Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-29 Thread Brent Shambaugh
Hi All,

Since around mid-march or so I've spent time trying to refining the ideas
from my Distributed Economy blog ( into a proposal. I kind of
felt like I was teaching myself all of computer science. Even though I felt
I was learning quite a bit, it came at a considerable cost to myself. It is
hard to think in a peer-to-peer fashion while questioning the fabric of
academia and industry. I felt that I did not fit in anywhere and was unsure
build a business model around it. Physically, it seemed that way too. I
also became very cynical. I grew isolated, but thought I needed time for
self-study so what I was writing was credible, competitive and lucid enough
that I could put faith in it to be confident with others. Still, it's scope
was huge, enough to be not taken seriously by itself I guess. I felt I
basically was trying to change the operating system of the planet, and
everything else was built on top of that (businesses, academia, etc...).
Was the value network the business model? That, and maybe support? Do I
just try to start something like Linux and hope for the best? That's the
sort of scale I was envisioning. Fortunately, the web efforts have done a
lot of the groundwork. It's more of a use then. It's hard to say I did much
beyond understanding and some aggregation of connections that others might
not have seen. People tell you to hold on to some things in private, while
at the same time you want to integrate with the rest of the community.
Maybe what I have is significant, maybe it is not. It would be great to
share it. I believe enough in it to think it could help people. I'm almost
done with what seems to resemble a 20 page outline. I do not want to
fragment the community (or be fragmented from it), but at the same time I
need some sustainable way to survive. Paradoxically, it seems it needs the
support and the efforts and the ideas of the community to succeed. Are
there any solutions? I'm sorry if I come off as arrogant in any way.


On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

 Thanks Eric

 Yes, I'd be glad to follow up on the thinking and research you are doing
 around metacurrency, and participate in the scheduled hang out.

 further note :
 an interesting reply by June on this thread,
 also available on the public p2pf list archive

- [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
 Dante-Gabryell Monson
   - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
June Gorman
   - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
Dante-Gabryell Monson

 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Harris-Braun 

 Hi All,

 It turns out that where the technical side of the MetaCurrency Project
 has led us has lots to do with Semantic Data or rather, from our point of
 view, Semantic Computing.  Ceptr, the computing stack we are designing to
 build our tools out of, pushes Semantics down into the lowest levels of the
 stack, in a way that we haven't seen with the approaches inherent embodied
 in RDF/URI.

 For folks interested in our approach, I'm scheduling a tech hang-out in
 the next week or two. If you want to be notified of it please drop me a


 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

 *pre-note : I try to understand if we can , possibly collectively, *
 *write an article that could be published on the p2pfoundation blog,*
 *as to better explain, in words and with images / graphics , *
 *some of the potentials of building on, for example, Linked Data -
 and/or similar technologies enabling us to more easily redefine our
 realities collectively -*

 *If anyone wrote on these topics, or is interested in combining our
 efforts and research in writing about these topics, or if some can help in
 making such article in a enjoyable reading moment ( combining it with nice
 imagery and stories ? Like some science fiction authors manage to do - yet
 talking about the present ? ) it would be great.   I mean, not only about
 one specific application or project, but about the potential to work
 together on various applications based on common protocols. *

 *Some call it a Global Brain , or a Web Operating System , ... *

 *Below is what I want to say to open up the topics for now ... I am open
 to brainstorm further, and progressively collectively organize an easier to

Re: [P2P-F] Pascal Jollivet : Open Labs and Complex City

2013-05-13 Thread Brent Shambaugh
Awesome, I like this. Keeping track of projects reminds me of what I
put in my blog awhile back.

I hope it helps. I copied this thread over to Sensorica and the
Community I/O Community Group on the W3C site. They might like it too.


2013/5/13 Dante-Gabryell Monson
 4 minute Interview in French

 some keywords : open labs , complex city ,  ... L'idée est de créer une
 ville participative et contributive. Le projet est de faire un jeu sérieux
 massif alterné. 



 Pascal Jollivet professeur à L'Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC)
 et chercheur au Laboratoire COSTECH dans le groupe CRI (Coopération Risque

 Présentation de Netgraph lors du colloque la révolution de la science

 Extraits :
 Ce qui ne va pas dans la recherche aujourd'hui, c'est le conformisme et le
 formatage des chercheurs. Ils sont souvent sélectionnés sur le critère de
 leur conformisme.
 La recherche doit être plus enchâssée dans la société, moins hors sol,
 moins en parallèle sans toucher les enjeux sociaux
 les open labs sont de belles initiatives. Par exemple, il y a le projet
 sino-européen que nous montons- complex city-
 L'idée est de créer une ville participative et contributive. Le projet est
 de faire un jeu sérieux massif alterné.
 Les bâtiments sont déjà modélisés en 3D. Avant d'être construits, les gens
 vont pouvoir vivre virtuellement dans la ville en réalité alternée…nd_cities-_1.2.pdf

 Note: science société/ chercheur (individu) / science participative

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Re: [P2P-F] The Producism Manifesto - Sample Chapters

2013-03-16 Thread Brent Shambaugh

I noticed Producia. Having a site that allows people to use a time-based
currency to exchange in a system is an excellent idea to get people to work
together when they don't have a lot of money, but need experience. Thanks
for sharing.


On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Kevin Carson wrote:

 A lot of you will probably find Drew Little's producism alt economy
 model of interest:

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