Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

This is exactly what we need!

Karen Arthur
Hunter Homebirth Support

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 16 August 2002 1:18 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] How to use your politician (long)

Hi Listers,

This information on how to contact and use your local politician to further 
your birth cause is a wonderful list of suggestions. It has been compiled 
by Bruce Teakle of the Birth Action Group in the Sunshine Coast and he has 
given me permission to pass it on to everyone, not just the NMAP Committee 
planning the launch of the NMAP on September 24.

Thank you Bruce for putting this together. Please, everyone, cut and paste 
this to a file somewhere for future reference. We can all use these helpful 

Birth Action Group
Contact Your Politician Guide

What is this?

This is for people wanting better access to better birth care. It is 
intended to be a guide to advocating to your political and bureaucratic 
servants what you want. It is being distributed now to support the National 
Maternity Action Plan campaign currently underway.


If we want to improve this situation and get access to the sort of birth 
care we want, we are going to have to go out of our own comfort zones and 
do the things necessary to make political change. A big part of this is to 
communicate with the politicians and bureaucrats who should be serving us 
better. The purpose of this guide is to help you do that.

The success of the current campaign being organised around Australia 
depends on the active involvement of the grass roots of the birthing 
community. To succeed in achieving reform will require every supporter to 
make themselves heard. Politicians need to know that there is a problem 
before they will support the NMAP as a solution.

We have to ask for what we want

What do we want?

I can't tell you what you want, but the common messages are that women want:

... Informed Choice - mother as principal decision maker - place of birth, 
intended intervention strategies, people present at birth, etc., decided by 
mother with carers in educational role.
... Holistic care - taking a broad range of relevant factors into care such 
as family relationships, emotional issues, nutrition etc..
... Continuity of care - developing a close trust relationship with a main 
carer who attends through antenatal, birth, possible medical intervention, 
maternal stages.
... Low intervention - mothers tend to prefer not to receive unnecessary 
interventions, carers tend not to advise interventions unless necessary and 
backed by evidence.

These elements are commonly held to be part of the Midwifery model of care, 
as opposed to the Medical or Obstetric models of care, which emphasise 
having doctors in charge of a team of carers, whose focus is on preparing 
for possible complications.

Midwifery care by a woman's choice of midwife, in a woman's choice of place 
of birth, is freely available from the public health systems in Britain, 
Netherlands, New Zealand and many other countries. Publicly funded home 
birth schemes are operating in Western Australia, ACT and South Australia. 
What we want is available to many women in other places.

The short way of saying this is that we want midwifery models of care in 
homes, birth centres and in hospital.

What have we got?

Women in Qld currently have nearly no choices in birth care.

The hospital services available do not respect women as being able to make 
decisions for themselves about birthing, and have unacceptable rates of 
intervention and consequent injury. The most recent statistics available 
for Qld are for the calendar year 1999, that is 2 1/2 years ago. In that 
year 24% of Qld births were by caesarean, another 9% were by forceps or 
vacuum. That means 1/3 of babies were delivered surgically, not including 
the large proportion of mothers and babies who were given artificial 
hormones (to start or speed up labour), anaesthetics, or episiotomies. 
Given persistent stories from hospital workers that intervention rates are 
rising steeply, who knows what the numbers are now.

Qld consumers are being treated like mushrooms by Qld Health. The only 
figures on birth interventions available to consumers (the people at the 
sharp end of the knife) are well out of date, and only give averages for 
the state. Figures on individual hospitals - very important for infomed 
choice making - are only available for public hospitals on payment of a 
$120 fee, and private hospital statistics are totally secret. Qld Health is 
unable to identify any process by which these figures are reviewed in order 
that problems may be responded to. Unaccountable and out of control.

Birth centre care is not available by choice, due to the tiny number of 
places available in Qld's 2 state run birth centres. Groups all over the 
state have been asking for birth centres in local hospitals, but have been 
left frustrated.

What makes birth centres different is that they (usually) offer a 
"midwifery model of care". This is care in which midwives are the lead 
carers, and medical assistance (from doctors or obstetricians) is only used 
if a complication arises which is outside the competence of a midwife to 
deal with. Most desirable is if the woman has one or two midwives giving 
her "continuity of care" through the whole pregnancy, birth, and postnatal 
process. Hospitals all give care to birthing women from midwives, but the 
midwives are generally subservient to doctors, change with the shifts, and 
rarely have met the woman before the birth. In hospitals midwives have to 
conform to the medical model determined by doctors.

Conditions for independent midwives have become so unacceptable that 
homebirth care is all but unavailable. Midwives have no access to indemnity 
insurance, are treated hostilely in hospital transfers, and complaints 
against them result in the Qld Nursing Council's harsh investigation process.

So far, attempts to discuss these problems with the state government have 
fallen flat. They are comfortable with their intervention focussed policy, 
and prefer not to change.

Our job is to make change happen.

Who is responsible?

There are a lot of people responsible for the current situation, including 
us. Probably no-one wants women to have a bad disempowering experience. The 
main attitudes we have to deal with are:

- "Birth care problems? Never heard of them. There must be no problem." 
This would apply to most politicians. They mostly have never heard of us or 
our birth care problems, and have been busy responding to other people who 
bring other problems in to them. When we met with two key people at the 
very centre of Qld health we were told "we never hear bad stories about 
hospital birth, only good ones".

- "We have to protect mothers and babies (including from themselves)" The 
health bureaucrats include many doctors, who genuinely believe that birth 
interventions happen only to save lives, and that women should be prevented 
from making choices (wrongly assumed to be) harmful to themselves or their 
babies i.e. home birth.

- "Visit my member of parliament? I'm just a mother, and he wouldn't be 
interested." We have been invisible because we have made ourselves invisible.

To get service, we have to tell our servants what we want. All of the 
"powerful" people who are responsible for arranging the system are our 
emplyees, who are paid by our taxes, and whose work is determined by the 
outcome of elections we vote in. It's easier for them if things stay the 
same, but they will respond to the public if they have to.

The Politicians

Except at elections, the peak decision makers are politicians.

Each of us have 2 members of parliament, one federal and one state. These 
members know that they are directly elected by us, and that they may be 
elected or not by a margin of only a few votes. They want to be your best 
mate, so you will tell your friends and you'll all vote for them.

Your members of parliament are responsible for representing you in the 
government. If you have a problem, you tell them, and they should try to 
resolve it. In return, they want to be seen to have been helpful, so voters 
in their area (their constituents) are more likely to vote for them.

Your state member is the one who is most important in the birth reform 
game. Most of the delivery of health services is by your state government. 
Your federal member is also important. Issues like funding, and obtaining 
indemnity insurance for midwives need federal government support. It's good 
to tell both of them what your concerns are.

Finding who your MP is

To find out who your members of parliament are, you can phone the 
Australian Electoral Comission, whose number is in the phone book. In SE 
Qld the phone number is 3227 6444.

When you phone the AEC, give them your address, and ask:
-what is your state electorate,
-who is your state member of parliament,
-what is their phone number,
-what is their address, email or post,
- the same questions about your federal member, if you're planning to do 
them too.

Don't worry if you're a Kiwi, or otherwise not enrolled to vote. They won't 

Write them a letter

The first and easiest way to make yourself heard politically is to write a 
letter. It is useful to tell them what you want, and is also an act of 
creative self expression and power which has a positive effect on yourself.

It's good to write to both your state and federal MPs. If you are short of 
time and energy, start with the state MP.

Tell them:

-Who you are.

To start with, you are their constituent. The identities of woman, mother, 
pregnant woman are very important socially and politically. So if that's 
who you are, tell them. Don't forget who politicians like to be 
photographed with during election campaigns - mothers and babies.

-What you want.

What do you want? Choice? Respectful service from the public health system? 
Access to a birth centre at your own choice, rather than if your name is 
drawn out of a hat, or if a hospital administrator lets you? To birth at 
home in your own nest with your own choice of carer?

-Why you want it.

They probably don't understand why you want these things. They deserve an 
explanation. Perhaps you consider hospital care too risky, too 
disempowering, or just wouldn't consider it unless you were dying. You may 
have had some direct experience, or have read about, and want to avoid, the 
high rates of intervention in hospital care. You may prefer to choose a 
single favourite midwife to be with you for care before, during and after 
birth, instead of various strangers who change with hospital shifts. You 
may like to refer to statistics or books or personal preferences.

- What you want them to do.

Your MP is your representative of your government. You tell them what you 
want your government to do, and you can ask them to do something for you 
themselves. You might ask them to:
--Support women's access to her own choice of midwife for care before, 
during and after birth.
--Support policy changes to make birth centres available to all Qld women.
--Support the NMAP.

You might ask them to answer a question or two:
--Are they concerned about the current rates of intervention in birth?
--Have they heard about the Community Midwifery Programs in Perth and Canberra?
--What is the government doing to solve the lack of insurance for midwives?
--Who is responsible for maternity care policy in this state?
--What processes are available for consumer input into maternity care policy?
--Who is responsible for overseeing private hospital birth outcomes?

It's your letter

Remember, you don't have to be a professor of obstetrics to write to your 
MP. Don't write what you don't feel or you don't know. It's a good 
opportunity to have your own knowledge challenged, and clarify your ideas 
or do some research, but your MP is more interested in your opinion than 
how clever you are (just look at government policies).


Anger can get us motivated to start our political involvement, but it can 
sap our power. Showing anger can put you in a powerless position by drawing 
attention to your emotions rather than the substance of what you are 
saying. Remember you probably wouldn't change places with your MP for 
anything, and they are a person like you.

Write with the assumption that you will be listened to respectfully, and it 
will be more likely.

The next step

Writing your first letter to your MP is only a first step. You can email or 
post your letter. Either way, it's a good idea to phone up and ask if 
they've received it after an appropriate time.

If you can do it, it's good to arrange a visit to them at the same time. 
Meeting and talking with your MP is very useful to you. It is interesting 
and empowering for you to meet them, and it helps them to make the issue 
real, and make your determination more obvious.

Meeting your MP

You can easily get an appointment to meet your MP, it's their job to be 
accessible to you. Just phone their office, and tell their secretary that 
you would like to arrange to meet your MP. They will want to know what you 
plan to talk about, and will find a time in the MP's diary. If you plan to 
take a friend or someone from a support group, tell them who is coming. 
It's good to take support, mostly for your own confidence, but it also 
shows bigger numbers and gives two or more heads to see what's going on and 
answer questions.

Meeting your MP requires the same preparation as writing a letter, and 
sending a letter first is very helpful. The letter explains what you want, 
and the meeting makes sure they read the letter and understand your 
concern. Going along and showing yourself as a real person will be a much 
stronger memory to your MP than just another letter.

Your MP wants you to love them. Don't expect to be given a hard time and 
have to know every detail about birth physiology and the state health 
system. Hopefully they will be interested enough to ask questions, but it 
won't be an exam for a medical degree. Get some facts ready for obvious 
questions, but be prepared to get back to them with the answers you don't 

Dress straight. Like you're going to church, not the hellfire club or 
Aquarius festival. Don't mention vaccination, homeschooling or conspiracies 
by drug companies. Don't be too hard on doctors and obstetricians - it 
helps to recognise that they are a useful tool sometimes. In a minority of 
births medicine can save lives, but in most births it just makes it harder 
for women and babies. Be straight - don't distract them from the issue you 
have gone to speak about. Deal with one diversity at a time. It makes it 
easy for them if they can dismiss you as a whacko. The birth issue has all 
the evidence on our side, the only thing against us is that the people it 
matters most to are busy raising the next generation.

The biggest issue for many people, including MPs is fear. Many people 
believe that birth is a life and death struggle which should only happen in 
an operating theatre under the control of a team of medical specialists 
with a truckload of machines. Luckily for us there is no evidence to 
support this myth, and a wealth of scientific evidence against it. The best 
available evidence shows that for a healthy woman with access to hospital 
backup, birthing at home is as safe as in hospital. If anyone challenges 
this, ask for evidence. If you are asked for evidence (a good thing to be 
asked) then do some homework and provide them with some. Ask for help from 
someone in the birth groups if you like.

Going through the system

Health care is the responsibility of the Minister of Health. Your MP is 
likely to read and acknowledge your letter, and pass your letter on to the 
Minister. You should eventually get a reply from the Minister. The Qld 
Minister for Health is currently Wendy Edmond, who is strongly committed to 
obstetric hospital birth care. She won't be there forever, and part of our 
task is to get prepared for a better Health Minister.

The Fob Off

Our experience so far is that the reply you receive will be a complete fob 
off. This will be written by an officer of the department, who probably 
doesn't know much about the issue, but can cut and paste paragraphs from 
previous letters replying to other citizens. It will probably use plenty of 
long words and refer to various policies and reports you are expected to be 
unfamiliar with, and is intended to take the steam out of you. They don't 
expect you to reply, and if you don't, then they will think that you are 
satisfied with their reply and the matter is over.


Be kind, and realise that this is just them doing their job. If they 
changed policy every time they had a letter about something, government 
would grind to a standstill. So, be ready to respond to the fob-off. For 
this, it's good to get some help if you aren't sure of the facts. Show your 
letter from the minister to people who are familiar with what it's talking 
about, and find out what the letter means. Then reply to the minister and 
tell them you aren't happy with their response.

Tell your MP you weren't happy too. Send them a copy of your letter to the 
Minister. Tell your MP about what's happening every time you can. Keep the 
issue alive and on their mind.

Remember, these people all get a hundred letters and emails a day. Yours 
can easily get lost if you forget it. If you don't get replies, phone up 
and ask about it. Persist!

You are the citizen and customer. They are accountable to you.

Other points

- The National Maternity Action Plan

Even thought it hasn't been launched yet, the NMAP is a very useful tool. 
It shows that birth groups are organised and serious about achieving 
change, and it is an excellent overview of the situation, the evidence, and 
a proposed reform process. Send anyone you are lobbying a copy if you 
desire. Ask them later what they thought of it (get them to actually read it).

For a copy of the NMAP or more information about the NMAP campaign, go to:

It generally works better to send the PDF of the NMAP as an email 
attachment to someone you are lobbying rather than just telling people to 
get it for themselves.

- The "it's not my responsibility" game

MPs (especially federal) like to say that our problems are the 
responsibility of the other level of government. Federal MPs have been 
saying that health is delivered by State governments so birth care is not a 
federal problem. They're wrong.

The federal government is responsible for these things:

- Funding health care. They fund doctors but not midwives through medicare. 
They can make funds available for alternative health services such as 
community midwifery programs.
- The legal framework of laws which make insurance unavailable to midwives. 
The federal government has a responsibility to coordinate the legal changes 
necessary to make it possible for midwives to get insurance again. They are 
putting big money and effort into solving it for the doctors and should be 
doing the same for midwives.
- The policies around Australia's choices in health systems. The health 
systems they fund and support with research and policy pour hundreds of 
millions of dollars into funding the avoidable injury and trauma suffered 
by tens of thousands of Australian women every year. It costs them more 
than 100 million dollars a year extra just to pay for all those caesarean 
births that would be normal births in the Netherlands (We have 22% CS, 
Netherlands has 9%).
- They fund the education system which doesn't produce independent midwives.

The state government is responsible for nearly everything else:
- They run the hospitals.
- They ask for funding for their choice of health care system.
- They own the Nursing regulators which control midwives and persecute 
homebirth midwives.
- They are responsible for setting up (or not) birth centres.

-Support from the Action Group

Please ask us if you want some help with writing, replying or visiting. It 
can be very effective to have a campaigner plus mothers team.

Please let us know what happens with your letters and visits.


- Reform of birth care is achievable if we all make ourselves heard and 

- Write and visit your state Member of Parliament, and your federal MP too.

- Tell them what you want them to do. Give and expect respect.

- Don't be disempowered by fob-offs.

- Get support from your networks - you are not alone, and we have a 
powerful network to support us with science, politics and love.

Good luck and find your power.

Bruce Teakle
Birth Action Group
ph 07 3289 0231

Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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