[P2P-F] Sapiens.org : Anarchism in Practice Is Often Radically Boring Democracy

2021-02-25 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

"What is anarchism apart from these caricatures? And how does it relate to

The term “anarchy” literally means “without [a] ruler,” and not, as many
believe, “no rules.” Although many anarchists want radical change, the
change that most envision is not societal breakdown but rather people learning
to collectively rule themselves
 (or in
other words, direct democracy).

The basic premise guiding anarchist political philosophy is simple: Humans
are fundamentally cooperative

nature and, when given the chance, flourish in situations of collective
By self-governance, anarchists typically mean an arrangement in which every
person has an unalienable right to participate fully in any political
decision made on their behalf—and to leave any association that makes a
decision they find unconscionable.

Taking the term in this broadest sense, attempts at anarchist societies or
collectives over the last two centuries have been numerous and persistent,
if often short-lived. However, as anthropologists like to point out
humans organized themselves in stateless societies
great success for much of ancient history, and many continue to do so in
various ways, without using the label “anarchy.” In fact, “state-level”
societies have existed for only a fraction of the roughly 300,000 years
modern humans have thrived—emerging an estimated 5,000 years ago
should still be regarded as an experiment, with mixed results."


" As an anthropologist who has studied and worked with leftist activists in
the U.S. for more than a decade, I’ve come to understand anarchy as
something that looks very different from the violent, lawless chaos that
many people picture it to be.


The use of the term “anarchy” to describe the riot isn’t shocking—violent
chaos is, after all, one of its generally accepted meanings. But it has
little to do with how actual anarchists understand and apply their
political philosophy.

While an exciting idea, anarchism in practice is, well, boring. Far from
what window-smashing insurrectionists are doing, it mostly takes the form
of an extremely slow-moving and highly rule-bound process of collective
deliberation. Anarchy, paradoxically, means more rules, not fewer, and more
collective responsibility
not less.

Unfortunately, since much of the United States has been misled

thinking that anarchists—specifically, those involved with “antifa
”—were responsible
for the putative anarchy at the Capitol, an impressionable observer might
think that actual anarchists want violent chaos.

The cognitive dissonance would be amusing if the situation weren’t so
horrifying. If there had been *actual* anarchy in the Capitol that day,
rather than a right-wing insurrection, Ernst and her Republican colleagues
would likely have been in for a long, well-facilitated meeting aimed at
complete consensus. "
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[P2P-F] L’« islamogauchisme » n’est pas une réalité scientifique | CNRS

2021-02-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Similar polarization, but with different words used to put forth logical
fallacies, are used by the french extreme right in the French speaking
world as ad personam against "the left"


" « L’islamogauchisme », slogan politique utilisé dans le débat public, ne
correspond à aucune réalité scientifique. Ce terme aux contours mal
définis, fait l’objet de nombreuses prises de positions publiques, tribunes
ou pétitions, souvent passionnées. Le CNRS condamne avec fermeté celles et
ceux qui tentent d’en profiter pour remettre en cause la liberté
académique, indispensable à la démarche scientifique et à l’avancée des
connaissances, ou stigmatiser certaines communautés scientifiques. Le CNRS
condamne, en particulier, les tentatives de délégitimation de différents
champs de la recherche, comme les études postcoloniales, les études
intersectionnelles ou les travaux sur le terme de « race », ou tout autre
champ de la connaissance. "
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[P2P-F] No. You’re Not Getting “Canceled” for Being a Conservative | Jayson D. Bradley

2021-02-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Discerning accountability, As per American political polarization and
logical fallacies ( and its unfortunate reproduction beyond american
political contexts )


" People are experiencing real-life accountability and consequences for
pushing baseless conspiracy theories, denying science, promoting hate and
violence, and showing insensitivity to others. If you want to claim those
are conservative or Christian values, that’s on you. The plain truth is
that people are experiencing consequences for being cruel because they’ve
embraced the idea that being sensitive to others is “politically correct.”
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Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: What is the "Successor Ideology"?

2020-11-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
What are the words, concepts, and political correctness that are being
enforced by the ( alt light / nouvelle droite ) right?  And once we
understand what ideology is actually being defended by those who are
critical of the progressive left, what does this kind of cultural war
actually serve? To counter any change? To avoid any criticism? To avoid
addressing a variety of issues?


"  Commentators on the political left
 in the United States
 contend that conservatives
 use the concept of political
correctness to downplay and divert attention from substantively
discriminatory behavior against disadvantaged groups.[23]


also argue that the political right
 enforces its own forms of
political correctness to suppress criticism of its favored constituencies
and ideologies.[28]


the United States, the term has played a major role in the "culture war
" between liberals

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 3:57 PM Michel Bauwens 

> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Persuasion 
> Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 9:07 PM
> Subject: What is the "Successor Ideology"?
> To: 
> Listen now | Yascha Mounk talks to Wesley Yang about the meaning and the
> prospects of the "successor
> ideology." ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
> ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
> ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
> What is the "Successor Ideology"?
> Yascha Mounk
> Nov 14

[P2P-F] Excerpt - The German Basic Law, Article 14

2020-09-08 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
“Property entails obligations. Its use should also serve the common good.”

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Re: [P2P-F] A Global New Deal For The Commons:

2019-12-02 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Its nice to have such understanding shared, yet can we really enable it to
be integrated in current power dynamics without bringing forward proper
information tools to enable such emergence?

Such as An Editable Graph DataBase, using Open Linked Data,

I can enable visualizing externalities / costs / opportunities / causality,
and facilitate / determine networked agreements amongst us based on
contextual understanding.

This topic has been discussed already over the last decennial ++ on our
I don't understand why the bulb doesn't light, to such point that I do not
see much of a point further evangelizing the commons, cosmolocalization,
p2pgovernance, etc unless such technical solutions are understood by all of

Some went on working on such ideas, with various tools to integrate.


One tool being REA



and at a smaller less well known scale, some other experimentation and
entry point of explanations for such paradigm


On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 8:06 PM Michel Bauwens 

> A Global New Deal For The Commons:
> https://thedig.nz/editorial/hope-for-nature-a-new-deal-for-the-commons/?
> I propose that what humanity and the planet desperately needs is a Global
> New Deal For The Commons. Such a deal would require a global mobilisation
> to ensure that the natural and cultural commons are protected and
> sustainable biodiversity-friendly and cooperatist land-use is adopted. If
> structured right, such a deal would have a massive impact towards restoring
> the planetary ecosystem and biodiversity, as well as healing deprived and
> hopeless communities everywhere in the process.
> To truly turn the biodiversity and climate crises around, this new deal
> needs to happen at least on a scale of wartime efforts such as the Marshall
> Plan of WWII or the New Deal of the Depression-era. As Rutger Bregman
> argues, centralised state action will be essential to any realistic efforts
> to drive an environmental effort on the scale required. However, I am less
> cynical than Bregman about the power of bottom-up efforts, and believe a
> properly balanced combination of the two is essential.
> A biodiversity-focused investment on this scale could combine central
> investment with an approach focused on catalysing, fostering, and scaling
> bottom-up land-use initiatives and ideas. It could prioritise local
> communities as workforces and support the emergence of ground-up,
> decentralised solutions and initiatives over centrally imposed or
> market-based solutions wherever possible.
> Such a new deal for the commons would require associated work on reforming
> land tenure and local democratic and economic institutions on a scale not
> attempted since the communist project. However, rather than the top-down
> command and control approach of communism, it would provide a framework,
> resources and tools for communities to re-learn how to live harmoniously
> with each other and with nature’s abundance. This approach could spread
> knowledge, technology and best practice for environmental restoration
> globally through open sourcing IP and implementing solidarity networks or
> networks of mutual aid across society.
> This new deal would also require real action on the national and global
> level to reform global governance and regulation and build a more just
> international order and institutions. This would require new agreements
> such as an international law of “ecocide,” and strengthened international
> environmental laws and enforcement mechanisms to ensure the compliance of
> corporations and rogue imperialist nations. This new order would also need
> to address debt-enslavement, eternal growth imperatives, and rebalance
> global wealth disparity to stop wealthy nations from shifting the impacts
> of growth onto vulnerable populations and ecosystems.
> However, crucially, to bring about this new order, we must find ways to
> continue challenging the narrow confines of permitted thought and debate
> keeping us locked in the destructive dominion paradigm. It would need to
> restore the rule of law and ensure the protection of whistleblowers,
> journalists, activists and politicians challenging this narrative. If not,
> who will hold power accountable for their inaction or blocking of real
> progress? Who will continue to tell the stories and defend the rights of
> those on the margins building the alternative futures discussed above?"
> --
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> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
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[P2P-F] + Cosmolocalization Scrip ? Re: What happens when a state doesn't control its own monetary creation ?

2018-12-28 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Places / real economies like Greece ( although Estonia would also be an
interesting place as its government already invested in blockchain database
solutions )

could imho benefit from a state guaranteed Cosmolocalization Scrip


For example, a government could decide to issue Scrip ( the state of
California did issue IOU's, a few years back, that could be used to pay
taxes )

and decide to spend it into existence in sectors of the local economy it
could even decide to define and update ( using scrip in the form of a token
/ smart contract ),

ideally to generate access to currency in parts of the economy that are
under served in currency, and especially to enable services and production
that can reduce dependency on imports and/or bootstrap sectors that could
also lead to exports.

It could also track usage of the scrip through analytics enabled by its
tokens on its blockchain ( or holochain ? ) , understanding the effects and
usage of the scrip. ( potentially anonymized ? )

This would fit perfectly within a Cosmolocalization narrative.

Such a Scrip could also function so as to reduce paper work ( online
accounts, digital payments ) and be adapted, not to replace Euros, but as a
complementary currency. For example, imported goods might only have a
percentage of the price of the good related to local services in cosmo

The government(s) could also generate demand for the scrip by accepting it
as a medium of tax payment. Although to avoid it replacing all euro tax
income, the government(s - including regional or local ) could for example
accept only a certain percentage of a persons or company's scrip as tax
payment. Similarly to a dual complementary currency mode used for other

It could experiment at first with anything that is locally produced, and
also start by allocating an addition to the current euro salary of
government workers, in scrip.

If successful, it could also enable loans in scrip, by local businesses
that can use it to develop local production ( and ultimately reduce the
need for imports ),

and it can also strategically enable clusters of interdependent businesses
that can benefit from each others services,

and can also ultimately facilitate online markets and a c3 ( commercial
credit circuit )



On Fri, Dec 28, 2018, 07:53 Dante-Gabryell Monson ___
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[P2P-F] + Cosmolocalization Scrip ? Re: What happens when a state doesn't control its own monetary creation ?

2018-12-27 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Places / real economies like Greece ( although Estonia would also be an
interesting place as its government already invested in blockchain database
solutions )

could imho benefit from a state guaranteed Cosmolocalization Scrip


For example, a government could decide to issue Scrip ( the state of
California did issue IOU's, a few years back, that could be used to pay
taxes )

and decide to spend it into existence in sectors of the local economy it
could even decide to define and update ( using scripp in the form of a
token / smart contract ),

ideally to generate access to currency in parts of the economy that are
under served in currency, and especially to enable services and production
that can reduce dependency on imports and/or bootstrap sectors that could
also lead to exports.

It could also track usage of the scrip through analytics enabled by its
tokens on its blockchain ( or holochain ? ) , understanding the effects and
usage of the scrip. ( potentially anonymized ? )

This would fit perfectly within a Cosmolocalization narrative.

Such a Scrip could also function so as to reduce paper work ( online
accounts, digital payments ) and be adapted, not to replace Euros, but as a
complementary currency. For example, imported goods might only have a
percentage of the price of the good related to local services in cosmo

The government(s) could also generate demand for the scrip by accepting it
as a medium of tax payment. Although to avoid it replacing all euro tax
income, the government(s - including regional or local ) could for example
accept only a certain percentage of a persons or company's scrip as tax
payment. Similarly to a dual complementary currency mode used for other

It could experiment at first with anything that is locally produced, and
also start by allocating an addition to the current euro salary of
government workers, in scrip.

If successful, it could also enable loans in scrip, by local businesses
that can use it to develop local production ( and ultimately reduce the
need for imports ),

and it can also strategically enable clusters of interdependent businesses
that can benefit from each others services,

and can also ultimately facilitate online markets and a c3 ( commercial
credit circuit )



On Fri, Dec 28, 2018, 07:53 Dante-Gabryell Monson 
> Just brainstormed this on fb :
> As long as there are foreign currency reserves ( usually trade surplus vs
> the currency ), the state could spend as much as it needs into creation,
> and as long as this spending meets development it doesn't necessarily mean
> inflation.
> Hyperinflation happens so as to reduce the capacity of each to buy
> imported goods, in a situation of severe trade disbalance and a scarcity of
> foreign reserves. Deflation in the case of not having control on your own
> currency and monetary supply drying out.
> Currently, limitations imposed on european states are meant to avoid
> inflation, and/or debasement, or rather, they are meant to enable private
> sector such privilege in creating markets and hence directing society in
> the direction it sees fit, rather than the state.
> Although limitations on spending doesn't necessarily benefit the real
> economy, nor quality of life through access to currency in certain lower
> social classes.
> What currently happens, is that we depend, in the Euro Zone, exclusively
> on a monetary monopoly controlled by private financial networks of
> corporations.
> ...
> An additional aspect being credit peak, which works in the context of debt
> that has to be repaid.
> Since the 70 ies, banks imposed on states not to create their own money
> into existence, and instead leave such monopoly to private banks, bringing
> us in a "state of submission" to private finance for access to currency.
> Taxation, initially, could serve to control monetary mass. It was not
> needed to fund the state.
> But in the current context, states are obliged to borrow from financial
> institutions, and hence politicians are pressured to make sure they can
> continue paying interest on the debt.
> To oversimplify : not only is this theft ( transfer of property ), but it
> is depriving a large part of the population of the currency it needs to
> generate services between each other and hence increase each other's
> quality of life !
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[P2P-F] Ecolibertarianism ?

2018-09-26 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

EcoLibertarianism combines the Georgist/geoclassical economic insights of
geolibertarianism  with the
broader ecological and decentralist concerns of green libertarianism
. EcoLibertarianism
primarily differs from classical (or "royal
") libertarianism in
how property relates to the commons.
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[P2P-F] Fwd: The EU GDPR and how it can enable Platform Cooperativism ?

2017-10-06 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.mon...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 3:13 PM
Subject: The EU GDPR and how it can enable Platform Cooperativism ?
To: platformcoop-disc...@lists.riseup.net

May 2018, will our platforms be ready to make it easier to re-use our
google and facebook graph data ( or any existing platform where we have
data ), to generate value amongst ourselves by migrating such data onto our
own platforms ?


*Mandatory data sharing is not unheard of: Germany requires insurers
jointly to maintain a set of statistics, including on car accidents, which
smaller firms would not be able to compile on their own. The European
Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will start to
apply in May 2018, requires online services to make it easy for customers
to transfer their information to other providers and even
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation> *

*The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)
is a regulation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_(European_Union)>
by which the European Parliament
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament>, the Council of the
European Union
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_the_European_Union> and the
European Commission <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Commission>
intend to strengthen and unify data protection
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_protection> for all individuals within
the European Union <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union> (EU). It
also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The GDPR aims
primarily to give control back to citizens and residents over their
personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international
business <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_business> by unifying
the regulation within the EU.[1]
When the GDPR takes effect, it will replace the data protection directive
(officially Directive 95/46/EC)
of 1995. The regulation was adopted on 27 April 2016. It becomes
enforceable from 25 May 2018 after a two-year transition period and, unlike
a directive <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directive_(European_Union)>, it
does not require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, and
is thus directly binding and applicable.*
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[P2P-F] Fwd: Pixelache 2017 festival: Local and Decentralised

2017-05-29 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Pixelache Helsinki 
Date: Mon, May 29, 2017 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Pixelache 2017 festival: Local and Decentralised

Local & Decentralised - Pixelache Festival, 22nd - 24h.9.2017 in Suvilahti
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Local & Decentralised
Pixelache Festival 22-24.9.2017

After the 2015 festival that travelled through Living Spaces, and the 2016
festival delving deep into Interfaces for Empathy, Pixelache festival 2017
now gathers stories of Local & Decentralised governance. Tapping into the
shift from centralised capital-based economies to decentralised peer-based
resource distribution, we offer the festival as a meeting point for local
initiatives to share their experiences.

Local and decentralised governance seems to happen when collective design
and a tangible group effort come together. In order to materialize the
Local & Decentralised theme itself, Suvilahti hosts a model construction
site built by teams who realise the main venue of the festival from 15.9 to
21.9, during the Recycling Olympic Games 2017. These new spatial
configurations will emerge among with pre-existing DIY areas, such as the
skate-park area, to create fluid activity and discussion places for the

Oranssi ry, the empowering youth organisation takes an important role as
festival partner, hosting pre-festival events and festival activities in
their premises starting from 18.9. Furthermore, permanent Suvilahti
tenants' and Pixelache members' contributions form a significant part of
the main program.

Major developments of decentralization can and do occur: currency, energy,
resources, and feelings are being decentralised and distributed. These
developments bring about problems that cannot be solved on a purely
conceptual level; they need to be embodied and lived through for a shift to
yet different models. Thus fear of the unforeseen and unpredictable must
also be addressed.

How is it possible to express a multiplicity of will, is the present
practice of a State effective enough to convey it? Often the movements
towards local and decentralised structures are related to privatisation in
economical models; how can diverse collective interest meet on economical
terms? Can we be local and decentralised and yet be connected globally,
micro-organisms breathing within a vast complex macro system?

>From the festival activities stories emerge that depict how governance
functions between civil society, individual initiatives and government, and
also how citizens themselves coagulate into structures where governance
happens locally, and where we can come to terms with inefficiencies,
passivity, interests, time, jargon.

Local & Decentralised festival does not let you down, it will be your local
event to differentiate consensus from silence: talking of ecological
issues, promoting visual culture as a shield against pessimism, presenting
how democracy benefits from digital media -or not, playing games to prove
that we are as connected as we are, offering workshops to learn again the
pleasure of learning things together, finding music and contemporary art
that make sense more than science, and divulging science as creative as

The festival is free entrance and suitable for families.
Soon more information at festival.pixelache.ac

Egle Oddo, e...@pixelache.ac  --- tel: +358 451110119 <+358%2045%201110119>
Mikko Laajola, mi...@pixelache.ac
*Pixelache Helsinki Office*


*--- Pre-festival activities in Suvilahti and Central Helsinki*
At skate-park, construction of Decentralised venue: from 15 to 21.9.2017
At Oranssi building 11, workshops: from 18 to 21.9.2017
At Muu ry, exhibition Pixelache and Koelse 15 years: opening day 21.9.2017

*--- Local & Decentralised festival program in Suvilahti*
At skate park, Decentralised festival venue: from 22.9 to 24.9.2017
At Oranssi building from 22.9 to 24.9.2017

Local & Decentralised festival is supported by Ministry of Education and
by City of Helsinki
and Svenska kulturfonden


Graphic design by artist Carolina Sandell.
Photos by Nabb ja Teeri, courtesy of the artists.

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[P2P-F] Fwd: notes from the DIEM25 launch

2016-03-20 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Geert Lovink 
Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Re:  notes from the DIEM25 launch
To: a moderated mailing list for net criticism 

Dear nettimers,

perhaps it is good to give an update where DIEM25 stands at the moment. I
can by no means claim that I have an overview. There is a core group around
Yanis Varoufakis and they have been busy with setting up a website
including a separate forum for discussions:


The next milestone is the DIEM25 event in Rome on March 23, 2016:


There is also an event in Amsterdam called the G-10 of the Economy:


Here are more articles and news snippets: http://diem25.org/news/.

Best, Geert


This is the update from March 17 by Yanis Varoufakis:

Hello everyone. I feel a certain trepidation posting my first comment on
our brand new Forum. So, let me go straight into the one aspect of DiEM25
that has been at the top of everyone's mind: How to kick start our
Transparency in Europe Now! campaign in a manner that is not only effective
'externally' (i.e. making the Rome event a success, helping attract
numerous signatories to our petition etc.) but also in a manner reflecting
our capacity to bring transparency to DiEM25's internal operations.

I have followed with interest some criticisms waged at the way members have
been observing "things happening in DiEM25 out of nowhere" (the very
announcement of the Rome event, the choice of stuff that appears on the
site etc.) and without feeling they have a say in any of this. Undoubtedly,
this smacks of hypocrisy for any movement that places transparency at the
top of its list of priorities. But, let me assure everyone, that this is
also the view of those of us who have been working behind the scenes.

Every initiative needs initiators - even initiatives that seek to embrace a
flat management, spontaneous order, horizontal organisation way of doing
'stuff'. We were hoping to be able to move quickly from the initiation
phase (during which a number of us would get DiEM25 together) to the open
source phase (where the rest of you would take over and run with it).
Unfortunately, our digital platform proved unequal to the task immediately
after Berlin. So, we spent a great deal longer than we wanted at the
initiation phase.

We are now close to the moment of the Great Transition (to the open source
phase). To the moment when DiEM25 will be able to practise that which it
preaches regarding transparency. But before we get there, perhaps it is
pertinent to ask everyone:


Let's talk about this, shall we?

Yanis Varoufakis

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Re: [P2P-F] Automation Doesn't Just Destroy Jobs--It Destroys Profits, Too

2015-12-03 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Eric.

It is also interesting to look at it from the point of perspective of
control, property, of who controls what.

My feeling is that capital, and artificially scarce money as capital, is
only a tool to transfer and concentrate property and control in the hands
of a minority over time.

If , in the logic of concentrated power, humans are not any more needed ,
or only a small percentage of humans are needed to control other humans, or
to maintain the priiledges of certain super wealthy in a competition with
other super wealthy, and if less money is circulating,
it may not necessarily be a big problem for the super wealthy.The issue
I would speculate, is not if they loose billions or make billions, but
rather how much control the super wealthy have in relation to others.

If a great part of the population ends up without money, the billions they
already have can buy them much more power.

If it leads to a great deal of the population being even more alienated, it
only poses a threat as soon as such populations get organized to generate
alternative "games" of organization, and can disenfranchise themselves,
eventually by using technology, too.   Yet there , once more,
concentration of land, requirements for paying taxes in corporate currency,
and so forth, reduce by so much the opportunities for disenfranchising.

We may indeed, as I noticed some articles speculating, be beyond capitalism

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Eric Hunting  wrote:

> This is an argument I've been making for many years myself. In the debate
> about automation and job destruction it is commonly overlooked that labor
> and capital are in the same boat when it comes to long-term impact because
> production capability itself is becoming a commodity. Machines aren't just
> getting smarter, they're getting smaller, more adaptive, progressively
> lower in minimum necessary production volumes, and cheaper. You can now
> initiate more kinds of production 'out of pocket' than ever before. You can
> now competitively manufacture more things in the space of a four car garage
> than ever before. You can now approach a conventional middle-class standard
> of living based on entirely local and personal production and open source
> designs. Corporations are beginning to abandon the ownership of their own
> means to production in favor of job-shops because as that production
> capacity becomes more of a commodity the cost of money and the adaptability
> lost to amortization becomes the chief drag on market competitiveness. The
> volume of consumer goods produced in job shops went past that from
> traditional factories in the year 2000, and it never went back. The
> factory--and the traditional capital creating it--is already an
> anachronism. This brings us to the core premise of Post-Industrial
> futurism; that the paradigms of the Industrial Age are being eroded by the
> evolution of the very technologies on which they depend. This is the
> ultimate crisis of Capitalism; the eventual obsolescence of capital itself
> by the automation it cultivated as value shifts away from material goods
> and the means to make them and becomes virtualized, integral to design. The
> product has no value. The real value is in the 'spime'. Already
> corporations are increasingly obsessed with litigation, intellectual
> property, whittling-away at the First Sale Doctrine, and limiting the
> rights and controlling the behavior of the consumer as means to maintain
> market share.
> The long-term evolution of production and distribution is a transition to
> localization, networking, production-on-demand, increasing reliance on
> management automation through quantitative analysis, increasing
> cost-transparency, and eventual integration into the infrastructure of the
> built habitat as a kind of municipal utility. The global economy will shift
> from trading in goods to trading in commodity refined materials and modular
> parts. As labor is factored out of production, cost of production becomes
> more transparent, market prices capitulate and fall except where they can
> leverage the value of exclusive design and designer prestige. 'Brand'
> manufacturers will increasingly take on the aspect of ateliers--design
> studios. The next Apple will be composed of a relative handful of people
> whose chief jobs are design, development, and the management of spimes with
> all production owned by someone else and local to the consumer. The next
> Ford or Toyota will assemble cars on demand at the dealership--maybe
> generic dealerships. (an overlooked impact of electric cars and the
> electric power train is their ability to radically drive the number of
> components in a car down. Tomorrow's car might have less than 100 parts and
> go together like a desktop PC!)
> So Capital is running out of things to do, the paradigm or money is
> failing, and the model Westphalian state is running out of people to tax,
> while, now 

[P2P-F] Fwd: Book The End of the Beginning finally published!

2015-08-26 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi Anna,

I asked, following your question.

A reply from Ben ...

Cordially, Dante

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ben Goertzel b...@goertzel.org
Date: Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Book The End of the Beginning finally published!
To: gbr...@listserv.vub.ac.be

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:
 after forwarding this message about the book, I was asked why there are
 men within the author list ?

Well, we made a web page for the book and sent out a bunch of emails
and social media announcements soliciting authors   Adult males
were the ones who responded by sending chapters   The author list
wasn't restricted to our chums, though many who responded were in fact
our chums...

I did make an effort to get geographical/cultural representation ...
but it happened that of the African and Asian transhumanists I
solicited, the ones who responded favorably and wanted to submit
chapters, were both young males...

So I think this really reduces to the question of why the overall
topic of the Singularity, transhumanism and advanced tech appeals to
men more than women  When I used to organize transhumanist
conferences, recruiting one or two good on-topic female speakers was
always something I had to explicitly strive for... I generally found
men more eager to push themselves forward and advertise themselves in
this way, than women...

(Note, I am simply being empirical in the above observations, not
making any hypotheses about the causes   But I note that when I
was working in psychology for a while in the 90s, things I organized
attracted a high proportion of females  So this doesn't seem to be
an artifact of my or Ted's personal styles, but more of the subject

-- Ben

-- Ben
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[P2P-F] Fwd: Book The End of the Beginning finally published!

2015-08-25 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Excerpted :

It is  available for both purchase (
and free download (http://humanityplus.org/projects/press/ ,

Amazon summary:

A deep, diverse edited volume addressing the most critical issues regarding
the future of humanity and intelligence -- with chapters authored by a
who's-who of leading futurist thinkers and doers.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Francis Heylighen fheyl...@vub.ac.be
Date: 25 Aug 2015 14:21
Subject: Book The End of the Beginning finally published!
To: Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group evolc...@listserv.vub.ac.be,

Goertzel, B.,  Goertzel, T. (2015). The End of the Beginning: Life,
Society and Economy on the Brink of the Singularity (1 edition). Humanity+

Here is the book to which several GBI members contributed with a number of
important papers. (It contains my Return to Eden paper, and also in-depth
contributions from Weaver, Viktoras, Clement,  and a number of well-known
futuristic thinkers such as Aubrey de Grey, Max More, Hugo de Garis and
Robin Hanson). Definitely worth reading and making publicity about, so
please pass this via your different channels!

It is  available for both purchase (
and free download (http://humanityplus.org/projects/press/ ,

Amazon summary:

*A deep, diverse edited volume addressing the most critical issues
regarding the future of humanity and intelligence -- with chapters authored
by a who's-who of leading futurist thinkers and doers.*

According to Vernor Vinge, Ray Kurzweil and a rapidly increasing chorus of
techno-futurists, we are living on the brink of a technological Singularity
- a time when machines will become vastly more intelligent than humans. In
such a scenario, death, disease and everyday material scarcity will be
radically diminished, and life will be dramatically different in many other

But what will the path to this amazing future look like? How will human
life grow and unfold as technology advances and Singularity approaches? The
chapters in this book approach this issue from the perspectives of multiple
visionary authors from around the globe, covering topics such as the impact
of life extension, the future of money and exchange, the future of human
psychology, biological self-modification, intelligence enhancement,
automation and escalating unemployment, the possibility of global war
between pro and anti technology forces, the impact of future technology on
Asia and Africa, the emerging Global Brain, the future of surveillance and
privacy, and much more.

There are no easy or definite answers here - but lots of fascinating
questions to explore.

   -   Chapter One:* Predicting the Age of Post-Human Intelligences*, by
   Ted Goertzel and Ben Goertzel
   -   Chapter Two:* A Tale of Two Transitions*, by Robin Hanson
   -   Chapter Three:* Longer Lives on the Brink of Global Population
   Contraction: A Report from 2040*, by Max More
   -   Chapter Four:* Implanting Post-Human Intelligence in Human Bodies*,
   by John Hewitt
   -Chapter Five:* The Singularity and the Methuselarity: Similarities
   and Differences*, by Aubrey de Grey
   -Chapter Six:* Robotics and AI: Impacts Felt on Every Aspect of Our
   Future World*, by Daryl Nazareth
   -Chapter Seven:* Robotics, AI, the Luddite Fallacy and the Future of
   the Job Market*, by Wayne Radinsky
   -Chapter Eight:* Moral Responsibility and Autonomous Machines*, by
   David Burke
   -Chapter Nine:* How Will the Artilect War Start?*, by Hugo de Garis
   -Chapter Ten:* Return to Eden? Promises and Perils on the Road to
   Global Superintelligence*, by Francis Heylighen
   -Chapter Eleven:* Distributing Cognition: From Local Brains to the
   Global Brain*, by Clément Vidal
   -Chapter Twelve:* A World of Views: A World of Interacting
   Post-human Intelligences*, by Viktoras Veitas and David Weinbaum
   -Chapter Thirteen:* Chinese Perspectives on the Approach to the
   Singularity*, by Mingyu Huang
   -Chapter Fourteen:* Africa Today and the Shadow of the Coming
   Singularity*, by Hruy Tsegaye
   -Chapter Fifteen:* The World's First Decentralized System for
   Financial and Legal Transaction*, by Chris Odom
   -Chapter Sixteen:* Beyond Money: Offer Networks, a Potential
   Infrastructure for a Post-Money Economy*, by Ben Goertzel
   -Chapter Seventeen:* Sousveillance and AGI*, by Ben Goertzel and
   Stephan Vladimir Bugaj
   -Chapter Eighteen:* The Future of Human Nature*, by Ben Goertzel
   -Chapter Nineteen:* Capitalism, Socialism, Singularitarianism*, by
   Ted Goertzel
   -Chapter Twenty:* Toward a Human-Friendly Post-Singularity World*,
   by Ben Goertzel

[P2P-F] DIY Grassroots P2P Grexit ? - 97 percent of money is electronic anyway

2015-07-22 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
One of the arguments I remember that was put forward,
is that it would be too difficult to bring back / create the cash money
as the printing presses are now destroyed.

As 97 percent of the money we use is electronic ( in western europe ? ) ,
why not focus on creating electronic representations of currency.

Also, lets organize the interface with euros, if need be,
to reduce dependency on external trade.

If this scales, it can make a significant change to the politics imposed on
Greece and enable the current or future governments to be in a better
negotiation position.

Using existing software, we can also facilitate CCC ( commercial credit
circuits )


Also see this article, about a greek island trying out a cryptocurrency

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Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [tapas] Varoufakis @ Guardian

2015-07-21 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
A few years ago, one could already get the feeling of a will to further
concentrate power in the hands of a centralized set of European
Institutions , bypassing any ( even indirect ) democratic processes , for
example by enabling some institutions such as the European Commission to
finance itself directly ( without the need to depend on the member
countries ) via a tax on financial transactions.

Today it feels even more obvious that such will is manifesting itself ,
using the Greek situation to justify the creation of such centralization of

Furthermore, interesting to realize that our last comments seem to be spot

Excerpted from Varoufakis :


* ATHENS – On July 12, the summit of eurozone leaders dictated its terms
of surrender to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who, terrified by the
alternatives, accepted all of them. One of those terms concerned the
disposition of Greece’s remaining public assets.*

*Eurozone leaders demanded that Greek public assets be transferred to a
Treuhand-like fund – a fire-sale vehicle similar to the one used after the
fall of the Berlin Wall to privatize quickly, at great financial loss, and
with devastating effects on employment all of the vanishing East German
state’s public property. *

On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 yes.   first make the greeks pay for risks taken by german and french (
 and other western ) banks by lending them money, not to circulate in the
 greek economy, but directly to pay off the banks

 ( 1 note that the cypriot approahc taken by the EU was also interesting :
 Siphoning bank accounts, especially those of russians having accounts
 there, to pay for such kind of debt )

 ( 2 with at some point 17,5 percent compound  interest on grek debt,
 equivalent to a doubling of the debt every three and a half / 3,5 years )

 then use this money , after it has been almost paid off, and after that a
 grexit crisis has been created, and that the new curency is devaluated, and
 the greek economy further in chambles,

 to then buy and privatise for pennies the rest of the greek economy,
 enabling a transfer of property,

 and further reducing any sovereignty

 On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.com

 And that's what it seems to be to me: a shopping tour!

 The creditors just got scared when suddenly the game which the IMF always
 plays - give money and ask for reforms which includes privatizing
 practically everything - looked as if it wouldn't work this time, as the
 Greek sovereign decided they wouldn't play this time.

 But with these later developments seems like it will all play out for
 them anyway.

 2015-07-11 5:28 GMT-05:00 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com:

 Yes.   I suggest looking into the dynamics after the fall of the wall,
 and how western germany, and its corporations, pushed viable eastern
 german companies to bankruptcy, and bought over what they could for a
 fraction of their worth.

 On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Michel Bauwens 
 mic...@p2pfoundation.net wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net
 Date: Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [tapas] Varoufakis @ Guardian
 To: ta...@lists.p2pfoundation.net ta...@lists.p2pfoundation.net

 2 things are revealing in this testament,

 one, the realistic assessment that it was never about repayment, but
 about disciplining

 but second , and this is worse, Varoufakis mentions iraq, of all
 places, as an example of a return to monetary sovereignty .. and not
 argentina, iceland or the dozen positive historical examples mentioned by
 ellen brown in her book, nor the current statistics showing european
 countries outside the eurozone do generally better than those within it ..

 for me what this reveals is a left version of TINA, and explains why
 Tsipras wants to give in so badly to the Troika blackmail, they do not see
 a alternative themselves and that is a terrible realisation ...

 The proposed accord is an absolutely terrible program for permanent
 enfeeblement of Greece, and as George P. suggested, for the planned
 destruction of the SME economy ..

 It brings home the possibility described in Kees van der Pijl's new
 book: The end of political compromise under capitalism ..


 On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 4:01 AM, John resta...@gmail.com wrote:


 On 15-07-10 1:37 PM, George Papanikolaou wrote:


 Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

 P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -

 http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens


Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [tapas] Varoufakis @ Guardian

2015-07-11 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Yes.   I suggest looking into the dynamics after the fall of the wall,
and how western germany, and its corporations, pushed viable eastern german
companies to bankruptcy, and bought over what they could for a fraction of
their worth.

On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net
 Date: Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [tapas] Varoufakis @ Guardian
 To: ta...@lists.p2pfoundation.net ta...@lists.p2pfoundation.net

 2 things are revealing in this testament,

 one, the realistic assessment that it was never about repayment, but about

 but second , and this is worse, Varoufakis mentions iraq, of all places,
 as an example of a return to monetary sovereignty .. and not argentina,
 iceland or the dozen positive historical examples mentioned by ellen brown
 in her book, nor the current statistics showing european countries outside
 the eurozone do generally better than those within it ..

 for me what this reveals is a left version of TINA, and explains why
 Tsipras wants to give in so badly to the Troika blackmail, they do not see
 a alternative themselves and that is a terrible realisation ...

 The proposed accord is an absolutely terrible program for permanent
 enfeeblement of Greece, and as George P. suggested, for the planned
 destruction of the SME economy ..

 It brings home the possibility described in Kees van der Pijl's new book:
 The end of political compromise under capitalism ..


 On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 4:01 AM, John resta...@gmail.com wrote:


 On 15-07-10 1:37 PM, George Papanikolaou wrote:


 Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

 P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

 http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

 #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/

 Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

 P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

 http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

 #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

 Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
 Wiki - http://www.p2pfoundation.net

 Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by
 making a donation. Thank you for your support.


P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
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Show some love and help us maintain and update our knowledge commons by making 
a donation. Thank you for your support.


[P2P-F] Workshop on the Sharing Economy ( Call for Papers - Utrecht University )

2015-03-12 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

*The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University,
The Netherlands, has launched a call for papers for the first International
Workshop on the Sharing Economy on 4-5 June 2015.*

[image: utrecht]

In a strict sense, the sharing economy can be defined as consumers granting
each other (“peer-to-peer”) temporary access to their under-utilized
physical assets, possibly for money. In a broader sense, the sharing
economy also includes peer-to-peer services (Uber, Lending Club,
Taskrabbit, Helpling), product-service systems (Zipcar, Philips lighting)
and redistribution markets (eBay, freecycling groups on Facebook).

Along with its rapid growth, however, the sharing economy has also come
under fire. This criticism focuses in particular on unfair competition
between platforms and regular companies, overrated environmental gains, the
tendency towards monopoly and the erosion of workers’ rights. In sum,
sharing practices yield promises and problems, which only recently have
become subject of scientific research.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from all disciplines and
regions to discuss scientific research on the sharing economy. *Send in
your full paper or extended abstract to k.fren...@uu.nl k.fren...@uu.nl
before March 15, 2015.*



From 4 June 2015 08:30 to 5 June 2015 17:30
First international workshop on the sharing economy

The sharing economy is a fast-growing phenomenon. People increasingly share
their home, car, clothing or tools on Internet platforms such as Airbnb,
Relayrides, BlaBlaCar and Peerby. In a strict sense, the sharing economy
can be defined as consumers granting each other (“peer-to-peer”) temporary
access to their under-utilized physical assets, possibly for money. In a
broader sense, the sharing economy also includes peer-to-peer services
(Uber, Lending Club, Taskrabbit, Helpling), product-service systems
(Zipcar, Philips lighting) and redistribution markets (eBay, freecycling
groups on Facebook) (Botsman and Rogers 2010).

Sharing practices are certainly not new, but the phenomenon is showing
explosive growth concomitant with the advent of Internet platforms. For
instance, Airbnb offers more than 1 million houses, Peerby has 100.000
members, and Uber is active in over 200 cities around the world. Sharing
potentially has a lot to offer to society: it promotes the efficient
utilization of physical assets, it reduces their environmental impact and
facilitates new social contacts. Along with its rapid growth, however, the
sharing economy has also come under fire. This criticism focuses in
particular on unfair competition between platforms and regular companies,
overrated environmental gains, the tendency towards monopoly and the
erosion of workers’ rights (Schor 2014; The Economist 2015). In sum,
sharing practices yield promises and problems, which only recently have
become subject of scientific research.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from all disciplines and
regions to discuss scientific research on the sharing economy. Among the
questions are:

   - What theoretical perspectives (e.g., economics, sociology, geography,
   innovation studies) help to explain the nature and growth of the sharing
   - What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of the sharing
   - What are the business models in the sharing economy and why do some
   succeed and others do not?
   - What are the governance modes of platforms and why do some succeed and
   other do not?
   - How do sharing platforms disrupt existing industries?
   - How can peer-to-peer sharing in consumption be applied in a
   business-to-business context?
   - Why is sharing more popular in some industries and in some localities
   rather than in others?
   - What are the institutional responses across industries and across
   - What are motivations and characteristics of sharing economy
   - What do sharing practices mean for the new product design?
   - Is there a new role for consumers in the sharing economy?
   - What is the relationship between the sharing economy and
   sustainability transitions?
   - Are we observing fundamentally new ways of innovation in the sharing
   economy (open innovation, grassroots innovation, institutional
   - Does the sharing economy prepare the way for new forms of capitalism?
   - How does sharing affect inequality in society?


Send in your full paper or extended abstract (750-1000 words) to Koen
Frenken k.fren...@uu.nl before March 15, 2015. You will be notified about
acceptance before April 1st, 2015.

Juliet Schor (Boston College) and Susan Shaheen (UC Berkeley)
Scientific Committee

Koen Frenken (Utrecht University  

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Smart Manufacturing ? - Industry 4.0 ( Wikipedia )

2014-11-01 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Since it is a narrative supported by industry and the government,

it could give traction to other ( more distributed / p2p ) projects who in
some ways may overlap
( adaptation and integration , Semantic Technologies , ... ?  )

Such as people working in our networks around the development and usage of
Open Value Networks ?


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com
 Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 8:17 PM
 Subject: Smart Manufacturing ? - Industry 4.0 ( Wikipedia )
 To: econow...@googlegroups.com econow...@googlegroups.com

 Towards further automation ? ...


 *Industry 4.0* is a project in the high-tech strategy of the German
 government http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_government, which
 promotes the computerization
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Revolution of the manufacturing
 industry.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry_4.0#cite_note-1 The
 goal is the intelligent factory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory
 (Smart Factory), which is characterized by adaptability, resource
 efficiency and ergonomics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergonomics as
 well as the integration of customers and business partners in business and
 value processes.[2]
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry_4.0#cite_note-2 [3]
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry_4.0#cite_note-3 Technological
 basis are cyber-physical systems
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber-physical_system and the Internet of
 Things http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things.[4]

 Some examples for Industry 4.0 are machines that predict failures and
 trigger maintenance processes autonomously or self-organized logistics that
 react to unexpected changes in the production.

 Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

 P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

 http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

 #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] Popular Education Coop's ? and p2p Cottage Post-Industry ?

2014-10-27 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
*Can we share collected links and experiences ?*

*Can be edited on this wiki pagehttp://sharewiki.org/en/Popular_Education


Can we *develop partnerships* with

French or Spanish Learning Coop's ,
Norwegian / Danish Folkhighschools,
and/or Swedish/German Folkuniversities,

*in an approach of popular education* ?


Can we do so by combining fixed infrastructure,
combined with neo nomadic infrastructures, practices, and seasonal
Temporary Autonomous Zones, including partnerships and concerted
organization around year long project preparation,
via existing festivals all over europe ?

Can we re-use experiences from, for example

Building Routes along under-used ( european ) canals ?
Like a pilgrimage, for cyclists ?

Setting up groups in cities, for life transformation,
psychological mutual help in transitions,
and preparations for TAZ role playing games in summer times empowering
alternative economic experiments ?


Further links :

Popular Education :

Danish / Norwegian :

Swedish / German :


Some French popular education Coop's

( for example : https://app.box.com/s/92wlkki0msulis7k38jl )


And also inspire ourselves from Mondragon ?
Who itself also includes practices from other places, such as from the
finnish Team Academy ...

Creating Learning Cooperatives :



While also inspiring ourselves from other projects, such as
Barefoot College ?


Or a hole in the wall / Minimally Invasive Education :



Can these be in support of a post industrial cottage industry approach,
and the creation of its european ( logistical routes ) ?


P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] #PeerProduction License Vs ( updating ? ) #GeoLibertarianism , #Mutualism , #Distributism , ...

2014-09-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Synergies possible ?

Can, for example,
certain licenses such as forms of Peer Production Licenses

be adapted for forms of GeoLibertarianism ( or Mutualism, or Distributism ,
... )

in a way that updates the notion of commons, and income through labour
( knowledge as commons , automation, ... ? )

in some of these ideologies ( midst others ),
ideologies seem to have developed when production may have been more
dependent on land,
or when ( older notions of ? ) labour was still much more central to
production ?


*Geolibertarians consider land to be the common property
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_property of all humankind. They say
that private property is derived from an individual's right to the fruits
of their labor. Since land was not created by anyone's labor, it cannot be
rightfully owned. Thus, geolibertarians recognize a right to secure
possession of land (land tenure), on the condition that the full rental
value be paid to the community. This, they say, has the effect of both
giving back the value that belongs to the community and encouraging
landholders to only use as much land as they need, leaving unneeded land
for others.*



P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 ) debt




Potentials to use distributed approaches to linked data,
and explored by a variety of individuals and groups / projects :


https://github.com/open-app ( relating to enspiral / loomio )

https://github.com/automenta/netjs ( netention )

https://github.com/valnet/ ( NRP ? )

https://github.com/tav/ampify ( Espians ? )

https://github.com/willzeng/WikiNets ( Rhizi )

https://github.com/d-cent ( D-cent )

https://docs.openmustardseed.org/next-steps/source-code/ ( open mustardseed


Further recent brainstorming :


On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 7:22 PM, June Gorman june_gor...@sbcglobal.net

 Thank you SO much for this Michel and especially Dante, who found this and
 shared this piece! As I truly believe this is an essential and critical
 discussion for any true transformation of a so deeply and aggressively
 imbalanced patriarchal society and world, and that the necessary emotional
 intelligence critical to getting back to any true balance or human and
 planet sustainability, has been broken and deeply damaged by that very
 left-brain, overly rationalized focus that obscures these issues.  And is
 so deeply reinforced by our educational system, which deepens this very

 It's just a great piece, Dante but the key -- and I have found this to be
 the hardest for those trained well in cognitive displacement of inner heart
 knowing -- is to actually understand this emotionally, not just
 cognitively.  That's when actual human relationships are transformed, when
 we forge the paths of learning from each other that do not deny our
 different ways of understanding, but actually balances them so we can hear
 the gifts offered by that very difference.  Over cultures and histories,
 as well as genders.

 Anyway, critical to deconstruct as it so often is the underlying root of
 much of the dissension and will to power over others that is taught at
 the root of patriarchy but not, as this piece suggests and all my
 historical work has found as well, at the power with one another model
 at the ground of matriarchy.

 The key is to teach that at the level it is most understood, the level of
 the emotional heart, critical to any successful parenting of any human life
 and ultimately the planet that supports that and all life.

 Just, Thank you!


 June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist
 Co-founder, Transformative Education Forumhttp://www.tef-global.org/
 Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign http://www.safepla.net/
 Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations
 Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability
 Education http://www.uspartnership.org/main/view_archive/1  )
 Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
 Member, UN Commons Cluster

  *From:* Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net
 *To:* p2p-foundation p2p-foundation@lists.ourproject.org
 *Sent:* Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:49 PM
 *Subject:* [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *Dante-Gabryell Monson* dante.mon...@gmail.com
 Date: Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 5:54 PM
 Subject: Matriarchal Studies
 To: Michel Bauwens michelsub2...@gmail.com



 Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchy, with women ruling over
 men – as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies are
 mother-centered societies, they are based on *maternal values:*
 care-taking, nurturing, motherliness, which holds for everybody: for
 mothers and those who are not mothers, for women and men alike.
 Matriarchal societies are consciously built upon these maternal values and
 motherly work, and this is why they are much more realistic than
 patriarchies. They are, on principle, need-oriented. Their precepts aim to
 meet everyone’s needs with the greatest benefit. So, in matriarchies,
 mothering – which originates as a biological fact – is transformed into a 
 model.* This model is much more appropriate to the human condition than
 the way patriarchies conceptualise motherhood and use it to make women, and
 especially mothers, into slaves.

 The deep structure of “matriarchal society” (a structural definition):
  With matriarchal cultures, equality means more than just a levelling of
 differences. Natural differences between the genders and the generations
 are respected and honoured, but they never serve to create hierarchies, as
 is common in patriarchy. The different genders and generations have their
 own dignity, and through complementary areas of activity

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 admitting to the hard work of that emotional re-learning and what level of
 vulnerability and care it demands in order to do well. Especially as it is
 completely deemed foreign and denigrated by all that is most valued as
 strength and dominance of the patriarchal models so deeply enforced.

 That is where community is most essential, and lived interactive
 presence in community the true test of these excavated truths.   Emotional
 honesty and emotional intelligence then become critical pre-requisites to
 do this work.

 So I deeply support your trying to do it, Dante-Gabryell and helping all
 of us too, over this still rather cold distance of internet words that
 miss the deepest, most important heart-to-heart communication that is its
 true countervailing form to heal that very taught cold distance and created

 In this I have found, the cognitive words mean very little compared to the
 actions in our lives and our greater world and with each other.

 So I do truly appreciate that and what you are trying to do here,
 And do you ever get to London?  I still believe the most powerful
 conversations of learning this very thing are indeed inter-personal.   By
 very definition, that have to be done that way to be heard truly and
 coherently. :-)

  *From:* Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com
 *To:* June Gorman june_gor...@sbcglobal.net; P2P Foundation mailing
 list p2p-foundation@lists.ourproject.org; econow...@googlegroups.com 
 econow...@googlegroups.com; op-...@googlegroups.com 
 *Cc:* leonard ferrari leonard_ferr...@yahoo.com; Tom Henfrey 
 t...@schumacherinstitute.org.uk; Lisa Maroski lisa.maro...@mindspring.com

 *Sent:* Saturday, August 16, 2014 8:08 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

 Thanks June for reacting.

 I personally find it very challenging, in societies in which I lived and
 grew up in, ruled by increasing monetization ( top down hierachical debt ),
 to live an approach based on sharing and contributing to a commons which
 includes matriarchal / nurturing patterns.

 My own experience, is that monetization is so strongly imposed (
 maintaining control ) for the access to any resource, including water ( and
 soon perhaps air ? ) , and the fear of lack of money so strong, that me,
 and other friends who want to live in such way, seem to most often end up
 rather marginalized from society, when intentionally deciding to reduce
 involvement in the priorities of such ideological system empowered through
 servicing of debt / the debt peonage.

 I personally look forward to reduce such debt peonage.

 Mere survival, in western europe ( that is, access to a one room flat, and
 not particularly high quality food ), easily costs 1000 euros a month.
 Most of this money goes straight as a tax to service debt , profits and

 Strategies can be developed to reduce such costs, while increasing
 autonomy.   I believe a number of us revolving around p2pfoundation may be
 interested in such strategies , and the opening up and sharing of knowledge
 that can empower it.


 Various other concepts may be overlapping :
 certain forms of nomadism , festivalism (
 http://p2pfoundation.net/Festivalism ) , ...

 Finding ways to use the overproduction of our society, hack monetized
 speculation ...

 Nomadic forms of matriarchy ( and by this I do not mean controled by women
 ) can be a strategy for survival,
 once we can find others to share with, and create with, progressively
 reaching thresholds for critical diversity. (
 http://sharewiki.org/en/Emergent_Synthesis )


 Yet, we are not completely there yet.

 I notice there is alienation all around.

 I seem to have learned to feel confident about the internal referencing I
 developed, and suffer mostly from the loneliness it can produce ( combined
 with brief periods of more intense socialization ), I realize other friends
 seem to still be struggling with sociocultural pressures from their
 environments ( likely as they did not give up on mainstream environments )

 To be able to live by such intrinsically motivated approach, void of
 concerns regarding the debt peonage that threatens anyone to a ( silent and
 lonely ) death sentence,

 still seems to be an upper class privilege, or at the very least a middle
 class privilege, based on what I see around me.


 Interestingly, in what I see around me, such monetization seems to lead to
 further deconstruction, and from such deconstruction to the extreme, I see
 poor but educated artists ( coming from middle class families ? ) ,
 with post-material focus in their needs, after experimenting some aspects
 of stress poverty and post-modern deconstruction can bring to the remaining
 expectations regarding a nuclear family,

 produces a lot of single mothers, and single fathers ( although my
 impression is that a lot of young men are lost in translation / do not yet
 know how to position

[P2P-F] Fwd: My review paper on Stigmergy

2014-07-26 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Francis Heylighen fheyl...@vub.ac.be
Date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Subject: My review paper on Stigmergy
To: Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group evolc...@listserv.vub.ac.be,
Global Brain Discussion gbr...@listserv.vub.ac.be

 Here is the paper on stigmergy I just sent to the editor of a book for
which it was invited. It is an update with some additional sections of an
older working paper.

It now provides a pretty clear and comprehensive review of the whole
stigmergy concept and its implications. It should provide a standard
reference on the topic, if anyone needs a good citation on stigmergy. It
will just be a while more before we have the detailed publication data.

That also means there will still be time to submit corrections, if need be:
so, if anyone has any feedback, please let me know!



Heylighen, F. (2015). Stigmergy as a Universal Coordination Mechanism:
components, varieties and applications. To appear in T. Lewis  L. Marsh
(Eds.),* Human Stigmergy: Theoretical Developments and New Applications*,
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics. Springer.

*Abstract*: The concept of stigmergy has been used to analyze
self-organizing activities in an ever-widening range of domains, from
social insects via robotics and social media to human society. Yet, it is
still poorly understood, and as such its full power remains
underappreciated. The present paper clarifies the issue by defining
stigmergy as a mechanism of indirect coordination in which the trace left
by an action in a medium stimulates a subsequent action. It then analyses
the fundamental components of the definition: action, agent, medium, trace
and coordination. Stigmergy enables complex, coordinated activity without
any need for planning, control, communication, simultaneous presence, or
even mutual awareness. This makes the concept applicable to a very broad
variety of cases, from chemical reactions to individual cognition and
Internet-supported collaboration in Wikipedia.  The paper classifies
different varieties of stigmergy according to general aspects (number of
agents, scope, persistence, sematectonic vs. marker-based, and quantitative
vs. qualitative), while emphasizing the fundamental continuity between
these cases. This continuity can be understood from a non-linear,
self-organizing dynamic that lets more complex forms of coordination evolve
out of simpler ones. The paper concludes with two specifically human
applications in cognition and cooperation, suggesting that without
stigmergy these phenomena may never have evolved.


Francis Heylighen
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group
Free University of Brussels
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] crazy idea

2014-04-11 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
*Hi Fabio,*

*potentially open hardware that can be compatible with this google backed
project ?*

*There is an upcoming developer kit ?*

*And developers conference ...*


* We are excited to announce the first Ara Developers Conference, to be
held April 15-16, 2014. The Developers Conference will be held at the
Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Registration is
currently open to attend in person or online. Online attendees will be able
to view a live webstream and ask questions. *


 Google http://mashable.com/category/google/ released its first set of
guidelines for developers hoping to participate in Project
the company's platform for building modular smartphones. The first version
of Project Ara's Module Development Kit was released Wednesday. 



based on this initial suggestion




concept of having a single phone that you continuously upgrade over a few
years, rather than wastefully replace in its entirety, could soon be a

The initial target is to sell a barebones endoskeleton for $50 at
convenience stores. This phone will have a WiFi module, an emergency
battery... and that's it. To add more functionality, you would buy more
modules (a screen, camera, some NAND flash storage, cellular modem) and
slot them in. There will also be three sizes -- mini, medium, and jumbo --
with jumbo equating to roughly phablet sized. While Google intends to
open up the modules to third parties, the endoskeletons will always be
Google-branded. (They have to make their money somehow.) As it currently
stands, ATAP is hoping that the commercialized modules will be 4mm thick,
resulting in a phone that is 10mm thick.


For Project Ara, Motorola (now owned by
teamed up with Dave Hakkens, the creator of
Phonebloks were a concept for how you might possibly create a modular
smartphone -- but it was very much just a concept, without much
consideration of the physical, commercial, or legal constraints. Motorola's
Project Ara, on the other hand, appears to be more firmly seated in reality.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just watched the following video about smartphones and their human cost.
 Warning, it's shocking.


 I wondered,

 how feasible is it to:
 - create a global professionally managed p2p brand (here: for smartphones,
 e.g. urphone.net)
 - fabricate clean (whatever is possible here) smart phones in regional
 fablabs or even hackerspaces under that brand
 - profits shared all over the brand

 I apologize for my impulsive post,
 it may be pure nonsense,
 but I wonder

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] crazy idea

2014-04-11 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Google / Motorola backed modular ( open ? ) phone hardware



Announcing the Project Ara MDK v0.10

Today we're announcing the first release of the Project Ara Module
Developers Kit (MDK) v0.10. You can download the release at
projectara.com/mdk/. This is a very early version but our goals are to give
the developer community an opportunity to provide feedback and input, and
to help us ensure that the final MDK--anticipated at the end of 2014--is
elegant, flexible, and complete.

Next week, we're hosting the first Project Ara Developers Conference at the
Computer History Museum in Mountain View. We invite developers to attend in
person (projectara.com/ara-developers-conference/) and provide feedback and
input on the MDK. An online livestream option is also available.
Registration closes tomorrow. Also, we're kicking off the Project Ara
Module Developers forum and mailing list--check it out.

We look forward to your feedback!

Paul Eremenko, Head, Project Ara

 [image: Project Ara: Modular smartphone]

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 *Hi Fabio,*

 *potentially open hardware that can be compatible with this google backed
 project ?*

 *There is an upcoming developer kit ?*

 *And developers conference ...*


 * We are excited to announce the first Ara Developers Conference, to be
 held April 15-16, 2014. The Developers Conference will be held at the
 Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Registration is
 currently open to attend in person or online. Online attendees will be able
 to view a live webstream and ask questions. *


  Google http://mashable.com/category/google/ released its first set
 of guidelines for developers hoping to participate in Project 
 the company's platform for building modular smartphones. The first
 version of Project Ara's Module Development Kit was released Wednesday. 



 based on this initial suggestion




 concept of having a single phone that you continuously upgrade over a
 few years, rather than wastefully replace in its entirety, could soon be a

 The initial target is to sell a barebones endoskeleton for $50 at
 convenience stores. This phone will have a WiFi module, an emergency
 battery... and that's it. To add more functionality, you would buy more
 modules (a screen, camera, some NAND flash storage, cellular modem) and
 slot them in. There will also be three sizes -- mini, medium, and jumbo --
 with jumbo equating to roughly phablet sized. While Google intends to
 open up the modules to third parties, the endoskeletons will always be
 Google-branded. (They have to make their money somehow.) As it currently
 stands, ATAP is hoping that the commercialized modules will be 4mm thick,
 resulting in a phone that is 10mm thick.


 For Project Ara, Motorola (now owned by 
 teamed up with Dave Hakkens, the creator of 
 Phonebloks were a concept for how you might possibly create a modular
 smartphone -- but it was very much just a concept, without much
 consideration of the physical, commercial, or legal constraints. Motorola's
 Project Ara, on the other hand, appears to be more firmly seated in reality.

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.comwrote:

 I just watched the following video about smartphones and their human
 Warning, it's shocking.


 I wondered,

 how feasible is it to:
 - create a global professionally managed p2p brand (here: for
 smartphones, e.g. urphone.net)
 - fabricate clean (whatever is possible here) smart phones in regional
 fablabs or even hackerspaces under that brand
 - profits shared all over the brand

 I apologize for my impulsive post,
 it may be pure nonsense,
 but I wonder

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] crazy idea

2014-04-11 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Maja

Fairphone sounds nice.

Also, if I read it properly,
the modular google/motorola phone planned for 2015
aims at creating standards so that other companies can create modules that
chip on the mainframe.

Yet google/motorola would keep control on the mainframe... ( but not
necessarily the additional modules ? )

I can imagine open hardware Fairphone modules for such a modular approach ?

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Maja van der Velden m...@xs4all.nlwrote:

 Hi all,

 For those living in Europe, there is the Fairphone. The first edition of
 this smartphone was produced through crowd-sourcing and shipped last
 December/January. It is not yet a modular phone - but I think that one is
 in the making. Only 25.000 Fairphones were produced in the first round.
 Spare parts and a repair manual are available. The second round consists of
 35.000 Fairphones and the pre-sale starts in May.

 The Fairphone is fair in many different ways (free/open source software,
 rootable, transparent pricing, non-conflict minerals, worker rights, ewaste
 solution, double sim, replaceable battery, etc.). The philosophy behind
 Fairphone is to have fewer mobile phones around, not more. Secondly, the
 real goal is not just a fair mobile phone, but a circular economy. As a
 Fairphone buyer, you become an investor in a workers welfare fund in China
 and an e-waste project in Ghana.

 The Fairphone is not 100% fair and 100% perfect - but it is the best
 available at the moment. All this and more can be read on the Fairphone
 website/blog. Browse through the pages and blog entries - there is a lot of
 interesting information.



 Maja - a happy Fairphone owner

 On 11 Apr 2014, at 16:58 , Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 *Hi Fabio,*

 *potentially open hardware that can be compatible with this google backed
 project ?*

 *There is an upcoming developer kit ?*

 *And developers conference ...*


 * We are excited to announce the first Ara Developers Conference, to be
 held April 15-16, 2014. The Developers Conference will be held at the
 Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Registration is
 currently open to attend in person or online. Online attendees will be able
 to view a live webstream and ask questions. *


  Google http://mashable.com/category/google/ released its first set of
 guidelines for developers hoping to participate in Project 
 the company's platform for building modular smartphones. The first
 version of Project Ara's Module Development Kit was released Wednesday. 



 based on this initial suggestion




 concept of having a single phone that you continuously upgrade over a few
 years, rather than wastefully replace in its entirety, could soon be a

 The initial target is to sell a barebones endoskeleton for $50 at
 convenience stores. This phone will have a WiFi module, an emergency
 battery... and that's it. To add more functionality, you would buy more
 modules (a screen, camera, some NAND flash storage, cellular modem) and
 slot them in. There will also be three sizes -- mini, medium, and jumbo --
 with jumbo equating to roughly phablet sized. While Google intends to
 open up the modules to third parties, the endoskeletons will always be
 Google-branded. (They have to make their money somehow.) As it currently
 stands, ATAP is hoping that the commercialized modules will be 4mm thick,
 resulting in a phone that is 10mm thick.


 For Project Ara, Motorola (now owned by 
 teamed up with Dave Hakkens, the creator of 
 Phonebloks were a concept for how you might possibly create a modular
 smartphone -- but it was very much just a concept, without much
 consideration of the physical, commercial, or legal constraints. Motorola's
 Project Ara, on the other hand, appears to be more firmly seated in reality.

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.comwrote:

 I just watched the following video about smartphones and their human cost.
 Warning, it's shocking.


 I wondered,

 how feasible is it to:
 - create a global

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Paracity Article

2014-03-17 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
I guess Matias ( and co ? ) may be on this list too.

I vaguely remember some similar kind of approach he studied for Mumbai
informal settlements,
some kind of scaffolding approach ?

I also remember Eric Hunting sharing, in some past conversations, links to
a ( japanese ? ) assembly system ? ( sorry for being vague, links get lost
in volume of information )


A Paper by Matias Echanove


*This essay looks at the theoretical meaning and practical implications of
a much used and abused notion in urban planning and development circles,
that of 'informal** settlements'.*

more :




Also, regarding construction with ( pre fabricated ) modules, since
plumbing is being mentioned, although more traditional / centralized / less
participative ,
I noticed

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.com wrote:

 While I see the idea of paracity very interesting,
 a few questions arise:

 - How will water and sewage be organized? It seems it's up to the
 occupants to deal with
 - It will result in a maze of stairs and access ways. Could be
 fun/beautiful, but maybe difficult?
 - Would it not result in a lot of dark spaces inside the cube?

 But most importantly, I am interested in shedding light on this question:
 - How can organic p2p evolvable adaptable city spaces be created
 where there are no star-architects involved
 or where no favorable city-planners are around?

 I mean sort of a bunch of individuals decide they want to create such a
 structure (let's for simplicity sake assume they have some basic funds for

 I know that especially in Europe industrial areas in neglect / disuse
 could serve this perfectly.
 How about cities in Latin America, Asia or Africa, where these spaces are
 not abundant
 (that's where production takes place...)

 2014-03-16 14:43 GMT-05:00 Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Eric Hunting erichunt...@gmail.com
 Date: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:20 PM
 Subject: Paracity Article
 To: Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net

 Here's my attempt at a short article introducing the Paracity project.
 Let me know if you think it's useful.

 Eric Hunting

 Paracity -- An Urban Organism


 Paracity is a new project of Marco Casagrande which promises to be one of
 the first full scale demonstrations of a practical peer-to-peer urbanism.
 Taking advantage of a unique situation on the Danshui River Island in
 Taipei, Paracity explores a notion of positive urban parasitism, using a
 novel, freely adaptive, modular, volumetric structural skeleton serving as
 an urban 'backplane' that can subsume otherwise neglected/devalued urban
 environments, in this particular case an area prone to frequent flooding.
 Based on a fairly large span cubic structural grid made of cross-laminated
 timber, this backplane accommodates adaptation and habitation by retrofit,
 allowing for several possible tiers of social participation in the habitat
 from the high-level peer-managed deployment of the backplane structure and
 its key infrastructure elements to the more spontaneous and personalized
 retrofit deployment of individual dwellings, industry, and commerce. Here
 we see a totally evolvable urban habitat able to almost spontaneously
 accommodate any potential change in situation, environmental conditions,
 urban and domestic technology, and baseline standard of living without the
 strife associated with an anachronistic presumption of architectural
 permanence leading to ready obsolescence. This is 'city' as a verb. A
 freely evolvable urban organism with a declared evolutionary imperative of
 transitioning older urban habitats toward sustainable integration with the
 natural environment. A Post-Industrial habitat growing on the compost of
 Industrial Age urbanism.

 I find this project concept quite exciting because it incorporates many
 concepts I have been proposing and exploring for a long time. This is an
 urban development concept based on truly 21st century sensibilities,
 questioning the dominant presumptions about property, space, the role of
 architecture, and the role of inhabitants as creators and managers of their
 own habitat that characterize the inherent dysfunctions of contemporary
 cities. I have always wondered why cities are not designed with the
 practical sensibility of the network/data center--with a recognition of the
 simple reality that they persist as an application--an activity--in a
 constantly changing medium of hardware and technology. We are no longer
 limited by primitive construction technology with no means to adapt. Why
 then are cities commonly, physically, designed to dogmatically resist the

[P2P-F] Fwd: Please save the Internet

2014-02-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
You can post to Parliamentarians :




especially the Italian and Greek MEP's who may be moving in a direction of
limiting internet neutrality ?

Example of email sent ( feel free to copy, and repost, while signing with
your own name at the end of the message )

-- Forwarded message --
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 2:41 AM
Subject: Please save the Internet
To: dimitrios.drout...@europarl.europa.eu

Dear Dimitrios Droutsas,

The decisions that you and your colleagues will make this week will have a
lasting impact on the open internet in Europe. It's critical to get this
right and not accept bad compromises.

The Commission's current proposal on a Telecoms Single Market includes
provisions undermining network neutrality by permitting pervasive networks
discrimination, to the detriment of user rights and the single market.

As a first step, ITRE members must remove the current definition of
specialized services, closing a dangerous loophole that would create a
two-tiered internet, strangling online innovation, competition, diversity,
and the exercise of human rights on the internet.

I urge you to adopt the robust definition of network neutrality put
forward by the CULT committee, one that ensures that internet providers do
not block or discriminate against content, websites, applications, or
services; that online innovation isn't stifled; that anti-competitive
practices don't flourish.

Finally, while some progress in the ITRE Committee has been made, it is
critical that members stand their ground and address the remaining
problematic issues in the Rapporteur's compromise amendments. A compromise
that allows a few loopholes that destroy the open internet instead of many
loopholes that would destroy the open internet is not an acceptable

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2014-01-10 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR8hfUkmk6Q   ( 7 minute video excerpt )
Noam Chomsky explains how the education system works.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 2:11 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:


 *When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and
 healthy. He discusses how hacking his education is helping him achieve this
 goal. *

 *note : found via Franz N. fb*

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 interesting thread - thanks to all

 personal note - I hope your actions can evolve towards , or include
 awareness and support for :

 * uncommodified, unmanaged, and uncurricularized *


 hence using institutions for de-institutionalization :
 non monetized, self organized ( and open sourced ), non credentialized.

 potentially some examples, in addition to informal learning we experience
 in our daily lives


 such as ( when using ICT )

 Personally, I am interested in converging tribes, into ( semi ? ) neo
 nomadic tribes,
 even if only for a specific time and specific space,
 for socially and environmentally regenerative participatory action

 I spent years hitch hiking, money-less, or almost money-less,
 and realize a home / base to return to is important.

 I hope the following space will become a reality, and a starting point
 for leveraging such approaches


 I wish to encourage such approaches, or find ways to find overlap, with
 cooperative institutions,

 and enable scalability by supporting modular and open source parametric
 nomadic solutions and infrastructures :

 and rapidly spread out such approach in most of the world, regardless of
 land ownership, money, or credentials,

 and in support of emergent collective intelligence and the commons.

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Joss Winn jw...@lincoln.ac.uk wrote:

 Joe, Sam, Michel, Wouter,

 Thanks for your replies to my initial email about co-operative


 At that link are my notes from the seminar held in London this week. For
 further updates, you can subscribe to my blog (email/RSS) and I will try
 to document notable developments in this area. See also:

 We, at Lincoln, are in the process of organising a workshop early next
 year and probably an edited book on alternative higher education, so
 are two ways that we might collaborate on this. In the meantime, a Skype
 chat sometime early next year is always possible. I’d love to hear your
 thoughts on this and about any related work you’re doing.


 On 12/12/2013 18:24, Joe Corneli holtzerman...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Joss:
 there's likely to be interest in Human Capabilities and Open
 Learning branch of FLOK project (research leads of which copied in
 here).  I'm also interested, and meaning to talk with them and you
 about Peeragogy (peeragogy.org).  Sorry I couldn't make that time in
 London, but if there are further discussions I may be able to join.
 PS.  The FLOK info:
 «This research stream will focus on institutional support for capacity
 building with a special focus on open learning and community driven
 collaboration. Within this research stream, learning is viewed as a
 pillar of development and growth in the context of a broad transition
 to a social economy that embodies reciprocity and commons-based value
 creation. This includes a particular stress on active public policies
 that respond to growing social challenges facing Ecuadorean society.
 Beyond conventional systems of learning and education that might
 depend upon closed proprietary structures, this research will utilize
 commons-based learning networks to harness open science and open
 educational resources (OER). Perhaps most importantly, this includes a
 broad interest in advancing the public good through partnering
 frameworks with civil society.» -
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Wouter Tebbens (FKI)
 wou...@freeknowledge.eu wrote:
  Dear Joss and all,
  last July I was invited to a Foresight workshop for Open Education in
  Higher Education in Europe by 2030 organised by the EC's JRC/IPTS
  centre to contribute to the development of scenarios for OE in HE 
  At least part of the participants was interested in some

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2014-01-08 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

*When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and
healthy. He discusses how hacking his education is helping him achieve this
goal. *

*note : found via Franz N. fb*

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 interesting thread - thanks to all

 personal note - I hope your actions can evolve towards , or include
 awareness and support for :

 * uncommodified, unmanaged, and uncurricularized *


 hence using institutions for de-institutionalization :
 non monetized, self organized ( and open sourced ), non credentialized.

 potentially some examples, in addition to informal learning we experience
 in our daily lives


 such as ( when using ICT )

 Personally, I am interested in converging tribes, into ( semi ? ) neo
 nomadic tribes,
 even if only for a specific time and specific space,
 for socially and environmentally regenerative participatory action research

 I spent years hitch hiking, money-less, or almost money-less,
 and realize a home / base to return to is important.

 I hope the following space will become a reality, and a starting point for
 leveraging such approaches


 I wish to encourage such approaches, or find ways to find overlap, with
 cooperative institutions,

 and enable scalability by supporting modular and open source parametric
 nomadic solutions and infrastructures :

 and rapidly spread out such approach in most of the world, regardless of
 land ownership, money, or credentials,

 and in support of emergent collective intelligence and the commons.

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Joss Winn jw...@lincoln.ac.uk wrote:

 Joe, Sam, Michel, Wouter,

 Thanks for your replies to my initial email about co-operative


 At that link are my notes from the seminar held in London this week. For
 further updates, you can subscribe to my blog (email/RSS) and I will try
 to document notable developments in this area. See also:

 We, at Lincoln, are in the process of organising a workshop early next
 year and probably an edited book on alternative higher education, so those
 are two ways that we might collaborate on this. In the meantime, a Skype
 chat sometime early next year is always possible. I’d love to hear your
 thoughts on this and about any related work you’re doing.


 On 12/12/2013 18:24, Joe Corneli holtzerman...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Joss:
 there's likely to be interest in Human Capabilities and Open
 Learning branch of FLOK project (research leads of which copied in
 here).  I'm also interested, and meaning to talk with them and you
 about Peeragogy (peeragogy.org).  Sorry I couldn't make that time in
 London, but if there are further discussions I may be able to join.
 PS.  The FLOK info:
 «This research stream will focus on institutional support for capacity
 building with a special focus on open learning and community driven
 collaboration. Within this research stream, learning is viewed as a
 pillar of development and growth in the context of a broad transition
 to a social economy that embodies reciprocity and commons-based value
 creation. This includes a particular stress on active public policies
 that respond to growing social challenges facing Ecuadorean society.
 Beyond conventional systems of learning and education that might
 depend upon closed proprietary structures, this research will utilize
 commons-based learning networks to harness open science and open
 educational resources (OER). Perhaps most importantly, this includes a
 broad interest in advancing the public good through partnering
 frameworks with civil society.» -
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Wouter Tebbens (FKI)
 wou...@freeknowledge.eu wrote:
  Dear Joss and all,
  last July I was invited to a Foresight workshop for Open Education in
  Higher Education in Europe by 2030 organised by the EC's JRC/IPTS
  centre to contribute to the development of scenarios for OE in HE 
  At least part of the participants was interested in some forms of
  commons-governed models. Possibly you might be interested in my notes
  which I put up on my blog at FKI:

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University (Hoeschele, Wolfgang)

2013-12-28 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 contracts where temporary structures ( furnitecture /
urban pop up villages ) can be set up, as some form of temporary living.

For example in Brussels :

Various subcultures can / are converging and overlapping, with each having
high turnovers, or people keeping a base while living nomadic lifestyles -
for example dancer networks, theatre networks, but also all kinds of
students, people doing internships, people on short term contracts for
international institutions or businesses, etc

The environment itself can generate new layers and opportunities.

Beyond reducing costs / increasing quality of life with limited monetary
income via a sharing economy approach,

it can be about generating conviviality , liberating time by reducing
costs, and increasing potential for interactions around shared intentions
or interests.

Freed time opens up potential for participatory action research and

Approaches that combine subcultures and generations can also be adopted.
It can be an evolution from the co-living approaches which have permeated
into many urban living / social practices.

In effect, such types of temporary spaces generating defacto free schools,
some of them leading to project incubation

Also see :

http://opendoor.io/  -- projects


I wanted to generate such spaces for a number of years,

yet I realize that a more specific and easily understood narrative is
needed to enable shared intentional engagement.

A narrative for a school can be an example of a way to bootstrap such
engagement.   Incubators , coworking spaces , or even, in the countryside,
permaculture or construction / renovation projects can all be narratives
attracting people for a certain period of time.

Yet often there needs to be a spark, and the threshold for such spark
often requires a minimum of resources ... which itself already requires

Although I shared this link earlier on , also see :



Convergences such as

seem to already be a filter for those ready to engage in setting such
prototypes...   hopefully building on the experience of past communes,
but hopefully also enabling neo nomadic / distributed overlap, as explained
in this mail.

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Hoeschele, Wolfgang whoe...@truman.eduwrote:

 Thank you for your thoughts, Anna, Dante, Wouter!

 Something that I wrote that resonates with what you are saying, Dante, is

 And of course, at the Commons Abundance Network, we are seeking to provide
 links to any initiatives of the types that you mentioned, and develop our
 network as a virtual collaboration space to help such things develop. The
 more networking there is among such initiatives, both online and in actual
 places, the more they will be able to coalesce into real alternatives.


 -Original Message-
 From: commoning-boun...@listen.jpberlin.de on behalf of Wouter Tebbens
 Sent: Fri 12/27/2013 4:54 PM
 To: Dante-Gabryell Monson
 Cc: common...@listen.jpberlin.de
 Subject: Re: [commoning] [P2P-F] The Co-operative University (Hoeschele,
 Wolfgang) (Hoeschele, Wolfgang)


 I love the idea of such uncompromised temple. It would be a reference
 site where so many free/libre/open/commons-governed/knowledge initiatives
 would come together.

 Ideally it would be in a bottom-up organised country. And it would of
 course be a node in the distributed network of already existing nodes.

 Some would spend more time their while others, even with a longtime
 commitment, would only come there physically from time to time. Teachers,
 learners of all disciplines would join in special sharing sessions to
 construct collective knowledge and common projects.

 As you say, if such initiative can be seen as a kind of insurance, it will
 be easier for some to invest/contribute. The transition is probably not
 going to be easy for many people, so assuring some basics would be helpful.

 I need to continue other conversations right now, but the ideas discussed
 here have my interest. Thanks and best wishes for sustainable and solidary


 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com escribió:

 commoning Mailingliste
 JPBerlin - Politischer Provider

 commoning Mailingliste
 JPBerlin - Politischer Provider

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-24 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi Brent,

there is some convergence happening via


* Let's get some cool people together and live in a tribe / family / team
/ intentional community. Experiment with better ways to live, and make the
world a cooler place. We'll work together to survive and look after each
other. *

Email :



Further approaches can be discussed there ?

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Michel Bauwens

 hi Brent, I have aggregated the wide variety of open business models at

 not only are there solutions, but there are plenty of solutions, the key
 question is of course finding the one that fits with your particular
 project ...

 but the general scheme, building a community around a commons, and create
 a market entity around it (such as a coop), works well


 On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Brent Shambaugh 
 brent.shamba...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,

 Since around mid-march or so I've spent time trying to refining the ideas
 from my Distributed Economy blog (
 http://www.adistributedeconomy.blogspot.com/) into a proposal. I kind of
 felt like I was teaching myself all of computer science. Even though I felt
 I was learning quite a bit, it came at a considerable cost to myself. It is
 hard to think in a peer-to-peer fashion while questioning the fabric of
 academia and industry. I felt that I did not fit in anywhere and was unsure
 build a business model around it. Physically, it seemed that way too. I
 also became very cynical. I grew isolated, but thought I needed time for
 self-study so what I was writing was credible, competitive and lucid enough
 that I could put faith in it to be confident with others. Still, it's scope
 was huge, enough to be not taken seriously by itself I guess. I felt I
 basically was trying to change the operating system of the planet, and
 everything else was built on top of that (businesses, academia, etc...).
 Was the value network the business model? That, and maybe support? Do I
 just try to start something like Linux and hope for the best? That's the
 sort of scale I was envisioning. Fortunately, the web efforts have done a
 lot of the groundwork. It's more of a use then. It's hard to say I did much
 beyond understanding and some aggregation of connections that others might
 not have seen. People tell you to hold on to some things in private, while
 at the same time you want to integrate with the rest of the community.
 Maybe what I have is significant, maybe it is not. It would be great to
 share it. I believe enough in it to think it could help people. I'm almost
 done with what seems to resemble a 20 page outline. I do not want to
 fragment the community (or be fragmented from it), but at the same time I
 need some sustainable way to survive. Paradoxically, it seems it needs the
 support and the efforts and the ideas of the community to succeed. Are
 there any solutions? I'm sorry if I come off as arrogant in any way.


 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Eric

 Yes, I'd be glad to follow up on the thinking and research you are doing
 around metacurrency, and participate in the scheduled hang out.

 further note :
 an interesting reply by June on this thread,
 also available on the public p2pf list archive


- [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
 Dante-Gabryell Monson
   - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
June Gorman
   - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks 
Dante-Gabryell Monson

 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Harris-Braun e...@harris-braun.com

 Hi All,

 It turns out that where the technical side of the MetaCurrency Project
 has led us has lots to do with Semantic Data or rather, from our point of
 view, Semantic Computing.  Ceptr, the computing stack we are designing to
 build our tools out of, pushes Semantics down into the lowest levels of the
 stack, in a way that we haven't seen with the approaches inherent embodied
 in RDF/URI.

 For folks interested in our approach, I'm scheduling a tech hang-out in
 the next week or two. If you want to be notified of it please drop me a


 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 *pre-note : I try to understand if we can , possibly

Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Eric

Yes, I'd be glad to follow up on the thinking and research you are doing
around metacurrency, and participate in the scheduled hang out.

further note :
an interesting reply by June on this thread,
also available on the public p2pf list archive


   - [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
Dante-Gabryell Monson
  - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
  understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
   June Gorman
  - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
  understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
   Dante-Gabryell Monson

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Harris-Braun e...@harris-braun.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 It turns out that where the technical side of the MetaCurrency Project has
 led us has lots to do with Semantic Data or rather, from our point of view,
 Semantic Computing.  Ceptr, the computing stack we are designing to build
 our tools out of, pushes Semantics down into the lowest levels of the
 stack, in a way that we haven't seen with the approaches inherent embodied
 in RDF/URI.

 For folks interested in our approach, I'm scheduling a tech hang-out in
 the next week or two. If you want to be notified of it please drop me a


 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 *pre-note : I try to understand if we can , possibly collectively, *
 *write an article that could be published on the p2pfoundation blog,*
 *as to better explain, in words and with images / graphics , *
 *some of the potentials of building on, for example, Linked Data - and/or
 similar technologies enabling us to more easily redefine our realities
 collectively -*

 *If anyone wrote on these topics, or is interested in combining our
 efforts and research in writing about these topics, or if some can help in
 making such article in a enjoyable reading moment ( combining it with nice
 imagery and stories ? Like some science fiction authors manage to do - yet
 talking about the present ? ) it would be great.   I mean, not only about
 one specific application or project, but about the potential to work
 together on various applications based on common protocols. *

 *Some call it a Global Brain , or a Web Operating System , ... *

 *Below is what I want to say to open up the topics for now ... I am open
 to brainstorm further, and progressively collectively organize an easier to
 understand blog post, or series of blog posts, on such topics.*

 Thanks Bob, Thanks Helene,

 for your replies.

 I sent this message initially motivated by the realization, after an
 email exchange with Michel.

 Michel pointed that in his view there seemed to be little interest
 regarding Linked Data / Semantic Web approaches on p2pf related forums.

 So I wondered if this was really the case, and if so, what could be the
 and how could it be better communicated.

 Possibly showing how different projects may have an interest in using
 such technologies in their research and development of applications,
 showing overlap of different applications that want to embody such
 and overlap and re-use of the data generated by each of these
 applications to enable yet new applications.

 For example, Bob in collaboration with Sensorica for Open Value Network

 Although the technologies can be re-used and adapted for a variety of
 hence Netention ( mostly Seth coding for now ) researching approaches,
 and inviting others into such research and development, which hopefully can
 be re-used for Open Value Networks, or for alternative forms of learning
 building on available information on our wiki's , etc

 Other projects, such as metamaps, are also interested ( or already
 including ) such approaches ...

 Pavlik was already talking about FOAF ( one aspect / approach using
 Linked Data concepts ) many years ago.  I now notice Pavlik is regaining
 interest, including in Schema and Json , ... midst others, in support of
 Sharing Economy applications ?


 But in a larger sense, I feel it is about contributing to the development
 of remedies regarding Anoptism ( which Olivier talks about ,
 http://p2pfoundation.net/Anoptism , while facilitating at first
 Holoptism )

 In the understanding which I developed by interacting with Seth and
 others via lists such as Global Survival 

 such Web 3.0 approaches get us closer to the concept of  Noosphere 

 Or should I

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2013-12-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

Regarding a cooperative university approach.
I notice there are several , potentially overlapping approaches.

I wish to bring forward the potential of a* learners cooperative* point
of perspective , as a cultural trend to *adapt to de-monetization* ,
support forms of social and environmental regeneration, enable alternatives
not as dependent ( and yet potentially overlapping ) of the mainstream

I do sense that this is ideological. Supporting the commons in itself is
imho ideological.

If interested, here goes - it is a bit long ...


I understand Sam and others focused on these topics - but still tried/try
to make a monetized business out of it ?
And I guess it is legitimate, especially if one needs to limit the risks
one can take ( for example, in regards to family, if there is dependency on
mortgage, loans, etc )

Yet - I want to bring forward the following :

*Can we do it ... without money, at all ?  Or... by reducing dependency to
money to the minimum ? ... and by doing so, make such approaches scalable,
not only online, but as potential interfaces for the creation and spreading
of emergent viable systems, accessible to any form of intelligence across
the globe ?*

I am aware some of us may get burned out, especially if isolated or
marginalized by working on such research.
Finding ways to engage people, when most people seem to be stuck in hopes
or needs to get something out of a rat race narrative, is not easy.
Perhaps for some, a cooperative university may be an intermediary approach,
which would enable them to more easily support certain forms of commons.

Yet for those who have for some reason dropped out of such capitalist rat
race ( deliberately or not ) , or who still have a foot in it but may
already have secured themselves,

starting with shared engagement, interacting with each other, living
together, may be a starting point ? Including young or older who want to
create a shared experience together, using learning as a vector for
convergence and engagement ?  Potentially leading to further incubation of
modules for systemic alternatives.   Tribes converging, even for short term
events or festivals, yet experiencing a more festivalism paradigm , as
opposed to a society of the spectacle ?



I'll allow myself to re-contextualize :

I like how the* video shared by Joe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ91Kj-4q2o#t=1  talks about
I do feel it brings up many of the topics , including degrees and

My take and personal experience in relation to *learning*
is that it *does not depend on teaching, and even less so on universities,
or credentials.*

My take is that credentials are a poor and limited motivation for learning,
although it may be one of the possible intersections.

As for the *subject of this thread, *
*the topic of a Co-operative University*,
it can imho certainly be *beneficial* for those who are dependent on the
academic business
*for making a monetary living*, and I wish them well in their approach !

It may become more like a *producers cooperative
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Producer_cooperative* - university staff
being the producers ?

Similarly, one could imagine a *consumers cooperative
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_cooperative* in relation to
universities ( students as consumers ? )

What is produced and consumed ?
What is being monetized ?
Does it need to be monetized ?

Is is it all about a credential economy ?

I notice articles such as

What paradigm(s) are we in, and *how do we negotiate priorities in terms of
learning ?* ( and in producing new knowledge / research )

Can we really separate production and consumption when it comes to
learning ?

And since we are sharing this on commoning and p2pfoundation lists,
what happens when everyone becomes a producer and a consumer,
and when we generate a commons for each other.

*What happens when we de-monetize ... ?*
That is, not even alter-monetize - but no money.

What happens when there is no more chain of command,
*when one does not make oneself dependent on the conditions of a monetary
monopoly *

( and ( imho ) its top down crafted prioritization of objectives and the
specific markets it decides to create via artificial scarcity , and tribute
to such hierarchy of artificial scarcity ? )

*What happens when credentials are not being sold as being needed to
survive or have a say in this society ?*

When we generate communities based on principles of  equipotentiality 

When we can collectively shift our inter-dependencies to a communal
shareholding relational dynamic ?



I do feel that Open Learning approaches do tend towards this...

In effect, what would universities ( still ) be selling ?
An experience ? A 

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2013-12-14 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Sam

Yes, I understand this.
No worries, you are not too much ahead of me ;)
( if such thing ever exists ? Ever noticed yourself remembering what you
understood when you where a child ... but forgot ? )

I remember past exchanges with you, always finding them very inspiring.
Likely nothing new - but re-contextualizing :

Independently from personal strategies ( including the potential influence
of disillusion , and social pressures ) for shared action in a debt based
tributary system,

I believe we can see potentials for synergies between narratives.

I do understand and see a Cooperative alternative to a Corporate
university system as certainly useful ( if but only to regain some control
and better re-distribute income ),
even if certain of such cooperative learning institutions may recycle and
build themselves on selling prospects for monetization of credentials
throughout career based narratives.

Yet do they apply for most of the populations of the world ?

Is it even realistic to want to spread it out as an example.   Perhaps
rather see it as a mere improvement on the infrastructures supporting a
current ( yet rapidly changing ) narrative and learning approach ?

I hoped such processes will happen in full awareness, while keeping in mind
other narratives with whom to overlap to support shared intentions.

You probably noticed this list - many of whom are still in a monetized
paradigm, yet with potential towards overlap with other narratives -

I already see this as a shift in narratives and social design, which likely
can relate to the process this thread is about ? These seem to be reaching
sufficient support as to become credible in the eyes of mainstream,
converging in some cases californian tech start-up incubation narratives.

The narrative supported in my last message is one many of us on this list
may know about - the small is beautiful narrative -

combined with that of converging the itinerant of
an information rich NEET http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET / Precariat /
Freeter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeter /
NINJAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Income_No_AssetGeneration ,

and experimenting with neo-nomadic infrastructures, or relays. ( examples
may be https://embassynetwork.com/ , http://nomadbase.org/ )

The new Pope of the Catholic Church seems to have consciously chosen to
build on the narrative of Francis
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_of_Assisi  ( which has counterparts in
other cultures ).

There, too, there may be some overlap to find ;)

So, looking forward to find overlaps between the narratives we may each
choose to focus on, in support of shared collective intelligence and the


On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Samuel Rose samuel.r...@gmail.com wrote:


 I feel like years ago I started where you are coming from in this message.
 Then, over time I came to the conclusion that here in my environment very
 few are in a position to evolve in the way you describe.

 I don't think it is incumbent on me to fasten to any worldview. Rather it
 has been more effective for me to create the conditions for change. For me,
 this has meant starting from where people are at now.

 On Saturday, December 14, 2013, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

 interesting thread - thanks to all

 personal note - I hope your actions can evolve towards , or include
 awareness and support for :

 * uncommodified, unmanaged, and uncurricularized *


 hence using institutions for de-institutionalization :
 non monetized, self organized ( and open sourced ), non credentialized.

 potentially some examples, in addition to informal learning we experience
 in our daily lives

 Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot 

 such as ( when using ICT )
 The hole in the wall: self organising systems in education - Sugata
 Mitra at ALT-C 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps8MwyJH8Zo
 TED Talk - Hole in The Wall 

 Personally, I am interested in converging tribes, into ( semi ? ) neo
 nomadic tribes,
 even if only for a specific time and specific space,
 for socially and environmentally regenerative participatory action

 I spent years hitch hiking, money-less, or almost money-less,
 and realize a home / base to return to is important.

 I hope the following space will become a reality, and a starting point
 for leveraging such approaches


 I wish to encourage such approaches, or find ways to find overlap

[P2P-F] Linux Foundation - AllSeen Alliance - “Internet of Things”

2013-12-10 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson


The AllSeen Alliance is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to driving the
widespread adoption of products, systems and services that enable the
Internet of Everything, built upon an open, universal development framework
and supported by a vibrant ecosystem and thriving technical community.



( found via Seth )

10 Dec 2013

The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating
the growth of Linux and collaborative development, today announced the
formation of the AllSeen Alliance, the broadest cross-industry consortium
to date to advance adoption and innovation in the “Internet of Everything”
in homes and industry.


*Haier, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Sharp, Silicon Image, TP-LINK
and more unite to enable interoperability across multiple devices, systems
and services and support broadest cross-industry effort to accelerate
Internet of Everything*


The AllSeen Alliance looks to expand upon the “Internet of Things,” which
Gartner predicts will add $1.9 trillion to the global economy by 2020, to
include more functionality and interactions across various brands and
sectors, such as the connected home, healthcare, education, automotive and


The AllSeen Alliance becomes the 11th Linux Foundation Collaborative
Project. These are independently funded software projects that harness the
power of collaborative development to fuel innovation across industries and
ecosystems. By spreading the collaborative DNA of the largest collaborative
software development project in history, The Linux Foundation provides the
essential collaborative and organizational framework so project hosts can
focus on innovation and results. Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects
span the enterprise, mobile, embedded and life sciences markets and are
backed by many of the largest names in technology.
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-09 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

 TEF Principle 11: Use of Technology for Greater Connection not Alienation
 Transformative education should utilize technology in a manner that does
 not impede but enhances the education of children and enables
 Transformative Education, that cannot be delivered in any other manner.

 This is reiterated in the TEF Principles by the questions and concerns TEF
 raises about the dominating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
 Math) education focus so heavily promoted in the US over the last couple of
 decades, and now being exported globally by the US corporate-education
 sector, the World Bank and the Brookings Institute.

 Short answer then:  I am interested about learning more about
 linked-date myself, again can see its possibilities.  But not overother far 
 more needed understanding or as a time/money/resource preference
 of connectivity, skilled communication and necessary linking in human to
 human relationships themselves.

 I have found these are the far more important issues to understand and
 resolve, especially in education.  As I have seen it's lack all over, as a
 primary negative effect of not having these skill sets of connectivity and
 communication understood and developed first.

 Hope that answers your question, even if somewhat ambiguously? :-)

 *June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist*
 Co-founder*, **Transformative Education Forum (website in transition) *
 Education Advisor, *UN SafePlanet Campaign*  http://www.safepla.net/
 *Board Project Director for Outreach**, I**nternational Model United
 Nations Association* http://imuna.org/
 *Steering Committee**, (UNESCO/Global Compact) **K-12 Sector for
 Sustainability Education *http://www.uspartnership.org/main/view_archive/1
 Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
 Member, UN Commons Cluster

  *From:* Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com
 *To:* p2p-foundation p2p-foundation@lists.ourproject.org
 *Sent:* Sunday, December 8, 2013 9:50 PM
 *Subject:* [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
 understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

 What would be your answer ? ( reply on this list or in private to me )

 *A ) Interested in ( getting to know more about ) its potentials*
 *B ) Not interested*


 *1 ) Never heard of Linked Data http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data*
 *2 ) Know about it*
 *3 ) Actively researching Linked Data
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data applications ( in support of p2p
 4 commons ? )*

 ( or whatever other replies you wish to give )


 Context of my question :

 Michel noted that in his view Linked Data has not been a topic with much
 interest on the p2pf related forums.

 I wish to understand if this is simply because not many of us know about
 Linked Data, and its potentials ?

 Or is it simply because it seemed too complex or technical to bring it up
 on this specific list ?

 I know some of us are working on Linked Data applications,
 including in support of Sharing Economy applications.

 I personally have been interested in some of its applications for a few
 years, without being a programmer.  I collaborated with a programmer over
 the last years, to explore some of the approaches that can be taken to
 create certain applications.


 The first aim I have with this email is to have some kind of quick ,
 hopefully sufficiently representative set of replies.  It does not have to
 be on the public list - you can also reply to me in private if you like.

 From there on, I wish to open up another thread to further explain what
 Linked Data can be used for with those of us who may have explored the
 topic and may see potential in supporting such research as to manifest them
 into certain applications, in support of , for example, p2p commons
 oriented political economies.


 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] Article : How to Burst the Filter Bubble that Protects Us from Opposing Views - #FilterBubble

2013-12-08 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
( *found via David Brin on fb - see copied comments of David after article
excerpts* )


*How to Burst the Filter Bubble that Protects Us from Opposing Views*

*Computer scientists have discovered a way to number-crunch an individual’s
own preferences to recommend content from others with opposing views. *

*The goal? *
*To burst the “filter bubble” that surrounds us with people we like and
content that we agree with.*


*the filter bubble—being surrounded only by people you like and content
that you agree with.  *

*the danger is that it can polarise populations creating potentially
harmful divisions in society.  *

*Today, Eduardo Graells-Garrido at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in
Barcelona as well as Mounia Lalmas and Daniel Quercia, both at Yahoo Labs,
say they’ve hit on a way to burst the filter bubble. *

*Their idea that although people may have opposing views on sensitive
topics, they may also share interests in other areas. And they’ve built a
recommendation engine that points these kinds of people towards each other
based on their own preferences.  The result is that individuals are exposed
to a much wider range of opinions, ideas and people than they would
otherwise experience.*


copied comment from

David Brin

( https://twitter.com/DavidBrin ; https://www.facebook.com/thedavidbrin ;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Brin )

In my novel EARTH (1989) I spoke about the problem of user bubbles… where
internet inhabitants inevitably create filters that allow in materials that
agree with their preconceptions and prejudices and exclude inconveniences,
even clear refutations. In the novel, this is portrayed as extremely
dangerous to a democratic society, creating little Nuremberg Rallies that
reinforce strong dogmas and undermine our native abilities to see the other
side, to negotiate and learn from each other. In EARTH, a community of
hackers has responded with wall-penetrating programs that slip in the
inconvenient fact, from time to time…


…exactly the thing that cable news owners strenuously avoid, by preventing
their captive dittohead audiences from hearing or seeing dissenting
opinions. Especially not refutations of all-out lies!

Alas that forecasts in science fiction novels get little credit. Today,
this newly discovered phenomenon is called the filter bubble—being
surrounded only by people you like and content that you agree with. STill,
have a look at this clever suggested partial solution.

They also say that challenging people with new ideas makes them generally
more receptive to change. That has important implications for social media
sites. There is good evidence that users can sometimes become so resistant
to change than any form of redesign dramatically reduces the popularity of
the service. Giving them a greater range of content could change that.
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] Fwd: Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-12-02 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thank you Pamela

interesting ( epistemology :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology )


what I find interesting, and realize I do very much,
is to first understand something ( through direct experience / intuitively
) ,
and then search for people and words / concepts that correspond to it,
as to find even more people to share it with, or share an experience of
reality around shared understanding and cocreation. ( somehow situationist
? )

The challenge is to maintain and keep sufficient diversity,
as to create new relations ( and questions ) through emergence

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Pamela McLean pamela.mcl...@dadamac.netwrote:

 ref self directed learning see also  - Slideshare - What is Heutagogy?-
 also - for some great explanations of learning see Jim Gee Principles on
 Gaming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aQAgAjTozk#t=1175

 On 29 November 2013 03:15, Dante-Gabryell Monson 

  Just noticed the use of this concept :

 *Flipped Teaching*

 Turning Education Upside Down


 Flipped School


 *Flip teaching* (or flipped classroom) is a form of blended 
 learninghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blended_learning in
 which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually
 at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in
 class with teacher offering more personalized guidance and interaction with
 students, instead of lecturing. This is also known as*backwards
 classroom*, *reverse instruction*, *flipping the classroom* and *reverse

 On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Maria.

 I found this 2007 archive, copied below, where Michel shared a list of
 references from the wiki,
 in reply to a longer thread which I initially titled

 * No curriculum , No students , No teachers / but Interconnected
 Questions , Initiatives , and Peers of all ages CREATING - with access to
 Unlimited Knowledge Pools *

 longer thread reposted here


 note : R.I.P. Parker Rossman

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Michel Bauwens  michelsub2...@gmail.com michelsub2...@gmail.com
 Date: May 7, 2007 9:26 AM
 Subject: Re: No curriculum , No students , No teachers / but
 Interconnected Questions , Initiatives , and Peers of all ages CREATING -
 with access to Unlimited Knowledge Pools
 To: Parker Rossman g.p.r...@mchsi.com
 Cc: dante.mon...@gmail.com,

 Hi Parker,

 some links that may be of interest to your investigation, all collated
 from our p2p learning pages, see also the inspiring citations at the








 misc on free curricula





 various open concepts as related to education

- OER Commons http://www.p2pfoundation.net/OER_Commons
- One Laptop per Childhttp://www.p2pfoundation.net/One_Laptop_per_Child
- Online Gradebooks http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Online_Gradebooks
- Online Learning 
- Open Access http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Access
- Open Archives http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Archives
- Open Archives 
- Open Biology http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Biology
- Open Code http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Code
- Open Content http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Content
- Open CourseWare 
- Open Courseware 
- Open Curriculum 
- Open Data http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Data
- Open Education http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Education
- Open Education 2006http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Open_Education_2006
- Open Educational 
- Open Learning http://www.p2pfoundation.net

[P2P-F] P2P Energy approach ? - TED : The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation

2013-11-19 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

( The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation )

I feel this can contribute to the model developed and expressed on the
p2pfoundation wiki some years back...


Ted presentation worth watching ! :)

( link found via Sebastian W )


*Uploaded on Oct 28, 2011*

*http://nanoholdings.com/ http://nanoholdings.com/ - Justin Hall-Tipping
CEO of Nanoholdings Explains how nanotechnology is set to change the
future of energy and replace fossil and nuclear fuels.*

*Below is an excerpt from:http://nanoholdings.com/about-us/
http://nanoholdings.com/about-us/Nanoholdings is a team of scientists,
investors and innovators working at the cutting-edge of nanotechnology to
develop solutions to the world's growing energy problems. Working in
partnership with the world's best universities we develop products and
companies that will revolutionize the way we use and generate energy.Two
things stand out about us -- we focus exclusively on nanotechnology-based
energy solutions and we work at the very cutting-edge of nano-energy
research.Our extensive network of leading scientists in the nanotechnology
field are central to our work - scientists based at eminent universities
around the world, who are working at the coal-face of nano-energy research
to seek out alternative solutions for how we generate, transmit, store and
use energy. We support and guide their research, transforming breakthroughs
into viable solutions -- products to revolutionize the way we use and
generate energy.*
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-11-05 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 to libraries or museums or
the home or business or the real world. In order for compulsory schools
to make use of the best of educational technology and what is has to offer,
schools themselves must change. (

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Maria Droujkova droujk...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:


 Thanks Maria

 This is a list of spaces , which may correspond to the spirit


 As for names for such approaches...

 Connectivism may be one of such learning approaches ? ( some see it as
 related to constructivism ? )

 I am very tempted, though this may be more general,
 to add Buckminster Fuller
  and Ivan Illich (  Tools for Conviviality , ... )

 Thank you! These general resources help as well, because people who
 actively follow Buckminster Fuller ideas (for example) tend to form
 flexible learning/working groups more than other demographics.

 Very helpful!

 Dr. Maria Droujkova

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-10-27 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

Thanks Maria

This is a list of spaces , which may correspond to the spirit

As for names for such approaches...

Connectivism may be one of such learning approaches ? ( some see it as
related to constructivism ? )

I am very tempted, though this may be more general,
to add Buckminster Fuller
and Ivan Illich (  Tools for Conviviality , ... )


I wish to put forward the suggestion and potential for some of us who are
in Europe ( or those that can easily make it to europe )
to organize some collective for a week or two on such topics.

A not for profit is making available this space in Antwerp , though it will
take at least a few months before the place can be made hospitable enough
to welcome people


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Maria Droujkova droujk...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:03 AM, Michel Bauwens 

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 entire article : http://www.wired.com/business/2013/10/free-thinkers/all/

 The article lists BIG WAVES in the contemporary free learning, and names
 people who talk about each wave.

 - computer-based explorations, Sugata Mitra, Nicholas Negroponte
 - freeschools, Peter Gray
 - cognitive and neuroscience studies, Joel Voss, Alison Gopnik

 I would like to expand this list. Here are my suggestions:
 - the Maker movement
 - homeschoolers, unschoolers
 - computer-based modular expert systems for networks of learners (e.g.
 Project Euler)


 Dr. Maria Droujkova

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-10-20 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you June for correcting my apparent mis-interpretation of your reply.

 I believe it can be part of an equipotential approach , defined in this way


 a non-credentialist approach :

 I remember the story of medieval universities emerging around libraries,
 as a convergence amongst peers ?

 Furthermore, I personally have the tendency to discourage the usage of the
 word education, preferring the concept of learning.

 A further potential I hope we can explore further is one of nomadic
 Learning via contexts and situations, in interaction with a diverse set of
 realities , encounters, influences.


 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:14 PM, June Gorman june_gor...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 Hi Dante,

 I was in no way suggesting that you saw this as replacing humans with
 machines.  My caution is that there are several very powerful forces in the
 current models of education being promoted, many under the rubric of
 education for sustainable development, that very much do have that exact
 long-term goal.  This in the US, is part of the issue on both sides of the
 eventual benefit/destruction controversy of public university models
 promoting the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) by some of the top private
 universities in the US.  Currently offered many times for
 free.but..in the future?  And at what loss to the basic premise of
 universities -- that people from different worlds, views and backgrounds
 come together in a combustion of these different ideas?  That often
 necessitates interpersonal listening and dynamics I haven't seen often well
 exemplified in truly difficult conversations, on the computers alone.

 In the individual case, like yours, many valid points do exist such as
 you say,

 Such approaches have been central in my own learning - up to a point
 where I felt I could learn faster / feel less alienated in my learning by
 leaving school.

 Multiple modalities and ways of learning need to be open wide to all to
 access their preferred way of doing so, and the computer is among these.
  Even Marco mentions an important one of these with the Boy Scout more
 Dewyan -- learn by doing -- model.  But all of these systematic models
 embody the mostly un-excavated and un-examined prejudices of their dominant
 instigators and thus in the clear case of the Boy Scouts -- discrimination
 against girls (handled by funding a separate sex organization in the Girl
 Guides) and the latest, against homosexuals.

 There are also some dominant Western Enlightenment and
 entitlement-based ideologies that systemized certainly sexist models of
 defining ways of most productive thinking and evening
 feminine/humanities/irrational/nature vs.
 masculine/science/rational/technology dichotomies with Father-Force and
 technology having the thus naturally accepted right to dominate and
 subjugate Mother-nature.

 This is one reason many females under that system found it very difficult
 to proceed in their most productive-to-learn ways and style of learning,
 and one reason many others of different groups also find the computer
 less judgmental of what intelligence most mattered in these limited ways
 found in our standard educational systems and thus found it easier to
 learn on their own.  But my concern is that these still underlying
 judgments of the technological-dominant view of the world prevail and often
 remain, now with no dissenting teachers at all, and will thus be the only
 view children are exposed to at all, to what is most important to learn.

 That computers can add to this connecting and learning from others at all
 ages -- that I think is where your argument is very much more powerful.  I
 completely agree on that point, but it is still necessary to learn the most
 critical emotional/social/cultural intelligences for a sustainable
 (healthy, peaceful, caring and more equitable) world only interpersonally
 with others and critically when children are mostly emotional learners
 and thinkers -- when they are young and until the age of 10 -- before just
 letting the machines take over.

 Which again, is where some educational policy leaders are definitely
 headed, so much more cost-effective for getting test-takers taught on
 easily measurable quantitative and thus inherently reductive tests of what
 that education should encompass.  I was only arguing that despite its
 advantages, technology as systematic education can have some very negative
 outcomes and certainly cautions to consider as well.


  *From:* Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com
 *To:* June Gorman june_gor...@sbcglobal.net; P2P Foundation mailing
 list p2p-foundation@lists.ourproject.org
 *Cc:* Myra Jackson mljac...@gmail.com

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-10-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi June,

Thanks for your reply,

I personally do not see this as a replacement of humans by the machines.

I rather see the internet as a powerful tool for access to information,
both supporting and facilitated by dynamics between learners.

I believe that the pedagogies it can be inspired of are that of Piaget,
Montessori, ...

And as Marco underlined, hardly any new self learning ( or mutual learning
) approaches.

What is new, is possibly broader mainstream recognition, possibly supported
by the more widespread usage and interconnection of information
technologies globally, and in peoples lifestyles, facilitating a shift away
of the expert, or the teacher as monopoly in terms of knowledge.

Such approaches have been central in my own learning - up to a point where
I felt I could learn faster / feel less alienated in my learning by leaving

The challenge, then, for me at least, is to build up recognition through
networked approaches, with peers, rather then through top down ,
centralized certification programs and education environments.

Although one may argue that the tests could at some point confirm the
acquired ( self ) learning, the self learner ( or rather, the mutual
learners in self organizing approaches ) does not, contrary to official
enrolled students, benefit from such student status, and at least in my
experience, faces pressures from society, even if only in terms of lack of


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:37 PM, June Gorman june_gor...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 Dante-Gabryell --

 This is wonderful stuff.  I know of Mitra's work and find it exciting.
  Some of us in the UN Commons Cluster are working on these ideas as well
 and how they fit into education of and about all the Commons.

 But as a 30+ year (Western-US) teacher and the founder of the 
 has detected a possible fraud attempt from claiming to be 
 Education Forum *, I would caution at the over-enthusiasm of the
 computer-focused translation of this idea of learner-centered.  It is
 clearly an amazing and freeing tool in countless ways besides providing the
 Library of the World to any child, nearly anywhere with access to one.
  But it reduces dangerously the historical, pedagogical and epistemological
 theories of learning and the human child themselves, down to dangerously
 reductive concepts of what in fact is most important to learn.  Whose
 information gets processed and with what underlying results?

 It is one of my deepest concerns with the over-promotion of STEM (Science,
 Technology, Engineering and Math) in the Western world, dramatically by
 education promoting companies who want to sell this model to everyone
 else as the US is currently doing promoting No Child Left Behind
 worldwide through the World Bank and Brookings Institute.  But for those of
 us in the education field all our life, there is definite need to examine
 these issues, like certain brain theory results accompanying early child
 exposure to computers as their dominant learner - interaction.  The TEF
 tries to address this issue of needed complete intelligence development
 with arts, humanities and especially the social/cultural/emotional learning
 not developed with this priority or technological default.

 Anyway, more is available on this on the TEF website, but particularly the
 *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
 claiming to be* TEF Principleshttp://
  There is a serious caution here about just how much and what exactly, the
 machines can and do teach when used primarily? So much cheaper though,
 for those trying to go into the field of education for their own profit and
 on top of it, leaves out those more philosophical, even human justice and
 equity arguments that actually really matter for children around the world
 to ultimately make sense of their lives and societies.

 *June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist*
 Co-founder*, ** has detected a
 possible fraud attempt from claiming to be Transformative
 Education Forum (note website re-work, so ignore non-standard
 notification :-)*
 Education Advisor,  http://www.safepla.net/
 *UN SafePlanet Campaign *
 *Board Project Director for Outreach, I**nternational Model United
 Nations Association* http://imuna.org/* *
 *Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) **K-12 Sector for
 Sustainability Education *http://www.uspartnership.org/main/view_archive/1
 Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
 Member, UN Commons Cluster

  *From:* Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net
 *To:* p2p-foundation p2p-foundation@lists.ourproject.org
 *Sent:* Friday, October 18, 2013 4:03 AM
 *Subject:* [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *Dante-Gabryell Monson* dante.mon

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-10-18 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Anna for putting this forward.

I find Montessori and other related pedagogies of interest in this respect,
leaving the space to the child ( in us ) , not forcing it upon the learner.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montessori_education ; but also Piaget,
Steiner, Freire, etc  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogy  )

And also ?

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Anna Harris a...@shsh.co.uk wrote:

 This is an interesting discussion, but seems to be leaving out the most
 important element, consulting the child. Child centered really means the
 child in charge, trusting the child to make decisions and learn from

 While I understand your concern June, my child self feels constricted by
 all these principles. TEF seems to have a very clear idea of what it is
 trying to produce. Has it asked the child? It seems to have been decided
 what is best for the child, and for society. Certainly more respectful but
 still a top down decision.

 Do we really need to stipulate anything? Could we just follow the child,
 learn from the child? That doesn't mean abnegating my own interaction and
 involvement, but that must always be strictly as an equal, not to dictate
 because of my superior age and experience. This is not easy. We think we
 know. We feel responsible. Huge learning for the adult is involved.

 And there is still some sort of social demand that the child be 'useful to
 society', Leave them alone, let them be free. We have done enough damage.


 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi June,

 Thanks for your reply,

 I personally do not see this as a replacement of humans by the machines.

 I rather see the internet as a powerful tool for access to information,
 both supporting and facilitated by dynamics between learners.

 I believe that the pedagogies it can be inspired of are that of Piaget,
 Montessori, ...

 And as Marco underlined, hardly any new self learning ( or mutual
 learning ) approaches.

 What is new, is possibly broader mainstream recognition, possibly
 supported by the more widespread usage and interconnection of information
 technologies globally, and in peoples lifestyles, facilitating a shift away
 of the expert, or the teacher as monopoly in terms of knowledge.

 Such approaches have been central in my own learning - up to a point
 where I felt I could learn faster / feel less alienated in my learning by
 leaving school.

 The challenge, then, for me at least, is to build up recognition through
 networked approaches, with peers, rather then through top down ,
 centralized certification programs and education environments.

 Although one may argue that the tests could at some point confirm the
 acquired ( self ) learning, the self learner ( or rather, the mutual
 learners in self organizing approaches ) does not, contrary to official
 enrolled students, benefit from such student status, and at least in my
 experience, faces pressures from society, even if only in terms of lack of


 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:37 PM, June Gorman 

 Dante-Gabryell --

 This is wonderful stuff.  I know of Mitra's work and find it exciting.
  Some of us in the UN Commons Cluster are working on these ideas as well
 and how they fit into education of and about all the Commons.

 But as a 30+ year (Western-US) teacher and the founder of the *MailScanner
 has detected a possible fraud attempt from claiming to be has detected a possible fraud
 attempt from claiming to be Transformative Education
 Forum *, I would caution at the over-enthusiasm of the computer-focused
 translation of this idea of learner-centered.  It is clearly an amazing
 and freeing tool in countless ways besides providing the Library of the
 World to any child, nearly anywhere with access to one.  But it reduces
 dangerously the historical, pedagogical and epistemological theories of
 learning and the human child themselves, down to dangerously reductive
 concepts of what in fact is most important to learn.  Whose information
 gets processed and with what underlying results?

 It is one of my deepest concerns with the over-promotion of STEM
 (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) in the Western world,
 dramatically by education promoting companies who want to sell this model
 to everyone else as the US is currently doing promoting No Child Left
 Behind worldwide through the World Bank and Brookings Institute.  But for
 those of us in the education field all our life, there is definite need to
 examine these issues, like certain brain theory results accompanying early
 child exposure to computers as their dominant learner - interaction.  The
 TEF tries to address this issue of needed complete intelligence development
 with arts

[P2P-F] Biens communs : de la nature à la connaissance ( Streamed Event )

2013-10-11 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Biens communs : de la nature à la connaissance
mis à jour le 01/10/13
Cycle : Cultures numériquesDébat
[image: cc-by-sa-benjgibbs Flickr]

*Le lundi 14/10/2013 - 19h*

*Centre Pompidou, Petite Salle (niveau -1)*


*Cette séance sera filmée et retransmise en direct sur notre site.

Dans un monde secoué par les crises écologiques et économiques, l’État et
le marché sont souvent opposés, l’un tenant le rôle de victime et l’autre
de coupable. De nombreuses initiatives montrent pourtant que lorsque des
citoyens s’organisent collectivement, les oppositions entre privé et
public, entre marchand et non-marchand sont dépassées. Développement des
jardins partagés, co-voiturage, logiciels libres, monnaies complémentaires
ou encore économie sociale et solidaire ne sont que quelques exemples parmi
d’autres …
Qu’il s’agisse de l’exploitation ou de la préservation de ressources
naturelles (échanges de graines, gestion de l’eau) ou de l’élaboration de
savoirs immatériels (code génétique, logiciel, morceau de musique…), des
communautés s’en emparent et l’on parle alors de biens communs. Comment
peut-on les définir précisément ? Quelle est l’histoire de ce mode de
gestion ? Quelle est la différence entre les biens communs de la Nature et
les biens communs de la connaissance?

   - *Programme*

   Avec :

   *Hervé Le Crosnie*r, enseignant chercheur en informatique et sciences de
   l’information et éditeur multimédia.

   *Didier Christin*, ingénieur doctorant. Ses travaux portent sur la
   gestion de l'eau et les biens communs.

   *Michel Bauwens*, théoricien des systèmes pair-à-pair, fondateur de la
   P2P Foundation, auteur et conférencier.

   Animé par *Hubert Guillaud*, rédacteur en chef du site Internet Actu.net
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] ARTE - Un monde sans humains

2013-10-09 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

* Ont les machines pour seul but d'améliorer notre existence ?

Derrière l'objectif de Philippe Borrel, des savants et des experts prônent
l'avènement d'une société dans laquelle des hommes hybrides seraient
connectés en réseau et se verraient remplacer par des cyborgs pour les
tâches pénibles.

Ce documentaire lève le voile sur un univers futuriste, plus réel et
imminent qu'il n'y paraît. *
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] Suggestions for Nominations ? Fwd: Launch of The Purpose Economy 100

2013-10-01 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Looks more CSR and business oriented,
but just in case one has someone in mind to nominate to their purpose
economy list  ...



-- Forwarded message --
From: Aaron Hurst aa...@imperative.com
Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Launch of The Purpose Economy 100
To: Dante dante.mon...@gmail.com

Hi Dante,

I hope you're well. Exciting news today - we're working with CSRWire to
identify the top 100 leaders of the Purpose Economy - those who are
enabling the economy to shift to better serve people and the planet.

I'd love get your input here on who should be nominated:
imperative.com/pe100. The list will be published and widely promoted early
in 2014 in conjunction with the official release of my new book, The
Purpose Economy.

Also, if you could help us spread the word via your social networks to
ensure we get diverse nominations, I've included some blurbs you could use:

Nominate an Influencer! @Imperative + @CSRwire launch #PE100 to find the
top 100 leaders of the @PurposeEconomy: http://bit.ly/1h8uBkz

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! Imperative and CSRwire join forces to find top 100
leaders of the Purpose Economy. These pioneers are integrating personal,
professional and social purpose in today's workforce. Nominate your
influencer here: http://bit.ly/1h8uBkz

Thanks so much for helping shape and share this effort. Your input means a

With purpose,


Aaron Hurst
CEO | Imperative
m | 415 225 6398

This email was sent to dante.mon...@gmail.com.
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Suggestions for Nominations ? Fwd: Launch of The Purpose Economy 100

2013-10-01 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
note : there are various entries.

For example there are entries for proposals of nominations to individuals
in :  activism and advocacy , art+design , finance , food , government,
hospitality , education , etc

for each of them, I can think of people in our networks that certainly
deserve some recognition :)

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Looks more CSR and business oriented,
 but just in case one has someone in mind to nominate to their purpose
 economy list  ...



 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Aaron Hurst aa...@imperative.com
 Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:00 PM
 Subject: Launch of The Purpose Economy 100
 To: Dante dante.mon...@gmail.com

 Hi Dante,

 I hope you're well. Exciting news today - we're working with CSRWire to
 identify the top 100 leaders of the Purpose Economy - those who are
 enabling the economy to shift to better serve people and the planet.

 I'd love get your input here on who should be nominated:
 imperative.com/pe100. The list will be published and widely promoted
 early in 2014 in conjunction with the official release of my new book, The
 Purpose Economy.

 Also, if you could help us spread the word via your social networks to
 ensure we get diverse nominations, I've included some blurbs you could use:

 Nominate an Influencer! @Imperative + @CSRwire launch #PE100 to find the
 top 100 leaders of the @PurposeEconomy: http://bit.ly/1h8uBkz

 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! Imperative and CSRwire join forces to find top 100
 leaders of the Purpose Economy. These pioneers are integrating personal,
 professional and social purpose in today's workforce. Nominate your
 influencer here: http://bit.ly/1h8uBkz

 Thanks so much for helping shape and share this effort. Your input means a

 With purpose,


 Aaron Hurst
 CEO | Imperative
 m | 415 225 6398

 This email was sent to dante.mon...@gmail.com.

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] A currency proposal

2013-08-24 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi Apostolis,

I feel that , although it is still in development / in prototype stage,
you could use Netention to set up and invite others to participate in such
information architecture.


It would also become possible to see overlaps between different implemented
( or suggested ) information architectures. ( including the current
mainstream and monopolistic corporate credit information architecture )


a prototype android interface is also in development.

On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis 
xekou...@gmail.com wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis xekou...@gmail.com
 Date: 2013/8/24
 Subject: [Ripple] Re: Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
 To: rippleus...@googlegroups.com

 Hailie Bosque,

 This money is quite different than any other you have seen, it isn't the
 non-transferrable money that Marx was talking about.
 The problem it tries to solve is to block the accumulation of money to a
 few people. For that, it is important to understand 2 processes.

 a)the cycle of accumulation: Even today that we have a centralization of
 power, in order for money to create more money, one needs to spread an
 amount of money to multiple people, the workers who will work for the
 capitalist so that he eventually gets more money. Thus this cycle of money
 starts from a centralized point to a distributed number of workers and
 eventually back to the centralized point.

 b) There are 2 types of work in most production processes, the one is the
 initial work for the construction of a factory or other tools. This is
 called fixed capital. The other is the work of the people that operate the
 tools and the factory. The second workers cannot pay in advance the first
 workers. Thus they rely on the capitalist to give the money and in return
 they sell their working power lower than the price they would ask otherwise.

 Now I' ll give you an example.
 Let's say that we are able to track the transfers of property, either
 products or money.
 Lets also assume for this example that we only have worker cooperatives
 that own the tools they are using in direct contrast to current capitalism.

 Capitalist --Factory Workers --Workers---Consumers---\

 Cap gives money to factory workers, and they give him a factory.
 Cap gives the factory to the workers, and they accept to give him back a
 percentage of their earnings.

 Here lies a problem:

 The money that the capitalist payed the factory workers is different than
 the money he got from the Workers. This is due to b).
 My proposal is that the workers in general,(here the factory workers)
 should be able to reclaim back their products and the money one gets from
 them in a future time.

 This is how it can be done.
 At any time, the workers(here the factory workers) make a cheaper offer of
 their products to the consumers (here the workers).
 At the same time, they are obliged to build a new factory for the
 Thus, they switch back their old work with new work.

 If we allow that, there can be no profits for the capitalist, or the
 profits will be decentralizedly split between the factory workers.
 Thus because of a) we have a distributed ownership of products/money.

 Till now I have used the term money quite vaguely. What I really mean is
 that each worker/worker cooperative creates his own currencies which
 correspond to the products they make.

 I make clothes, thus I have a t-shirt currency.
 I own 5 bread currencies, 30 chair c. and 5 motorbike c.

 I give 5 motorbile c in exchange for 1 car c.
 Unless I explicitelly state that the car c. is for personal use and thus
 the motorbike workers could reclaim their 5 motorbike c. and thus the 1
 car c. i got.
 They could offer to give my 5 bike c. plus one in exchange of the car c.
 I would receive 5 new motorbike currencies.

 This is the basic idea. I am always happy when people point me to errors.
 This is as of yet unfinished work.
 (keep in mind that workers should always own the tools they are using,
 this is a prerequisitive, it can be done easilly, i think)

 For this to be done it mostly requires computer programming. Because of
 the advances in computer programming this is quite feasible, (think of
 facebook, google) and open source big data tools.

 (it may take me some time to respond)

 On Saturday, August 24, 2013 3:53:03 AM UTC+3, Hailie Bosque wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to get in touch with Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis.

 You posted something on an internet forum about your ideas for an
 anarchist-socialist economy with non-circulating currency.

 I'd like to hear more about this, but you no longer use that internet
 forum, so I found you here.

 I hope nobody thinks this is off topic, because this type of economic
 system does relate to the 

[P2P-F] P2P, Not for Profits, and Pro-Bono ?

2013-08-21 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
broadly related to the thread below, found out about this pro-bono network
in support of not for profits
*http://www.taprootfoundation.org/* http://www.taprootfoundation.org/




excerpt :

 *Today there are over 250,000 **foundations in their database *
* The Foundation Center would soon be not only a resource for nonprofits
seeking financial grants but also service grants, grants of pro bono s

Post Scriptum : I do hope we can organize our own pro-bono distributed
databases, using semantic technology / web approaches,
such as for example


code in development : https://github.com/automenta/netentionjs2

For example, one of the netention instances in development focuses on a
semantic cv ...

see : http://www.netention.org/semantic-learning/

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Marco Giustini i...@marcogiustini.infowrote:

 IOPS is a political international association related to Z Communications
 (Z Magazine, Z Net). I'm part of Z Net Italy and I translated their
 manifesto in italian.

 2013/8/20 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 Meaning ... we better do not count on a political economy of grants ...
 Governmental or Private ?

 ... nor on monetized capitalist social entrepreneurship dependent on
 priorities of ( big ) investors ? ...

 Instead focusing our efforts on a social economy aimed at reducing
 dependency on corporate tokens ,  as only resort to create less
 hierarchical non artificially scarce interdependency systems and further
 opportunities to empower emergent collective intelligence ?

 further excerpts from


  As Buffett suggests, this growth in elite largesse, totaling $316
 billion http://www.cnbc.com/id/100831257 in 2012, has done little to
 combat economic inequality. But the problem isn’t just one of
 ineffectiveness. A recent 
 paperhttp://ideas.repec.org/a/kap/jecinq/v9y2011i1p1-21.html published
 in the Journal of Economic Inequality shows philanthropy hasn’t simply
 failed to meet its goals; it’s made the situation worse. 

  While pretending to fix inequality, contemporary philanthropy’s actual
 role has been to strengthen the arrangements that make gross inequality
 possible in the first place. 

 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 or possibly simply my own misunderstanding, the author possibly giving
 examples of organizations who are bottom up and not financed through

 in that case, we could add a whole long endless list, including many of
 the individuals on this p2pfoundation list ;)

 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Jenny.
 before answering,
 just want to say I'm glad to read you here on this list.
 I've noticed some of your initiatives and want to state there is
 overlap in some of our approaches.


 Yes, I kept the question mark, having the same question.

 via the following reference I am lead to see a connection with
 Philanthropy  :


 * Of course, there are occasional flickers of light that emerge from
 the nonprofit world. Foundations like Marian Wright Edelman’s Children’s
 Defense Fund http://www.childrensdefense.org/, growing out of Martin
 Luther King, Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign to advocate for working-class
 families, and the new International Organization for a Participatory
 Society http://www.iopsociety.org/about, seeking to build a
 bottom-up, classless global society, work for the poor and powerless in
 important ways. *

 A mistake from the article to connect it to Philanthropy ? ...
 Or perhaps some info not publicly released the author knows about ?

 The wikipedia page says


  Conceived in the circles of left-wing media group Z 
 founded in January 2012 

 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Jenny Ryan je...@thepyre.org wrote:

 It's great language and all, but I'm unable to see how this is a
 philanthropic organization. Perhaps you can clarify why you introduce it 


  Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.
 -Laurie Anderson

 Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error

[P2P-F] New Philanthropic Organization ? : International Organization for a Participatory Society

2013-08-19 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
http://vimeo.com/57851102 http://www.iopsociety.org/about





Key Goals  Priorities

   - IOPS is anti capitalist, anti racist, anti sexist, and anti
   authoritarian. It centrally addresses economics/class, politics,
   culture/race, kinship/gender, ecology, and international relations without
   privileging any one focus above the rest.
   - IOPS seeks to transcend 20th Century market and centrally planned
   socialism with a new participatory society - or participatory socialism -
   that combines classless economy, feminist kinship, intercommunalist
   culture, and self managing polity.
   - IOPS flexibly explores and advocates long term vision sufficiently to
   inspire and orient current activity but does not advocate or seek to
   implement detailed blueprints that transcend movement needs and knowledge.
   - IOPS sees social strategy and especially tactics as largely contingent
   on place and time and therefore continually revises shared views in light
   of new evidence including regularly updating analysis, vision, and strategy.


P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] The (a)political economy of Bitcoin

2013-07-14 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
*Any idea how such digital currency could look like?*

yes, my answer to this :
contextualizations as currencies. ( including past, present, and suggested
futures )

in effect, creating a resource allocation and emergent governance system
combined with choices as for engagements into intentional economic networks
( that is, graphs with past, present, and suggested inter-dependencies ).

A currency is a medium of exchange (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency )

Contextualizations can serve as mediums of exchange, when it enables
participating agents ( artificial or biological forms of intelligence )

to choose where to engage their attention and resources, or where to
receive attention or resources to resolve current or projected needs.

It can also do so for systemic needs that can become more apparent as data
and metadata start building up in such emergent graphs.

I wish to use REA ontology as a starting point to deconstruct current
transactions and social contracts ( with a variety of metadata )


One can for example deconstruct and visualize what we currently call money
( fiat IOU's issued with interest by a centralized corporate banking
network ), and compare it with a variety of other contracts. ( which in
effect become social contracts when they become more generally accepted /
legitimized )

I wish to use Netention as a way of contextualizing such deconstructed data
and metadata, accross all types of contracts, and to visualize the re-use
for non-linear transactions of such metadata creation ( I see credit as
metadata used in non linear transactions )


I personally believe that increased transparency regarding such
interdependencies, and the reputation effects it has in relation to active
agents, becomes the new currency.

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Fabio Barone holon.ea...@gmail.com wrote:

 Great article Vasilis,

 resumes in very concise manner what I have tried to express so many times.
 Now, I am thinking 5 years how about alternative currencies.
 I am also a software developer, and I believe that we should be able
 to use crypto-currencies for:

 ... Commons-oriented currency designed to serve effectively social

 So the question really is, how to design such a currency that:
 Therefore, we, as commoners, conclude that what we need is a digital
 currency premised on a different political economy, one breaking the
 shackles of capitalist opportunism and ushering in a new era of economical
 transaction based on the finer aspects of the human spirit.

 I completely agree, and the answer is not technological, but one of design.
 Any idea how such digital currency could look like?

 2013/7/13 olivier auber olivieraub...@gmail.com

 Well done Vasilis! I mentionned your article in a comment on KurzweilAI.


 hope that Kurweil  Co will not uderstand that we need a Google money ;-)

 Olivier Auber

 On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Vasilis Kostakis kostaki...@gmail.com
  MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
  claiming to be kostakis.org
  P2P Foundation - Mailing list

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[P2P-F] Event - Lote 3 - Matera, Italy - October 29, November 3 2013

2013-07-14 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Want to join at *Lote 3* ? ( Lote 1 was in Strasbourg, Lote 2 in Brussels )

*http://lote.edgeryders.eu/* http://lote.edgeryders.eu/



48 people registered till now.
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[P2P-F] Pascal Jollivet : Open Labs and Complex City

2013-05-13 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
4 minute Interview in French


some keywords : *open labs , complex city ,  ... L'idée est de créer
une ville participative et contributive. Le projet est de faire un jeu
sérieux massif alterné. *



Pascal Jollivet professeur à L'Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC)
et chercheur au Laboratoire COSTECH dans le groupe CRI (Coopération Risque

Présentation de Netgraph lors du colloque la révolution de la science

Extraits :
Ce qui ne va pas dans la recherche aujourd'hui, c'est le conformisme et le
formatage des chercheurs. Ils sont souvent sélectionnés sur le critère de
leur conformisme.
La recherche doit être plus enchâssée dans la société, moins hors sol,
moins en parallèle sans toucher les enjeux sociaux
les open labs sont de belles initiatives. Par exemple, il y a le projet
sino-européen que nous montons- complex city-
L'idée est de créer une ville participative et contributive. Le projet est
de faire un jeu sérieux massif alterné.
Les bâtiments sont déjà modélisés en 3D. Avant d'être construits, les gens
vont pouvoir vivre virtuellement dans la ville en réalité alternée

Note: science société/ chercheur (individu) / science participative
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] NetGraph Project : Pascal Jollivet and Joanne Antonetti - TedX Nantes

2013-05-13 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Personal comment :

The presentation of the NetGraph is basically the same concept I try to
support in the last years when supporting http://netention.org


Ted presentation *in english*. ( youtube link )

Empowering multitudes: The NetGraph Project: Pascal Jollivet and Joanne
Antonetti at TEDxMinesNantes


keywords : *I do exist through the interaction within the network ,


He also mentions multitudes, and *Yann Moulier-Boutang* , with whom Pascal

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] emergent holoptism as OCL Re: open capital License?

2013-02-07 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Olivier !

I like the word / concept of Anopticism, which I got to know about through
you / p2pfoundation wiki http://p2pfoundation.net/Anoptism,

and mentioned it not later then yesterday in some other exchange.

Thanks for having clarified it on this conversation thread :)

I hope we can find ways of collaborating around making such solutions more
available, technically speaking, reducing thresholds for such crowdsourcing
of contextualizations...

I like efforts converging around http://www.netention.org/ - its constantly
brewing new ideas, evolving, ...
Perhaps there are other places / software development approaches with such
spirit in mind ?

Ways to converge / create synergies towards the development of such tools ?

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:24 PM, olivier auber olivieraub...@gmail.comwrote:

 Just a word to say that I strongly disagree to say that the concept of
 holoptism may describe what we are seeking and trying to do here (P2P

 I think that the concept of Anopticism may describe it better.

 If it seems quite paradoxical to name the project of making the
 collective intelligence visible : Anopticism [from the Greek a
 (without) and optiké (vision)], it’s certainly because it needs some
 explanations ...

 Of course, the anopticon is the opposite of the panopticon. In a
 certain manner, the concept of Anopticism also differs from the
 concept of holopticism [from the Greek holos (whole)], which
 consists of a physical or virtual space whose architecture is
 intentionally designed to give its players the ability to see and
 perceive all that occurs there . If we consider the opposition of the
 Greek roots, we could even believe that there is a radical antagonism
 between Anoptic and holoptic. It's not quite the case: if Anopticism
 and holopticism, are designed to give to each individual a modeled
 representation of space [...] in which he operates, the Anopticism
 mourns for the idea that the totality of this space is the
 objectivity of its representation, it insists instead on the
 arbitrary and subjectivity of the points of view that govern the
 models and on the rules that determine them.

 For the Anopticism, human relationships are not reducible to the
 establishment of a cybernetic feedback loop between the group and the
 individual: the essential is forever invisible to us. The mourning of
 objectivity is made bearable by the fact that everyone is potentially
 the author of the points of view and the actor of the implemented
 rules and codes. In this way, the Anopticism intends to legitimate a
 digital perspective which may be applied within social systems.

 more : http://perspective-numerique.net/wakka.php?wiki=Anopticism

 Olivier Auber
 Evolution, Complexity and COgnition group (ECCO)  Global Brain Institute
 Free University of Brussels (VUB) http://ecco.vub.ac.be
 Paris +33675038880 / Bruxelles +32492050697

 2013/2/7 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com:
  On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:24 AM, flawer fla...@shareful.be wrote:
   the visualization of past transactions as a form of reputation ,
   or of currently described contexts and suggestions, can speak for
   itself :)
   I guess, very much like on e-bay or couchsurfing
  i tend to dislike these models.. people forced me to comment in cs and
  i am browsing too much of a overhappied load, but i admit that it works
  for the majority.  i prefer the 'no news are good news', archive bad
  reputation only, and then having a little of bad reputation could be a
  wished reputation  (it is better some visible reputation than no visible
  reputation, maybe :).
  It was only to make a parallel... with concepts / approaches to
  the way I imagine it, there would be no need to comment, or add stars, or
  Transactions would happen, and based on the privacy levels people choose,
  they are publicly available or not...
  hence people can understand interdependencies and choose to interact
  on past, present, and future actions or suggestions...
  The past, present and future are defined in this introduction :
  (Watch in full-screen)
 i guess this depends on the
owner of the ontology, the relations he allowed that concept to be
transferable with.[...]
   yes, ideally ontologies would be free to use...
  but not that much free to relate to other ontologies (concept creator
  moderate its semantics, altough it could be crowdsourcedly inputed or
  reviewed too).. or it's pure folksonomy.
  as I see it, combination of the two... ontologies and folksonomies...
  + people can use the tool to define their own meaning / ontologies
  when combined with tags, I imagine that bridges can be made, through
  emergence and patterns evolving out of it, between a potential diversity
  ontologies used ?
   one would need

[P2P-F] emergent holoptism as OCL Re: open capital License?

2013-02-05 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi Flawer, Hi All,

I totally get you flawer.
Somehow, I see a variety of contracts, with shareable being one type of
license / contract that could be used , amongst other ontologies many seem
to be taking for granted , of which perhaps certain could overlap ?

Sometimes, and I do not mean this for this list in particular,
but generally speaking,

I have the feeling that its not easy to communicate such views,
except for examples related to collaborative consumption.

Most people seem to understand the idea of a library of objects.
Or the idea of renting some object or place from / to someone.

Moving one step further, into the realm of currency, and metadata , is
often a stage which seems to be more difficult to bridge.

My impression is that very often people understand currency as an object,
as in the case of a book in a library.   And not in terms of data and
metadata, created out of specific contracts.

I liked Etienne's approach of explaining it as a game...
*A game other people need to agree to play with, for the currency to have
any value.*

Hence, I would hope that granular and modulable metadata assembled into
contextualized descriptions,
enables* all games to be taken into account, and provide a framework for
game 2 game transactions. *

Actually, before even the stage of facilitating transactions, such meta
game enables its users to provide each other with context to support
choice making, become aware of the current, or potential effects of
interdependencies , opening up a *meta-game of emergent contextualized
collective intelligence.*

I realize that once I start talking about an emergent system , it seems to
become difficult ( too abstract ? ) for many to grasp ?

Perhaps at it becomes a 4th order cybernetic order ?

I may need to find different ways of explaining it.

Perhaps conversations on this list can help...

How can one best explain that any transaction can potentially choose its
license / conditions , and that such license can not only itself become
currency when accepted by others,
but that the combined descriptions of conditions by all users,  the
contextualized metadata , becomes a type of (meta)currency, as the context
and its interdependencies creates a defacto a license to choose from.

In other words, becoming aware of potential economic networks creates a
license to choose from, and to contribute from.

In effect, the context created through emergence, becoming an open capital

Related concept : http://p2pfoundation.net/Holoptism

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:43 PM, flawer fla...@shareful.be wrote:

  a) it decides whether the tools for the project are created and by
  whom they are used.
  b) they decide the price of those tools( through lending).
  After this analysis, we see that a bank does decide what the economy
  produces. In general, the owner of money controls the economy because
  of those 2 reasons.
  Any ruleset thus has to find a way to remove those abilities from

 if you attach a contract that promises the universalization of access
 you are giving more responsability and less rights to ownership (what
 money could buy), you won't be able to ask for money for the produced
 thing, and should let others use it, etc, so investing in my property is
 increasing my responsability, so i'd like to share that charge (peer
 property) and i'd like not being owner of too many things (i prefer to
 be plain user). the a) reason you mention is mentioned to be universal
 use by default.

 i believe a job agency of workers investing their sales/budgets for the
 commons can be bought by a rich in $ (and it's an internal matter of us
 whether we know how to spend well the $ and if we still need to 'accept'
 them), and this not being a power over from the rich in $ towards us. It
 is rather a way we should experiment more, we shouldn't have much
 competition in the actual 'market' if we corporate so.

 also the clausing of community currencies with the shareful producing
 condition, whether they choose the shareful project to be just accesible
 for their associates or for the whole world, should help defining their
 values and even justify the giving of 'basic incomes' for shareful
 producers works in this way (who could buy preferent use/access for
 those produced shareful things) (who could require to retain the
 ownership of the shareful production or give it to the corp)

 P2P Foundation - Mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] emergent holoptism as OCL Re: open capital License?

2013-02-05 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Hi Apostolis, Thanks.

yes, I thought of the network effect.

Hence the granularity, which enables modularity, at a single agents point
of perspective.

One agent / user / player,
can play several overlapping games ( including economic ones ),

and direct its choices based on understanding of how other people's
engagements match, and on the contextualisation of resources or potential

This is possible through the use of a variety of metadata, including a
combination of engagement metadata with resource related metadata ( apples,
pears, ... ) , and which can include debt based metadata ( what we
currently call money ), but certainly does not restrict the economic
networks to such layers of transactions, broadening transactions to a much
larger potential of transactions based on information of available capital.

Hence, as briefly mentioned in the last message, the self contextualizing
information systems open up an understanding of potential choices within
economic networks, hence creating a defacto series of context based
(meta)licenses ( themselves based on conditions defined within these
granular elements )

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis 
xekou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dante, have you thought of the network 

 The usefulness of a system depends on the number of people using it. So,
 even if people are able to create their own game, they will still have to
 play by the rules that someone else created.

 It was never a requirement to have electronic tools so that another form
 of society would exist if everyone accepted the new society's rules.

 We need to propose a specific game.

 2013/2/5 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 Hi Flawer, Hi All,

 I totally get you flawer.
 Somehow, I see a variety of contracts, with shareable being one type of
 license / contract that could be used , amongst other ontologies many seem
 to be taking for granted , of which perhaps certain could overlap ?

 Sometimes, and I do not mean this for this list in particular,
 but generally speaking,

 I have the feeling that its not easy to communicate such views,
 except for examples related to collaborative consumption.

 Most people seem to understand the idea of a library of objects.
 Or the idea of renting some object or place from / to someone.

 Moving one step further, into the realm of currency, and metadata , is
 often a stage which seems to be more difficult to bridge.

 My impression is that very often people understand currency as an object,
 as in the case of a book in a library.   And not in terms of data and
 metadata, created out of specific contracts.

 I liked Etienne's approach of explaining it as a game...
 *A game other people need to agree to play with, for the currency to
 have any value.*

 Hence, I would hope that granular and modulable metadata assembled into
 contextualized descriptions,
 enables* all games to be taken into account, and provide a framework for
 game 2 game transactions. *

 Actually, before even the stage of facilitating transactions, such meta
 game enables its users to provide each other with context to support
 choice making, become aware of the current, or potential effects of
 interdependencies , opening up a *meta-game of emergent contextualized
 collective intelligence.*

 I realize that once I start talking about an emergent system , it seems
 to become difficult ( too abstract ? ) for many to grasp ?

 Perhaps at it becomes a 4th order cybernetic order ?

 I may need to find different ways of explaining it.

 Perhaps conversations on this list can help...

 How can one best explain that any transaction can potentially choose its
 license / conditions , and that such license can not only itself become
 currency when accepted by others,
 but that the combined descriptions of conditions by all users,  the
 contextualized metadata , becomes a type of (meta)currency, as the context
 and its interdependencies creates a defacto a license to choose from.

 In other words, becoming aware of potential economic networks creates a
 license to choose from, and to contribute from.

 In effect, the context created through emergence, becoming an open
 capital license...

 Related concept : http://p2pfoundation.net/Holoptism

 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:43 PM, flawer fla...@shareful.be wrote:

  a) it decides whether the tools for the project are created and by
  whom they are used.
  b) they decide the price of those tools( through lending).
  After this analysis, we see that a bank does decide what the economy
  produces. In general, the owner of money controls the economy because
  of those 2 reasons.
  Any ruleset thus has to find a way to remove those abilities from

 if you attach a contract that promises the universalization of access
 you are giving more responsability and less rights to ownership (what

Re: [P2P-F] emergent holoptism as OCL Re: open capital License?

2013-02-05 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
yet another additional note :)   ( cc: Arthur Brock, Eric Harris Braun )

I realize what I describe corresponds, or rather, is very similar in spirit,
to the concept of the metacurrency project :


In addition to transactions, I look forward to combine it with any form of
contextual data... ( perhaps its part of their vision too ? not sure ... )

Metacurrency is in development.

I understand Arthur Brock and Eric Harris Braun , within this vision,
include a xml based protocol, called xpfl


In netention ( prototype : er.netention.org , code :
https://github.com/automenta/netentionjs2 , intro :
http://netention.org/intro/  ) ,

there is ultimately the aim at importing ontologies ( including xml and rdf
schema ).

I would love to see the potential to experiment with the approaches
developed by metacurrency, and import XPFL in the netention tool as to
enable descriptions using XPFL.

But then, ... best is to double check if I understood all of these
technical approaches properly :)   - perhaps such technical discussions,
for those interested, could be done via
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/global-survival  ?

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 note : as to understand the element that enables the network effect, I may
 perhaps focus on the understanding that such metadata can be used, pretty
 much like a tag, and hence any corresponding metadata , or even data
 patterns, could overlap across several games, or in effect, create a
 variety of games... or opportunities for games, as people find out about
 such opportunities, and can decide to act upon them.

 It opens up new markets, in a p2p approach, along a variety of forms of

 This is one of the applications I see as possible with netention, once the
 prototype will become more mature...

 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 
 dante.mon...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Apostolis, Thanks.

 yes, I thought of the network effect.

 Hence the granularity, which enables modularity, at a single agents point
 of perspective.

 One agent / user / player,
 can play several overlapping games ( including economic ones ),

 and direct its choices based on understanding of how other people's
 engagements match, and on the contextualisation of resources or potential

 This is possible through the use of a variety of metadata, including a
 combination of engagement metadata with resource related metadata ( apples,
 pears, ... ) , and which can include debt based metadata ( what we
 currently call money ), but certainly does not restrict the economic
 networks to such layers of transactions, broadening transactions to a much
 larger potential of transactions based on information of available capital.

 Hence, as briefly mentioned in the last message, the self contextualizing
 information systems open up an understanding of potential choices within
 economic networks, hence creating a defacto series of context based
 (meta)licenses ( themselves based on conditions defined within these
 granular elements )

 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis 
 xekou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dante, have you thought of the network 

 The usefulness of a system depends on the number of people using it. So,
 even if people are able to create their own game, they will still have to
 play by the rules that someone else created.

 It was never a requirement to have electronic tools so that another form
 of society would exist if everyone accepted the new society's rules.

 We need to propose a specific game.

 2013/2/5 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 Hi Flawer, Hi All,

 I totally get you flawer.
 Somehow, I see a variety of contracts, with shareable being one type of
 license / contract that could be used , amongst other ontologies many seem
 to be taking for granted , of which perhaps certain could overlap ?

 Sometimes, and I do not mean this for this list in particular,
 but generally speaking,

 I have the feeling that its not easy to communicate such views,
 except for examples related to collaborative consumption.

 Most people seem to understand the idea of a library of objects.
 Or the idea of renting some object or place from / to someone.

 Moving one step further, into the realm of currency, and metadata , is
 often a stage which seems to be more difficult to bridge.

 My impression is that very often people understand currency as an
 object, as in the case of a book in a library.   And not in terms of data
 and metadata, created out of specific contracts.

 I liked Etienne's approach of explaining it as a game...
 *A game other people need to agree to play with, for the currency to
 have any value.*

 Hence, I would hope that granular

Re: [P2P-F] open capital License?

2013-02-04 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 more money in the future.
 So although the bank doesnt interfere in the business structure, it is
 able to extract wealth because it can do these things:

 a) it decides whether the tools for the project are created and by whom
 they are used.
 b) they decide the price of those tools( through lending).

 After this analysis, we see that a bank does decide what the economy
 produces. In general, the owner of money controls the economy because of
 those 2 reasons.

 Any ruleset thus has to find a way to remove those abilities from money.


 Maybe you should look at something like this:
 http://valnet.webfactional.com/accounting/network/24/ .
 Semantic graphs are very difficult to work with. No doubt, they are at a
 stand still for so many years.

 @Michel . I have read few of them.I dont have much time unfortunately.
 Almost all try to create new value flows and thus break the chains of
 people from the the central monetary system.
 So this is what I call a BSD license style effort.
 In other words, if someone finds it more profitable, he switches back to
 the old system.

 I am working on a ruleset myself, but my main point here is that as new
 value flows emerge,we are of dire need of a ruleset as a guide for future
 In contrast, the creation of peer property through peer production has
 been analyzed thoroughly.
 We need a good definition of the creation of private property through peer
 production, ie through non-exclusion.

 Value networks, specifically need such a definition.

 2013/2/4 Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.com

 I wish to briefly add a point of view in response to Apostolis question :

 Beyond more distributed forms of tokenization - token creation, token
 exchange,... - , beyond the use of debt itself as a token,

 I personally look forward to using the lowering of contextualization
 thresholds to facilitate the creation of new markets / information systems
 , new thresholds for granular and modular combinations of engagement,
 which can be intentionally based, and in which reputation can potentially
 play a role as non-tradable ( social ) capital, whilst enabling other
 properties I identify as p2p, such as 

 An attempt as such social contract and resource allocation information
 system described , for example, via this netention 
  made by Seth )

 and a early prototype


 note : it does not yet have the functionalities described above, but its
 architecture enables it through its further development, by importing for
 example various ontologies - rdf schema, etc - ... )

 On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.net

 hi Apostolis,

 probably not related but chris cook uses the concept of
 http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Capital (more via

 my material on money is here http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Moneyand the 
 material on licenses is here

 a list of open currency related concepts:

- Open Bank Project http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Bank_Project
- Open Book Managementhttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Book_Management
- Open Capital http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Capital
- Open Currency http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Currency
- Open Data Currencieshttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Data_Currencies
- Open Fair Credit 
- Open Hardware 
- Open Identity 
- Open Money http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Money
- Open Money as a 
- Open Money 
- Open Money Blogtalk 
- Open Money Manifestohttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Money_Manifesto
- Open Money Project http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Money_Project
- Open Patent Alliancehttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Patent_Alliance
- Open Rules Currencieshttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Rules_Currencies
- Open Source Bountieshttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Source_Bounties
- Open Source Core 
- Open Source Credit Rating 
- Open Source Currencyhttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Source_Currency
- Open Source Finance Meetup 
- Open Source Financial Transactions 
- Open Source Hardware 
- Open

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: nettime Software developer outsources own job and whiles away shifts on cat videos

2013-01-19 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

related dilbert / comic :


found via further conversations on the topic
-programming-job-to-china-spent-days-websurfing *

itself found via Mamading :)

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 5:43 AM, Michel Bauwens mic...@p2pfoundation.netwrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: nettime's employee of the the year nett...@kein.org
 Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:51 PM
 Subject: nettime Software developer outsources own job and whiles away
 shifts on cat videos
 To: nettim...@kein.org

 Software developer Bob outsources own job and whiles away shifts on cat

 Verizon's hunt for firm's mysterious hacker exposes 'top worker' at firm
 who let Chinese consultants log on to do his daily work

 guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 16 January 2013 18.12 GMT

 When a routine security check by a US-based company showed someone was
 repeatedly logging on to their computer system from China, it naturally
 sent alarm bells ringing. Hackers were suspected and telecoms experts were
 called in.

 It was only after a thorough investigation that it was revealed that the
 culprit was not a hacker, but Bob (not his real name), an inoffensive
 and quiet family man and the company's top-performing programmer, who
 could be seen toiling at his desk day after day and staring diligently at
 his monitor.

 For Bob had come up with the idea of outsourcing his own job – to China.
 So, while a Chinese consulting firm got on with the job he was paid to do,
 on less than one-fifth of his salary, he whiled away his working day
 surfing Reddit, eBay and Facebook.

 The extraordinary story has been revealed by Andrew Valentine, senior
 investigator at US telecoms firm Verizon Business, on its website,

 Verizon's risk team was called by the unnamed critical infrastructure
 company last year, asking for our help in understanding some anomalous
 activity that they were witnessing in their VPN logs, wrote Valentine.

 The company had begun to allow its software developers to occasionally
 work from home and so had set up a fairly standard VPN [virtual private
 network] concentrator to facilitate remote access.

 When its IT security department started actively monitoring logs being
 generated at the VPN, What they found startled and surprised them: an open
 and active VPN connection from Shenyang, China! As in this connection was
 live when they discovered it, wrote Valentine.

 What was more, the developer whose credentials were being used was sitting
 at his desk in the office.

 Plainly stated, the VPN logs showed him logged in from China, yet the
 employee is right there, sitting at his desk, staring into his monitor.

 Verizon's investigators discovered almost daily connections from
 Shenyang, and occasionally these connections spanned the entire workday.

 The employee, whom Valentine calls Bob, was in his mid-40s, a family man,
 inoffensive and quiet. Someone you wouldn't look twice at in an elevator.

 But an examination of his workstation revealed hundreds of pdf invoices
 from a third party contractor/developer in Shenyang.

 As it turns out, Bob had simply outsourced his own job to a Chinese
 consulting firm. Bob spent less than one-fifth of his six-figure salary for
 a Chinese firm to do his job for him.

 He had physically FedExed his security RSA token, needed to access the
 VPN, to China so his surrogates could log in as him.

 When the company checked his web-browsing history, a typical work day
 for Bob was: 9am, arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours, watch cat
 videos; 11.30am, take lunch; 1pm, eBay; 2pm-ish, Facebook updates,
 LinkedIn; 4.40pm–end of day, update email to management; 5pm, go home.

 The evidence, said Valentine, even suggested he had the same scam going
 across multiple companies in the area.

 All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars a
 year, and only had to pay the Chinese consulting firm about fifty grand

 Meanwhile, his performance review showed that, for several years in a row,
 Bob had received excellent remarks for his codes which were clean, well
 written and submitted in a timely fashion.

 Quarter after quarter, his performance review noted him as the best
 developer in the building, wrote Valentine.

 Bob no longer works for the company.

 #  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
 #  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
 #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
 #  more info: 
 #  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nett...@kein.org

 P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net


[P2P-F] January 22nd and 23rd : Institute for the Future : Connected Citizens

2013-01-19 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
( found via Mark J. and Bet Ola via fb )

Connected Citizens: Re-imagine How Government Works
Pre-register today: gameplay begins on January 22 at 12pm PST! ( 20.00 GMT )
*http://www.connected-citizens.org/* http://www.connected-citizens.org/
What if we could re-program government together?

What bugs would you fix? What would be the killer app? How would you
combine citizen and government data to improve services and quality of life
in your community?


Connected Citizens
*On January 22nd and 23rd, join us for a global conversation about how new
civic technologies could transform the relationship between citizens and
governments, and how government services will be designed and delivered in
the future.*
Play the game, share your ideas, and help create the future of government.*


*January 22 *at* 12:00pm PST / 20:00 GMT*.

*More on Foresight Engine*

   - *Fast Company Co.Exist*—Foresight Engine Asks The Crowd To Change The
   - *Forbes*—Over to You Mr. Smarty-Pants: How Would You Fix the


   - Civic Labs: Connected Citizens Game—email Jake Dunagan at
   - Foresight Engine Platform—email Sean Ness at sn...@iftf.org
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] COOK Report : Understanding the Global Digital Economy ( 2013 )

2013-01-07 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
 ( Thanks Jeffrey, Eimhin, and offcourse Gordon )

COOK Report for January - February 2013

the Global Digital Economy

If you have not been led by the mainstream media into a false sense of
security, and if you give any time at all to thinking about whether any
politicians in the East or the West are expressing any positive leadership
on behalf of their citizens in charting a sustainable future  -- one that
does not involve a return to something bordering on medieval feudalism or a
right wing led, fascist-oriented corporate state dominated by its military
leaders; you probably are looking at the ideas and visions of a small
handful of Internet-based visionaries who are focusing on organizing
alternative societies.

In saying this we are speaking very broadly about a handful of thought
leaders who are making it their calling to scan the horizon and think
across the entire entire global range of technology: science,
communication, medicine, agriculture, and urban rural living patterns.
Readers will know many of these folk ranging from Doc Searls, Clay Shirky,
David Weinberger, JP Ramaswami, to George and Esther Dyson, to Vint Cerf
and the leaders at Google, and to Kevin Kelly and Chris Anderson of Wired.

But there are an even smaller handful of people who focus globally on
curating the leading thinkers in every discipline are with their curation
are describing positive potential outcomes from the best of these people's
work. Stewart Brand began the process decades ago with his Global Business
Network and Whole Earth Catalog.  Brand’s work nurtured Tim O'Reilly and
the rise of the O’Reilly publishing company and his own curatorship of
conferences that brought the leading visionaries in new technologies and
new disciplines together to explore whether a common vision of an
achievable future could be articulated.

Six or seven years ago Michel Bauwens began the Peer-to-Peer Foundation
which is a coordinated group of people from several dozen of countries
around the globe that has created and is sustaining an encyclopedic wiki of
peer-to-peer technologies -- technologies on which, according to John Robb,
resilient communities can be based.  Two years ago I reported across two
different issues on what Michel Bauwens and his Peer-to-Peer Foundation
allies were doing and how their wiki was built and structured.

Six years ago I took my first look at Jerry Michalski who worked for Esther
Dyson in the late 80s and early 90s writing and editing Release 1.0.  For
this issue I have returned to Jerry to dive into a much deeper discussion
of how his view of the world has changed since 2006 when we first talked in
some depth.  His thinking turns out to be very close to my own and that of
Michel Bauwens.  His approach is to found and develop a group of leaders in
their respective fields that can range from government organizations, to
corporations, to financial organizations and foundations and so on to
spread the ideas that are necessary to overturn the 20th century way of
thinking that had led to financialization of the global economy and to a
race to the bottom with globalization and unlimited deregulated speculation
and corporate control of nationstate systems that that, in the nearly 20
years since the fall of the Soviet bloc, has been making the world a more
dangerous and less sustainable place.

Having examined the way that Michel Bauwens puts the peer-to-peer wiki to
work and keeps  it functioning as the platform for his people, in this
issue I have asked Jerry to detail the workings of his “Brain” which is a
very different kind of software from the wiki but has been used by Jerry
for similar purposes to organize his own thoughts over the past 15 years. I
then go on to 3 detailed interviews with Jerry that lasted a total of
nearly 6 hours. During these discussions he shared with me how his thinking
evolved into a much more interesting and sophisticated version of what some
years earlier in the aftermath of the ClueTrain Manifesto he had referred
to as the Relationship Economy.

Jerry has seriously expanded his definition of what the convergence of
Internet technologies and globalism means to sustainable democratic
societies and he has developed a series of ideas based on what he calls
“contrarian thinkers” who became revolutionaries in their perspectives
fields of endeavor by effectively saying that everyone in that field must
be trusted and that their field must not build command-and-control
hierarchies over the people that  they sought to lead and that the Yang of
scientific hierarchical top-down we know what's best for the masses kind of
leadership needed to be balanced with the much more soft, feminine, open
and trusting Yin in the way that people dealt with each 

[P2P-F] Fwd: nettime Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as Participatory Practice

2012-08-06 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
perhaps this may interest some of us ?

-- Forwarded message --
From: Tatiana Bazzichelli tb...@transmediale.de
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 4:20 PM
Subject: nettime Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as
Participatory Practice
To: nettim...@kein.org

Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as Participatory Practice

Call for Participation for International Research Conference and PhD
Workshop to be held at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, 22-24
November 2012.

Organised by:

Digital Aesthetics/Participatory IT Research Centre, Aarhus University
reSource transmedial culture berlin/transmediale festival
Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University of Lüneburg

We hereby invite proposals for participation in a research workshop around
the 2013 theme of the transmediale festival, BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was A
Planet). We are addressing researchers with diverse backgrounds interested
in opening up some of the paradoxes of contemporary digital art and
culture. Although the workshop is primarily aimed at international PhD
researchers, it is also open to researchers who are pursuing research
without institutional support.

The workshop aims at researching concepts and phenomena that, in the light
of the festival's thematic framework, have become destabilised by network
culture and digital media (see below). Thematically, these may include –
but are not restricted to:

/ techno-cultural displacement and invention
/ fragility of networks
/ disruptive potential of artistic practice
/ paradoxes of digital art and culture
/ organisation after networks
/ participatory research practices
/ research beyond academia
/ network epistemologies
/ networks after social networks


In referring to the cancellation of Pluto's planetary status in 2006,
BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was a Planet), the 2013 theme of the transmediale
festival, interrogates techno-cultural processes of displacement and
invention, asking for artistic and speculative responses to new cultural
imaginaries. Back When Pluto Was a Planet, life might have seemed more
innocent, yet whole cultural imaginaries, like planetary systems, may
change overnight, and technical and cultural paradigms along with them. The
festival will take this fragility of culture as a point of departure for
exploring the disruptive potential of technological development and
artistic practice. Can we act like BWPWAP and at same time redefine present
and future cultural practices, inventing networks out of place and out of

This conference and workshop, which precedes transmediale, asks how BWPWAP
can be interpreted in the context of research culture that has been
significantly destabilised by network culture and digital media. If Pluto
didn't exactly fall prey to an epistemological break or a scientific
revolution, but rather to a mundane administrative procedure – a
redefinition of what constitutes a planet and the invention of the category
dwarf planet – then what does this say about contemporary research
culture? Is research today occupied more with mundane acts of
recategorisation, and – after Bologna – with what Lyotard already called
performativity? Or does it still engage the kind of marvel and wonder that
so many ascribe to Pluto and that BWPWAP captures as a cultural term? If
BWPWAP captures a time when transmedial culture was researched outside
academia, how does network culture and digital media then contribute to and
transform research culture, forcing it out of its closet and, if not into
the solar system, then at least beyond the academy?

BWPWAP, network culture was already becoming subsumed by social media and
more recently mobile media. Networking and other strategies within software
and net culture have become enmeshed with everyday life and big business.
Research culture was visited by a similar fate: conferences reduced to
networking events to foster cultural capital, and scholarly communications
reduced to impact factors measured by grant givers. In light of this, what
complicity can be constructed, with or without Pluto, between network and
research cultures? Can digital culture save research from itself, and vice
versa? What kinds of technological and artistic practices are suggested by
BWPWAP and might produce rhizomatic effects for research and digital


In the context of developing a platform for knowledge exchange, and
research across the arts and sciences, transmediale and research groups at
Aarhus and Leuphana universities have established a partnership to foster
new forms of collaborative research, peer-review, publication and
performative knowledge dissemination. The international research conference
and PhD workshop takes transmediale's thematic framework as a broad
starting point, and is a chance for researchers to share ideas and
development processes across and beyond the time/space of academic research
paradigms. The challenge is to salvage what there is to 

[P2P-F] Pdf - Suppressing Protest: Human Rights Violations in the U.S.

2012-07-28 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson


*Suppressing Protest: *
*Human Rights Violations in the U.S. Response to  *
*Occupy Wall Street *
* *
*The Global Justice Clinic (NYU School of Law) and the Walter Leitner
International Human Rights Clinic at the *
*Leitner Center for International Law and Justice (Fordham Law School)*
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems

2012-07-27 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
*found via Sepp* on fb...

*Green Gold - Documentary by John D. Liu*

*rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems*



*Hope in a Changing Climate*


Published on Jul 19, 2012 by

It's possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
Environmental film maker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem
restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East,
highlighting the enormous benefits to people and planet of undertaking
these efforts globally.

More information:
What If We Change social media project:

International Permaculture Day is an ongoing celebration of all things
permaculture happening around the world, culminating in a global day of
celebration on the first Sunday in May annually. The next global day will
take place on SUNDAY 5TH MAY 2013. In the meantime, please send us your
permaculture news, stories, photos and other media to share with the
international community!

Website: http://www.permacultureday.info
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalPermacultureDay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/permacultureday
You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/user/IntPermacultureDay
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

[P2P-F] Fwd: [fcf_discussion] Online Copyright: EU Court of Justice Rules Out Private and Automatic Censorship

2012-02-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
-- Forwarded message --
From: La Quadrature du Net j...@laquadrature.net
Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:18 AM
Subject: [fcf_discussion] Online Copyright: EU Court of Justice Rules Out
Private and Automatic Censorship
To: fcforum_discuss...@list.fcforum.net


La Quadrature du Net - For immediate release

Permanent link:

Online Copyright: EU Court of Justice Rules Out Private and Automatic

*** Paris, February 16th, 2012 – The European Court of Justice rendered
another decision in defence of freedoms online. In the SABAM vs. Netlog
case, it declares that forcing a hosting service to monitor and filter
online content violates EU law. This is a crucial and timely ruling, just
when initiatives such as ACTA and the revision of the IPRED directive aim
to generalise private and automatic online censorship to enforce an
outdated copyright regime. ***

In this important ruling, the EU Court of Justice follows a similar
reasoning to that of the SABAM vs. Scarlet decision [1], and concludes that
forcing a hosting service to screen all of its users' communications in
order to block potentially copyright-infringing content violates EU law and
fundamental rights, in particular freedom of expression and privacy. The
Court referred in particular to the 2000 Online Services Directive
(“eCommerce directive”) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights [2].

As several policy proposals such as ACTA or the upcoming IPRED revision aim
at preventing the sharing of culture through a private party enforcement,
this decision comes right on time. It clearly states that pushing private
companies to monitor and police their networks and services to prevent
potential copyright infringements is not compatible with the democratic
values of the European Union.

“This ruling should sound as a call for EU policy makers to stop pushing
for privatized censorship schemes under the guise of ‘cooperation’ between
Internet actors and the entertainment industry. We now need to break away
from repression, which is bound to undermine our freedoms online and an
open Internet, and engage in a profound reform of our broken copyright
regime. We must invent a copyright that, instead of censoring the Net, will
foster access to culture and sharing while fairly funding creation.”, said
Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesperson for the advocacy group La Quadrature du

The ECJ ruling the SABAM vs. Netlog case follows a lawsuit introduced in
2009: Belgian copyright collecting society SABAM sued the Belgium-based
social networking site Netlog and demanded that Netlog, which qualifies as
a hosting service, be forced to install a system to prevent copyright
infringements carried on by its more than 2 million Belgian members. The
Court of First Instance of Brussels referred the case to the European Court
of Justice, asking whether such measure was compatible with EU law [3].

* References *

2. See the ruling: http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/P_84732/
3. The full preliminary question was the following: “Is it in conformity
with the EU E-Copyright Directive 2001/29, the EU IP Enforcement Directive
2004/48, the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46, the EU E-Commerce
Directive 2000/31, the EU Privacy in Electronic Communications Directive
2002/58 and Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights
that EU Member States allow a national court to issue a cease-and-desist
order against internet intermediaries the services of which are used by
third parties to commit copyright infringement, so that a hosting provider
is obliged to install a system for its entire clientèle, which filters all
incoming and saved information in order to identify electronic data which
contain copyright-protected work and in order to block the further exchange
of these files?”

** About la Quadrature du Net **

La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group that defends the rights and
freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for
the adaptation of French and European legislations to respect the founding
principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge.

In addition to its advocacy work, the group also aims to foster a better
understanding of legislative processes among citizens. Through specific and
pertinent information and tools, La Quadrature du Net hopes to encourage
citizens' participation in the public debate on rights and freedoms in the
digital age.

La Quadrature du Net is supported by French, European and international
NGOs including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Open Society
Institute and Privacy International.

List of supporting organisations: