RE: [ozmidwifery] Iron woes - longish

2006-10-31 Thread Pauline Moore

I had a very similar situation when I was
pregnant first time around and ended up having an iron infusion which worked
beautifully but it turned out that I actually had undiagnosed celiac disease!
Might be worth a thought as it is a condition that is vastly under diagnosed
and is often triggered by pregnancy.


Midwifery student

On Behalf Of Kristin Beckedahl
Sent: 31 October 2006 16:05
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Iron woes -


have just received this query from a woman - any ideas of how to help her with
this greatly appreciated!

28/40 bloods Hb 12.9, Ferritin 7 - That's the lowest it has
ever been as far as I'm aware. Dr wasn't too worried about it as he felt
my body had probably aclimatised to the low iron stores. However I am concerned
about this and am wanting to get my levels up as quickly as possible. 

The problem isis that I have
not been able to tolerate any form of oral iron. The Iron Plus were too
constipating, so I became even more conscious (if that was possible) of getting
as much iron from my diet as possible. However, I was becoming more and more
lethargic etc and so I tried taking Clements Iron (liquid) that was recommended
to me. However this had the opposite effect (diarrhoea) and my stools were very
black, which made me doubt if I was absorbing any iron at all. As well as the
black stools, I was becoming increasingly symptomatic of iron deficiency and anaemia.

My bloods last week showed my Hb 11.0 Ferritin 7 (However a
fingerprick sample for my Hb 2 days earlier was 10.0 g/dL) I became quite dizzy
when standing, my BP dropped to 90 / 44, very short of breath, exhausted,
oedema in my ankles etc. I saw a locum GP and he wanted to see what my blood
results were before suggesting any treatment. 

I relayed all of this to my Midwives down south who consulted
a Homeopath who felt that maybe I was toxic to iron and that is why my body
wouldn't tolerate any supplements. (When I look back I have been on Iron on and
off since I was pregnant with my little boy ~ 2.5 years ago). I was advised to
stop taking any Fe supplements and do a 3 day detox on Pulsatilla 6c three
times a day. I have just completed this and surprisingly, I have started to
feel better, less dizzy, BP now normal 100 / 70, still SOB and tired though as
could be expected. 

My GP is back now and he wants me to have iron injections
over the next 2 weeks to see if that will restore my levels. What do you

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RE: [ozmidwifery] Iron woes - longish

2006-10-31 Thread leanne wynne

Hi Kristin,

A Hb of 12.9 is perfectly normal, even for a non-pregnant women ... so stop 
worrying. In fact the current research suggests that the best perinatal 
outcomes occur with a Hb between 95 -110g/L.

The fainting spell was more likely caused by low blood pressure which is 
also normal in pregnancy and women should merely avoid standing for long 
periods which causes a further drop in blood pressure.

The tiredness is also a normal part of pregnancy and just your body just 
trying to tell you to nurture yourself a little.

I recall when I did my midwifery training that Maggie Miles had a whole 
chapter on the normal discomforts of pregnancy and amongst these are 
tiredness, breathlessness, fainting, pressure pains, etc etc ...

The secret is to listen to your body, trust your body, rest when you need to 
and stop worrying and stop looking for problems.

All the best,

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of Women's Business
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

From: Kristin Beckedahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Iron woes - longish
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 16:05:15 +0800

Hi all,

I have just received this query from a woman - any ideas of how to help her 
with this greatly appreciated!

28/40 bloods Hb 12.9, Ferritin 7 - That's the lowest it has ever been as 
far as I'm aware.  Dr wasn't too worried about it as he felt my body had 
probably aclimatised to the low iron stores. However I am concerned about 
this and am wanting to get my levels up as quickly as possible.
The problem is  is that I have not been able to tolerate any form of oral 
iron. The Iron Plus were too constipating, so I became even more conscious 
(if that was possible) of getting as much iron from my diet as possible. 
However, I was becoming more and more lethargic etc and so I tried taking 
Clements Iron (liquid) that was recommended to me. However this had the 
opposite effect (diarrhoea) and my stools were very black, which made me 
doubt if I was absorbing any iron at all. As well as the black stools, I 
was becoming increasingly symptomatic of iron deficiency and anaemia.

My bloods last week showed my Hb 11.0 Ferritin 7 (However a fingerprick 
sample for my Hb 2 days earlier was 10.0 g/dL) I became quite dizzy when 
standing, my BP dropped to 90 / 44, very short of breath, exhausted, oedema 
in my ankles etc. I saw a locum GP and he wanted to see what my blood 
results were before suggesting any treatment.

I relayed all of this to my Midwives down south who consulted a Homeopath 
who felt that maybe I was toxic to iron and that is why my body wouldn't 
tolerate any supplements. (When I look back I have been on Iron on and off 
since I was pregnant with my little boy ~ 2.5 years ago). I was advised to 
stop taking any Fe supplements and do a 3 day detox on Pulsatilla 6c three 
times a day. I have just completed this and surprisingly, I have started to 
feel better, less dizzy, BP now normal 100 / 70, still SOB and tired though 
as could be expected.

My GP is back now and he wants me to have iron injections over the next 2 
weeks to see if that will restore my levels. What do you think???


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