Dear Lynne,

I am currently working on a PhD in the field of sociology of 
reproduction.  I am interested in women's choices in relation to pregnancy 
and childbirth- Of great interest to me is this supposed turn towards 
embracing medical intervention.  The list has been discussing this on and 
off- for instance women demanding caesarean sections and social 
inductions.  I truly believe that the discourse surrounding pregnancy and 
birth is laden with notions of the faulty body- hence women's turn to 
medicine as opposed to themselves.  That is a very short answer to what I 
am working on- I would love to see women trusting their own body- I know 
that everyone on this list seems to do so- and have worked with many women 
who do as well- but there are just too many cases now of women 
automatically turning to medical intervention as the best and safest answer.
Anyway- I will send those chapters off to you by the end of the week- I 
hope that you enjoy them.

Take care

At 05:54 PM 26/08/02 +1000, you wrote:

>>From: "Lynne Staff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] newspaper article on pregnancy 
>>in  transplanted uterus
>>Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 18:31:47 +1000
>>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>>Hello Alphia - I would be very interested in reading these chapters. I think
>>it links in with what we do and think (although it seems sometimes that
>>midwives don't think about the words they say or what they do and how this
>>may help shape/perpetuate the maternity care culture. One of the reasons I
>>asked the midwives to change the way they spoke to women before we opened
>>the unit where I work - trying to change a LOT of the practices which are
>>legacies of many decades of medically structured, and by George, these
>>midwives have done it! And what a difference it makes too.....
>>My mail address is 122 Eudlo Rd, Mooloolah, QLD, 4553.
>>What are you working on?
>>Warm regards, Lynne
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Alphia Garrety" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 9:43 AM
>>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] newspaper article on pregnancy in transplanted
>> > Hi Lynne,
>> >
>> > To tell you the truth I am not familiar with Rowlands work- .  I just went
>> > through my library's catalogue and found a few of her publications- but
>> > nothing beyond Living Laboratories.  I am going to go check it out after
>> > classes.  There is a book called "Body Talk" an edited book by Mary Lay,
>> > Laura Gurak, Clare Gravon and Cynthia Myntti.   There are several
>> > interesting chapters on discourse and reproduction- a very good one by
>> > Robbie Davis-Floyd.  If you are interested I can send you some photocopied
>> > chapters- I just need your address.  But I agree with you- the discourse
>> > that surrounds reproduction and medicine is very loaded.   I wont go on my
>> > soap box again- but I do find it very depressing.  Let me know if you are
>> > interested in the articles.
>> >
>> > Take care
>> > Alphia
>> >
>> > At 08:23 AM 23/08/02 +1000, you wrote:
>> > >Hi Alphia
>> > >
>> > >  I read with interst your comments on this - a passion of mine and has
>> > >for years - in fact this was what got me into language and it's
>> > >in shaping reality in maternity care. It was through reading Robyn
>> > >book Living Laboratories that I became aware of all of this initially. Do
>> > >you happen to know what she is up to? I would assume you know of her
>> > >of your work and would love to read more of her papers.
>> > >
>> > >Regards, Lynne
>> > >----- Original Message -----
>> > >From: "Alphia Garrety" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:10 PM
>> > >Subject: [ozmidwifery] newspaper article on pregnancy in transplanted
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > > Hi everyone,
>> > > >
>> > > > This is not the first time that this form of research has been
>> > > > undertaken.  March 7, 2002 the New York times printed an article on
>> > > > "Medical First: A Transplant of a uterus", there was another more
>> > > > article in the Sydney Morning Herald-  on August 14th of this year
>> > > > was an article on how a "US doctor defends human cloning
>> > > > experiment".  Though it is not dealing with a transplanted uterus,
>> > > > form of medical intervention involves taking the DNA from an
>> > > > mother and adding it to a donor's egg.  The donor's DNA would be
>> > > > from the egg, which would be implanted into a surrogate mother!!!
>>What a
>> > > > world!  Beyond the fact that this form of research screams about the
>> > >faulty
>> > > > body of the woman (sending this message loud and clear to all who read
>> > >it)-
>> > > > think about the emotional turmoil of all involved- of course there is
>> > > > here to be dissected and discussed-  such as things as the imperative
>>of a
>> > > > biological child and the woman as patient- labelling infertility as an
>> > > > illness as well.  Whilst I have much empathy for a woman or couple who
>> > > > finding themselves in the position of having fertility problems- I do
>> > > > a serious problem with using women as guineau pigs in medical
>>research, as
>> > > > has been the case with IVFand surrogacy (we do not know the long term
>> > > > effects of the amount of hormones given to these women as of yet)- I
>> > > > that our society places too much emphasis on having a biological
>> > > > women or couples are no longer able to deal with the problem of
>> > >infertility
>> > > > in an 'nonmedical' way.  By labelling infertility an illness and
>> > >the
>> > > > technology to treat it- we may reach a point where women or couples
>>who do
>> > > > not take up this option are seen as irresponsible.
>> > > >
>> > > > Well that is my two cents
>> > > > Take care everyone
>> > > > Alphia
>> > > > Alphia Garrety (Ba. Hons.)
>> > > > PhD. Candidate
>> > > > School of Sociology and Justice Studies
>> > > > Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney
>> > > > UWS Locked Bag 1797
>> > > > South Penrith Distribution Centre
>> > > > NSW 1797 Australia
>> > > >
>> > > > Phone: 02 97726628
>> > > > Fax: 02 97726584
>> > > >
>> > > > --
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Alphia Garrety (Ba. Hons.)
PhD. Candidate
School of Sociology and Justice Studies
Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney
UWS Locked Bag 1797
South Penrith Distribution Centre
NSW 1797 Australia

Phone: 02 97726628
Fax: 02 97726584

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