to support each other, and to let them know that we want something better than what is available at present.  Just being there in the numbers will be a valuable contribution to helping make a difference.  Let's pack that hall to the door, and let them know that we do have an opinion, and that we do want something more than what's on offer.
Hope this has motivated lots of you to come along, this might sound like a little Hills thing, but it might also be the start of something big for women all over Adelaide.  Please pass this mail onto anyone you think might be interested in coming along in support.   
Looking forward to seeing you there!



Mt. Barker



Are you concerned with choices in childbirth for women in the Adelaide Hills area?


Please join other women, families and maternity service providers at a public forum to discuss current options and how these might be expanded in response to consumer demand.

Learn more about  Midwifery group practice.




Roz Donnellan-Fernandez.



Tuesday 19/10/2004


Church of Christ Hall

Wellington Rd

Mt. Barker, SA




Enquiries: phone Marijke

8393 1758

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