Import error - guidance on troubleshooting please.

2011-11-06 Thread Mike MOSSuMS Stringfellow

Any advice on the quickest way to trouble-shoot the below error when importing 
a list that was exported from a different farm? Are the ULS logs the place to 
start, or does the import show all the info available to stdout? Or does anyone 
recommend a tool or technique that gives generally better rsults/insights that 
the standard import/export - e.g. gl-exportlist and gl-importlist? In 
anticipation, thanks for your help!  export-spweb -IDENTITY http://OldSiteURL
-INCLUDEVERSIONS 4 import-spweb -IDENTITY https://NewSiteURL

[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] [List] [ListName] Progress:
Importing[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] [List] [ListName]  
ExtendedVerbose: Creating[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] [List]
[ER.BusinessUnits]   Error: An unexpected error has occurred.[7/11/2011 
10:29:14 AM] [List]
[ER.BusinessUnits]   Debug:at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.CreateListOnImport(String bstrUrl,
Guid& pguidListId, String bstrTitle, String bstrDescription, Int32
lTemplateID, String bstrFeatureId, Guid guidRootFolderId, Int64 llFlags, Int32
iVersion, Int32 iAuthor, String bstrFields, String bstrContentTypes, String
bstrImageUrl, String bstrEventSinkAssembly, String bstrEventSinkClass, String
bstrEventSinkData, Guid guidDocTemplateId, String bstrViews, String bstrForms,
Boolean bCompressedSchema, DateTime dtTimeCreated)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.CreateList(SPWeb parentWeb,
Dictionary`2 listMetaData, Boolean usingPublicSchema)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj,
SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)  
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.CallSetObjectData(Object obj,
SerializationInfo objectData, ISerializationSurrogate surrogate,
ISurrogateSelector selector)[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] FatalError: An unexpected 
error has
occurred.[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Debug:at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.CreateListOnImport(String bstrUrl,
Guid& pguidListId, String bstrTitle, String bstrDescription, Int32
lTemplateID, String bstrFeatureId, Guid guidRootFolderId, Int64 llFlags, Int32
iVersion, Int32 iAuthor, String bstrFields, String bstrContentTypes, String
bstrImageUrl, String bstrEventSinkAssembly, String bstrEventSinkClass, String
bstrEventSinkData, Guid guidDocTemplateId, String bstrViews, String bstrForms,
Boolean bCompressedSchema, DateTime dtTimeCreated)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.CreateList(SPWeb parentWeb,
Dictionary`2 listMetaData, Boolean usingPublicSchema)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj,
SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)  
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.CallSetObjectData(Object obj,
SerializationInfo objectData, ISerializationSurrogate surrogate,
ISurrogateSelector selector)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.ParseObject(Type objectType,
Boolean isChildObject)   at 
objectType, Boolean isChildObject, DeploymentObject envelope)   at
serializationStream)   at
serializationStream)   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.DeserializeObjects()   at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.Run()[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Progress: 
Import did not complete.[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Finish Time: 7/11/2011 10:29:14 
AM.[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Duration: 00:01:39[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Finished 
with 0 warnings.[7/11/2011 10:29:14 AM] Finished with 2 errors.

ozmoss mailing list

RE: AssetUrlSelector - get web/list reference

2011-11-06 Thread Paul Noone
Argh. I have this mess so far but it looks unwieldy as hell. Assistance please? 
I want to take a URL of this form - /site/web[x].../myList/Forms/[anyView].aspx 
- and return:
web = /site/web[x]
listName = myList
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

// Set the value if this is a postback.
if (this.Page.IsPostBack)
// Server relative URL
string newAssetUrl = urlSelector.AssetUrl;

// Remove listform component from URL
string listFormPage = @"/Forms/[\/a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+";
Regex rgx = new Regex(listFormPage);
newAssetUrl = rgx.Replace(newAssetUrl, "");

// Split the remainder (site and webs)
string [] urlArray = newAssetUrl.Split('/');

// LastIndexOf will be list name
string listName = urlArray[urlArray.Length - 1];

// Loop through array -1
for (int i = 0; i < (urlArray.Length - 1); i++)
// Add "/" to each item and concat again...??!!


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 1:55 PM
To: ozMOSS (
Subject: AssetUrlSelector - get web/list reference

Hi all,
I've added an AssetUrlSelector to an EditorPart which works great but only 
returns a server relative URL. I'd hoped the object might include useful things 
like the selected item ID and parent hierarchy.
How would I go about translating the returned AssetUrl in order to get the web 
and list instance. (The selected item will always be an image library.) I want 
to then use these as the params in my SPQuery.
I'm currently trying to split the returned URL, remove any extraneous suffix 
(AllItems.aspx), then split at the last index of / to get the Web URL and list 
Is this the way to go, or is there a simpler and more reliable method?
Kind regards,


ozmoss mailing list

AssetUrlSelector - get web/list reference

2011-11-06 Thread Paul Noone
Hi all,
I've added an AssetUrlSelector to an EditorPart which works great but only 
returns a server relative URL. I'd hoped the object might include useful things 
like the selected item ID and parent hierarchy.
How would I go about translating the returned AssetUrl in order to get the web 
and list instance. (The selected item will always be an image library.) I want 
to then use these as the params in my SPQuery.
I'm currently trying to split the returned URL, remove any extraneous suffix 
(AllItems.aspx), then split at the last index of / to get the Web URL and list 
Is this the way to go, or is there a simpler and more reliable method?
Kind regards,


ozmoss mailing list

RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Aaron Saikovski
Also try this:

maybe move the cache

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:55 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Nothing that really makes sense to me :(

11/07/2011 12:05:00.90 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Office Viewing Architecture   
cu85   Medium   Cache Creation Job Starting [JobId: 
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Office Viewing Architecture   
cu86   ExceptionCache Creation Job encountered an exception 
[JobId: 0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8] System.NullReferenceException: 
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.PreinitializeServer(SPRequest request) at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.GetSPRequest() at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Request() at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Usage() at 
 webApp, Boolean elevateReturn, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String 
ownerEmail) at 
 webApp) at 
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91*   OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 
0x2378  Office Web Apps  Office Viewing 
Architecture cu86   Exception...bState jobState)   
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Unified Logging Service   
  c91s   Monitorable   Watson bucket parameters: Office Web Apps, 
ULSException14, 52a97675 "office web apps", 0e00178d "14.0.6029.0", 1f65804a 
"microsoft.sharepoint", 0e0017dd "14.0.6109.0", 4e54d0e1 "wed aug 24 20:22:25 
2011", 5786 "5786", 01aa1204 "01aa1204", 4a6d3421 
"nullreferenceexception", 63753836 "cu86"

On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:34 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Anything in the ULs logs?

On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:13 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Yup, got a root site collection. Also, when I remove and recreate the cache, it 
creates it as http://servername/sites/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache/ - and the 
site is accessible.

I've just checked, and I can open a word doc and edit it in the browser and 
everything, so Web Apps is working - it's just this cache error in the logs (or 
caching that doesn't appear to be working)

On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:28 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Do you have a root site collection? /

That is where OWA cache is stored or you could create a web app with a root 
site collection and have the OWA hosted and shared there.
Check out:

and here:


On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebApps

RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Nigel Hertz
Nothing that really makes sense to me :(

11/07/2011 12:05:00.90 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Office Viewing Architecture   
cu85   Medium   Cache Creation Job Starting [JobId: 
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Office Viewing Architecture   
cu86   ExceptionCache Creation Job encountered an exception 
[JobId: 0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8] System.NullReferenceException: 
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.PreinitializeServer(SPRequest request) at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.GetSPRequest() at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Request() at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Usage() at 
 webApp, Boolean elevateReturn, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String 
ownerEmail) at 
 webApp) at 
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91*   OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 
0x2378  Office Web Apps  Office Viewing 
Architecture cu86   Exception...bState jobState)   
11/07/2011 12:05:00.91 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x20BC) 0x2378 
 Office Web Apps  Unified Logging Service   
  c91s   Monitorable   Watson bucket parameters: Office Web Apps, 
ULSException14, 52a97675 "office web apps", 0e00178d "14.0.6029.0", 1f65804a 
"microsoft.sharepoint", 0e0017dd "14.0.6109.0", 4e54d0e1 "wed aug 24 20:22:25 
2011", 5786 "5786", 01aa1204 "01aa1204", 4a6d3421 
"nullreferenceexception", 63753836 "cu86"

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:34 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Anything in the ULs logs?

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:13 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Yup, got a root site collection. Also, when I remove and recreate the cache, it 
creates it as http://servername/sites/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache/ - and the 
site is accessible.

I've just checked, and I can open a word doc and edit it in the browser and 
everything, so Web Apps is working - it's just this cache error in the logs (or 
caching that doesn't appear to be working)

On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:28 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Do you have a root site collection? /

That is where OWA cache is stored or you could create a web app with a root 
site collection and have the OWA hosted and shared there.
Check out:

and here:


On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' to no avail.



Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz

SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617  M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617   E:
Before printing this email, please consider the e

RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Aaron Saikovski
Anything in the ULs logs?

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 12:13 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Yup, got a root site collection. Also, when I remove and recreate the cache, it 
creates it as http://servername/sites/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache/ - and the 
site is accessible.

I've just checked, and I can open a word doc and edit it in the browser and 
everything, so Web Apps is working - it's just this cache error in the logs (or 
caching that doesn't appear to be working)

On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:28 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Do you have a root site collection? /

That is where OWA cache is stored or you could create a web app with a root 
site collection and have the OWA hosted and shared there.
Check out:

and here:


On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' to no avail.



Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz

SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617  M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617   E:
Before printing this email, please consider the environment.

Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.

Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.
ozmoss mailing list

RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Nigel Hertz
Yup, got a root site collection. Also, when I remove and recreate the cache, it 
creates it as http://servername/sites/Office_Viewing_Service_Cache/ - and the 
site is accessible.

I've just checked, and I can open a word doc and edit it in the browser and 
everything, so Web Apps is working - it's just this cache error in the logs (or 
caching that doesn't appear to be working)

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:28 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Do you have a root site collection? /

That is where OWA cache is stored or you could create a web app with a root 
site collection and have the OWA hosted and shared there.
Check out:

and here:


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' to no avail.



Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz

SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617  M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617   E:
Before printing this email, please consider the environment.

Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.


Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.
ozmoss mailing list

RE: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Aaron Saikovski
Do you have a root site collection? /

That is where OWA cache is stored or you could create a web app with a root 
site collection and have the OWA hosted and shared there.
Check out:

and here:


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2011 10:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' to no avail.



Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz

SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617  M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617   E:
Before printing this email, please consider the environment.

Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.
ozmoss mailing list

SPS2010 Office Web Apps - Cache error

2011-11-06 Thread Nigel Hertz
Hi all

I'm getting a bunch of critical errors in the event viewer on our UAT server, 
which I've traced back to the "Office Web Apps Cache Creation" job (screenshot 
of the error below). The error text is "The Execute method of job definition 
Microsoft.Office.Web.Environment.Sharepoint.CacheCreationJob (ID 
0ee8f842-6624-4b99-a4f3-6eb3c86a4be8) threw an exception. More information is 
included below. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this? I've tried 
'Remove-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' and 'New-SPOfficeWebAppsCache' to no avail.



Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz

SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617  M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617   E:
Before printing this email, please consider the environment.


Stockland Notice: If this communication has been sent to you by mistake, please 
delete and notify us.  If it has been sent to you by mistake, legal privilege 
is not waived or lost and you are not entitled to use it in any way. Stockland 
and its subsidiaries reserve the right to monitor e-mail communication through 
its networks.
ozmoss mailing list