You need to make sure it is added to your content type that is linked to the
page layout.
Paul Turner
Practice Lead - SharePoint
SMS Management & Technology
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From: [] On Behalf Of
Nigel Hertz
Sent: Thursday, 20 October 2011 3:29 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: SP2010 Page layouts - RichImageField
Hi all
I'm creating a page layout for news articles in our 2010 dev environment. On
the page, I have a "Page image" field (PublishingWebControls:RichImageField)
into which I want to add an image.
I've got a new page, using the above page layout. When editing it, I can click
the 'Click here to insert a picture from SharePoint', browse to an image, and
insert it. As soon as I click save (either save and close, or save and keep
editing) the image disappears, and it defaults back to the 'Click here to
insert' I've checked all tag properties, and everything appears fine.
Google isn't much helps - the only issues others seem to be having is that the
page shows html instead of the image, but I'm not even getting that far.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Kind Regards,
Nigel Hertz
SharePoint Administrator & Developer, Information Technology
Stockland, Level 25, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
T: +61 2 9035 2617 M: +61 4 0103 4605
F: +61 2 8988 2617 E:<><>
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